- Thread starter
- #61
- dye night with Ghosty & Artemis, spent 700g and ended up with original dyes
- rvr 1on1´s with Hoster (come back, ffs!), Azal (including rag doll show-offs) & Sinister - good, old days without odd emain zergs & buffbots
- scrag leather hunt with mad monk Rasputin & Arte, 3 totally gimped lowlvl chars managed to get 2 pieces within 3 hours, but set up a new record in chaindieing
- first granitechisel rvr with Vestax
- meeting such great & funny guys like Artemis (personal tomte!), Nadiya (powerlvler!), Derric ("hey, I pa´d that guy for 2579!"), Rasputin (r0x0r b0x0r!), Thrinnor(horse-constructor),Valain(have a sausage!) & Vestax (chisel-abuser!)
- rvr 1on1´s with Hoster (come back, ffs!), Azal (including rag doll show-offs) & Sinister - good, old days without odd emain zergs & buffbots
- scrag leather hunt with mad monk Rasputin & Arte, 3 totally gimped lowlvl chars managed to get 2 pieces within 3 hours, but set up a new record in chaindieing
- first granitechisel rvr with Vestax
- meeting such great & funny guys like Artemis (personal tomte!), Nadiya (powerlvler!), Derric ("hey, I pa´d that guy for 2579!"), Rasputin (r0x0r b0x0r!), Thrinnor(horse-constructor),Valain(have a sausage!) & Vestax (chisel-abuser!)