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- #31
patch 1.53 -1.54 are death for mages, all types, all spell users with cloth, bye bye.
Originally posted by klavrynd
One thing you seem to forget on the resistance issue is that casters need to buff up on 3 resistances (crush/slash/thrust) vs tanks whereas tanks have 6 (heat/cold/matter/body/spirit/energy) they need to buff up to have damage absorption from all casters. Add to that the fact you can easily swap a piece of armor for lower qua dropped stuff to maximise resists and have minor consequences of it.
On the hp remark : The game isn't only RvR , the little part before that called exping is a major part as well. I do think that you were happing whilst exping that the tanks you grouped with had shedloads of hp.
Originally posted by SilverHood
if you see a tank use IP or FA, dont keep on nuking... do your CC thing and run away a bit... then start nuking
Originally posted by old.Charonel
all a tank has to do to totally nullify a caster in the coming patchess is get close and /stick, that's it
err casters get nuked by other casters too dont they or am I missing something?
Originally posted by old.Charonel
with all due respect a pure tank should NOT be able to kill casters when starting the fight from max range, casters are supposed to own max range, if constantly nuking/CCing etc... from max range all the way to meelee can't bloody kill one then what's the point in even trying?
Originally posted by old.Charonel
fa2 is ENTIRELY usable, there's this little thing called slam, use it when you reach the caster, if you are on very low health (would only happen in this patch really) then wait a bit and use fa just as they come out of slam, shouldnt be to hard to time right, it'll take a certain amount ot time for them to cast again even with a quickcast. or alternatively you could, with great ease, kill them during slam...
Originally posted by old.willowywicca
<snip>the point of the game is not 1 vs 1 fighting, it's Realm vs Realm fights, </snip>
Originally posted by Pixie.Pebr
Again can't be arsed to read through all the whine, because again the discussion is made from the point of view that there is a one-on-one encounter (atleast it was until I stopped reading).
DAoC is not a singleplayer shoot-em up
If a class easily outdo your class one on one, then bring a friend or 50 of another class to support you and stop the bloody useless whines.
Or go play CS.
Originally posted by klavrynd
One thing you seem to forget on the resistance issue is that casters need to buff up on 3 resistances (crush/slash/thrust) vs tanks whereas tanks have 6 (heat/cold/matter/body/spirit/energy) they need to buff up to have damage absorption from all casters. Add to that the fact you can easily swap a piece of armor for lower qua dropped stuff to maximise resists and have minor consequences of it.
Originally posted by censi
yer charonal disagree with you big time there..
The pure nuke specced mages in DAOC are the deadlist killers in the game.
The damage is insane... (to insane)
sure mages are vulnerable and die fast.... but they need to lower those 500+ nukes big time