Beaten badly



Originally posted by Aoln
Cylian u ever go to Odin's Gate still? :)

amgO is mine ! and always will be!

...just unhealthy to stay right on top of it when the ewul Luwis show up.

...and a bloody long walk without endregen <sigh>




Think it all boils down to same type weapon damage. An inf armed with a bastard sword at Thid level (24) hits in the region of 2 to 3x the amount any sb can do with the same weapon however the sb is specced or buffed!! This is the crux of the matter full stop. We now have no choice but to use 2 handed and even then the above armed inf can perf/hit for more damage (maybe not if using the slow as hell Morning Rage axe of 6spd but who wins many fights with that thing?)

Above is the imbalance that needs addressing in my opinion - slash for SBs has been nerfed along with LA - or LA used to make up the vast damage difference!!

Useless 24 Thid SB


Infs are in for a nurf very soon ;p

3D Knight the Inf TL is standing down and a new person is taking over who happens to play all 3 Assassins ;p His NS being the highest RR followed by inf then sb ;p


Originally posted by kaine_1
To be honest, after spending nearly a year running from just about -every- sb I came across while playing my stealther, Im quite surprised to hear you all complain

Respec out of LA if you feel its so bad its not worth investing points in, or whine to someone who cares

Your a victim of your own success, and that my friends is the downfall of playing 'fotm' classes!

Says the 1001th fotm infil.



Originally posted by old.Emma
SB`s are not totally gimped.

i still kill tanks
i still kill casters
i still kill support class
i still kill archers
i kill some assassins

yes its alot harder and when facing piere/thrust specced assassins i pray purge is up otherwise i try my best by using every trick of the trade to hit them and not have them hit me.

Ohh and i tend to pick targets with a little more care now. i try to avoid high rr chars due to them possibly have uber RA`s like ip/ap etc and high rr infs because there weaponskill is just too high to get past.

If there running unstealthed then they deserve to die and often do.

Damage is low yes, but ive resorted to filling my inv up with 11 dps damage add charges to balance that damage again. Yes its expensive but if it means i get rp`s then so be it.

Until mythic get things sorted we have to use every possible tool we have and can get access to, to compete as best as possible.

you mean you do all the above every time you play your sb ? and thats once per month ? cause i hardly see you online, xept you rvring only at HW, a place that i almost never go.

btw i agree that sb's got nerfed cause they die easier now, but they still can be 'in' the game, the nerf is not sooooo bad imo, and yes the special RA of them sucks, they should have something like rat mode to be equal with vanish/viper.


Originally posted by Rambo
you mean you do all the above every time you play your sb ? and thats once per month ? cause i hardly see you online, xept you rvring only at HW, a place that i almost never go.

btw i agree that sb's got nerfed cause they die easier now, but they still can be 'in' the game, the nerf is not sooooo bad imo, and yes the special RA of them sucks, they should have something like rat mode to be equal with vanish/viper.


If i dont land PA/CD on them, and im not kicking there ass then i`ll fire off an 11dps dmg add and then procede to kick there butt ;p

Were not totally gimped though. Beat Shani after he landed PA and CD on me. Love the 216 + 95 crit on hamstring though \o/

Ignore the multiple PA attemps ;p thats a combination of my fumble fingers and 56k connection running 2 accounts ;p


Originally posted by panzer_ulv
Just got nailed to the floor by an RR3 inf. I hit for 80, and in return i got 160.

Missed PA on you Juilet, why didn't you bother to stealth even? Were you so sure you would take me that easy?

Sad really. Must be yummie to see and SB these days i guess. 500k more rp and i get wasted like that. *cries*

Sad, and that means i got 2 major gimps :(

If it's Graendal's alt, it's powerlevelled, probably doesn't even know where the stealth button is ;x


No person in his right mind can say that the assasin classes are balanced


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Wasn't nothing much wrong with sbs,only the morons who moan when they lost to them....

True SZ's were off the scale though. They did need a balance .. ran into some normal sb's (buffed), ns's (buffed) and a SZ (buffed) with my necro (also buffed).

If you refer to the thread about necro absorb a buffed necro has ~80% absorb with mota4 and 50enhance buffs. The ns and normal sb couldnt take off even half hp (especially when you think i can sit and spam a lifetap too). The SZ left it on a pixel .. literally

Quite a difference in damage there then..


Originally posted by old.Emma

If i dont land PA/CD on them, and im not kicking there ass then i`ll fire off an 11dps dmg add and then procede to kick there butt ;p

Were not totally gimped though. Beat Shani after he landed PA and CD on me. Love the 216 + 95 crit on hamstring though \o/

Ignore the multiple PA attemps ;p thats a combination of my fumble fingers and 56k connection running 2 accounts ;p
you used purge though :eek:


And why wouldn`t i use purge.

not like i want to stand there stunned for 6 seconds doing nothing.

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