Best DAOC Moments



Being on my lvl 50 mana chanter in a guild grp in excal and running into the silo at amg and with 3 pbaeo'ers we killled shitloads of albs and hibs that night :p

Other time was when me aarnie, sade, saturnine, bunz and a few other Lost Souls pals used to go xping on plains :) was good olde fun, loved my olde paladin then :>

old.Gombur Glodson

so you killed hibs with your chanter? ;)


LOL, damn i meant mids :p its cause im back playing on mid now hehe.

Cheers for pointing that one out Gombur :p


Some of my best moments in daoc:

- The first time I started playing back on US when I just bought the game and was amazed by the graphics of this mmorpg and especially the inside of Camelot and all the buildings.

- The day I joined Griffon Knight after my former guild fell apart and noticing that a lot of my old friends also joined.

- The numerous item hunts I had with Gimly, Shileag and Keif in barrows and at Ellylls. They were always great fun and guaranteed a smile on my face while playing.

- The 2 days I played non-stop before dinging 50 here on EU-servers. Starting out with a tree group in the early morning where we had great fun, hunting in Barfog with Mckfly and Traia until the next morning and then joining another tree group to finally ding at the end of the day.


The horse ride back from Lyonesse to Camelot after completing my lvl 50 epic. Don't think I've ever had a better moment in 25 years of games playing.

First keep raid back in March, 50 lowbies beating on a low level door for an hour. Everything seemed very purple and scary back in those days.

First horseride I took, from CU to CS - took me ages to save up the 5s. How very big the world seemed back then.


Joining ootkt

That first Alb relic raid when every Man and his dog came along and crashed the zone twice :D

Rooting the Glacier giant for the first time after going on about it every time i went into the frontier with Guildies (Even ran away from them to go do it :p)

Being appreciated for a change in Mithra when buffing newbies :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

The morning hunts with Graham aka pixie.peter... I truly miss them.


Edit: Oh, if Keldon, the crazy swede is still playing - someone send him "Heya, from the galna tyske man." :)


Hmm. Fondest memories.

Where to start. no particular order.

1. Liv. <PLEASE if anyone knows what happened to her, I will gladly sell my soul.>

2. 5 people, synchronised dancing on the Forgotten Promise room. I went through the screenies of that occasion, and an unguilded Biggles and Lamont are there <Lamont even dancing!>

3. A group of wombles: Myself, Dying, Smurf, Piffany, and maybe one or two others...hunting the giant spiders enroute to Keltoi. they were yellow and orange to us at the time, and we were doing well. All of a sudden, Grandaddy Longlegs spawned, and we had never seen anything bigger. Unfortunately, it aggroed us, and we panicked and ran <3 yellows and an orange> myself and Dying were lagging behind a bit, so dying said 'run! i'll attack it, and you res me afterwards.' he aggroed the biggy, whilst we ran further away and took out the 3 little ones. we asked dying where he was so we could res him, but got no reply. Still being scared of the spider, we stayed where we were and spammed him for a few mins. all of a sudden, dying bursts through the bushes, with a sliver of health, and spams /victory. we just yelled RAR!!! for ages. Was the funniest thing ever, as I could hear dad/dying swearing irl about how he was going to die, and then i start hearing 'hang on! IM WINNING!!!'

3. Thidranki. Everything about it. Shaeffer, Ehlias, Owadien, Mordheim and Ysinnir...kicking the crap out of Hugh. Again. and Again. And Again. I still keep in touch with them. I love you guys, lets form a frontier group sometime. Especially you Ehlias <nods>

4. Myste. Levin. Ehlias. Roalith. The Templars. The Wombles. The Phoenix Legion. Jadow. Liv. Piffany. Myste.

5. The limerick duel. Both the duel itself, and the buildup. REALLY hope to carry that one on.

6. The Cameran Event. In its entirety. The two weeks where Shaeffer stopped being an infiltrator, and started being more.

7. Anyone and everyone who has helped me realise that when I leave the game, I won't be taking memories of a collection of pixels, stats, and shexyness, but of memories of friends, guildmates, and good times.


Originally posted by clive_dunn
The horse ride back from Lyonesse to Camelot after completing my lvl 50 epic. Don't think I've ever had a better moment in 25 years of games playing.

Hehe, I wanted to save my 5 silver for the horse ride and tried to suicide on a medial telemon, I was amazed I soloed it :) And that also was a ver memorable moment...

The second medial got me though

(edited for typo's)


probably as many other.
-when dinged 50 in malmo, after 3 long days xp.

-when get epic, and notice Candy was there too, doing same thing.
Candy and Pald, must say is one of those nicest people in game what ment!

-first guildhunt in DF, and zerged around doing xp, rvr, everything what come to us.

-maybe first keep raid, was late 30´ for me, and there was some 15 kale member, nice and easy raid.

-whit Atilla running in odin, between amg/hmg, first little more serious rvr, he rooting/nuking, i doing melee.

-first huge relicraid to alb, we taked 2-3 relic in 3-4 hours, ld at alb frontier and moved to oding, guarding amg.
killing albs wave after wave in line whit other mids, noticing later we had relics home.
made me proud when heard one our guildmember bring last relic to mjolnir.

-happy allways when helping new player.





1. getting lost in Camelot trying to find the Merc trainer.

2. finding the merc trainer and getting my off hand weapon :)

3. dinging 40 and getting my first pair of proc weapons.

4. my first DOUBLE PROC DOUBLE CRIT against a mob. (it took another slap to kill it. easiest fight ever)

5. all the friends from the Azure Bonds who have moved on now...

6. rolling my first character in Midgard, and the skald who helped me get to 5. (i had been on alb excal so friendliness from strangers was very rare there)

7. Oddbodd doing the Benny Hill tune whilst Blain got lost fleeing from Impalers in Spinel during their attempt to PL me. classic :)

8. suiciding in Emain only to find there was a keep raid in progress :) made alot of rps that day.

Now you hit 40 Blain i am going for 40 too :) cant have you racing too far ahead of me in Malmo...


1) When we punished mini-me

2) Watching Seerkind running through the parth farm with a quite low level Barakus in tow. Pulling 20 (very purple to Bara and gray to seer at that time) mobs onto the fateful and very much AFK bara.

3) Watching my brother Soulslayer murder Rory, death by dampness was the coroners report

4) Taking 2 full groups (by accident) to see the Hib Dragon then watching soul run headlong into it nekkid.

5) When Axiom met up and went out on the piss in Sheffield. More laughs then a barrel o menkeys in menkey tickling season.

6) Soloing 2 yellow con scouts together near bledmeer with my gimped void/mana eld and my ghetto nearsight + 10sec mezz.

7) Bolting Mezzed for 1856 damage with a critted bolt of uncreation and imagining the look on his face and the comments in his /gu.

8) Chain kill abysmals in CM for nearly 30mins with 6 in a low forties group. Without any rest, till Wizard decided to body pull 6 of em; and survivng it :)

9) Taking a keep with 1 group for the first time. Listening to Vulc shout - "LETS WRECK THE FOOKING PLACE" as the gates went down.

10) Chasing the albs to their doorstep with 1fg (only ones that ported) on their last successful relic raid ganking all in our path. Was almost 40 albs on the way. Then spending the rest of the day in alb with a sorceror playing a bard, getting to know the place ;). Pity 1fg on Myddrin snow-path slowed us down a tiny bit, as we got the place in sight then 30 secs after the relic was captured :/


In beta when i run over Pbridge turnd right started to kill mobs with some friends and we ended up in WD. Did run over the hill and looked over plains and was thinking i will get lost if i go out there. So we start runing along the road and some sec later a mob jumped us and we died. I released and was thinking i will never find that grave again.

2 days later i hade started a new char and i was runing over Pbridge and run along the road untill the road turned and there was the grave of my old char :)

all the fun groups in Keltoi,Cata,Barrows and Lyoness.


When I was playing Max mk1,and in Chaos Fellowship,you would get a pm from Keara asking your whereabouts,you knew promotion was about to happen,it was all done very proffesional to,with a touch of latin thrown in :).

I do miss the old days in CF,there are a few of the old faces still about though,they were a very well organised guild, thus creating a game in a game type scenario.

Which made playing all that more fun,climbing both, the level and rank ladders together,were definately my finest times playing DAoC (apart from my wedding off course):).


Best moments in game:

Rolling my characters in Midgard
Joining Eye of Odin
Being made an Officer in Eye of Odin
Playing a small part in the organisation and running of a successful relic raid (yes I know it was one of the infamous 3am jobs but at least it was successful :p )
Seeing "Kolja" get to 50
Me getting to 50
The night 2Fgs EoO totally owned Emain :)
Continual pleasure from being in a realm and a guild with some really genuinely nice people, who play well and give a damn.
Having Usp join Eye of Odin :clap: (Now all we have to do is work on getting Locomo to roll a Zerker or something and we are sorted :) )

Toodle Pip :D


Real tough this... I seem to have had so many highs and lows along the way, enjoying it all as an experience overall. I guess sometimes the highlights come after a low point and it seems all the better, but if I had to pick 3 ... don't ask me to put them in order, please!

- Laird sent me at level 20 to find my way as a ninja monk to the Midgard border keep in Yggdra. I donned my grey robe and cloak and set off. Most of us died, but I managed to survive, my pulse racing with every slow stealthed step, nothing but purple con mobs everywhere and progress was really slow as I found my way there:

I then had to find my way back... every few minutes I would tell the guild my /loc and get a volley of encouragement and then carry on going. It took me at least 30 minutes to get back to the portal keep in Odins gate, but as I took the last few steps to safety I spotted two of my closest and dearest friends waiting, Lunar and Laird.

- Dinging 50 with Lunar. We started the evening with what we thought was as close to identical level, just 1 bubble to go. We had been flooded with offers of help, and the group for the trees was a really solid one with mostly our level 50 guildies who wanted to give us their time and help. I was pulling trees and we were taking them down quite easily. We got really close, and I looked around at the grassy bank by the pikemen house, and there was a crowd of friends willing us on. We had made a chat group so that everyone could be together in one chat and it was really buzzing. I pulled again and on the last kill I dinged... the chat group exploded although I hadn't said anything yet, and I was busy checking Lunar's level in the group window... still 49!! Aarrrgghh... I turned straight back without saying anything yet and pulled another tree, then another, then another and then finally she dinged 50 too, and I quite simply cried and cried and cried. 70 levels, thanks hun.

-The wedding.



1. killing stuff
2. killing mroe stuff
3. being dead all the time in emain!

Originally posted by geniusdaoc

3. Killing 6 yellow con mids solo in odin's gate. (Had to use every trick i had though lol).

they must have been afk


- Being on 1 health, switching to quick bar no#2, hitting intercept on the wizard and dying as a result (even though I knew i would).

- Healing some guy that got aggroed by red 3 gobbos to the point I was OOM and charged in - never met him before or since.

- On hib wandered into a bandit spawn zone nr the estuary and had to fight my way through 6 blue con bandits before I got away, 1 after the other with my Blademaster

- Joining mad menolly and the other wombles

- Everytime I make a parry at the last minute that saves my life

- The first time my mace procced


- Asking the group next to us if they fancied taking the purple curms as a mob and getting all 16 of us wiped out

- Fighting hopeless rearguard actions to friends can escape


USA server..the 1st 8 scouts to 50 all went to Yggdra...we had a battle vs the whole of the mids high levels for around an hour before we started to lose a few people......awesome for us...frustrating as hell fo rthe mids I imagine. (good ol uber archers in old days ;p)
Oh Euro server....when LOE ...then all Albion lined up at the MMG and /danced the mids to shame ;p.

Brings a smile to my face when i recall the straggling albs coming trhough the MMG and seeing albs lined from hill to hill /dancind....and the alb shouts WTF lo.

Then the Mids started to come out...some danced...some laughed..some crept closer...then the alb line /danced forward and a dancing route of the mids ensued....

Followed by another huge line forming at the MPK...where everyone took their pants off and bent over backwards showing their arses (/bow)

Classy stuff


Well Well lets see:

Joining Memento Mori in the beta and later help remaking it in the retail.

First time I got an emblem.

Taking 3 levels in no time soloing frogs in the swamp, with no one else ever there.

First time I walked into Darkness Falls.

Joning Warders of the 7th Sigil along with the rest of MM.

Seeing a little Blue Kobold Warrior soloing an Umbrooded Warrior.

Helping a 6 man strong party killing WoW's.

And the list goes on and on


killing 7 hibs with 4 albs without loosing 1 member in odins gate

ding 50

soloing a mahr with 70% hp left (buffs cancelled by guildy grrr:p)

killing Cylian while jumped logging in

playing with friends


First Solo RvR kills.

Was soloing some XP as my SM in Yggdra and spotted 2 Scouts and 2 Infiltrators (All blue con) killing a Middie - flanked the scouts Set pet and started life draining first scout while they are still looking for target - killed scout 1 - repeat on scout 2 - infiltrators stealth - 1 runs off - other fails PA on me I Quickcast pbaoe mez on him back off set pet n nuke him down - Adrenaline took at least another half hour to wear off :)

Sarum TheBlack

Off my 50 odd played days in DAoC, it's quite hard to come up with just a few best moments.

Rolling my first char back in beta (A sorc, who started at Lethansis) and trying to find my housemate (a paladin, who started in Humberton) and the slow realisation of how huge the world was. And how long it took me to save enough money to get to Camelot and meet him. And Camelot when I got there riding up on the horse though the big gates was pretty amazing back then.

The first time I went down the barrows, or to lyonesse (as a wee lvl 20), the first time I did RvR properly, or went on a Keep raid. My first day of Guardians of Power (I kinda missed the very first day, I think this was the second day, but the first full day of the guild) when we did a guild only keep raid (but got rescued by PL because of a slight ram-deployment problem). The mad rushing around during the Cameran campaign, and assaulting the roadhouse in Hadrian’s (proudly first to die to the roman legion there, due to standing too close while waiting for reinforcements.).and...and...

And the many hours of great fun I've had with some really great people I've met here, (too many to list here, so apologies for people whose name I miss), including Jaas, William Haven, Lucy (in her many incarnations), Tryfan, Galewyr, Perian, Danyan, Cauton, Scunner, the many great people of GoA and now GoP, the people I've buffed or given cash/items to who have messaged me weeks later to say how much what I did helped them.. and.. and..

I really can't imagine the last 11 months without you people. So if I never said it before, thanks :)

<stops before he gets too sentimental>

--oh, and nice pic Jup :)


Originally posted by kr0n
You wore a hooded cloak at your wedding? :mad:

Well yes, of course I did! You ever seen the gimpy cap I have on without it? ;)


Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
--oh, and nice pic Jup :)

... thanks to Bodzilla, our bodyguard elect, for that one... alledgedly there may a video in the pipeline too...:cool:

Sarum TheBlack

I've got a tonne of pics from the wedding too, but I think that beats all of mine.

And yes, a video was filmed... whether or not it'll ever get edited into a final form is another question entirely.


1) Killing a blue con mage in front of 10-15 albions at amg and running away while all the albions are wondering wtf has happened then start searching for me while i am now out of range and laughing my head off.
2) Repeating number 1.
3) Taking out 12 level 50 hibs trying to take mk in emain solo.
4) Killing Derric, Camillo but dieing to Artemis at odins hmg solo and at once.
5)Killing Layl repeatedly while shes on the run and after she told me in irc "I'm buffed now try killing me".
6) Slowly killing a group fo 8 hibs all level 50 while they run back and fro trying to find me, while leaving another member of their group solo muhahahhaah

List goes on... :p

Old Hoster / Aka Erebus in irc

Sarum TheBlack

Killing me not on there Hoster? My main function on emain at one time seemed to be giving you a good laugh. :twak: (I guess I was the blue-con at the MG more than once)

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