Bonedancers are sickening...



Originally posted by spathi
i love the way you admit you are a killing machine then quickly say "Any nerf would destroy the class." - and its currently not destroying RvR ?? certainly seems like it is for me.

The fact of the matter is Bonedancers dont do THAT much damage.

No where near as much as other casting classes. Our only + side is our staying alive for long periods while others dish the damage. Yes when you have 3 decent BD's in one group all going after the same target we can get people down fast .. but then same with any class.

The reason nearly all BD's are suppression is that the other lines fecking suck hard and are pretty much completly unviable in RVR.

If you started killing off the lifetap etc BD's would be soo easy killed would be pointless playing if you did not have a self buffbot to buff you and all ur pets.


Anyone just tried to aoe the fuck out of em ???

It would work but for the whole 4 second insta timer thing that keeps the ae caster interrupted. Oh yeah I forgot also, should you manage to ae them they'll just lifetap it back 4 seconds later ><


Destroy this class before it will destroy the entire game.

This is really >THE< FotM class, I have 0 respect for anyone who plays it.

And there is no "way to beat them", it's the only caster class that can do double nuking.


Bonedacers is overpowered yes, but infils can kill them so can minstrels.. i reckon a scout could aswell

Infils = PA commander all pets die, and infils does high damage and penetrate bubble with CS styles, so i reckon a BD couldnt tap the life back >.<

Minstrels = stealth ,aoe mezz, stun bd, dd,dd, back slash etc. but i have to use IP most times tho.

Scouts = get a proper range and start shooting :eek:)

BDs are killable but they are tuff ^^ well good friar's are hard aswell in 1on1


Originally posted by snoz
The fact of the matter is Bonedancers dont do THAT much damage.

No where near as much as other casting classes. Our only + side is our staying alive for long periods while others dish the damage. Yes when you have 3 decent BD's in one group all going after the same target we can get people down fast .. but then same with any class.

Yes, but with their main dd being insta-cast, they can continually interupt the enemy caster. So even if they were hitting for 50dmg each time, the fact they interupt their target and themselve are un-interuptable is the base problem with the class. Leave lifetap on a 4second cast-time but put an mcl-style no-recast interuption thing on it so if they are under-attack, they can't just sit back and tap their target to death with such ease.


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Anyone just tried to aoe the fuck out of em ??? If the pet's have to heal the bd , the commander and themself.. I guesses that would be a lil to much for them...

since BD pets aren't interrupted when they take damage, all it would take is 1 nuking pet being put on Defense. soon as he takes damage, AoE casters get nuked and interrupted. erg


How can you kill a mid group consisting of:
1 pac/mend healer
1 aug/mend healer
1 aug/mend shaman
1 skald and..
4 suppresion bonedancers?
Havent run into such a group yet but if we do,dont think its possible to win.


Nerf mid insta CC

*Mythic gives sorcs love*

Nerf Zerkers!
Nerf SB's!

*Mythic Nerfs LA*

Nerf Mid End Regen!

*Mythic Nerfs Mid End regen*

Nerf RM's!

*Mythic Nerfs RM's*

Nerf BD's!



or go play something else



How would you kill a group of 8 Mincer, with a red con Frost Stallion (Odin's Gate only tho) each, with 1FG ?

Just curious


I'd stick on engage and hope the mincer looses control :p

/wave Speedy


coughs!... red con mobs.. erhm you heard about resist and when charm breaks they turn against you ;o)


Why Bother Complain?

BD´s are the impossible to kill
as like 90% of mids use buffbots they are even worse
they nuke for 3-400ish

ppl used to complain on chanters.
Bd > Chanter.

ppl complained on necros.

Bd > Necro

get this big pile of bad jokes off the game

or why dont u give Scale armor to chanters while u at it?



make a list of mid classes worth playing, and ask the midgard BD players to play those

wait? what classes :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Sobek
coughs!... red con mobs.. erhm you heard about resist and when charm breaks they turn against you ;o)


only problem I see there, in the 1.5years I'm playing this game, I yet have to see a Mincer who gets eaten by his pet.

Every now and then they 'may' loose control for like 1 pulse, then it kicks in again, and all jolly good for the mincer.

especially funny are those mincer that happily twist speed song and charm without getting attacked once.

See that every day in Odin's.


Originally posted by Sobek

Infils = PA commander all pets die, and infils does high damage and penetrate bubble with CS styles, so i reckon a BD couldnt tap the life back >.<

have you seen how much the bloody pets lag around? gettin PA off is next to impossible :\


"How can you kill a mid group consisting of:
1 pac/mend healer
1 aug/mend healer
1 aug/mend shaman
1 skald and..
4 suppresion bonedancers?
Havent run into such a group yet but if we do,dont think its possible to win."

I said this exact same setup yestaday to some friends, that we have to do this

The Kingpin

Originally posted by mid-sinister
"How can you kill a mid group consisting of:
1 pac/mend healer
1 aug/mend healer
1 aug/mend shaman
1 skald and..
4 suppresion bonedancers?
Havent run into such a group yet but if we do,dont think its possible to win."

I said this exact same setup yestaday to some friends, that we have to do this

Mentalist RA be nice against that group..


I for one find it complete bullshit that necros got nerfed the patch after alb got them and that bonedancers aka (the one man zerge)
doesnt seem to get nerfed at all, dispite all the proof that they are infact the most overpowered class in the game. No class should have the power they do, a caster class that knows fully well that it's gona own anything that comes in its path and doesn't fear stealthers. Not even necros / chanters can do that.


Originally posted by tieris
I for one find it complete bullshit that necros got nerfed the patch after alb got them and that bonedancers aka (the one man zerge)
doesnt seem to get nerfed at all, dispite all the proof that they are infact the most overpowered class in the game. No class should have the power they do, a caster class that knows fully well that it's gona own anything that comes in its path and doesn't fear stealthers. Not even necros / chanters can do that.

eh ? dont you read patch notes ? Bonedancers got nerfed same time as Necro ... Necro's were using a exploit while the BD got a real nerf aka the 75lvl pet cap.


Originally posted by sharma
erm they would still live for quite a while considering their THREE healer pets

only 2 gimp :)


If bonedancer wants some healing pets that are actually going to stay alive a while he can only have 2.


Originally posted by mid-sinister
"How can you kill a mid group consisting of:
1 pac/mend healer
1 aug/mend healer
1 aug/mend shaman
1 skald and..
4 suppresion bonedancers?
Havent run into such a group yet but if we do,dont think its possible to win."

I said this exact same setup yestaday to some friends, that we have to do this

No sweat, may work against noobs, but with a good group all go on one, hurting him so badly in his clothes the healers will have to waste all insta's, when I play in a group bonedancers are always the first that die when we encounter mids...


Re: Re: Re: Bonedancers are sickening...

Originally posted by Saturnine
Hehe, unlike threads where people would commend people on their skill, they're pointing out how skill-less a class it is, and the bonedancers are loving it :)

How cute.

Like when the mids were whining at necro's... that was fun


4 supp BD's would rule any1.

get 1 with at least 23 dark and ur be crying (the body debuff).


Originally posted by tieris
I for one find it complete bullshit that necros got nerfed the patch after alb got them and that bonedancers aka (the one man zerge)
doesnt seem to get nerfed at all, dispite all the proof that they are infact the most overpowered class in the game. No class should have the power they do, a caster class that knows fully well that it's gona own anything that comes in its path and doesn't fear stealthers. Not even necros / chanters can do that.

erm, BDs should fear steathers. 1 pa kills any caster, even a boney


play a class before u whine at em, ur see that BDs are a bitch to lvl because in a grp they suck!

(ok, sry about posting 3 replys)


I still say having a cleric with enough enh for at least the +16% body buff+BoF and 3 pallies who each have faith heal will beat 4 supp Bones. Cleric has group resist buff, paladin twists body resist chant with end, heal and dmg. That together with 3 faith heals, group insta, single insta and BoF and not to mention the spread heal. Heck i don''t see the problem. And if the cleric is actually suicidal he can run in and cast pbaoe mezz to mezz them bones while the tanks waste the commanders, rest is a piece of cake.


Originally posted by Graknak
I still say having a cleric with enough enh for at least the +16% body buff+BoF and 3 pallies who each have faith heal will beat 4 supp Bones. Cleric has group resist buff, paladin twists body resist chant with end, heal and dmg. That together with 3 faith heals, group insta, single insta and BoF and not to mention the spread heal. Heck i don''t see the problem. And if the cleric is actually suicidal he can run in and cast pbaoe mezz to mezz them bones while the tanks waste the commanders, rest is a piece of cake.
cleric wouldnt last that long with the 4 lots of pets and 4x300dmg insta lifetap nukes every 4 seconds even with all those instants

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