Beaten badly



Just got nailed to the floor by an RR3 inf. I hit for 80, and in return i got 160.

Missed PA on you Juilet, why didn't you bother to stealth even? Were you so sure you would take me that easy?

Sad really. Must be yummie to see and SB these days i guess. 500k more rp and i get wasted like that. *cries*

Sad, and that means i got 2 major gimps :(


Some SB called Bivalt or summit was hitting my Druid for around 70 damage per swing today, was wearing Scale which is Slash vuln' too.

Kinda sucks for SBs tbh :|


Juilliet is tehwin, thats Graendals alt I was in the same group when she lvl'ed 50...

m8 I must admit, you got wtfuberpwned!!!11twelvethirteen


Originally posted by Dook_Pug
Some SB called Bivalt or summit was hitting my Druid for around 70 damage per swing today, was wearing Scale which is Slash vuln' too.

Kinda sucks for SBs tbh :|

Someone got pwnd :D


It's like having 2 lvl 45's and unable to level them any more; Panzer isn't it?

Some challenge then :)


let's wait and see what happens when Infils get ner... err, balanced to the other assassins melee.
Just need to strip WA and AP from Nightshades and we'd be back to balance (more or less)


Originally posted by thegreatest
Juilliet is tehwin, thats Graendals alt I was in the same group when she lvl'ed 50...

m8 I must admit, you got wtfuberpwned!!!11twelvethirteen

Ohh did she exp?


Yes it sucks for SB's :(

Maybe could give them a useful RA, instead of shadow run.. seems a bit crap

NS got AP / WA
Infils got vanish
SB's shadowrun.. err..

Edit: and 10-20% more LA dmg?

No fun meeting sb's anymore :(


Been murdered 3 times tonight by same inf.

1 time with the company of a Hunter.
A mercfil (who did not bother to PA even) killed me and the same Hunter.

Guess that's it. Tried it all, sc'ed to the max, MP weapons. No luck. I won't lvl another char.

Infs won the stealther war, no question about that.
The issue is not the RA's. I don't care about Viper or Vanish. The sb class is ruined. No RA can bring it back to life, only better LA mechanics.

Where the hell is the next MMORPG? Is GOA out playing SWG? Or are they hired as beta-testers for WoW? Or have they been invited to Mythic HQ for the award 'Lamest operator this Century'?

Yes, i'm pissed. Pissed that i have 2 unplayable chars.


That's aa zerker strike. They crit up to 90% of the damage. No LA sb can do that, as any other class, max 50% of the damage.

So it really has no bearing on what sb's can do (or could).
Mythic did what in baseball terms is called 'a sacrifice play'. They wasted the sb's in order to get ppl to play other classes. To bad they 'forgot' to 'balance' it.

I was a 5 specc, now i'm nothing.


i hit for roughly 160 styled against sb`s are you saying styled you hit for 80 damage?

because if so a hell of a lot of sb`s need nerfing every SB i`ve met since teh patch has hit for comparable damage to me


Originally posted by case-rigantis
i hit for roughly 160 styled against sb`s are you saying styled you hit for 80 damage?

because if so a hell of a lot of sb`s need nerfing every SB i`ve met since teh patch has hit for comparable damage to me

Did better the next time we clashed, but not higher then 120 with mainhand. 243 was top note with 2-hander.

223 for infs mainhand. (slash i guess)

Still, the ranks should pay better. Or maybe i just suck. Could be that as well.


Infils seems to hit harder than ever nowadays, not sure if they've been given some behind the scenes love or whether it's just all the unskilled Infils on Pryd learning to play and finally we're realising the effects of good infils, but they're certainly not the free RPs they used to be anymore, really beginning to struggle against them now.

SBs however seem little different since the nerf to me, they seem roughly the same as they always were, certainly not noticeably easier that's for sure.


Originally posted by panzer_ulv
Did better the next time we clashed, but not higher then 120 with mainhand. 243 was top note with 2-hander.

223 for infs mainhand. (slash i guess)

Still, the ranks should pay better. Or maybe i just suck. Could be that as well.

my infi NEVER hits for 200+ with main hand mate not ever even against cloth casters i would say you got buffbotted

face it SB`s are balanced now and instead of trying to play the class you all scream nerfed


Originally posted by case-rigantis
my infi NEVER hits for 200+ with main hand mate not ever even against cloth casters i would say you got buffbotted

face it SB`s are balanced now and instead of trying to play the class you all scream nerfed

2 things:

1. You must be Thrust, i.e DF user. Makes you an awsome killer. Hence, you may not hit over 200 with main. Juiliet is slash i suspect. + on mid leather, hence major damage.

2. The talk about sb's being balanced is nonsense, and even infs should know it.

Won't go in to details, but things with infs needs to be....'adjusted', using Mythics vocabulary. If you infs ever will hear that word, well, run like hell, or you will be struck like a ton of bricks by the 'adjusting'bat. We missed the evade and got DF'ed by Mythic.


Originally posted by case-rigantis
my infi NEVER hits for 200+ with main hand mate not ever even against cloth casters i would say you got buffbotted

face it SB`s are balanced now and instead of trying to play the class you all scream nerfed

Wait till next patch then.

When you get the new 3.9 spd Thrust weapons. Then you`ll be seeing 220-250 vs thrust neutral armour easily.

Have a screen shoot someone where of Yrodable rr7L8 mercfil in the US hitting an rr8 Ranger for 294 Mainhand, 148 offhand (yes he was buffed, yes they have all 3 str relics).


Originally posted by case-rigantis

face it SB`s are balanced now and instead of trying to play the class you all scream nerfed

LOL you talking crap and you know it


Originally posted by case-rigantis

face it SB`s are balanced now and instead of trying to play the class you all scream nerfed

its balenced in albs eyes, as now a lvl 3 gimp can go into emain and only be watchful of BDs and savages to solo em

the LA nerf i admit was needed, but now SBs are so unplayable its not funny.


Perhaps the SB is balanced against the other classes...but there is no way in hell they are balanced against other stealth classes.....
I don't even call my SB an assasin anymore....since she can't kill anything on her own.

Shadowblades has no "edge" of any kind over the other stealthclasses while infils have 3 or 4......i can't imagine what mythic where thinkin


should of only nerfed LA a little and nerfed ratmode on a zerk instead of the full nerf, cause it has made it hard for SBs now maybe a little too much, Zerkers needed it though.....but then again you could say im only saying that just to piss Emma off cause its funny watching her whinge!

gifv more whinging Emma


SB`s are not totally gimped.

i still kill tanks
i still kill casters
i still kill support class
i still kill archers
i kill some assassins

yes its alot harder and when facing piere/thrust specced assassins i pray purge is up otherwise i try my best by using every trick of the trade to hit them and not have them hit me.

Ohh and i tend to pick targets with a little more care now. i try to avoid high rr chars due to them possibly have uber RA`s like ip/ap etc and high rr infs because there weaponskill is just too high to get past.

If there running unstealthed then they deserve to die and often do.

Damage is low yes, but ive resorted to filling my inv up with 11 dps damage add charges to balance that damage again. Yes its expensive but if it means i get rp`s then so be it.

Until mythic get things sorted we have to use every possible tool we have and can get access to, to compete as best as possible.


1. She is buffed.
2. She got good equipment.
3. She plays well.

She is not a mercfil actually, 50 cs specced :) So there you have it.

Way to go, Juiliet!! :D


Originally posted by old.Emma
SB`s are not totally gimped.

i still kill tanks
i still kill casters
i still kill support class
i still kill archers
i kill some assassins

yes its alot harder and when facing piere/thrust specced assassins i pray purge is up otherwise i try my best by using every trick of the trade to hit them and not have them hit me.

Ohh and i tend to pick targets with a little more care now. i try to avoid high rr chars due to them possibly have uber RA`s like ip/ap etc and high rr infs because there weaponskill is just too high to get past.

If there running unstealthed then they deserve to die and often do.

Damage is low yes, but ive resorted to filling my inv up with 11 dps damage add charges to balance that damage again. Yes its expensive but if it means i get rp`s then so be it.

Until mythic get things sorted we have to use every possible tool we have and can get access to, to compete as best as possible.


best thing you ever posted imo Emma.


Doesnt alb got all 3 str relics on pryd?
Explain alot to me :x
Mid need str relics to do good melee dmg it seems :D


Originally posted by panzer_ulv
Just got nailed to the floor by an RR3 inf. I hit for 80, and in return i got 160.

Missed PA on you Juilet, why didn't you bother to stealth even? Were you so sure you would take me that easy?

Sad really. Must be yummie to see and SB these days i guess. 500k more rp and i get wasted like that. *cries*

Sad, and that means i got 2 major gimps :(

i know some sbs that can kill my infil..
i think u just need a new spec and maybe buffs too :p

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