Apocalyse guys theifs ?

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Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Since when does a wrong negate another wrong?
looking at the SS Farek says he will let you try again and if you wipe they will try.
You tried again, and wiped.
AD tried and got the cloak.

Farek kept his word if im reading this right.

Though i dont think AD realy need to camp SoM and do it every time its up just to flog it for cash. The insane spawn timer on it is punishment enough :m00:


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
katt! said:
If they have to go get more people to complete an encounter, then its free for all. not like anyone would care if i parked a cloudsongbot at eramais spot and told everyone who got near to "FO I JUST NEED MORE PPL".

i rate this thread 92% on the amg-leeching list.

I simply took that from what they posted, interpret it as you want, It comes across that they were "worried" they might get enough people to do the encounter and poor old AD wouldnt get it...

Does that sound better to you??

It wasnt a case of 1 person it was a case of an LD person from what I understand.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kinad said:
Sad we had to goto war about this. Im thinking maybe to get a mincer with max tireless and longwind, getting him shitloads of end potions so i can move around fast and not only learn from the best, but also assist them if needed.

Welcome to kindergarden :worthy:


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Awful said:
Tay, so wich of the useless nas nas xdd spaniards are you then?

Ah a Biggot racist ignorant moron I see.


Jan 22, 2004
i couldn't care less if i come off as the biggest prick in your book,
but i'd rather do it on my own without kinad lying and breaking the coc.
when we weren't doing anything wrong at all. and kinad not responding
to what i said about the salamander is all the evidence i need. however,
the next time i'll frequently spam the ss button and highlight a promise or whatever,
and then claim that the promise wasn't forfilled alltho it was to get your naive sympathy.
they did have another try, farek kept his word. next time we won't wait tho.

and btw sword, seeing how kinad & co acted when they tried to wipe us with salamander and then have the guts to post a whine thread _and_ lie about how they wasn't allowed to give it a try. they deserve whatever they have comming.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Aybabtu said:
What about all us other tossers that might need it :p

I think you'll find the entire world revolves around AD and thier members, if you dont believe me then just ask them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tay said:
I think you'll find the entire world revolves around AD and thier members, if you dont believe me then just ask them.
Or maybe, just maybe, noone of us gives a fuck about what artifacts some random stealther want? I'd rather see SoM on my cm than on some scout who will go RP RP ADD ADD NAS xD at amg.


Jan 19, 2004
i'm an asshole and i'm proud of it

totally agree with katt to a billion %


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
laaken said:
i couldn't care less if i come off as the biggest prick in your book,
but i'd rather do it on my own without kinad lying and breaking the coc.
when we weren't doing anything wrong at all. and kinad not responding
to what i said about the salamander is all the evidence i need. however,
the next time i'll frequently spam the ss button and highlight a promise or whatever,
and then claim that the promise wasn't forfilled alltho it was to get your naive sympathy. they did have another try, farek kept his word. next time we won't wait tho.

There was not one hit made on any mob after that promise.

Apoc party where not even on the map only Farek and Laarken.
Our deaths happend before Farek logged on, and people where rezzed at the time he got into the game. He wanted to stall us, since we where getting ready to pull while his guys where inc, so he made this promise.

We newer redid it, we waited for ld trusting Farek would keep his word.
There was noone inc, there was no BB and there was no questions asked from
apoc before they pulled, even tho we had an agreement. They pulled when ready.

Btw salamander was spawned at statues and it agroed me, well i try to run from it but sadly died. So your complaining about what you think my intentions where, altho you got no agro. Please make posts about every players bad intention, because your obvious psychic.

We did not retry the encount and failed, they pulled before we had the chance.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
laaken said:
i couldn't care less if i come off as the biggest prick in your book,
but i'd rather do it on my own without kinad lying and breaking the coc.
when we weren't doing anything wrong at all. and kinad not responding
to what i said about the salamander is all the evidence i need. however,
the next time i'll frequently spam the ss button and highlight a promise or whatever,
and then claim that the promise wasn't forfilled alltho it was to get your naive sympathy. they did have another try, farek kept his word. next time we won't wait tho.

My naive sympathy? I assure you, you have no sympathy from me.

I seek no such thing nor do I even give one iota of what you think, I said as I have said several times, one person has posted some information, you and your associate have not posted one shred of proof.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Awful stole my girlfriend :/

i was waiting for my RS to go and he just went a took her ;/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
katt! said:
Or maybe, just maybe, noone of us gives a fuck about what artifacts some random stealther want? I'd rather see SoM on my cm than on some scout who will go RP RP ADD ADD NAS xD at amg.

Im with u m8.. Get Kinad to shut up :twak:


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
katt! said:
Or maybe, just maybe, noone of us gives a fuck about what artifacts some random stealther want? I'd rather see SoM on my cm than on some scout who will go RP RP ADD ADD NAS xD at amg.

Ah, I'm guessing your another AD then?

Nuff said.

Since you brought up AMG I'm quite sure that everybody will give you guys a nice wide berth now..


Jan 22, 2004
maybe that's because i didn't spam the ss button just in case i had to prove my case to some random post farmer on fh? you're so daft it's starting to be annoying.

and kinad you stupid fuck, you're such a fucking liar you're starting to make me mad.
i and farek could've easily started the encounter alone, and then fight the sphinxes until backup came, since it's not how hard they are that limit the amount you have to be, it's the 30 minute timer you have to do it on before it resets. we choose to wait and let you have another try (which you got, but failed completing it), and you didn't say anything about a LD, which i don't even believe exists since you're pinocio gone bad, before we had started the encounter. oh btw, the salamander doesn't spawn there moron *** and tasteless drivel removed ***


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Awful said:
yes, because the anatheamic salamander spawns there... put +1 lie to Kinad
It actually does, or at least it was there this afternoon (and one at the normal spawn near the TR entrance, so two in all). I was confused when Bahamot died just seconds after he left the SoM spawn, and was surprised to see the bad-ass salamander just close by.

From the 1.67b patch:
More than one Anathemic Salamander may spawn at a time now.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
laaken said:
and btw sword, seeing how kinad & co acted when they tried to wipe us with salamander and then have the guts to post a whine thread _and_ lie about how they wasn't allowed to give it a try. they deserve whatever they have comming.

Both Carrera and Lightnin from my guild require this cloak.
Carrera has been sat waiting for it to pop for 13 hours yesterday.
Its not fair on him or anyone else who desire this item to be punished because you feel wronged.
As i said, two wrongs dont make a right.


Jan 19, 2004
err ok my bad then, but pulling it right through us and staying as the salamander was just on us was not a mistake. this was done trying to get us killed.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Fedaykin said:
Awful stole my girlfriend :/

i was waiting for my RS to go and he just went a took her ;/
u can buy her back on his CM for only 15p !! (Slightly used)

tbh anyone who has come into contact w/Kinad knows he is full of shit and tries to throw mud at ppl when he doesn't get his way.

this thing about "big" guilds threatening little guilds is very very stupid. I would be pissed off to hear about that. I am shocked that someone I know might use that threat.

Artifacts have made ppl go a bit nuts and ML made some ppl think that they are errr well "powerful" ... it's funny to see people make total asses of themselves over an online game for "items" that are quite easy to get. These people often seemed quite sane at other times, but for some reason TOA turns them into morons.

Oh well it's over soon !


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yes pulling mobs with the expressed intent of getting another player killed is inded wrong too. And leeching from them in the future with your wtf own end regen pots is AGAINST the COC...which you seem to be wholeheartedly clinging onto for dear life in the hope that it will make you in the right.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
swords said:
Carrera has been sat waiting for it to pop for 13 hours yesterday

in those 13hrs, he could have farmed more than enough cash to buy it from cms...


Jan 19, 2004
swords said:
Both Carrera and Lightnin from my guild require this cloak.
Carrera has been sat waiting for it to pop for 13 hours yesterday.
Its not fair on him or anyone else who desire this item to be punished because you feel wronged.
As i said, two wrongs dont make a right.

Sitting there camping is not the good way of getting this artifact. We just randomly run by there every once in a while and if it's up we'll grab it for the cash. No problem really getting it once a day or so if you have a capable crew you can call on whenever you find it up.

Most of the time we do it with 2 people dual-logged.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I know its not a good way, he decided to go play CS on his other PC while he waited.
me and a couple of others were doing ML7 at the time anyway so we weren't realy in a position to do a great deal of art farming.
Will give it a whirl tonight though and fingers crossed it'll be up :)
(still dont agree with this selling them buisness, we done it once per person in guild who needs and thats it.)

Also its no good if you keep doing it because people need credit even if they buy it from you...


Jan 22, 2004
swords, it has been a week or two since we did it for ourselves the last time. last time we did it, we helped a lonely guy that just stood there, because he asked nick for help, to get it with our 2 fg artifact zerg, (which New Order was the other group of).
and as awful said, dragging the mob trough us so we would get aggro is completely wrong, and i'm just glad the dd storm was down atm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
swords said:
Yes pulling mobs with the expressed intent of getting another player killed is inded wrong too. And leeching from them in the future with your wtf own end regen pots is AGAINST the COC...which you seem to be wholeheartedly clinging onto for dear life in the hope that it will make you in the right.

I can move where i chose and strike any enemy target in rvr zone. I suggest
you go find me a place in the CoC where it says otherwise. Was just pointing
out that since they think i should not be allowed to rvr with scout, i need to find other ways to improve my gamming experience on.


As you can see its in the area where i got agro and AD was doing the artifact.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kinad said:
I can move where i chose and strike any enemy target in rvr zone. I suggest
you go find me a place in the CoC where it says otherwise. Was just pointing
out that since they think i should not be allowed to rvr with scout, i need to find other ways to improve my gamming experience on.

..and the CoC says nothing about attacking mobs near random scouts. If you are NOT CURRENTLY IN COMBAT WITH THE MOB, ITS NOT "YOURS".


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
laaken said:
maybe that's because i didn't spam the ss button just in case i had to prove my case to some random post farmer on fh? you're so daft it's starting to be annoying.
-- Useless distribe edited out --

I dont care whether you think I'm daft or not, you have nothing, no screenies, nothing..

I have edited your quote to remove your inane rantings.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tay said:
I dont care whether you think I'm daft or not, you have nothing, no screenies, nothing..

I have edited your quote to remove your inane rantings.

Kinad dont have any proof of anything either, he have a screenshot of farek saying he can try again. Noone is saying that didnt happen. Kinad is _saying_ they didnt get a second try however he have no proof of this. Its also known to many that
1. Kinad dont like us.
2. He talks alot of crap.

You choose to believe Kinad not because he have any proof (because he dont) but because you for some reason think his word > our word.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kinad said:
I can move where i chose and strike any enemy target in rvr zone. I suggest
you go find me a place in the CoC where it says otherwise. Was just pointing
out that since they think i should not be allowed to rvr with scout, i need to find other ways to improve my gamming experience on.


As you can see its in the area where i got agro and AD was doing the artifact.

ty for a new ss that still doesnt prove anything....

gimp :twak:
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