Auction: Full Skill Respec Stone

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Originally posted by finbahr
he made the rules he should live by them so he done shit load for the realm so have others but would they be banned from future raids.

the rules were set out before the dragon raids started .

not saying he is doing wrong just can't stop anyone else doing the same thing

Tell me 1 rule he ever wrote about leftover stones pliiiiz.
It was not a lotto item, it did not belong to anyone mkay.
He have not broken any rules, this stones was his to do whatever he wanted with, and he have shared them rather fairly.

Gotta admit i would never sell it here personally if i would, but seems he did, and i loose no respect for him, and i hopey ou dont either ^_^

As a matter of fact saady: arranging all this, advancing to more raids, arranging all drops, selling it here to start some flaming and so really LIKE to have a hard time dont you? ^_^


Originally posted by inuyasha

As a matter of fact saady: arranging all this, advancing to more raids, arranging all drops, selling it here to start some flaming and so really LIKE to have a hard time dont you? ^_^

Saadyst - Sadist :D


Yeah, Saady liked it hard!
<turns her attention back to Saady, bent over her knee ready for a whoopin>


Current bid : 4.1plat from cloak

sorry for all the whine.


all i'm saying if its your loot you won it by lotto then its yours and you should be able to do with it as you like

this wat tzee wouldn't be getting flamed and i like the idea of getting +'s every time you don't get anything makes it fair but i agree he does great job i think he shouldn't tell you what to do with your loot


Originally posted by old.Niljindil
Q:In the rules, it said that all loot should be handed over to tzee, right?

A: Yes it did, and joining the raid you agreed with it.

I'm not into flaming you (or Tzee or anyone else for that matter), so please don't take what i'm about to say as a flame at your address. And i don't wanna drag this on much longer (read my former post) but i do want to make a comment at your post.

What i would like to say is "hand over" can be interpretated differently offcourse. My interpretation of hand over is "give away any loot to the person holding the loot for the specific raid". So i make a difference between hand over as in "making someone owner of loot" and hand over as in "give loot to someone to keep it for a certain amount of time without beeing owner".

Maybe you understand my reasoning behind this when i explain i think any loot dropped is for everyone who helped getting it (in this case 150/180 people) untill all parties agree (or have agreed before) on who will be the owner of it. I think it's at that moment when loot belongs to a person and not before. But it's a matter of personal interpretation i guess.

I hope you understand what i mean cause i do understand your reasoning aswell.


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
Thing is Ziva, I never thought I would have stones left over, only after when I realised I would start having quite a bit after the raid left, did I start to think of what to do.

Well that's understandable and i think i made the mistake to think you would lotto them aswell because i believe this was done on Janious raid. So i was wrong in thinking the same rules applied at your raid i guess ;)


The rules are for the NEXT raids, not the ones that have already happened.



Originally posted by old.Niljindil
FAO: Anyone that cant read(which seems to be most people in this thread flaming tzee).

Q:In the rules, it said that all loot should be handed over to tzee, right?

A: Yes it did, and joining the raid you agreed with it.

Q: In the rules, it said that each group would get 2 stones(one RA and one skill) and the "drops" would be lottoed for people interested in the drops, right?

A: Yes it did, and by joining the raid you agreed to that.

Conclusion: You agreed(although indirectly) that tzee could keep anything not included in those rules for himself. If you dont agree with that, you should not, and i repeat, SHOULD NOT HAVE GONE ON THE FUCKING RAID IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU ANALPHABETIC MORONS!

Sorry for the use of bad language and caps, i just had to let that come out....

Edit: If you still feel like saying "this is wrong" then please say it so that i can flame you a second time. :rolleyes:

Edit2: Oh and FYI, the "new rules" he posted is just that, NEW, for FUTURE raids, check what the word means and then try and come back saying he is breaking against his own rules.

tbh i didn't intend on posting in this thread anymore because I've already made my points.

But a retarded (yes i'm resorting to base insults because thats what you used) post like this merits a reply

People agreed to go on the raid because it was UNDERSTOOD, that all stones would be distributed fairly and that none of the stones would be kept by the raid leader.

THIS UNDERSTANDING was IMPLICIT in the raid rules. Had ppl known BEFORE hand that the raid organiser might keep a stone for himself without winning it in a lotto then many might have chosen not to turn up...
so PLEASE go learn urself some basic comprehension before you come forth and spew your noble but falsely placed and losely thought out rhetoric.

IF a raid leader is going to keep any stones after the raid or any item on any raid for himself or his friends etc, this is pre-claim raid and a LOT of people choose not to go to these raids.

Weather Tzee KNEW he would have stones left over AFTERWARDS or NOT is not actually relevant at all here. The fact is that most ppl were under the impression that this would not be the case, and Tzee himself gives this impression for his raids, yet after the raid he took advantage of having the stones in his possession, and therein lies the problem.

And saying that ANYONE agreed ,inderectly too let Tzee keep items for himself is the biggest load of BULLSHIT RETARD NONSENSE I've ever read on these forums (Envenom's posts notwithstanding). You can bet your ASS that if ppl thought that Tzee could keep whatever he wanted from the raid for himself afterwards a shit load of ppl who went might not have turned up, so please don't tell us what we agreed to and didn't agree too.

As for the 'new' rules, again your stupidity and lack of comprehension is astounding. How the fuck can he make these rules and demand of people to follow them just a day or two after he himself is doing exactly the opposite of what he wants people to do ???? Again I quote you Mahatma Gandhi - PRACTISE WHAT YOU PREACH...

Please feel free to flame me, I look forward to your well thought out (or lack thereof ) arguements. Or maybe approach it with an open mind and without the bias of being his friend for a second and you might see that when push came to shove, he compromised on his so called principles, and he compromised the trust of many people, because he just couldn't resist the urge to get the cash he needs for his SC kit by selling the stone... you know what they say?

"Power corrupts, but ABSOLUTE power, corrupts ABSOLUTELY"

and it is sad to see this happen to Tzee.

In conclusion I would like to quote the dictionary.

"hypocrisy:-- A feigning to be better than one is, or to be what one is not: concealment of true charecter of belief (not necessarily concious)"

"hypocrite - one who practises hypocrisy"

edit - for some typing errors :p


"The rules are for the NEXT raids, not the ones that have already happened"

Nol - please clarify something to me...

simple question??? IS it okay to sell dragon loot?

If its okay then what tzee did would be fine had he actually won the stone in a lotto.

and if it is, then whats the point of making the rule?

If it ISN'T okay to sell stones. then the rule is a good one sure.
But if it isn't okay to sell stones then why is it okay for Tzee to do it in advance of making this rule?

I mean this just gets worse and worse....

he does something he claims is wrong, then puts in a rule to say no one can do it FROM NOW on.. but its okay because he did what he says shouldn't be done before he put in this rule? i mean come on this is the ultimate height of hypocricy and double standards.

This isn't a courtroom, we shouldn't be looking for legal loopholes to justify something thats morally questionable, and thats what it is all about.

Tzee should make it clear, either its OKAY to sell stones, or its NOT... if its NOT okay then he should lead by example... if he wants people to follow his rules henceforth.

Or are you trying to tell me, that up until the 25th of may there is nothing wrong with selling stones? But from the 25th of may onwards its something so bad and questionable that people who engage in this will be "banned" from future raids?


Re: ....

Originally posted by old.Ragnorak
tbh i didn't intend on posting in this thread anymore because I've already made my points.

But a retarded (yes i'm resorting to base insults because thats what you used) post like this merits a reply

People agreed to go on the raid because it was UNDERSTOOD, that all stones would be distributed fairly and that none of the stones would be kept by the raid leader.

THIS UNDERSTANDING was IMPLICIT in the raid rules. Had ppl known BEFORE hand that the raid organiser might keep a stone for himself without winning it in a lotto then many might have chosen not to turn up...
so PLEASE go learn urself some basic comprehension before you come forth and spew your noble but falsely placed and losely thought out rhetoric.

IF a raid leader is going to keep any stones after the raid or any item on any raid for himself or his friends etc, this is pre-claim raid and a LOT of people choose not to go to these raids.

Weather Tzee KNEW he would have stones left over AFTERWARDS or NOT is not actually relevant at all here. The fact is that most ppl were under the impression that this would not be the case, and Tzee himself gives this impression for his raids, yet after the raid he took advantage of having the stones in his possession, and therein lies the problem.

And saying that ANYONE agreed ,inderectly too let Tzee keep items for himself is the biggest load of BULLSHIT RETARD NONSENSE I've ever read on these forums (Envenom's posts notwithstanding). You can bet your ASS that if ppl thought that Tzee could keep whatever he wanted from the raid for himself afterwards a shit load of ppl who went might not have turned up, so please don't tell us what we agreed to and didn't agree too.

As for the 'new' rules, again your stupidity and lack of comprehension is astounding. How the fuck can he make these rules and demand of people to follow them just a day or two after he himself is doing exactly the opposite of what he wants people to do ???? Again I quote you Mahatma Gandhi - PRACTISE WHAT YOU PREACH...

Please feel free to flame me, I look forward to your well thought out (or lack thereof ) arguements. Or maybe approach it with an open mind and without the bias of being his friend for a second and you might see that when push came to shove, he compromised on his so called principles, and he compromised the trust of many people, because he just couldn't resist the urge to get the cash he needs for his SC kit by selling the stone... you know what they say?

"Power corrupts, but ABSOLUTE power, corrupts ABSOLUTELY"

and it is sad to see this happen to Tzee.

In conclusion I would like to quote the dictionary.

"hypocrisy:-- A feigning to be better than one is, or to be what one is not: concealment of true charecter of belief (not necessarily concious)"

"hypocrite - one who practises hypocrisy"

edit - for some typing errors :p


All i can say is:

Lol, stfu ffs.

if you wanna know why, read my former posts :p

And to you: why would anyone not show up, when everyone still got what they was promised? It dont make any difference what so ever, everyone on the raid had a 25% chase of getting a stone, and they was told this before they came, and it was what they was promised.


it does seem like double standards in a way, tzee disallowing the sale of stones from his raids after he sells one, and actually i cant think of how to justify this :p

however tzee makes the raids, and his tactics are no secret, if you dont like what he does then dont go on them or organise them yourself.


Re: Re: ....

Originally posted by inuyasha

All i can say is:

Lol, stfu ffs.

if you wanna know why, read my former posts :p

And to you: why would anyone not show up, when everyone still got what they was promised? It dont make any difference what so ever, everyone on the raid had a 25% chase of getting a stone, and they was told this before they came, and it was what they was promised.

why the fuck are u staying on BW more then ingame , ur guild gave u a respec stone and u use more time debatting this then playing for ur guild lame ass!!! :(


Re: Re: Re: ....

Originally posted by hestetun
why the fuck are u staying on BW more then ingame , ur guild gave u a respec stone and u use more time debatting this then playing for ur guild lame ass!!! :(

I dont feel like playing daoc right now you ass, its just a game and someone need to realise that before your gf kick your ass mkay! I play when i want to ^_^

Besides, bw is a part of playing the game, so shut it :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: ....

Originally posted by inuyasha
I dont feel like playing daoc right now you ass, its just a game and someone need to realise that before your gf kick your ass mkay! I play when i want to ^_^

Besides, bw is a part of playing the game, so shut it :)

then why the fuck did u take the respec stone then ? isent that abit stupid, could go to sargeras;)


Becase i still play the game =)
Just case i dont log in at 23.30 in the night dont mean i have quitted mate ^_^

Dont wolly lil heste, when you need my new mana skills, im going to pl j00r ass! =)

Cept that, waiting for the sc set to be completed (tomorrow or something) so i can have mana again, boring to rvr with green armor mkay?

Ditch the respec stone, im staying active, but mainly as bard as for now, im sooo addicted to runsong 5 :lol:

But, i now have a mana bomb for emergencies and ggs that need one, and i find that rather practic really. And i never claimed to anyone i needed the stone more then anyone, but that i was interested and it would be practic, and since they figured it out and not me, i guess it was my turn =)


think its lame anyway!

and for all those that post any crap more to saad now get life plz! all got what they wanted all is happy....not let me and inu fight


Originally posted by hestetun
and for all those that post any crap more to saad now get life plz! all got what they wanted all is happy....not let me and inu fight


Me :swords: heste


and ur not even on IRC showing ur intresset nerf those who takes and not givf!


Originally posted by hestetun
and ur not even on IRC showing ur intresset nerf those who takes and not givf!

Pay back what you have borrowed from me irl and ingame and we can talk mkay :great:


Originally posted by inuyasha
Pay back what you have borrowed from me irl and ingame and we can talk mkay :great:

haha u got pwnd by urself hehehe. its a game ! not RL ;D remember :D RL is something else


Originally posted by hestetun
haha u got pwnd by urself hehehe. its a game ! not RL ;D remember :D RL is something else

not really, you owe me cash ingame as well :D
But, it seems if im supposed to get pwnd, i gotta do it myself, case your forum-fight skillls seems rusty!


hehe yep ^^ to long away from AP :D men du seriøst ass ikke ta respec for å ikke spille , er dårlig gjort mot guilden. sorry men det er det


Originally posted by hestetun
hehe yep ^^ to long away from AP :D men du seriøst ass ikke ta respec for å ikke spille , er dårlig gjort mot guilden. sorry men det er det

stfu lille venn, bare at jeg i motsetning til deg ikke spiller FOR mye :p


Originally posted by inuyasha
stfu lille venn, bare at jeg i motsetning til deg ikke spiller FOR mye :p

lille NERF :X og jeg spiller ikke mye , jeg var syk idag!
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