Any advice how to kill a Merc? and how to kill Theondon too? :>

Dec 31, 2003
Cylian said:
gravity works like a charm ;)

haha yah, and PA kiting them :p

PA+CD run, ( dieases and dots on weaopns )

then stalk them and re PA until they ip/use timers etc ( to make the fight abit more equal ), a crush merc that battlers u and banspikes will 3 shot you as a shade/inf :p


Loyal Freddie
May 7, 2004
i can agree that dt is anoying to meet. me myselfe dont alway use it if not outnumbered
ore get jumped when im low hp.
although vamps fumble spells i hear no complaining about that ever
im not sure of the value of vamps fumble but i dont think its far away from mercs dt.s value
but runtrough a whole fight is so zzzzzz ofc every one can and will play as they want i still think its noobish


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
GrIrcSpammer said:
2990 with con 4 k ? go back to bed =)

Are you saying you reach 2990 hits with just aug con 4? (I must've misunderstood you, because that seems unlikely).

Anyways, show a screenshot of your SB with 2990 hits and the RA's / buffed con you used to get that. Remember to tell the amount of +hits in the template.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
The SB that had 3k hp was: A RR12, CL5 , with 400 hits in temp, tough5, aug con5, and 15 con in creation and +101 in template. That's literally within 30 hits of the absolute maximum a shadowblade can have right now.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
although vamps fumble spells i hear no complaining about that ever

All I have to say about that is LOL!

Perhaps the debuff changes a few patches ago (origionally debuffs did half delv on vamps, which was a BIG advantage vs stealthers) made things easier or perhaps people got used to vamps, but I can assure you there was a LOT of QQ about vamps and fumble in particular (hi there Maji, Forb, and various other random people on IRC that enjoy sending hate PMs ;)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Getting an SB to 3000 Hits is an achievement, but too many sacrifices have to be made along the way. RAs have to be put in places where they could be used better, and Items that may be better for an SB get Sacrificed for all out HP.
I think utility is better than HPs at the end of the day, but saying that - I wouldn't like to face an SB with 3000 hits :>

At one stage, I wanted toughness5 and thought about lots of con too, but when I got to toughness 4, I realised that the extra 100? health points is just not worth it. The 10 points from that got me MoP3 for example.

Back to on topic, Ideally I would love to go toe-to-toe with a Merc or Paladin, and may only be able to do this at RR10/11, so I think in future I will maybe fight and move around a bit more, I don't like run through (unless it's after a stun to land SS+IB) so maybe the kiting, garotting, make them earn their RP is the way to go :> Might RA respec a little, got a new template coming up soon as I approach a new RR, and maybe 2h PA's might give a bit of a nice boost in 1.82 which may swings fights more in the SB's favour.

See what happens.

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Aloca said:
The SB that had 3k hp was: A RR12, CL5 , with 400 hits in temp, tough5, aug con5, and 15 con in creation and +101 in template. That's literally within 30 hits of the absolute maximum a shadowblade can have right now.

Excactly, GrIrcSpammer seems to claim otherwise though. Hence it would be interesting to see some screenshots as proof of this.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Mirt said:
All I have to say about that is LOL!

Perhaps the debuff changes a few patches ago (origionally debuffs did half delv on vamps, which was a BIG advantage vs stealthers) made things easier or perhaps people got used to vamps, but I can assure you there was a LOT of QQ about vamps and fumble in particular (hi there Maji, Forb, and various other random people on IRC that enjoy sending hate PMs ;)

The vamp fumble is horrible :> But it seems to be very hit and miss. Some fights with it up I land most of my hits, others I don't land any. Strange.
The other day I came across a vamp with purge down and he must have been beating up a few mobs because he destroyed me.
Basically he somehow stunned me almost instantly, then end was gone, then that bird fumble thing was up and then sword? claw sword claw (going uber quick) sword claw, I came out of stun and was as good as dead.

This is what happens when we SB's hit a caster with PA+CD though, if caster's purge is down, then they are in the same boat (unless they are a SM/BD/Warlock MoCcing nuker :>).

It's all swings and roundabouts.

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
why dont u just make the calculations ? i cba to respec ras just for you to see lol ... an sb with 15 con @ creation 400hp 101 con template with t5 con 4 has exactly 2982 hp (being cl5 and norse). end of discussion ;p


Dec 22, 2003
GrIrcSpammer said:
why dont u just make the calculations ? i cba to respec ras just for you to see lol ... an sb with 15 con @ creation 400hp 101 con template with t5 con 4 has exactly 2982 hp (being cl5 and norse). end of discussion ;p

Yet you still die to minstrels.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
illu said:
This is what happens when we SB's hit a caster with PA+CD though, if caster's purge is down, then they are in the same boat (unless they are a SM/BD/Warlock MoCcing nuker.
If you nuking vs red shammy resists it is actually quite a pain to moc nuke down a SB with 2.5k hps for 200-250 a go, figure in debuffs/malice/run thru spammage and you're pretty fucked.

Ofc lifetappers nuking vs no resists from bot are prolly something else... :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
a proper kitted soloRAspecced merc is 100% unkillable for a stealther tbh, wouldnt even try it :) Sure you can kite forever if you vanish his charge after PA but.. merc can just run away then to avoid getting killed. Phoebus and WH and shit like that wont save you either, since mercs basedamage in itself is too high.

My record on my merc is killing 6 midstealthers straight up and walked away without beeing solospecced. Solospecced wont even be funny.. Slashmerc is simply doing too much damage for SBs and hunters to deal with while they hit for shit on highAF+IP+Chainarmor+BLabilitys+Battler+SoK+SoM or similar, toss in CLresists aswell and its just horrible.

Basically Illu, if its a good merc, you cannot win if he isnt afk.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Puppet said:
About as satisfying as pounding Dirty Tricks, Charge, 3 BL-shouts and Anytime stun as HO Crush merc.

ohh didnt know crush spec had an anytime stun! I knew about the rear stun, the chain stun but not the anytime - dammit how this game changes over night :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ging said:
ohh didnt know crush spec had an anytime stun! I knew about the rear stun, the chain stun but not the anytime - dammit how this game changes over night :)

Isnt it parry reactonary or something? And that is almost as anytime for solo speced


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
parryfollowup has a stun
crushstun is 2nd in a chain that base on anytime


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Aloca said:
Isnt it parry reactonary or something? And that is almost as anytime for solo speced

the stun is a chain off parry style (hypnotic darkness) DW style

Crush has 2 stun styles, the rear stun lasts for about 1 sec and a 5 sec one off a chain from an anytime style (this is the one i believe puppet was refering too, and know doubt this would have passed un-noticed except for me being a pernikity bastard of the highest caliber).

Edit: give mercs CD side stun!


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Ging said:
ohh didnt know crush spec had an anytime stun! I knew about the rear stun, the chain stun but not the anytime - dammit how this game changes over night :)

Its an anytime stun because its second in anytime chain. Its not a 'chain stun' because it still has an immunity, if you insist on getting anal on the words.

Anyhow, regarding the SB-hitpoints:


This is a Norse SB with 10 CON @ creation (which seems a valid starting stat), CL5, Aug Con V, Toughness V, 101CON/400HP-suite.

With this SB if I remove 11 CON from his suite, his HP drops from 3051 to 3005, which is (3051-3005)/11 = 4.18 HP/con point when buffed and CL5 etc etc.

5 CON more at creation would net him about 20-21 HP more. Aug Con IV --> Aug Con V gives 14 CON more or just about 58-59HP more.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Puppet said:
Its an anytime stun because its second in anytime chain. Its not a 'chain stun' because it still has an immunity, if you insist on getting anal on the words.

i insist on getting anal with you!

the stun isnt an anytime because it needs to be chained after an anytime style!
"chain stun" was not ment to be interpreted in the way you quoted above, i was refering to the fact that to get the stun it needed to be AFTER a prerequisit(sp) style, hence chained, not the perma stunnning due to no imunity timer as you well know.

Now u may go wash i have finished.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Classic, a side-style-strafing Nightshade whining about "anytime stun". Irony at its finest.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Belomar said:
Classic, a side-style-strafing Nightshade whining about "anytime stun". Irony at its finest.

Classic, Belomar trying to score some cheap points when he doesnt even have first-hand experience in fighting me on my NS.

Just FYI:

* Im 50 Critical Strike on my Nightshade, and been that for ages. I was 20-26 Celtic Dual. I dont use Ice-storm (18 CD) in typical 1vs1 because of the pathetic damage it does on my Nightshade. I fight toe-to-toe with the majority of stealthers (and visibles). I have Diamondback and a killer-evade-chain to use. I got a better anytime-chain then Ice-storm would allow me to do.

There's 3 kinds of enemies who eat Ice-storm from me:

* Enemies approaching me from the side, not allowing a PA/BS. Ice-storm followed by 2 pinchers.

* Strafers against me. If you strafe against me, I will, if it annoys me too much, do Ice-storm, Garrote, Ice-storm, AchillesHeel.

* Adding casters when Im uncovered.

I dont 'anytime' Ice-storm, and not intending to do so. But hey, what you know, you dont even play a stealther nor do you play against me. Isnt it time again to make some nifty paint-drawings to score some easy reputation? Might be more accurate then your accusations of me using Ice-storm as anytime-stun.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
as bm to kill a merc i need to use my rr5 ra, to kill theodon i need to straffe him and hit his back + end regen :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
The fact of the matter is to get to 3000HP as an SB, you need to be minimum RR7L8 for tough5 con5.
You need purge2 minimum, mos2, and then these are also very useful:
augstr, lw, mop, viper, vanish, aom?
It's a nice idea, but unworkable really, you'd end up gimping yourself too much I reckon.

About that SB screeny btw, what is the Bloodrage ability? Is that Bludgeon? and nice stats on that template except for the low qui :/
And RR13+ though, that is just scary. I might get there if I play the game for 30 years :)

Anyway, I'll keep attacking tanks, because there is always the fight when you find people with their pants down, where someone isn't totally tooled up or a nice RA like IP is down and you can pounce and try and get the kill :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Cylian said:
Freeshard is my guess ;)

No, its Gorre, our EU Testserver from GOA.

Its no template, its getting all items I can to get 101 CON/400HP, stats/resists/skills where not my goal :)

Bloodrage is something SB's get when they make a kill, I think its 25% stealth-speed increase or something. All assassins get something after a kill in 1.82. Bludgeon is the icon on the quickbar.

He's not a real char tho, I just spammed 'Realm Points' till I was RR13 to achieve enough RA-points for AugConV and ToughV :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Puppet said:
No, its Gorre, our EU Testserver from GOA.
I wish there were public access to that server so that we had the same (or actually better in this case) access to testing as the americans and the few chosen ones on EU.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Puppet said:
Classic, Belomar trying to score some cheap points when he doesnt even have first-hand experience in fighting me on my NS.
That's right, which is why I didn't name you directly, I just thought the general situation was amusing. Interesting response, though, you have a lot bottled up! (Incidentally, I have had my fair share of Hib side-style abusing stealthers on my alts.)


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Belomar said:
That's right, which is why I didn't name you directly, I just thought the general situation was amusing. Interesting response, though, you have a lot bottled up! (Incidentally, I have had my fair share of Hib side-style abusing stealthers on my alts.)

Perhaps its aimed at me because Im the only active Nightshade in this thread who mentioned the 'anytime stun' from mercs?

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