Beaten badly



Originally posted by Ithurts
Doesnt alb got all 3 str relics on pryd?
Explain alot to me :x
Mid need str relics to do good melee dmg it seems :D

3 relics ? not really


Re: Re: Beaten badly

Originally posted by araudry
i know some sbs that can kill my infil..
i think u just need a new spec and maybe buffs too :p

yes some indeed. or do you in fact mean, you get beat when double teamed? (sometimes)

I know for a fact you hit for 250dmg (approx) per round (without dmg add or offhand) and I return for 80-110 (depending on dmg variance + offhand hitting) (approx). Yes I am fully buffed, sced etc.

In addition I'll add against nightshades I fair a lot better. Very fairly in fact. I remember many fights where PA wasn't an option but we both find ourselves on the last hit being the killing blow. Never get that against infils these days.


Re: Re: Re: Beaten badly

Originally posted by inqy

I know for a fact you hit for 250dmg (approx) per round (without dmg add or offhand) and I return for 80-110 (depending on dmg variance + offhand hitting) (approx). Yes I am fully buffed, sced etc.

Yup, same thing here. Buffed and SC:ed, and if I meet him solo I might as well start typing /release because there is no way in hell I can compete with that. Getting hit for 220-250 mainhand and 80-100 offhand while doing roughly half that damage back makes baby Jesus cry.


Re: Re: Beaten badly

Originally posted by araudry
i know some sbs that can kill my infil..
i think u just need a new spec and maybe buffs too :p

give names ! ;)

just guessing, but there's atleast 3 SBs that fight with a dagger in their offhand. No LA penality and perma haste, but a offhand that doesn't connect often and hits for low damage.

Would show up as "xxx attacks you with her/his claw"


Sorry Panzer, not a mercfil, and slash yes.
50 CS 44 Slash 37 stealth 35 envenom 19 dual wield

Buffed by my rejuvcleric, so not the best buffs around either.

Love slash against sbs, and no, i seldom bother to stealth against them, im kinda new to this so i dont dare chance that ill get in PA before them, they usually get confused and let me get in a few Amethyst Slash before returning fire, two Amethyst Slash is between 300 and 600 on an sb though, depending on dual wield.


Sb's were hitting me for 60-80 with DF vs 38 % slash and 40 % absorb with relics before nerf.

Damn I feel sorry for em.


Please take in consideration that Albion have strenght-relics and also the str/con-debuff poison you assasins use, cuts off WS 400-600 on any hybrid/tank strenght-based weapon.

How would your damage have been if you were thrust? Make SB's be able to use h2h-weapons, but only usable with LA/CS-styles - or something that lets them use thrust-weapons.


<jumps up and down in anger> Thanes are fine!


Originally posted by tildson
Please take in consideration that Albion have strenght-relics and also the str/con-debuff poison you assasins use, cuts off WS 400-600 on any hybrid/tank strenght-based weapon.

How would your damage have been if you were thrust? Make SB's be able to use h2h-weapons, but only usable with LA/CS-styles - or something that lets them use thrust-weapons.

Then there would be a reason being a kobold sb again also :/
158 str with augstr 3 = 306 buffed
My 80 hp more then a NS is a joke and my ws is even bigger joke after debuffed.
Unbuffed i managed to hit a NS with 40 damage mainhand other day IAM UBER.



Str/con debuff for 118 and disease cut my 50 cleric down to below 30 str, always fun to do with zerkers and savages. I gotta learn to use actual poison more though :)


Personally, i don't think sbs are gimped, it's infils that are a bit too good (50 thrust ones that is)

The problem is that sbs used to be so damn good so many never really learned how to play.. the number of times SBs have accually used PA on me is really rediculous considering how many of them i've fought.

_IF_ an unbuffed sb with good rr landed PA on me and knew to switch weapons for repoison etc i would probably loose unless i used all of my RAs (purge/ip/sos+fa2).

Thing is, nowadays i even solo buffed ones, becouse alot of them run around unstealthed with unpoisoned weapons.. it's not really that smart :p

_IF_ a buffed sb landed PA on me i would be dead for sure, or atleast i would have to flee the battle. A buffed NS did PA+CD and then i was dead before the CD ran out.

So, quit whining, play better, or reroll as a savage.

Over and out


NS got thrust weapons, which get a bonus on chain.
SB got slash weapons, which chain is resistant against.

Usual fight against a mincer :

PA+CD etc... beat them down to like 10% if they don't waste purge on it and then it's

a) Stun shout and run
b) Stun shout - Mezz - wait for FA2
c) IP - DD - DD - Stun - hit - mezz
d) Speed of Sound and leg it

throw in that bloody Ablative chant and a mincer becomes better in a 1o1 fight than a SB in it's current form.

Exception : Lucky Crit on PA+CD and the mincer doesn't have purge up... in that case they actually might die before the stun wears off.

But how about those fight where you just get insta-stunned right before you can get the CD off ?

Not even starting on Pets.


Originally posted by umilard
Personally, i don't think sbs are gimped, it's infils that are a bit too good (50 thrust ones that is)

The problem is that sbs used to be so damn good so many never really learned how to play.. the number of times SBs have accually used PA on me is really rediculous considering how many of them i've fought.

_IF_ an unbuffed sb with good rr landed PA on me and knew to switch weapons for repoison etc i would probably loose unless i used all of my RAs (purge/ip/sos+fa2).

Thing is, nowadays i even solo buffed ones, becouse alot of them run around unstealthed with unpoisoned weapons.. it's not really that smart :p

_IF_ a buffed sb landed PA on me i would be dead for sure, or atleast i would have to flee the battle. A buffed NS did PA+CD and then i was dead before the CD ran out.

So, quit whining, play better, or reroll as a savage.

Over and out
Hey SBs, stop whining. We're all fine. The mincer says he once got killed by a shadowblade, so it's true! Oh no, he said Nightshade. Ok well, we're still fine probably.


Funny hellskor, i only see you mentioning the minstrel RAs.. Try using purge when you get stunned and you won't get mezzed.

and my fight vs an sb isn't mostly like that, it's (as you say in the end) PA, stun+dd+dd, (purge poison), move behind and do behindstyle, after ~5 seconds the purge run out and we fight until one is dead.

If i don't purge poison i'm very likely to die, if i don't purge poison and the sb purges my stun i'm dead.

And since 90% of all sbs you see are buffed and i always run unbuffed many fights are more like this:

sb runs out of stealth and style me to death.

Dunno how a buffed sb vs buffed minstrel goes but i guess the minstrel wins.. ablative + ip can be nasty.


Stun and Ablative Chant are RAs ? since when ? :eek7:

And when I whine, I think of even odds ... unbuffed vs buffed isn't exactly even. Or both have Purge up.

Mincer purges stun <-> SB purges stun ... but then you're back to melee against ablative chant.

Most SBs don't hit harder than 100-150dmg after the PA chain, then take a look how much that chant cuts off from that.


i think best for sbs is 2 hand sword/axe now since LA nerf and 2 hand sword/axe do a lot of dmg :p
i m only scared of those sbs.. others LA sbs are like free rps even when they get pa ^^


Originally posted by araudry
i think best for sbs is 2 hand sword/axe now since LA nerf and 2 hand sword/axe do a lot of dmg :p
i m only scared of those sbs.. others LA sbs are like free rps even when they get pa ^^


kinda sad when your poison ticks for more damage than your mainhand does styled ;)


Personally, i don't think sbs are gimped, it's infils that are a bit too good (50 thrust ones that is)

First: Nerf Buffbots
Then: Balance Assassins

At the moment it's impossible to balance assassins due to the insane amount of buffbots out there. I have yet to meet an unbuffed assassin in Odins where I usually hunt...
If you touch assassin balance while Bots are still out there
we'll get more exaggerated nerfs like the LA nerf.

Sadly tho: Mythic = $_$
So I doubt we'll see a buffbot nerf...
Guess I have to roll my own, eh?

Worst thing about Mythic tho:
It takes them 5 Minutes to break a class, but years to fix it again.
Cleric Smite line is still gimp. So I guess SBs will most likely suffer for quite a long time, too.


I do have a buffbot, but as it happens, I get cocky and tell myself I dont need one.

Like when I occasionally go to DF to whack some mids every once in a blue moon it opens to us for 5 mins.

Met a RR6 SB at Xroads, was killing a shaman, whacked him rather fast and started to chop on SB...he started cleavin straight through me tho...I purged, FH'ed....then I IP'ed..(unbuffed that makes it about 4800 hps to take dow) I was at 30%, he was at about the same after all this when I got saved by an Alb assasin.

He was buffed of course, but still pretty mean :(

Stop whining how SBs are imbalanced to Infiltrators...they are suppose to be balanced against all Alb/Hib classes. That would be like me saying Paladin needs 40% more damage, and a healchant thats twice as good, because thats what they need to kill a Bonedancer.


Come on...seen buffed Warriors having trouble beating buffed infs. And that with support heal from the shaman who buffed them.

Sb's have been brought down. Now we are waiting for either an up for us, or....well. Go figure.


Originally posted by araudry
others LA sbs are like free rps even when they get pa ^^



Originally posted by tildson
Please take in consideration that Albion have strenght-relics and also the str/con-debuff poison you assasins use, cuts off WS 400-600 on any hybrid/tank strenght-based weapon.

How would your damage have been if you were thrust? Make SB's be able to use h2h-weapons, but only usable with LA/CS-styles - or something that lets them use thrust-weapons.

Well albs only got 2 str relics atm so that's a 10% bonus, given that mid leather is thrust resistant that's 10% bonus for sb's. so they cancel each other out...only problem is thrust infs are hitting harder than sb's, and faster than them too :p


Hmm, nobody seems to fear slash infils, im slash, wanna feel my 10% bonus against sb leather? :)
Got more life than the saracens too, come take on my 1899 buffed hps.
Amethyst Slash for anytime style with high to-hit to get past evade 7 easy.
4.1 spd bastard sword as PA weapon.
Higher growth rate on every one of the styles for more actual damage.


My Doublefrost Cap pre-nerf was 350dmg, maybe someone could post what's Amy-Slash cap is now ?
preferably with the 44-50 specc most infils have ... not some mincer with his 30slash ;)

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