Bonedancers are sickening...



you'll be amazed how inventive clerics are in such situations :)


Originally posted by Reinnon/Nonnier
erm, BDs should fear steathers. 1 pa kills any caster, even a boney

Your not even level 50 so erm how would you know fyi PA wont kill a BD ask any stealther that thought it would and got owned by a BD. I tryed it with a Critblade and PA/CD could kill the BD but using slow 2hander the BD would get healed so PA/CD doesnt unless you get a lucky crit. PA does however kill the commander but have you tryed to PA a pet that warps all over the place?. Even if the BD is running in a strate line the commander doesnt.

Fully buffed troll BD has what like 1500/1600 hits? plus extra 9% AB or doesnt it stack with there own AB buffs? /shrug

Infi have a chance vs a stupid BD that just stands still with double PA but then if hes just standing there like a lemon pressing his lifetap he should die!!.


nice 4 BD team just going right now in emain ...

how to kill any caster in 8 seconds? thats right,

instalifetap -4seconds- instalifetap -4seconds- instalifetap

needless to say with 4 bonedancers doing 1200+ damage in 8 seconds albs dont last v long...


guys, if an Infil can PA me, a lvl 50 thane with 28% thrust resistance for 700-1000dmg, surely you can PA a cloth wearer for 1000+?


btw, why not mez the BD's, and gank them one by one?


You give up 10% resist because off chain , cloth is neut to all melee damage types and if infi's are PA'in you for 700-1000 damage all the time you are,
1) sitting down
2) naked
3) using df/malm drop armor
4) have a bugged char


Originally posted by spathi
nice 4 BD team just going right now in emain ...

how to kill any caster in 8 seconds? thats right,

instalifetap -4seconds- instalifetap -4seconds- instalifetap

needless to say with 4 bonedancers doing 1200+ damage in 8 seconds albs dont last v long...

See once i joined the group we only lost one encounter :eek:

Wanna beat a BD army? Get a necro in ya grp :rolleyes:


Originally posted by spathi
nice 4 BD team just going right now in emain ...

how to kill any caster in 8 seconds? thats right,

instalifetap -4seconds- instalifetap -4seconds- instalifetap

needless to say with 4 bonedancers doing 1200+ damage in 8 seconds albs dont last v long...

That was Maelstrom :) hrhr i enjoyed it anyway


You guys only just finished whining about Left Axe, at least take a break before you pick on something else :rolleyes:

A group consisting of mainly BD's will go down very fast to any hib group that has that magic resist RA, and any alb group that is smart enough with crowd control. Just because you have to use tactics to kill a certain class doesn't make them overpowered, it makes you lot lazy and/or stupid.


Originally posted by 1234Taz
Your not even level 50 so erm how would you know fyi PA wont kill a BD ask any stealther that thought it would and got owned by a BD. I tryed it with a Critblade and PA/CD could kill the BD but using slow 2hander the BD would get healed so PA/CD doesnt unless you get a lucky crit. PA does however kill the commander but have you tryed to PA a pet that warps all over the place?. Even if the BD is running in a strate line the commander doesnt.

Fully buffed troll BD has what like 1500/1600 hits? plus extra 9% AB or doesnt it stack with there own AB buffs? /shrug

Infi have a chance vs a stupid BD that just stands still with double PA but then if hes just standing there like a lemon pressing his lifetap he should die!!.

i would know for 6 reasons :

1) my thane has 1800 hits, takes a infil 2 rounds to kill me (if i don't use ip)

2)BDs can't have 1600 hits buffed...can not be done

3)the ab buff doesn't stack

4)the life tap isn't that scary

5)necros are worse

6)for the love of god just kill the commander so u can stop whining


Originally posted by mid-sinister
Morchaoron = newbie

oh really? then tell me fuckwit; why do my groups never have any problems wasting groups with bds? no matter how much there are, they are just like any other caster, sometimes they manage to do the lifedrain twice before they die, oh how scary...

your prolly used fighting the common alb zergling, these that run around like headless chickens, but when facing a REAL fg bds go down like any other casting, trust me...

yes bds can beat anything 1 vs 1, but thats it, nothing special about it, in groups runemasters and spiritmasters are still scarier then the bds.


Originally posted by old.Elrond
Just because you have to use tactics to kill a certain class doesn't make them overpowered, it makes you lot lazy and/or stupid.

Yeah and playing a BD is using tactics? Seems pretty easy to me to spam lifetap to defeat *any* class.


"oh really? then tell me fuckwit; why do my groups never have any problems wasting groups with bds? no matter how much there are, they are just like any other caster, sometimes they manage to do the lifedrain twice before they die, oh how scary...

your prolly used fighting the common alb zergling, these that run around like headless chickens, but when facing a REAL fg bds go down like any other casting, trust me..."
Dont get too upset over me calling you a newbie, its now that much of a huge deal you know.

ALL we ever do is FG rvr, and we very often encounter other FGs, never encountered you though, i guess we should be glad right, since you predict youd wipe the floor with us etc, TBH coming from someone who has 3 rogues and I never come across in RVR, why should what you say or think mean squat to me.

I find it a bit amusing how the albs we have met are here posting on this boards how much BD needs a nerf, and the ones we havent are here gloating to the other albs that BD are easy to take care of, Solaris, Snozarus and I and have won a lot of situations that we shouldnt have, ie been out numbered by up to 5x our own and still won, (8x if you include the reason this post was started, but that was only once i took out a FG solo, and there was mobs interrferring etc) and yes, they tried every trick they could think of to try and take us down.


Originally posted by Reinnon/Nonnier
play a class before u whine at em, ur see that BDs are a bitch to lvl because in a grp they suck!

(ok, sry about posting 3 replys)

I see. Not only a noob but a poor liar too. BDs don't need to grp as they can solo oranges with ease.

I've seen it on mid excal before you ask. BD pissing all over orange/red tempters in DF.

Seen it on prydwen too. BD killed 2 albs despite having to deal with 2 shredders.

You make me laugh; rolling an uber fotm class, probably because you're an average thane/mezz-breaker. You come on the boards and take the piss and mock the people who dare to "whine" at your class. Did you whine at necros? Bet you did.

You don't even have a lvl 50 bonie, so how you can make informed remarks about their survivability in RvR staggers me.

I, on the other hand, agreed when mids and hibs cried foul over necros, and I do the same over BDs. Difference is I see the harm an uber class can do to a game, including your realm. Before long you won't have any skalds, healers, shammies, tanks etc as every fuckers plays a BD. Then you will whine. Even worse if people get fed up fighting 50% BDs all the time.

When the expected BD nerf comes along you'll whine even more.

Best advice to you I can give is stop the gloating and grinning. Play your class and have some fun, but don't bullshit or take the piss.


Edit your post Sinister - makes you look like you're calling me a newbie when I see you're quoting old.Morchaoron :rolleyes:

I've fought your grp a lot recently and they have been intense encounters. I admit that I have been owned by BDs, but I have killed enough too (not a gloat, just an admission of winning and losing). Only poorly played BDs are easy to kill, but the same goes of any class.

I know how to tackle them, but I still stay that in the sake of game balance that they need toning down. I say the same of manachanters and said the same about necros and LOS before that was addressed.


Originally posted by Reinnon/Nonnier
i would know for 6 reasons :

1) my thane has 1800 hits, takes a infil 2 rounds to kill me (if i don't use ip)

Good greif thats are saying the inf will PA you for over 1000 then follow up with another hit of 600-700? Level 50 casters do NOT go down in 1 hit nowadays, if they have crap resists and unbuffed it will take 2 or 3, buffed casters will take 5 styles before they go down. I know this from personal experience, and I'm not gimped or crap before you say anything, my sb is rr5 with full sc kit, I met a caster in df not long ago, took PA, CD, 3 styles + poison to beat him down. He was buffed and I wasn't, but it proves the point that casters aren't always the soft target everyone thinks they are, granted some with 0 slash resist and crap armour are squishy but they are getting very rare.

PA is useless these days, most 5 specs will be pleased if it hits for 400 now its stupid, I even know people with 50/50 weapon and crit, say they hit a PA for near cap 1100 (with 2h) which is probably the biggest they can, take 300 off that to start with due to 26% slash resist, then take off some more from that melee absorb buffer casters get and the full critblade will hit for what, 750? buffed caster has approx 1100-1300 hp? Anyway, back to the point, stealthers will not be able to kill a bd solo :) and tbh if you're thane is going down in 2 hits to infils there is something seriously wrong.


Originally posted by eben
Yeah and playing a BD is using tactics? Seems pretty easy to me to spam lifetap to defeat *any* class.

It's the same old arguement that u guys use for nerf cries, you just assume someone presses 1 button and wins automatically (like you did with sb's) and as usual you are wrong and grossly misinformed. I know for a fact that some bonedancers are skilled, and work very well as a team, using combinations of roots, debuffs, darkness nukes and pet management etc...yes lifetap is a part of that but please don't be so short sighted and assume that everyone playing a certain class doesn't have skill.


Originally posted by old.Elrond
It's the same old arguement that u guys use for nerf cries, you just assume someone presses 1 button and wins automatically (like you did with sb's) and as usual you are wrong and grossly misinformed. I know for a fact that some bonedancers are skilled, and work very well as a team, using combinations of roots, debuffs, darkness nukes and pet management etc...yes lifetap is a part of that but please don't be so short sighted and assume that everyone playing a certain class doesn't have skill.

I met a bd solo some time ago, and once you get in his range there's no escaping. He just runs after you spamming his lifetap and you die, not much you can do about it. And of course this SOLO bonedancer had end regen buff, i pray for end regen nerf (which is already coming - hooray!) and a bonedancer nerf. Alb's necro got shafted, the hib classes are already shafted, but mid just got 2 super uber classes, Mids have not a single right to whine about a bd nerf.


Well, playing a class that many peeps consider one of the natural preditors of the boney (light ment with Sever the Tether) I've found most of my 1v1 encounters can pretty much go either way...

If I get the drop it's easy: stun, StT, nuke nuke nuke...dead boney. :)

If the boney gets the drop: he hits me with lifetap, I qc stun + StT. However, I'm gonna get interrupted from his previous lifetap well into the stun ("you have been interrupted recently and must wait 2 sec to cast"...yadda yadda). I'll get 1 or 2 nukes tops off b4 he's chain lifetapping/interrupting again, and filling up his health bar too boot! (nm the commander tickling him abit). At this point I will generally go down unless I can get out the way b4 the stun wears off and kite him with a big mofo pet. :(

In any case, killing a boney 1v1 is a damn sight easier than nuking thru' 4000hp of IP'ing tank before he starts to thwack on you, so some of you whiners are only getting what you perfectly capable of dishing out anyhow ;)

/waves to anyone I've ever StT'd :D

/beckons to Mill - come out to play again on the graveyard shift in Emain, it's only ever fekkin albs now!

Maeloch, 50th ment.


Originally posted by Xeanor

I met a bd solo some time ago, and once you get in his range there's no escaping. He just runs after you spamming his lifetap and you die, not much you can do about it

Of course solo all they are going to do is get up close and tap u to death, but all a tank does solo is get up close and use the same style on you, theres no difference, whereas in groups he may have to slam a healer, kill a caster in mean time etc, basically he'll have to use tactics as part of a group. I am referring to group encounters with bonedancers working together to defeat other groups, its completely different to solo and you know it :p


Ok started reading this long post..then got bored and
skipped to here

Bd the new Necro in my opinion. We always need some class
to whine about, till they get nerfed :( then on to the next class

cant speak for high lv Bd's as not faced one with my necro.

but been playing with them in the Bg's with my Friar, agreed
i got owned at the start, but now i use a different tactic which
results in dead Bd..

when moving to engage i hit attack then target the healer pet
as i run past it. automatically hit the pet (which then starts to heal its self) switched to Bd,who has usally life tapped me twice.
2 or at most 3 strikes later Bd dead :) with no heal from pet as its delayed healing itself, and i hit the Bd for 190+ damage per strike
this tactic has worked 5 of the 6 times i have faced a solo Bd.

So in the case of the Friar Bd can be beaten fairly easy,

Deni Moore Friar in Thid
Kurfew Necrofilliak 49.9 Necro


ok ok.

1. i never said that BDs don't need a nerf, they do.

2. i know BDs can solo oranges without the need of spells (well, supp spec) but that doesn't make em easy to lvl...just dull. (and bloody ages 40+)

3.its very possable for a thane to be 2 hitted by a infil..its happened to me many times before.

4. I didn't play a BD because it was "uber", i played it so i have a good excuse not to play my thane until the new patch was up where thane loving was included (if u really must know).

5. i have a friend who plays a lvl 50 BD on us servers, so i have played 1.

6. i didn't whine about necros.

7. i mearly pointed out that BDs are far from unkillable, u just need to use tactics to deal with them, u can't just say

"look a caster with a pet! I just run into it and get pasted into the ground by the onslaught of taps and nukes"

"oh damn, i died, better start to whine about em on BW!"


Originally posted by Reinnon/Nonnier

"look a caster with a pet! I just run into it and get pasted into the ground by the onslaught of taps and nukes"

"oh damn, i died, better start to whine about em on BW!"

So tell me, how does a permantly-interupted caster beat (or have a fair chance) against a bonedancer... pray thee tell me.


simple.....using the facts that BD spells are 1500 range.

all u have to do is make your spells longer range then the boneys, and prevent them from getting into range.

so use bolts/nearsight against em, and snare nukes.


Originally posted by eben
A class like the bonedancer has something seriously wrong with it if everyone specs the same way - very high suppression in the BD case. For that reason alone the devs need to look at the class.

Same goes for sb's after 1.62. CB is the only it sucks heavily.

But BD's are to powerful, no discussion about that. But since we get the gimp assasin in Midgard, maybe we could keep the uber BD's. Would that not be sweet?


Originally posted by mid-sinister
...from someone who has 3 rogues and I never come across in RVR...

For sure the name of Sinister hasnt been risen only by fair PvP playing .. oh wait yes, but in forbidden zones for this character.



Originally posted by midmaster
Same goes for sb's after 1.62. CB is the only it sucks heavily.

But BD's are to powerful, no discussion about that. But since we get the gimp assasin in Midgard, maybe we could keep the uber BD's. Would that not be sweet?

I see your point, but supp BDs are pretty much identical specs.

I know for infils you can choose to spec 34, 39 or 44 CS. Some even go high DW. I think SBs can choose 34, 39 or 44 CS too, which means they are different from BDs (who will go 48 or so supp and none lower).

So although SBs will be forced to go critblade they are different still from BDs as you have to choose a tradeoff between how much LA, CS and envenom u want.

Anyway, all stealthers are supposed to kill from stealth (i.e. critblades), so says Mythic. They are not supposed to be stealthing zerkers or mercenaries.


Originally posted by eben
Anyway, all stealthers are supposed to kill from stealth (i.e. critblades), so says Mythic. They are not supposed to be stealthing zerkers or mercenaries.

Yeah, that's why they keep on nerfing SB's I suppose, LA this and LA that, just compare LA to any of the hardhitters(LW/Polearm etc) in Hib or Alb and you'll see that in aint all that great. But do you see us crying about nerf, nooo, cause we're above that, we're mids! :)


your posts are far too reasonable to belong here eben. begone!


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