Whispers said:then tell me wich other class ahs the capability to insta kill at least one out of set high RR FG b4 they get steamrolled
and if the answer is "there is none"
then say it again slowly, thinking about it
WLs are NOT OP?
note to self: kill more WLs they not only a retarded class as it seems
Did that with my skald once more than a year ago, the unlucky bard had close to no crush resist and I got crit.
Btw the common job for warlocks in FG are usually to hide and spam spreadheal and later be the box point for pbaoe, those who just dump their chambers in the beginning of the fight usually gets instakilled back since all will go for him when spotted and will be no use for the group then.
I don't have a warlock myself, but I've dueled many and they're a lot easier to kill for my skald than a cabalist or sorc. Imo all casters are OP, especially those with lifetap+moc, they're not immortal though - you just need tactics to kill them, i.e. ambush/surprise. Also a lot easier if you take on casters as duo/trio and not go for them solo, if you prefer to win every fight and get upset if you die.