Anyone on the march tomorrow?



Not by much, either way I will continue to work as will most of the other people in this country whether we go to war or not. This fact is why many people really just don't give a fuck and those that do could be equally split between for and against. No one believes war is nice but at the end of the day the woolies seem to not have an answer to solving the problem and neither do they sing from the same hymn sheet, some are even concerned with conscription :rolleyes:


[_] .cage
[_] Summo
[X] Ono
[_] Xane

You notice in the picture of Starbucks which had at least 5 policeofficers outside it, did they want coffee? possibly but no. They were protecting it from the 100s? 1000s? of Anti-Capitalist protesters who were there.


Originally posted by Embattle
No one believes war is nice but at the end of the day the woolies seem to not have an answer to solving the problem and neither do they sing from the same hymn sheet, some are even concerned with conscription :rolleyes:
The fact the liberals don't have all the answers doesn't mean going to war is the only answer.


Originally posted by Will.
The fact the liberals don't have all the answers doesn't mean going to war is the only answer.

Oh art the rhetoric of a liberal, a typical answer but one that always shoots the person saying it in the foot since it says I don't like the answer provided but I don't have a better one, if one at all.


It seems the general attitude of the people on this forum is

'YAY, war lets go in with our planes, soliders tanks and take out sadam'

Then what?

'OH that the easy part!!! then we just install a democratic goverment and leave it at that, the world will be all better again'

I see, so then the arab people wont be even more pissed off at us and we wont have more chance at terrorist attacks?

'Well if we do we just attack the countries that harboured them aswell, duhhh'

uh huh............... :/


You're all retarded. The point is that the reasons for being against war are not just that war is bad, and yet everyone seems to be ignoring this fact? All the rightwingers say that the liberals are being pansies, and all the liberals are saying make love not war. It's a crock of fucking shit tbh.. there is no good answer and that doesnt mean we should automatically go to war.


The excuse for war is terrorism.

The excuse to terrorize is the war.


But saddam is not a terrorist in the strictest sense of the term.. he's a dictator, and a fuckwit.. that doesn't make war legal.


Funnily enough nath, thats what I said. I'm happy to let the UN decide what to do. I don't have all the facts, so I can't give answers. I just don't want a war because the US is still hungry for blood after September the 11th. They haven't even finished with Afghanistan yet, their attention span has moved on. They really seem to have caused more harm than good.


Originally posted by nath
But saddam is not a terrorist in the strictest sense of the term.. he's a dictator, and a fuckwit.. that doesn't make war legal.

Did I say he was, don't think so reply was to fur and his comment on terrorism and it is how certain governments, terrorists etc use events as excuses.


Im not saying i'm for war! I'm against it at them moment, mainly because Blair and his cronies are treating us as if we were common Americans, which the British population are not. unfortunatly i haven't read or heard any compelling evidence, just a constant babble that sadam has WMD and is dangerous.


Then there was that dossier fiasco, and you cant help being skeptical with the last half decade of spin thats been coming out of the Labour goverment.
Plus there is George Bush basically saying 'I dont care about what the rest of the world thinks, i want to take out sadam and if you wont help you'd all better just watch you cant stop me' !!!!

And yes sadam is a fucking twat, and yes he does need to be removed, but there has to be a better way to do it, i just dont know what that is.

//Edit: Whats bullshit, the idea that the muslim population wont be more mad! are you nieve!!!


I don't like George Bush, then again neither do quite a few Americans which is why demonising all Americans isn't exactly fair.


Thats why i said 'common', i've met some really nice amercians, well informed, knowing whats going on etc.

Met this big bloke from california on the eurostar a few months back, it turned one he was one of these head merchandisers for films like MIB 2 etc.. He hated Bush and was appaled at the way he spoke, his mannerisms and the cowboy thinking. However he did say that the average american is not too bright, i didn't even bring it up.
A good way to see this is to watch Fox news on Sky digital. Its like the Daily Mirrors of news channels :/


tbh, just saw blairs speech.. nuff respect.

Not sure I agree that war is the right thing to do, but he sounds fairly reasonable. Not winning a popularity contest etc.


The only reason I would be against the war is the fact that we would end up giving away more council houses and handing out millions more pounds to the Iraqi asylum seekers, who decide it's a little too noisy with all the bombs dropping and that it was time for them to travel through half of Europe to reach the good old UK.

If we are going to war with Iraq we should make sure no one can leave, and that the poor hard done by Iraqi's stay and fight the leader they hate so much.


You're a fucking cock. I hope you die.

That is all.


Wars are usually just a robery on a much larger scale, as a rule I believe that war from democratic nations should be the last option.

However somewhere in my mixed emotions in this situation I believe that there is not a realistic way getting Sadam to give up power, treat the Iraqi people better or anything that would improve the situation of the Iraqi people by just talking.

On the area of needing a legal reason to attack Sadam/Iraq. I strongly believe that a dictatorship is legetiment government, so the reason should be giving the the oppressed people a government by the people instead of a government by the gun.

In this case people demonstrating saying "look at the poor innocent Iraqi people" should look at the long term. A war will caus less deaths then leaving Sadam in charge.

If my English isn't that clear I am sorry it's just that I am tired :eek:


Has it ever struck the American government that, at least partially as a result of September 11th, the Middle East is utterly buggered up and anti-American feeling is at an all-time high? In short, that it has gone just as Bin Laden would have wanted?

No, didn't think so.


Originally posted by FatBusinessman
Has it ever struck the American government that, at least partially as a result of September 11th, the Middle East is utterly buggered up and anti-American feeling is at an all-time high? In short, that it has gone just as Bin Laden would have wanted?

I disagree, the Iranian revolution during the 1980s was extremely anti-American, way more than it is now. In fact the Carter and Reagan administrations learnt the old "divide and rule" tactic, by sucking up to some ME states like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, as well as offering sanctuary to Iranian dissidents, BTW the UK was just as involved as well. Later on they promoted more tolerant and moderate politicians in Iran after the Ayatollah's death.

ObL could never achieve the kind of religious hatred that Iran had back then, he doesn't have 60 million people behind him for a start.

Most Arab states dislike Saddam because his regime is based on nationalism not religion, he seeks to expand his influence by military might and that is initially on his neighbours, regardless of whether they are Islamic or not, there is no general Arab unity behind Saddam's cause.


Originally posted by furofknight

//Edit: Whats bullshit, the idea that the muslim population wont be more mad! are you nieve!!!

Better make sure we get them all then!


If you think about it logically, we are better off bombing as many of them as possible. That way we stand the best chance of getting the terrorists.


They dont deserve punishment, they deserve gunishment!


I say we take off, nuke the entire site from orbit.
Only way to be sure.

Also wij was your signature the result of your headstick slipping on the paste?

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