Any advice how to kill a Merc? and how to kill Theondon too? :>


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Neffneff said:
just go and attack the foppish sleeves mob (cyrek) he throws people pretty high.

Just call Xalin a gimp on /as and in a day or two you be sent flying through the air with "SPLAT" being yelled at you :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Corran said:
Censi, you realise mercs get pbaoe fumble as well already? Because by looks of it you dont.

It is their RR5 ability and it gets resisted 75% of the time.

Yes DT is overpowered in a 1vs1, but then there a lot of things that are overpowered in a 1vs1 that come as standard on characters. Is it fair you can FZ someone and continue to hit them without them hitting you back? As that basically the same as DT but least when DT'd it only a chance not to hit back. A big chance but still only a chance, FZ is a certainty. May not last as long but is still a powerful tool...

Well it is as long as you dont use it just before getting rr5 stunned by a theurg, still think it funny when that happened to you. Shear luck on the timing :D

Anyways, the point is there alot of abilities that are overpowered in 1vs1 in each realm. Ways to counter them all mind you. You dont seem to complain about many the others though such as the Vamp fumble debuff (but then you dont fight that). It can be continuously applied, does seem to succeed more then it doesnt from my experience as every vamp lands it on me and on top of this they get alot more powerfull abilities (claw spamming, HoT etc etc)
well i find it resisted allot, (merc fumble cant be resisted)
and aye claw spamming. you gotta be a quick killer. otherwise thatll happen to you (unless your a caster. then the vamp doesnt have to put evade/parry buff up first, just 30% Weapskill buff and your set).
and HoT.. my 15 value HoT doesnt help at all :p

ps.. i think there are more VE or Dem vamps around then SM ones, but im not sure of that of course. barely ever see a vamp fighting some1


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Devilseye said:
well i find it resisted allot, (merc fumble cant be resisted)
and aye claw spamming. you gotta be a quick killer. otherwise thatll happen to you (unless your a caster. then the vamp doesnt have to put evade/parry buff up first, just 30% Weapskill buff and your set).
and HoT.. my 15 value HoT doesnt help at all :p

ps.. i think there are more VE or Dem vamps around then SM ones, but im not sure of that of course. barely ever see a vamp fighting some1

Been fighting abuot 4 different vamps in the past couple days with my tic... with my rr5 up i can actually win often (if i can kite a bit and use some arti abilities+banelord stuff). But Im always fumble debuffed. Just lucky that i got 5minute purge (but if they clever they reapply it).

Most of them claw spam at some point in the fight, I cant kill fast as a tic in melee so they get decent power up. Just depends if I got abilities up to get past it. And though it may not be the best HoT some have it still keeps them alive. I have to be able to kite them to heal or it is enough even if it only heals 5% a time which is plenty if someone fumbles all the attacks :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Sojik's got 2588 hp with con 2 tough 3.

Not quite fully templated, get another 60 or so.. but thats pretty much as max as i can get it. He is a smurf after all. Best Illu to kill a merc as Cylian said Gravity, or let someone rough him up loads first :D

Merc's are after all our bane, as zerkers are to inf's takes a very special kind of inf to play tag with a tooled up zerker.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Yes DT is overpowered in a 1vs1, but then there a lot of things that are overpowered in a 1vs1 that come as standard on characters. Is it fair you can FZ someone and continue to hit them without them hitting you back? As that basically the same as DT but least when DT'd it only a chance not to hit back. A big chance but still only a chance, FZ is a certainty. May not last as long but is still a powerful tool...

Well it is as long as you dont use it just before getting rr5 stunned by a theurg, still think it funny when that happened to you. Shear luck on the timing

Anyways, the point is there alot of abilities that are overpowered in 1vs1 in each realm. Ways to counter them all mind you. You dont seem to complain about many the others though such as the Vamp fumble debuff (but then you dont fight that). It can be continuously applied, does seem to succeed more then it doesnt from my experience as every vamp lands it on me and on top of this they get alot more powerfull abilities (claw spamming, HoT etc etc)

FZ 15 minute RUT, 9 sec duration stun. Target can use heal pots, crack malice or battler to counter it. FZ is awesome, but considering the rut and duration its fine. You have bainlord shit much more OP than FZ tbh, or reactionary stuns ffs. This 9 second stun though is the rangers main attack tool. They took that off a 2 minute RUT where it was OP, 15 minute RUT is fine.

DT is in a different fucking league. If I need to explain why or you think its in the same league its a lost cause. You cant counter it. Its duration is insane. In fact I would almost say, any decent merc that uses DT in a melee dual cannot possibly loose??? No? maybe Wargard and battler versus a real leet heavy tank or summin?? but even then the merc can counter with his own additional timers?

With regards to vamps. Tbh most peeps (melee classes) dont struggle with these. If a vamp has power at start of fight your in for a world of pain, if not your gonna win as a light tank tbh. I can confortably duel vamps on my ranger and win, dont think they too OP, except dem spec V mages tbh. If I can beat them I know like tanks would pwn them.

Just cant see how anyone could even attempt to argue this ability isnt completly fucking hidious.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
and you cant use your speed shout to run away then come back?

you cant use fz and run away then come back?

Just 2 ways to counter it.. just because you cant stand toe to toe with them for 30seconds doesnt stop you attempting..

And all them things you said that can be used while FZ'd you can use while DT'd.

It is a powerful ability as i said but you just got to react to when it is used


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
u have to use purge before using speed boost, becuase you always have like dots and stuff on you. and you run risk of merc charging or breaking speed with spike.

I could use FZ to escape. but i wont. I use that as an offensive ability, consider it a waste with the RUT to use it to flee tbh i would rather bite dust.

so yes.... but these dont stop the ability being retarded??? your just fucking fleeing from it!

its OK to have OP shit just RUN!


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
So basically Mercs under RR5 are just about killable, possibly, if you are very lucky :>
But over RR5 then the RAs and everything else makes it pain heaven and be ready to eat grass, unless when you see DT, you vanish, re-poison, come back 30 secs later and continue?

Now I just need to learn how to beat Theodon :>

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
illu said:
Now I just need to learn how to beat Theodon :>

Oli - Illu

Use one of these babies:


And then you can either drop him off a bridge or use throwing daggers & CL spells to finish him off!

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