[TB]Sunwolf said:Funniest thing is stunning the bard and watching the whole train stand in a line behind them waiting to be mezzed (only happens with noobs though)
Exioce said:This happens when I single stun Sunwolf too
Vodkafairy said:k
ROFL, you're claiming the same thing
Maybe you should stop hiding behind a tree waiting for your 170 man zerg to show up, and then start shooting people in a desperate attempt to get rps
"Een beter milieu begint bij jezelf"... If you don't want hibs to zerg, or hibs to whine at you and your zerging friends, then don't give them a reason to.
If it was you on hib side, entering emain, and facing 15+ fg's of albs, would you not think those people are a bit retarded? Doubt it :x
Glottis said:I'm not saying the same thing.
Albs have it much harder to play well than Mids or Hibs do.
It has nothing to do with skill, but only with much greater damage output by Midgard or Hibernia.
Albs have too many abilities spread over too many classes. Simple fact.
If Alb fg vs a fgh or fgm plays equally well, Albs will lose.
Albs have to play better than the fgh or fgm to win.
And all you Hibs and Mids can really shut up about Albs zerging, cause you lot have outzerged Albion most of the past month.
Regards, Glottis :kissit:
But we dont have to run to our enemies to kill themExioce said:This happens when I single stun Sunwolf too
Divinia said:"It has nothing to do with skill, but only with much greater damage output by Midgard or Hibernia." <- plz tell me, how exactly does BM groups containing: bard, druid, druid, warden/druid, hero, bm, bm. do more dmg than a albgroup that contains:
merc, merc, merc, cleric, cleric, mincer, pally, sorc.. albs only weakness there as i can see it is resistbuffs and clothwearer (and instamezz)... nothing with dmg output.. do u really play in groups?
Lethul said:well, tbh.. isnt it a bit unfair that you compare an hib group of 7 chars to a group of 8 albs? :touch:
Divinia said:sorry, add another BM there
Glottis said:I thought the typical hib group was a caster group?
There is 1 fgh running around as a tank group, the rest is mainly pbaoe based.
My argument still holds, the BM group would not be the optimal group for Hibernia really. Why would Mids go with a caster group when they have savages?
Regards, Glottis
Glottis said:I thought the typical hib group was a caster group?
There is 1 fgh running around as a tank group, the rest is mainly pbaoe based.
My argument still holds, the BM group would not be the optimal group for Hibernia really. Why would Mids go with a caster group when they have savages?
Regards, Glottis
Jaond said:And the typical alb group is a stealthergroup...
Divinia said:"It has nothing to do with skill, but only with much greater damage output by Midgard or Hibernia." <- plz tell me, how exactly does BM groups containing: bard, druid, druid, warden/druid, hero, bm, bm. do more dmg than a albgroup that contains:
merc, merc, merc, cleric, cleric, mincer, pally, sorc.. albs only weakness there as i can see it is resistbuffs and clothwearer (and instamezz)... nothing with dmg output.. do u really play in groups?
Yeah! (I've decided to take this at face value, btw.Divinia said:Creds to SS and HG (and similar guilds) for doing what they find fun and playing the classes they like, and keep porting odins/running to HW. i like that style the most!
Lejemorder said:dmg output bm>merc coz of 1 thing.. tw and also tw>dtyes dt can be usefull if used right,
ohh another thing most bms r pierce spec right? alb chain vurnabel(sp?) to thrust attack and if u run with 3 merc and 2 cleric it r 5 out of 8 ppl u get + to and also in a typical hib grp does u have 4 healing classes compared to 2 in an alb grp.. yes ofc warden r maybe spamming grp bt but that still 3 healing classes!!
think that was all...
ps: if an alb grp want a bt in there grp they have to take out 1 merc coz taking out a cleric, the mincer, the pala or the sorc is not an option means only 2 det tank. yes i know a pala can still tank but they hit for nearly nothing dmg even with spamathyst slash, but what does that coz they can slam, but hib can get that too if the change a bm with a hero and a hero got det!!
Fluid said:in this day and age of daoc, killing savages/bm's mercs first is the way to win in tank grps, if u are stupid enough to think TW > DT in that respect you are sadly mistaken.
Also you forgot to mention SOS/BOF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GP/BAOD in hib vs alb tank grps.
All u whiny fuck albs need to look at AD and learn instead of QQ'ing 24/7
Lethul said:rofl at this.. i remember the flames JH have gotten for attacking tanks first![]()
vintervargen said:you dont attack tanks cause of tactics, your strategy is formed after F8
Lethul said:rofl at this.. i remember the flames JH have gotten for attacking tanks first![]()
Fluid said:? u think me, dons etc went blade spec for a joke? pretty sure it was to kill savages. But we both dropped out bm's now, watch out for teh vgn leet grps inc to u soon Oo
Glottis said:I'm not saying the same thing.
Albs have it much harder to play well than Mids or Hibs do.
It has nothing to do with skill, but only with much greater damage output by Midgard or Hibernia.
Albs have too many abilities spread over too many classes. Simple fact.
If Alb fg vs a fgh or fgm plays equally well, Albs will lose.
Albs have to play better than the fgh or fgm to win.
And all you Hibs and Mids can really shut up about Albs zerging, cause you lot have outzerged Albion most of the past month.
Regards, Glottis :kissit:
Vodkafairy said:I was hoping you would come up with a comment like that. Playing well has nothing to do with winning.. you can play perfect and still lose. And like div said, an alb tank group has the same damage output as a hib tank group so there aint a problem there. The problem lies with fucktards like you who want to win all fights, but are too retarded and/or lazy to actually put an effort in making groups and practising with setups, so instead they roll a scout to leech off the zerg.
keep it up gimpo
heheThis happens when I single stun Sunwolf too