blimey, Mythic listened 1.60d



Originally posted by klavrynd
so now you've got the rogue that can evade with a 100kg chain armour on, climb walls and get every benefit from the rogue class without the paper armour downside, whereas hunters still have evade 2 , wear less armour and are a true rogue.

Care to explain how making our defence better than a hunter's defence but worse than every other melee class' defence makes us overpowered? :eek:


Originally posted by Flimgoblin

1.51 to 1.58:

PBAoE for spiritmasters.
Instant-pets for Hunters.
Increased melee damage for Warriors.
Thanes turned into smizards ;)
Boosted shamans a million times.
10m castable end regen buffs.

Lol, get a clue please.
- Pbae for sm: only to make them up to par with comparable classes in other realms.
- Insta-pet for hunters: hunters were known for being the most gimped class in the game.
- From what I've heard the increased warrior damage output is as good as neglectible.
- Thanes becoming smizards: ok, I suppose this is a joke.
- Boosted shamans: how? By giving them a DD on the same recast timer as their bolt? By giving them end regen, something that the other 2 realms already had for a long time?
- end regen: see above.


- You can now run two instances of Camelot on one computer in full screen mode. The 1.60b implementation of this feature required that both instances be in windowed mode. Now you can do the same in full-screen mode.

Thought they were against buffbots?oh wait more cash for them if we make using buffbots more easier. :eek:

GG Mythic :m00:


Damn I just deleted my minstrel and gave all my equipment away . Keep takes would have been fun for the defenders "NOT" :p


Originally posted by eynar

Lol, get a clue please.
- Pbae for sm: only to make them up to par with comparable classes in other realms.
- Insta-pet for hunters: hunters were known for being the most gimped class in the game.
- From what I've heard the increased warrior damage output is as good as neglectible.
- Thanes becoming smizards: ok, I suppose this is a joke.
- Boosted shamans: how? By giving them a DD on the same recast timer as their bolt? By giving them end regen, something that the other 2 realms already had for a long time?
- end regen: see above.

learn to read - I pointed out that most (in fact probably all) of it was needed.. Hunters _were_ the most gimped class in the game (although blademasters seem to be fighting them ;) but wait they're in hibernia so you won't recognise they have faults)

The other two realms had PBAoE: a very powerful ability.. giving it to spiritmasters was cool - it fixed one of their gimp lines (they also got some aoe mezz later on ... same as the theurg/eld mezz I think... longer range than the broken theurgist one of course) and it gave midgard pbaoe. Good change that.

Mind line is _CRAP_. It has some nice mezzes that'll never land. Oh and a pet that takes longer to find and charm than it lives... That's it.

Minstrels have a pointless stealth line, crap melee, and some useful abilities they can use one of at a time. Most of which they go afk.

They NEED fixes.

Duel a thane with a range 1500 caster in 1.59 - a thane with good resists will win. Instas interrupt... can't do squat if yer a caster and interrupted. Is this overpowered? possibly... probably not though. They need their niche.

Shamans solo reds now... and are feared at keeps (they're also mostly buffbots but hey ;) you get far more cave shamans running around than smite clerics)

And their bolt is on a different timer to their DD you twat. As you so nicely put it 'Lol, get a clue'.

End regen was only in hibernia for a long time.. it got added to albion in the same patch (in a mana-burning form... which disappears the moment the paladin gets mezzed.. whereas those zerkers will keep on styling even after the shaman gets obliterated. Not good for the shaman but good for Midgard as a whole.) The version midgard got is leagues better than the albion and hibernian versions.

Only shame is it went to the buffbots and not to the real living shamans.


Originally posted by old.Downanael

Thought they were against buffbots?oh wait more cash for them if we make using buffbots more easier. :eek:

GG Mythic :m00:

no-one ever said mythic were against buffbots ;)

Now if they do something to make them not invulnerable (lets have a buff-grey-out zone if the buffer is in the PK ... concentration disturbances or something ;)


Don't want to piss on everyone's bonfire, but these changes haven't gone live yet !

If they do, I'll be in heaven - Sorc love and Mincer love . . . fantastic!

Just won't belive it till I see it on a live server . . . .


all the sorcerer loving bar the important bit (1875 range) has gone live already :)

So you can gimp your damage to get group determination 1 if you want...

(although the personal mezz reducer at 45 is actually quite nice, and who'd object to power over time)

They won't help against instas... that's what longer range does... gives a slim chance of hitting it first ;) (assuming the bard doesnt insta-amnesia you from range 2300 and then insta/cast at 1500, or the healer doesn't instastun you... healer without a skald might have problems getting in range... but thye have 2 seconds to cover that 1875 and you can cast instas on the move.)

It's not a simple 'instas win, move along' ... it's an "insta's probably win ... in a rolling fight..." which is all the better.


2 things with the "mincer will ae mez everyone in the keep!" argument.

1) As soon as they start casting the AE mez they will unstealth, can't move and it takes ages to cast (5seconds).
2) If you're all stood in the same place you deserve to all get mezzed.


all the sorcerer loving bar the important bit (1875 range) has gone live already

Yeah, I know - was referring to the Mincer changes :)

My 50 Sorc gets a load of love, then hopefully my 44 Mincer will too!

Can't wait :p


2) If you're all stood in the same place you deserve to all get mezzed.

Oh, well now I'm not so upset with the patch now that I know we deserve to get mezzed inside keeps.

Ya, most likely people will be stood in the same place, either on the battlements, or in the courtyard. Where else to go!?

Mincers can climb up one of many climb spots, and without at least four assasins in a defense, there is an open walkway for a mincer to stroll right in, find a nice little corner to cast AE mez out of that nobody will notice them.

Tesla Monkor

Why bother, Decline?

Climb up wall, find a caster that isn't actively guarded, stunshout and poke him to dead in no time at all. Hop down the wall and repeat at will.

They're not called Minfiltrators without a reason. :)


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
...and poke him to dead in no time at all.


For the last time: they gave climb walls to MINSTRELS, not to some class with high frontloading damage and/or quickcastable, huge radius ae mez.



Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Why bother, Decline?

Climb up wall, find a caster that isn't actively guarded, stunshout and poke him to dead in no time at all. Hop down the wall and repeat at will.

They're not called Minfiltrators without a reason. :)

Pwetty purlease stop the uninformed posts. I've got both a 50 minstrel and 50 infiltrator and even if I do get my perf off on a well defended keep, with all the pbae going off, there's a 50% chance I won't make it back down depending on the type of keep.

The keyword here is poke - minstrels poke for about 6-7 seconds while they get completely annihilated by all kinds of defenders up there. Not to mention the other assassins with SH and detect hidden who will be all over them before they even get their stun shout off.

Also AE mez takes 5 seconds to cast and with resists nowadays should last for about 15 seconds at 44 instruments (the most common spec).

They will be an annoyance for the other realms during keep defense which is nothing compared to the pbae and gtae which alb severly lacks.


Oh crap.

I was going to sacrifice stealth for higher weaponspec.

Now I'm not so sure.

Hope we get a respec when it goes live ;)


if all these minstrel changes go live, i think we may be looking at a scout-stealth-nerf.

If i was a SB or NS, i'd surely get See Hidden now, which i wouldnt before.

Remove the climb walls bit, and it seems fairly ok


LOLOL give bards scale now and all healing classes stealth :p


I agree with Minstrels getting Safe Fall, I think ALL classes with a stealth skill should get it.

However, climb wall? Hell no.

All the Archers whining for Climb Wall on VN make me laugh too :p


PBAoE for spiritmasters, because we were the only realm without

Instant-pets for Hunters, i think most hunters will give up an insta greencon wee wolf for the ability to charm up to redcon pets

Increased melee damage for Warriors, which are otherwise just mercs without DW and lower evade, but hell mid's the meleerealm

Thanes turned into smizards ah yeah everyone fears a 1xx dmg dd/insta and face it, albs and hibs luv mjolnir

[/b]Boosted shamans a million times,[/b] and they're still utter gimps
10m castable end regen buffs. must admit this is kinda nifty

Champs given str/con buffs to make them more powerful.

Clerics nerfed, balanced would be a better word, nuking for 3xx just isnt a hybrid ability (when calling smiteclerics caster/healer hybrids

1.59 and 1.60 does:
Give Sorcerers some group friendliness (minstrels were better CC than sorcs - one aoe mezz... two resists ... one dead sorcerer)
Give sorcerers an ability to _sometimes_ beat the insta-lull/insta-mezz (but not the insta-stun...)

puh-lease , with everyone capping body and spell resistance put on spell level, you need a healer with 48 pac to get a decent aestun off. healers can't heal and cc at the same time, whereas their counterparts don't have too, hibernia is the healing realm and alb has healing in the hands of cleric and to a lesser extent friar. messimmumity + bof = lets kill 4fg with the 5 of us

Make theurgist pets less of a joke (one single aoe CC spell and byebye an entire theurg's manabar)
Theurg is a runie without nearsight and with pets, and seriously who uses pets anyhow (even though those stunning bastards are pwetty annoying ;) )

Improve Minstrel/Skald DDs
Give the minstrel something to do with their stealth line.
hiding isnt enough???


Originally posted by klavrynd
hiding isnt enough???


Would like to see you have to spec reasonably high in LA just to be able to use a 2nd weapon but not being able to use styles.


that'd be nice for sb's tho, they're the reason la does the poo damage it does now

and 29 isnt "reasonably high"

ps : did i mention that la is overrated?
ps2 : did i mention that evade 3 + chain is insane?


Originally posted by klavrynd
Instant-pets for Hunters, i think most hunters will give up an insta greencon wee wolf for the ability to charm up to redcon pets
Until their redcon pet interrupts them mid-fight and kills them.
people go "OMG REDCON PETS!" that turn on you every 12 seconds.

Increased melee damage for Warriors, which are otherwise just mercs without DW and lower evade, but hell mid's the meleerealm
Lower evade? mercs have evade 1 (admittedly its 360 degree - whoopee)

Oh we forgot the 40% damage bonus from wielding a two handed weapon for free the ability to go SLAM and then immediately get your heavy hitting damage out?

Rather than faffing around in your inventory trying to get your second weapon out... but hey why bother the dual wield styles are no better than slash and the offhand hits are nothing to write home about - especially if you've wasted all that spec in shield... hey lets just keep the one hand weapon and shield... oh wait I'm a gimped warrior with less damage, no two handed and only a medium shield... no mastery of blocking either.

Thanes turned into smizards ah yeah everyone fears a 1xx dmg dd/insta and face it, albs and hibs luv mjolnir
Read the patch notes - they can cast their lightning - I don't think mjolnir will be on anyone's hotbar.

Wizard turns to face you... you insta him, interrupting, and continue to cast on him. If he quickcasts to get a spell off you just charge him (with your permasprint from that friendly shaman nearby)

[/b]Boosted shamans a million times,[/b] and they're still utter gimps
I'd not count soloing reds, or aoe dots utter gimps... buffbots maybe but shaman's are pretty good.

10m castable end regen buffs. must admit this is kinda nifty
Kinda nifty.. like insta CC is kinda nifty :)

puh-lease , with everyone capping body and spell resistance put on spell level, you need a healer with 48 pac to get a decent aestun off. healers can't heal and cc at the same time, whereas their counterparts don't have too, hibernia is the healing realm and alb has healing in the hands of cleric and to a lesser extent friar. messimmumity + bof = lets kill 4fg with the 5 of us

mess immunity? 10% determination is suddenly immunity.. I like that.

RAs need balancing - I agree :)

Make theurgist pets less of a joke (one single aoe CC spell and byebye an entire theurg's manabar)
Theurg is a runie without nearsight and with pets, and seriously who uses pets anyhow (even though those stunning bastards are pwetty annoying ;) )

and no decent damage, or aoe damage... or bolts, or gtaoe...
a theurg is nothing like a runemaster - go roll one. Or look at the spells maybe...

Improve Minstrel/Skald DDs
Give the minstrel something to do with their stealth line.
hiding isnt enough??? [/B]

I think a lot of minstrels would be happier if they were just given immunity to see hidden... but I think the climb walls etc. is far more amusing.

Anyway you seem to have completely missed the point of my post, as per usual.


What an absolutely ridiculous idea! Take the nightshade for example ...... they are 'allowed' the higher evade, safe fall and other stealth abilities purely on the basis that they have to cope with only wearing light, leather armour. How can this be a reasonable explanation for these abilities when minstrels now get them?? So what IS the reason for an assassin having such bad armour and lack of ability to take hits in longer duration melee? Mythic/goa or whoever seem to have totally forgotten the fundemental principles behind the classes in this game. The more they mess with things, the less this game seems to be well designed and thought out, and the more it seems they simply want to keep people paying their monthly fees by waiting for enough people to whine, then give them lots of new abilities that don't necessarily even fit in with the game balance. Do these people ever actually play daoc or have an idea what the classes and their abilities are about? I despair!


Mincers can keep their funky new abilities if mythic would just nerf friars a bit :p


Originally posted by Elrond/Ruffting
Mincers can keep their funky new abilities if mythic would just nerf friars a bit :p

swap the staff styles for LA :) if Klavrynd is to be believed then LA is crap and that'd nerf them bigtime ;)


Wonder which hib/mid classes that are going to get ablative.

Mentalist mentalism I am sure.

Considering all the other "share the abilities" that are done. End regen, Castable Mana regen, PBT, speed and all that.

Stop crying all hib/mid babies, Minstrel sucked and you know it.


hmm guess you must mean those 'other' minstrels.

because the ones i met in the frontiers were either the speed 5/sos instastun casters and bards or the buffbot gorge owning variety.

#1 RP earner on BOTH english servers .. hello? :doh:


Yeah RP has nothing to do with how addicted you are to the game. Forgot that.

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