Anti WL campaign????


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
Whispers said:
then tell me wich other class ahs the capability to insta kill at least one out of set high RR FG b4 they get steamrolled

and if the answer is "there is none"

then say it again slowly, thinking about it

WLs are NOT OP?

note to self: kill more WLs they not only a retarded class as it seems

Did that with my skald once more than a year ago, the unlucky bard had close to no crush resist and I got crit. :p

Btw the common job for warlocks in FG are usually to hide and spam spreadheal and later be the box point for pbaoe, those who just dump their chambers in the beginning of the fight usually gets instakilled back since all will go for him when spotted and will be no use for the group then.

I don't have a warlock myself, but I've dueled many and they're a lot easier to kill for my skald than a cabalist or sorc. Imo all casters are OP, especially those with lifetap+moc, they're not immortal though - you just need tactics to kill them, i.e. ambush/surprise. Also a lot easier if you take on casters as duo/trio and not go for them solo, if you prefer to win every fight and get upset if you die. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Corran said:
Ok in a general fg fight a sorc will..

aoe mezz,
aoe root
single mezz
single root
amnesia (if caster moc's)
single dex debuff
aoe dex debuff
aoe str/con debuff
single target con debuff
purge (possibly)
moc (possibly)
Soi (possibly)
spec body nuke

Want me to continue or stop there? That is just in a typical ongoing fight.


Dump chamber 1
Dump chamber 2
Uninteruptable lifetap
uninteruptable pbaoe

Yes a warlock can do alot more then that, thing is they dont have to so they dont do it. Cant remember the last time i was turned into a frog, i have never been rooted by one etc etc!
lol get a clue. Are we talking OP solo or OP in a grp. I’m sure EVERYONE agree that a sorc is a LOT better in a FG than a WL. And if a WL is fighting in a FG he uses a LOT more buttons/spells/effects than you show there and only a REALLY good Sorc is able to fire that arsenal of spells you have shown. WLs use the same amount or more in FG fights and add to that the TIMING of the spells. He can’t line up the next spell. Its primer then the spell and to minimize to time used he needs to time the key press right. Further more add the choice of primer after he has chosen the spell he wants to use (Range/uninterruptible/powerless/"baseline + Hex spell").

When it comes to soloing how many buttons does a Sorc use when he meets another solo char??


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Amorina said:
Wonder why WL is in most cases the last choice for a caster in midgard:confused:

because all the oldskool players who wanted something cheesy and overpowered rolled a bonedancer and are too lazy to reroll a warlock.

Plus 90% of the warlocks around will be dressed in RoG and rely on hammering a chamber key to win - so the average warlock invited to a pug will be a liability - not the ideal component for group play.

I'm sure if it wasn't for the whole "eww, warlock" factor some gank groups would throw in a ML10 banelord warlock and really piss everyone off.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Yes, self crack 20, nearsight, unbreakable snare, spread heal, superb dot/dd/bolt damage with lifetap component and that in form of chambers (instas), uninterruptable spells, powerless spells, ranged spells and the banelord path plus tireless and constitution as tertiary attribute and the possible RA selection on a Warlock is not overpowered.

If a zero is big it's a bit of a one.

My WL is 39, it's OP'ed in every aspect.


Nov 28, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Yes, self crack 20, nearsight, unbreakable snare, spread heal, superb dot/dd/bolt damage with lifetap component and that in form of chambers (instas), uninterruptable spells, powerless spells, ranged spells and the banelord path plus tireless and constitution as tertiary attribute and the possible RA selection on a Warlock is not overpowered.

If a zero is big it's a bit of a one.

My WL is 39, it's OP'ed in every aspect.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
I'm sure if it wasn't for the whole "eww, warlock" factor some gank groups would throw in a ML10 banelord warlock and really piss everyone off.
TDD is going to try the WL in grp thing. I have been in RvR grps with my WL in the past so I'm looking forward to going into the frontier with this grp :)
Guess its time to get some new RAs then. Well well cya out there ;)

Manisch Depressiv said:
My WL is 39, it's OP'ed in every aspect.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
solo Warlock running around

[Teamspeak] Liloe: Waarlock c'mon keeeeeeel, raaaaaahhhhh

does that say all? Did I mention my love enough? Else it's more like:

[Teamspeak] Liloe: c'mon :/ let dem poor soloers alone ( soloers does not include Warlocks fyi )

my 2 cents to the topic =) I've rolled a Thid warlock and if I can kill most other ppl without even wearing a full set of armor - and I'm not even talking about jewelry - then something is truly wrong with a class =)


Loyal Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Zahr said:
But I was curious about all the WL hate so I started to play one! And it was fun and it is still fun to play. But they are not that uber as people want them to be. To all who hate WL try play them, they are powerfull if u play them right as all classes are. All classes have their strength and on the other hand their weakness, u just need to play ur class good and u need a little luck.

MoF2 purge2! no more luck


Fledgling Freddie
May 25, 2004
Azathrim said:
Because they don't work very well in opted groups. For one thing: Standing 30 seconds to rechamber is simply silly.

it was a retoric (if thats a word :p) question. I mean ppl say WL is OP but they still arnt i grps, and then look at theurgs (was about to say sorc but thats albs main cc). And its not reload time that makes WLs bad, its the slow casting and low DPS compared to other casters. WLs are good in small grps and 1v1 thats all.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Ging said:
bringing the chance of a resisted spell down to practically zero.
Hmm I have MoF1 and that takes my LT to lvl 50. Both my LT and baseline nukes get resisted in about 40% of my fights.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Amorina said:
it was a retoric (if thats a word :p) question. I mean ppl say WL is OP but they still arnt i grps, and then look at theurgs (was about to say sorc but thats albs main cc). And its not reload time that makes WLs bad, its the slow casting and low DPS compared to other casters. WLs are good in small grps and 1v1 thats all.

don't forget camping lord rooms and instagibbing for rp at sieges.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
don't forget camping lord rooms and instagibbing for rp at sieges.
Why are WLs better than any hib/alb classes in a lord room??


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Kathal said:
Why are WLs better than any hib/alb classes in a lord room??

uninteruptable pbaoe rings a bell.........


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
U can still get dmg and get killed, even if u have uninteruptable spells, they r not fast spells to cast, and it cost alot of power to cast that uniteruptable primary spell. Modified spells on witchcraft line needs to be cast before a scondary hex spell......very slow indeed


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Zahr said:
U can still get dmg and get killed, even if u have uninteruptable spells, they r not fast spells to cast, and it cost alot of power to cast that uniteruptable primary spell. Modified spells on witchcraft line needs to be cast before a scondary hex spell......very slow indeed

true but 3-4 pbaoe casts from the highest delve pbaoe in the game can still easily wipe ALOT of players if timed correctly. For any other pbaoe class to perform the same will require MoC3 and require 5-6 casts to do the same amount of dmg w/o being interupted. Ofc if said WL was in a group with a healing class then he probably will not die. It very situational but still the uninteruptable casting is a rediculous advantage. With FoP 30 sec's laster that same Wl can then perform in exactly the saem way, ANY other pbaoe class will not be able to MoC for another 10 mins.

So a 30 sec rut on WL DMG against 10 min for any other pbaoe class. Now keep going and tell me that WL's are the worst in this situation......


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
Not the worst at all, but one of the best, but not THE best, and ofc its all situational, as WL u r always the first target, then by all means they should do some kickass to:)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
as WL u r always the first target, then by all means they should do some kickass to

so... it´s ok for WLs to be overpowered because they´re a prime target because they´re overpowered?!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
Depends what u mean with overpowered..Is a Hero full toad & ML 10 with full buffs overpowered.

Have people never killed a WL solo????


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Mate, I`m not talking about the definition of "overpowered", I`m questioning your argumentative logics. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
Ofc u r! Well i dont think WL are OP at all, buts that my opinon! Arguments for that is that I mostly win over them in rvr when I play Hib/Alb. And WL always get an undeserved title as "OP" "Invincible" etc. WL is a class all can start play at lvl 1, and it has advantages and disadvantages.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Zahr said:
Depends what u mean with overpowered..Is a Hero full toad & ML 10 with full buffs overpowered.

Have people never killed a WL solo????

from an alb pov unless u can stun them and then kill them in the cc time your dead, if they purge your dead or u need over 3k hp and hope they dont have tarts or RP up......

From a caster pov unless i had an ml9 pet i would fire and forget i wouldnt even bother (tried many times) u cc then start nuking and your interupted by the first insta chamber dump, then your dead.

My inf, if i get a clean PA/CD and they dont have purge or PD4/5 and i can kill them before stun wears off, ive got one down to 2% hp when stun wore off and they insta healed then dumped their load on me, i was dead 2 sec later.

Scout can PS to waste their chambers but a well played wl will save them. FZ can give up to 10 sec free shooting and should be enough to kill, slam 9sec stun again.

ONLY a Dementia specced vamp with 60+% magic immunity will 9/10 win against a WL or hib stun caster, if wl's purge is down.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
Cant totally disagre with u there Ging.

But u cant have purge up all the its about timing also......

mmm btw never given 3K in dmg on my WL, must be gimped then, but get inst killed if stunned in 2 sec.....


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Kathal said:
When it comes to soloing how many buttons does a Sorc use when he meets another solo char??

Depends on what your fighting...

Solo sorc meets tank that dont charge.

Mezz, str/con double debuff, Pet attack, spec nuke, spec nuke, root, lifetap, lifetap spec nuke. Then depending on if they IP or not, SoI/kite till mezz immunity gone. Remezz.

WL meets a tank ... chamber , chamber, UI LT, UI LT (or pbaoe). Walk off.

Sometimes as a sorc you need to use some more things against tanks, just depends on who uses what. Whereas a WL doesnt have to adapt to the situation. They just dump everything and be done with it


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Not really a defence of WL, the mechanics of it iimo are silly. As are most of the catacombs class, banshee fookin stupid, Vampyr the stupidest idea since 2.5 spec on the inf or mincers climbing walls. I'm sorry the biggest problem with the warlock you lot face is matter dmg, not of you opted for capping out resists in your toa templates so you got 10 spell/style dmg etc, and along comes the warlock with something your weak too, with 10% spel peircing tough shit, be more defensively minded.

The majotiry of the people here whining about the WL are playing a stupidly overpowered class themselves.. minstrels stop whining you've had enough love from mythic in your time to ensure you'll waddle for the rest of your life. Inf's don't be gay, curtesy of the sb's extra 80 h, you got more spec points than any assassin, out damage any assassin, I kill more WL's with my inf that will ever kill me, learn to fight them adapt, stop whining cause somethings come along you can't steamroll anymore. Any sorcerer who wines, don't veen get me started... The list goes on, having played a sb now for the best part of 4 years, yes we had our golden era, 2 handed perfs doing enough dmg to 1-shot casters, now barely even tickling them, yet we survive and we coninue too kill. We've been shafted just about every patch since the LA nerf, Frontiers comes along and woo hoo, the RA imbalance got worse. But we still gring away. Rest of learn a lesson from the blade. live with it stop whining cause you can't kill it.



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
Thank u Durgi:)

I agree on all that u have written! think its a nice and good conclusion on this thread


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I can kill WL's, that aint the problem. The mechanics of the class is the problem and it is so easy to fix in a balanced way.

Step 1) Instead of nerfing the damage of the chambers, Drop them down to 1000 unit range.

Step 2) Give them a normal nuke which is modified by dex.

To me, this would make them a much more balanced class. THey cant insta kill someone on sight, they have to decide wether it best to use normal nukes on them or move into chamber range and dump on them. 1k range gives the enemy time to react on seeing the swirling orbs and decide if they want to press attack or retreat.

Nuke affected by dex would then promote them to being a better group character as they will retain uninterupts on a 2.5seconds? cast time, but on top of that they will have the nuke which they can use with 1-1.2second cast time which will allow more casts quicker and be better on power consumption. I would reframe from making it a lifetap, and with uninteruptables already at disposal make the dex modded nuke the bottom teir of baseline (aka old school nukes)

Edit: And so you know, i got decent matter resists on all toons, you dont have to nerf everything to get it. Im maximised my toa equipment for pierce, dmg, range, speed, dex, etc but all resists are high as well. Just got to use rare items :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
Think WL should be as it is, its not supposed to be a eld, ench or sorc, but a WL and if WL is not invincible its to play...nice to kill whiners...AND NOT NOT NOT OP more than other classes that are well played. Think all should try to lvl up and play a WL :)


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Zahr said:
Think WL should be as it is, its not supposed to be a eld, ench or sorc, but a WL and if WL is not invincible its to play...nice to kill whiners...AND NOT NOT NOT OP more than other classes that are well played. Think all should try to lvl up and play a WL :)

Congratulations, you're an idiot.
And an obvious noob to daoc.

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