Best DAOC Moments



Okay, enough with the moaning/nerf threads ... what are your best memories of DAOC?

Being greedy (hey! it's my thread!! :) ) I will nominate two of my best memories.

1) Entering Darkness Falls for the first time. With some guildmates and a few good friends and with my dodgy map reading we were the first to kill the Princess. On and on we wandered slaying every purple monster we encountered, down the long Cthonic Knight passage slaying beast after beast. We felt invincible!!

Sadly this came to an end as I took us through a strange glowy portal not shown on the map, turned out to be the exit ... oops...

2) Seeing an orange con telamon aggroed accidentally by a blue con cleric. Ever the heroic type (yeah right) I stepped into the frey. Not known for my soloing abilities at the time I staggered myself by killing the creature with style. Hey I'm a Paladin, small things y'know :)

So, share away...

old.Gombur Glodson

1. Killing Legion the first time and watch him respawn after 5 minutes ;)

2. Killstealing Legion from hibs ;)

3. Killing the dragon the first time.

j000 d000d

1) My first trip to Llyn Barfog, went with 2 groups and we killed the Epic Mobs, i saw all of them for the first time except for Mouth which i bumped into when i came just at the entrance of LB for my epic quest. I was like "WOW" when i saw the Legendary Afanc for the first time, and killed it 10 Minutes later. :)

2) The first keepraid i was on, led by Philleous, Shivian and Para Medic, we were more than 100 Albs at Caer Benowyc, with Mids defending inside. We lost in the end, but it was a fun experience :)


1) first time i saw legion princes.

2)Killing a Shadowblade

3)getting my first glowing sword


Walking into Cotswold village for the first time, with the gates of Camelot rising up in front of me.

Oh, and the first full suit of chain I ever made for a customer, watching them dress themselves in it in front of me ;)


Finally getting my first Glowing Staff after going on and on about it for weeks :)

keela is

- the first time I saw that huge ice dud in mid RVR zone :)
- grouped with 4 , yes 4 ! manachanters killing pooooookhas
- when I joined my guild
- when I will quit DAoC.

Roo Stercogburn

Sitting at the bindstone in Vasudheim with Nicodemus and Hound when we decided to start a guild. I was guildless and reaaaallly unsure what to do. Blackdeath was bouncing around like a nutter and came and sat down with us. Bought himself a staff just so he could look like one of the boys :)

Siege Training at the Tomtes near Auditlen. A scream.

Successfuly storming and claiming the hut in Gna Faste for Midgard. (Was a close fight, Zebolt kept falling off the roof). Many bemused peeps standing around watching this bunch of nutters.

First time Fedaykin took a keep by ourselves (we still weren't very big at the time) and then standing on the battlements above it watching the sunset. I think we just stood around for a while surprised at ourselves.

Dinging 50 surrounded by friends.

Soloing a Broken Jotun (at last! The gits con red at 50) Got an Umbrood Warrior since but it wasn't as tasty. Jotun Outcast is next on hit list.

Telling someone you get xp by jumping off the tower beside Gna Faste... and then killing myself laughing when they actually went and did it.

An item hunt with Zapsi, Ardrias, Thundar and a few others in Malmo when it all went horribly wrong and peeps got to see what an SM can do (bear in mind that til the advent of 1.52, almost nobody wanted to play SMs and this was some time ago). Me and healer last men standing. Actually looking back, that was one of the best hunt groups I've been in and lots of fun too.

The first time I realised Junior could go into a keep and start having fun, I think I was in tears of laughter as some poor caster got his full attention while I stood outside healing him.

Lots more, but then my post would get even longer :)


3 way beta battles in emain...priceless, they went on for hours and hours without really moving away from amg :)

PS: Do not pull the CC! :p


Group of friends/guildmembers in Tepoks mine.
Was great fun inside there :)


It was back in the days when scouts were still cool...

I was completely suprised while by one of the servers strongest players, I blocked the first attack and it ended up I got him down to 1% and he escaped and I didnt lose a single hitpoint, that was one of the funniest things ever happend because when I was still a noob level 45 cleric in the early days I once said: "HOW THE HELL CAN HE BE THAT STRONG??" :D


Emain Fights in 'The Bowl' during Beta.

First time I managed to get there alone, I died at the lowest point of it. Some Mid messaged me that 'the others were coming' and that I shouldn't release.

Now imagine this : You're on the lowest point of the Bowl, facing towards the general direction of the Road to MPK ... silence ... and then you see a huge Troll (Loki) slowly stomping over the horizon with a full army behind him. Priceless sight ;)


Hunting Sinister in Salispury Plains... 30 people ~30-45 running around and trying to find a stealther :) Was phun...

Also one time there was about 5-6 purple cons @ APK, rest were yellow/lower and albs charged down, I chainmezzed the purples while rest keeled the lowbies, then all charged to the purples... Was so proud...


Originally posted by &lt;Wels&gt;
3 way beta battles in emain...priceless, they went on for hours and hours without really moving away from amg :)

PS: Do not pull the CC! :p

aaah.... :) brings back memories


1. Organising and doing first Llyn Barfog raid with Teador, 2 FG's, great drops and fun.

2. Doing a all-night Prince raid with 2 groups (1 near the end) in which we almost killed all 3 princes.

3. Killing 6 yellow con mids solo in odin's gate. (Had to use every trick i had though lol).

4. The day my scout found a DF diamond group ;) Ok, maybe thats not to be compared with the others, but still ;)


Definately the first few days of beta. Took me hours to get levels, I was a hunter in Midgard. Started at Vasudheim. I was really scared to wander too far from the safety of town, and remember when I first walked to Audliten. When I made it, I logged and looked at a map of Mid on a webby. I was absolutely amazed by the sheer scale of it all.

Odd, because I moan it's all to small these days, heh. Wish I could relive those early beta days. Ignorance is indeed bliss...


best memory? .. all the friends i made at lowlvls that are my friends still ... Didnt realise how long the road has been til i looked at my screenshots (got 1.8 gigs of em that ive kept:eek6: ), i was so proud when i dinged 10 back then :D

And the RL guildmeeting last week ;) (tho these memories were from mid/exc, but its still the same game ;))


1. Death unstealthing saluting me then dancing around hehe several times in sauv.
2.Playing the game itself which so many good players.
3.Beating the dragon and also pulling it twice.


1. My First RvR experience, really got the adrenaline pumping

2. Being told by a guildie that on Exc 7 clerics and a Armsman killed thier dragon :)

3. hitting Level 40


1 . Killing a level 50 stealther with my level 26 hunter :D


Loading the game and just sitting there staring at the graphics for the first time. Was like growing up with a black and white tv and then getting a color one. *ohh yes for you kids out there, yes they did used to make tv's that didn't have color...don't belive me? ask your parents!* (My first game was Legend of Mir so you can imagine my shock!)

Running to Camelot and getting added to our guild and promoted to co-leader :)

Doing it again in retail :)

Getting my first guild emblem on my cloak. I swear to God I cried!

My first attempt of rvr *beta* and me running right up to DC cuz "I just want to see what they look like up close guys". Next words on guild chat were "OWWW, they killed me :( " (DUH!!)

End of Beta event, esp when all you kept hearing people yell.. hit it with that staff, hit it with that staff!!!

Claiming our first keep as a guild!

Seeing the Glacier giant for the first time...I screamed when I saw him! (think I was on roger wilco with some guildies, sorry for destroying a few ear drums that day!)

Meeting a certain (former) Templar paladin that later stole my heart :)

Getting mach 5, omg I felt like superwoman!

Dinging 50 with my guildmates at the tanglers

Having my heart stolen again by a certain cleric :)

Looking at the calendar, realizing its almost been a year that TDS has been together

Every time a long time friend on my friends list pops up, I swear it still makes me smile :)

Generic Poster

- The first time my scout killed an Emerald Snake in the beta. It was a long fight and XP well earned!

- Going up to HW in the beta and fighting off the mids, then getting zerged from behind by hibs(some things never change :p ). That little RvR experience convinced me to buy the game.

- Thidranki! :D

- Staying stealthed after a killer PA. Nothing will come close to the experience of walking into a group, killing a caster in the middle and walking out while the others run in circles looking for you. It's a pity one-shotting/stealth was changed.


- The first times I went to skona ravine, raumarik and vanern swamp in midgard, those places just kinda stood out from the rest of midgard. Ofcourse I did that on US :)

- The first RP my US zerk earned, killing a purple firby that was afk in a tree, hehe.

- The first RP Impact earned, being able to slay some nasty invaders in yggdra.

- The first euro relic raids I participated in, just doing it at 8 in the evening and not 4 in the night was so amazing.

- First time I entered DF, which was a prince raid. And the 2nd time I entered DF, which was a legion raid.

There are many more moments I will remember, but those above are those I remember the best.


- Hunting grove nymphs at 4am in the morning together with Keldon Warlord, the ugliest armsman around, and doing fancy showoff-moves and shouting "Ha-Do-Ken" while killling the nymphs. Occasional "run for your life"-moments when the whole grove came chasing after you. And after we both leveled up we went to challenge a huge boar and killed it. Tough fight that was, we almost died.

- Building my first ram and taking down the doors of Bledmeer!

- Becoming Legendary Grandmaster Weaponsmith and later making my first 100% quality 16.2 dps weapon (war hammer that was promptly sold off far too cheap to Lochlyessa :))

- Becoming the first Quest Knight in my guild. Aeth's speech almost made me cry.

- First guild meeting in the round-table-room.

- Myste.


- My first RvR with my guild when we killed Blood at hmg in Odin's I was lvl 15 but I still got the rp. ;) (Back when he wasn't gimped) :p

- The first Emain run when my adrenaline was pumping for over an hour. :D

- When I dinged 50 in Cursed forest and got the Grats spam. :) (Oh I really need to ding another char) ;)

- The two weeks back in June when I played Daoc twentyfourseven. And lvled with the same ppl every day. Some off them are still here but some have left. :(

- When I first rolled my Hero: "With that beard I have to have some charisma, and intellegence can't hurt" ;)


My first RvR run with my wiz

the first solo kill I made in RvR


back when I was a lowbie warden:

myself a blademaster and an eldritch all total noobs managed to kill 2 yellow con ghastly siabras, so naturally enough we felt we were uber , that ghastly siabras were piss easy, and somehow came to the totally rational conclusion that we could each solo 2 of them together.. so next thing we pulled 7 of them and needless to say panic ensued.. after our initial 2 on each of us (3 on the bm) and our eldritch screaming get them off! get them off!! we managed to get all 7 aggroed on our BM, but since I couldn't heal nearly fast enough we decided that the best option was to have the eldie cast his new fangled aoe nuke which he had gotten just the previous level and we were all eager to see some massive death spam.. (in hindsight given that the aoe failed to even kill a group of grey con skeletons we had rounded up this was maybe not the best of ideas ;) ) One aoe nuke later and all 7 of the mobs were on our eldritch, who died in uhm, 0.00001 seconds or so, followed by BM running in mad circles hitting the ocasional siabra while I healed what I could, thus getting loads of aggro, so i ran like heck, quite by accident into some other lowbie group, who kindly attacked the mobs for us, which ended rather badly as the group got completely wiped out, leaving only me and the BM standing at the end! was one of the more exciting pve fights I ever had, and funny as hell.. oh and the other group were convinced we had done it all on purpose just to kill them lol!!

More recent fun has been in emain, when I won a 3 vs 1 fight, where a lvl 50 minstrel cleric and paladin all jumped me, and somehow I came through it victorious!

The Real Redi


- Joining the Templars when i was about 10

- Getting my emblem :clap: :clap: :clap: that ruled...

- First Guild keep take & defend when i was merely 15 seasons young :D

- The first time i realised i recognised all of the Mids names on the walls of the MG... and that most had killed me at some point... ;)

- Me and Rackor heading into Odins only to be jumped by a norse and 2 dwarves, and having a very honorable fight with one purple dwarf (the others didnt join in /bow) until we were both bleeding viciously, then the norse healer stepped up and did what was right. If your healing buddies werent there, shortstuff, your arse wouldve been mine! ;) heh! thanks, best fight ive had in RvR

- Sleeping in upplands, and on waking up, finding 3 grey, 2 green and 1 blue whacking crabs. Waited for them to finish it off, then hurt a little grey, the healer healed him = one dead healer /cheer!

- Getting picked up by a group of 50's when chargin around Yggdra like a nutter, solo. See, some of you old guys DO have hearts! ;)

- Every single time a seasons passes, means im one closer to 50 ;) ill get there one day... at the rate in going, i estimate about march 2009...

Also, everyone in my guild, plus the people i feel bring the most to this game for me:

Jupitus, Laird, Mattshanes, Rasputin, Gombur, Deathawk, Elementalistx, Neha (join us... you know you want to.. heh!), Soprano, Duane, some of these i doubt ive even spoken to, but these are people i see in the thick of it both in PvE and RvR. If these people were suddenly not there, then id notice...

and former guildies Roalith, Mirieth, Wicoa, Vincible, Linnet, Sapfire, et al... hell, i miss you even if no one else does :clap:


Bah, I got interupted by my boss while reading this wonderful thread :eek6: but I'll try to remember some goodies:

Me in the lower 40s, an even lower warrior and 2 lvl 50s beating a group of 7 red-purp albs at yggdra borderkeep.

Freias first rps: Was exping at uc, yggdra with 2 ppl, we just pulled, suddenly some unfamiliar creature called "underhill something-scary" rush at our tank from behind, me used to messing adds naturally mes this redcon beast (and he actually does not resist), I see my friends rush back up a hill, I turn around and watch an ewul purple elf (or something) go down by their mighty swords.

Doing levels 14-18 at a furious pace on shrieking willows one late evening+night in Freias younger days.

Every single time i save someones life with a nicely timed insta or major heal, be it rvr or pve, it just makes me feel all warm inside (you dont even need to thank me guys, pleasure is all mine) :)

Getting epic armor, hearing from that NPC i saved Midgard and whatnot. :D


1. soloed 3 yellow mobs at vanern at the same time

2. got 2 know Weirdeus =)

3. got 20rp from a realmate at spindel :p

4. dinged 36 at BG (and ofcourse there was no albs nor hibs there)

Segmud Thrall lvl 43 warrior dwarf
Dent lvl 7 hunter
Punahilkka lvl 12 sm
Myrsky lvl 8 thane "Only true power is DWARF power!"

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