Auction: Full Skill Respec Stone

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Originally posted by Kobold



just go to bed and be prepared to drive me to the alco shop tomorrow mkay? ^_^


Originally posted by Kobold
j00 talkz 2 moch :p

mm, ive been known to =)

Btw, how much for earther, not going for it ofc, but always though it was 1000


Originally posted by inuyasha
mm, ive been known to =)

Btw, how much for earther, not going for it ofc, but always though it was 1000

only 1.4k ;)


Originally posted by Kobold
2k :eek:

thats silly :p

talks to much (500) ----> earther 900 posts.
earther (1400) -----> forum diety 600 (2000)


stlong whine... this could almost be the alb boards


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
stlong whine... this could almost be the alb boards

pliz, i know im good, but im not worthy of the alb forums!!

Where is /prostrate when i need it! =)

aaaah, you was reffering to the rest of the thread ^_^

then i agree with ya :great:


1 fluffing stone ffs!!! If it wasn’t for Saadyst the realm wouldn’t have any at all. Drop the bullshit. I doubt He has the time to cash farm, especially being a bard, with all the realm defense and raids he organizes. He deserves at least 1 stone after all he has done for us. If you don’t like it don’t go on his next raid, and tbh i wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t do any more.

Stop acting like little kids and get over it.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
stlong whine... this could almost be the alb boards

it could WF but theres no reference to bards been overpowered or whinin about GP etc ;)


Seriously, I can't be asked to type a huge justification. It's quite simple, Saadyst gives loads(including cybers), let him take for once.

Why bother fighting over one frikking stone? On Sunday we get 25 more...and so, and so on...


Re: ....

Originally posted by old.Ragnorak

People agreed to go on the raid because it was UNDERSTOOD, that all stones would be distributed fairly and that none of the stones would be kept by the raid leader.
They were distributed fairly, EVERYONE had EXACTLY as good a chance on getting a stone as anyone else, how is that not fair?

Ill tell you something that is unfair, thats giving the stone to someone who claim they "need it more than someone else", while that may be true or not, its still "unfair" for the other people who needs one.
Originally posted by old.Ragnorak
THIS UNDERSTANDING was IMPLICIT in the raid rules. Had ppl known BEFORE hand that the raid organiser might keep a stone for himself without winning it in a lotto then many might have chosen not to turn up...
so PLEASE go learn urself some basic comprehension before you come forth and spew your noble but falsely placed and losely thought out rhetoric.
It was voted on before the raid since tzee didnt know a good way to distribute the stones that all groups would get one of each stone, it was *clearly* stated in the rules that every group would get a stone, the reason that was is because 200 people(thats the number of people who attented to the previous raids) = 25 fg.

The only "fair" thing to do with the stones that are left over is to shift-D them, and come on, thats just stupid.
Originally posted by old.Ragnorak
IF a raid leader is going to keep any stones after the raid or any item on any raid for himself or his friends etc, this is pre-claim raid and a LOT of people choose not to go to these raids.
Once again, if you cant read the rules and dont agree to them afterwards, read them better next time and save you some major whining.
Second, if you have a BETTER SOLUTION then go make some bloody raids yourself!
Originally posted by old.Ragnorak
Weather Tzee KNEW he would have stones left over AFTERWARDS or NOT is not actually relevant at all here. The fact is that most ppl were under the impression that this would not be the case, and Tzee himself gives this impression for his raids, yet after the raid he took advantage of having the stones in his possession, and therein lies the problem.
Whats wrong in taking advantage of having leftover stones? I think this is the third time i say this but.. EVERYONE GOT EXACTLY WHAT THEY CAME FOR, NOTHING LESS, NOTHING MORE!
Originally posted by old.Ragnorak
And saying that ANYONE agreed ,inderectly too let Tzee keep items for himself is the biggest load of BULLSHIT RETARD NONSENSE I've ever read on these forums (Envenom's posts notwithstanding). You can bet your ASS that if ppl thought that Tzee could keep whatever he wanted from the raid for himself afterwards a shit load of ppl who went might not have turned up, so please don't tell us what we agreed to and didn't agree too.
Wow, youre saying that you arent agreeing on the raid leaders rules the minute you decide to tag along on the raid? Wtf is that dreamworld you live in? If you had said this after one of *my* raids(even tho i dont do raids anymore, too much hassle) you would be banned the second i saw it.

Common sense would indicate that you agree to anything that the raid leader says by coming on *HIS/HER* raid. If you are unsure about what will happen to the loot, then just go ahead and ask, just dont come whining afterwards because you didnt get enough cookies.

Originally posted by old.Ragnorak
As for the 'new' rules, again your stupidity and lack of comprehension is astounding. How the fuck can he make these rules and demand of people to follow them just a day or two after he himself is doing exactly the opposite of what he wants people to do ???? Again I quote you Mahatma Gandhi - PRACTISE WHAT YOU PREACH...
Why? Ill tell you why, because every raid has different rules(well most anyway) and the plain fact that he made up new rules for his coming raids doesnt have jack shit to do with any raids in the past, why would it?

Also, the rules says *lottoed loot*, as in lottoing for something you dont need just because you want to sell it to the highest bidder.

First, this stone wasnt lottoed, second, it wasnt supposed to even be in a lotto, so it has *no* relevance whatsoever to that rule.
Originally posted by old.Ragnorak
Please feel free to flame me, I look forward to your well thought out (or lack thereof ) arguements. Or maybe approach it with an open mind and without the bias of being his friend for a second and you might see that when push came to shove, he compromised on his so called principles, and he compromised the trust of many people, because he just couldn't resist the urge to get the cash he needs for his SC kit by selling the stone... you know what they say?

Let me ask you one thing, how many plat have you donated in your career to repairing relic doors? how many have you spent in repairing doors in general?

Tzee has spent *all* his money on charity, or at least 90% of it, his current equipment was a GIFT, and he is still broke. Where do you think all those money have went? If you think he doesnt deserve money for his own equipment, then youre a selfish bastard beyond any help whatsoever.

Feel free to flame back, i dont care since its all senseless spam from a greedy idiot who didnt get his cookies :eek:


And on another note, tzee could have EASILY done this with an anonymous bw account and selling the stone from an alt. But he didnt.

Why? Because he isnt an idiot that wants to lie about what happens to the loot. You should be THANKFUL for that instead of flaming him to hell and back.


can all just shut the fuck up! u kinda make the whine nilj :) saad is doing the right thing and all know stop whine here for good or bad and let the stone get sold insted :)


Originally posted by hestetun
can all just shut the fuck up! u kinda make the whine nilj :) saad is doing the right thing and all know stop whine here for good or bad and let the stone get sold insted :)

I havent flamed for at least a month ffs! :eek:

And this thread with all the idiot whiners was just perfect :D


Originally posted by old.Niljindil
I havent flamed for at least a month ffs! :eek:

And this thread with all the idiot whiners was just perfect :D



What's wrong with selling a stone ? I mean for anybody and everybody.

Anyway it will be difficult to check if the player used it, stored it in his vault, or transferred it to an alt (who can sell it).

Saadyst has a good reason to sell it, so can have any other character in the game. Every player has the same right to lotto for a stone as any other group m8. What happens afterwards with this lotto... no one has a clue.


I am curious (but unwilling to read through the floods of whining here): What is the current bid on the stone? :)


Think its currently 4.1p. Still a bargain. But more cash than i have on all my characters combined.


not really much offers on it, think it will go for 4,1p =)

why buy really, since they actually is no problem getting in a decent guild =)


current bid is now 4.5plat from Okortepu/Dorathanae
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