cheers for that, actually started working again around 7pm, no changes made my end. Already had the port forwarding done when the FAQ went up, just in case. Will make notes on the servers IP and ports etc for the future.
Well I wouldn't worry about it; it's not our ISPs its GoAs below average network that can't handle prime time. Sooner GoA realise that the better.Answer I got back from GOA:
Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning, Ticket ref: #442466
Dear customer,
This issue is actually the login protocol timing out. Either your firewall or router are blocking the connection, or your internet connection is suffering stability issues. Whilst our servers are up and accepting connections, we have no control over how stable your connection to europe is.
Please check your firewall settings, and ensure that both warpatch.exe and WAR.exe are added to the exceptions list of your firewall. Instruction on how to do this for Windows Firewalls can be found in the FAQ under Technical Support -> Connectivity on the website.
You should ensure that your router has the correct ports opened. The port numbers can be found in the FAQ under Technical Support -> Connectivity on the website. Instructions on how to configure these ports should be available from your router supplier.
If that does not fix the problem then the only other issue it can be is the quality of the connection to our servers. Unfortunately that is something we have no control over, you will need to contact your ISP.
Kind regards,
WAR Customer Support English
If my router or firewall was an issue why would it have been fine for several weeks only to start failing early this afternoon (Dubai time). I can understand the ISP might be an issue but where are the server IP's to confirm this? are they published anywhere?
That won't do much, it's not the actual game servers, its the patch server / login server timing out.Should you manage to log into the servers, you can type 'netstab -b' in a command prompt and get the IP: port connected to by your various applications.
That won't do much, it's not the actual game servers, its the patch server / login server timing out.