Anyone else having this little problem?



Actually you might be on to something there. Several hundred thousand people downloading a quite large patch, mostly US kids too so that'll fook up any routing for me for a while.

But now everything is back up, why didn't we get a little explanation?


Originally posted by Pixie.Pebr
You in Sweden Svartmetall (I guess so ;))?
With as ISP?

I did some poking around and I doubt GOA is responsible for my troubles this time...
Getting an increase in pingtime from 50 to 120 when hopping from in Amsterdam to in NYC, then it just builds up on the way back to Europe and Prydwen, peaking at 220.
That is the times I actually manage to make a full tracert at all.

i'm with as ISP and it seem the further they get into the jungle what they call Europe the more they reroute thru the previous one as all my traffic goes thru the US aswell. kinda odd way to connect to france, from Holland to US back to France while Holland/Belgium/France would be faster tbh.

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