Anti WL campaign????


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Devilseye said:
currently specced to Dem with my vamp (gotta try diffrent specs keke =])

got 67 Matter resist with the resist buff up.. gotta admit i forgot to cast the Rezzsicknes upon him.. and got added by a elite add called denarius.. nethertheless.. he got me down in 10-15secs.. and didnt seem to run ever OOP....

man.. warlocks require skills to be played =]
(oh btw. also had melee resist buff up.. (44% in total)
So a rr8L7 hunter + a WL gets you down in 15 secs. So what?? That doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t win 10 out of 10 fights vs a WL.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
Any non warlocks feel like defending the class? Didn't think so.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
what utility doesn't a whorecock have apart from speed?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Kathal said:
So a rr8L7 hunter + a WL gets you down in 15 secs. So what?? That doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t win 10 out of 10 fights vs a WL.
true. and i dont have to win everyfight either.. just that warlock spamming lifetab is pretty deadly =]


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Kathal said:
When I’m there I try to let the recently farmed cows go.

I just love the arrogance in this statement. Sums you up a treat m8 :)

You wernt such an arrogant Kunt before you rolled your cock.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
normal defence for a wl.... /face /laugh /wtfomgihaveopchamberdumb


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Baron said:
what utility doesn't a whorecock have apart from speed?
You don't get it?? If cast speed it a util then we don't have that. Well we do but only 4-6 spells in a pow bar.
WLs don't have a pet. WLs don't have any mess. WLs don't have any stun. WLs don't have remove Mezz. WLs don't have any debuff. WLs don't have Disease. WLs don't have GTAOE. WLs don't have root (They have access to it, BUT a WL don’t have it). WLs don't have powerdrain. WLs don't have power transfer. WLs don't have ranged AOE dam. WLs don't have grp bladeturn. WLs don't have mezz dur decrease chant. WLs don't have . . . . .


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Can't a Warlock be killed by using mezz [purged] then stun? Or when stunned, can you still use, as a warlock, uninterrupt spells or MoC?

I know Warlocks are OP and I'm glad I don't have to face them, but the same thing can be said for the Casters with stun+Pet that stuns, or ML9 pets or Bainshees, in fact most casters are ridiculously overpowered. I PA a caster for 200-300 sometimes on CLOTH, I get hit back for 600,700,700,600 dead in about 3-4 seconds.

I feel sorry for the visible melee classes, at least I have a choice to avoid casters with their 1 a second blue ice pets (theurgs?), melee classes just have to somehow attempt to eat up the damage.

Warlock whine is a bit old now :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Ging said:
I just love the arrogance in this statement. Sums you up a treat m8 :)

You wernt such an arrogant Kunt before you rolled your cock.
Thx :)
I’m just going with the flow. ALL WLs are retards irl. JUST because he/she decided to play a class in a game.
When enough mindless morons kept on saying that I just decided to roll play a little. So I’m just going with the flow if you don’t mind (Not that I care. I’m roll playing remember?) :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Devilseye said:
lol. There is a LOT of things we don’t have, but snare isn’t one of them. Shows how much you know about the class. Thumbs up :rolleyes:


Dec 24, 2003
censi said:
I played one and died so they cant be OP etc!


All I know is if I attack a non roglord one. He casts PBAOE unintruptable shit. and double chambers me. I die when uninteruptable PB lands (and I have like 20 matter)

If thats not unbalance then fair play.

How many hits do other casters need when they punch MoC3? and they gots 1sec castspeed most of em.

I think it would be alot less whiny if ppl actually tried a WL out and realised how much work it takes.
Alot of timing and tons of different spells+dependencies to use.
And if using uninteruptable 2-3 maybe for some 4 spells and powerpool is empty.

So its all about explosive damage, no longivity.
Also after unloading the chambers they have to reload the chambers and thats 10 seconds of immobility and volnurability.

Get your resists up ppl, if you have sub 20% resists you dont take matter seriously and dont have the right to whine.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Gotta love WLs defending their class with all they can muster...face it..its a clueless class for clueless ppl. Only way they can compete in rvr is my mashing 2-3 buttons.

Well gratz to you all...I bet you feel so proud of your arpees...



Dec 24, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
really intersting to read posts where ppl defend warlocks. Seriously what can the reason be... not like the game gets any better when there is x insanly OPed and gamebreaking classes running about.

Imo when you can kill some1 in 1 seconds using 1-2 buttons then the game become Quake3 :(

Sorc use 1 button maybe 2 if they wanna put in some effort in it they got moc on qbar also. and rr5+ is pretty immune to melee.

WL 6 different buttons then 8 buttons after each fight also (11 if 34hex spec), and timing is everything.
in fight chamber 1 and truecast/llifetap then chamber 2 + truecast/lifetap, after fight: Chamber 1 spell + primary spell + secondary spell (10secs) chamber 2 spell + primary spell + secondary spell (another 10secs) powerless + power regen = 8

Shure WL is OP so is every caster ingame as the game is now.
But no more then any other caster class imo.

What is common in all class whines is, they have no idea what the class is all about and how its played. They get spanked by them, and thefefore they must be nerfed.

I play skald btw. if anyone wondered.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
lol playing a stealther against rog-cocks is not entirely the same as facing them a visible player... especially not spellcaster vs cocks :d

really anyone who is defending warcocks can be categorised (sp) like this:

1, midgardian player
2, bonedancer (same retardo lvl)
3, a moron
4, a warlock himself (bonus: you are in category 3 aswell :p)
5, never met a warlock and just spamin bs on boards xD

Face > Instant spell - instant spell - uninterruptable - no pow spread LOL? etc etc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any moc3 lajftaper / caster


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Herjulf said:
How many hits do other casters need when they punch MoC3? and they gots 1sec castspeed most of em.

MoC3 = 30points spent rr4 216(ish)k a respected ability that u earn

Non-debuffed rr4 Spitspec sorc Dmg usling lvl 50 LT and MoC3 @ 1sec cast speed, time frame 6 sec

300, 300, 300, 300, 400, 300 - total dmg = 1900

RR1 lvl 50 WL in RoG's Std Spec - time frame 6 sec.

450+350<---2sec--->570+340<---2sec--->450+350 - total dmg = 2510

So w/o having to have earn the 215k rps the WL can win.

Herjulf said:
I think it would be alot less whiny if ppl actually tried a WL out and realised how much work it takes.
Alot of timing and tons of different spells+dependencies to use.
And if using uninteruptable 2-3 maybe for some 4 spells and powerpool is empty.

Yes, and unless the person being nuked for 580 + 370, 420, 632 + 452 in 2 seconds has IP2 or a DI bot (really fast healing class) that person will die.

If i miss PA/CD on a WL on my inf im dead, resist wont make any difference.

Herjulf said:
So its all about explosive damage, no longivity.
Also after unloading the chambers they have to reload the chambers and thats 10 seconds of immobility and volnurability.

Its that exact frontloading dmg that fucks off everyone, not to mention that fact its uninteruptable. The ability to WIN vs ANY other class (exceptions such as Dementia vamp) regardless of RR without putting any effort into the charactor, plvl to 50, throw some rogs on and kill. Yes you can complain about downtime but you also get free power regen.

Herjulf said:
Get your resists up ppl, if you have sub 20% resists you dont take matter seriously and dont have the right to whine.

Resists make little or no difference when fighting a WL, it will cut down the insta dmg from around 1100 (without resists) to 900 (capped resists) and then again 2 sec later, but as this particular caster doesnt get interupted in melle he/she can jsut lifetap u to death with the 4 casts his power bar will allow him/her.

I have fought and been killed my many warlocks.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Herjulf said:
Sorc use 1 button maybe 2 if they wanna put in some effort in it they got moc on qbar also. and rr5+ is pretty immune to melee.

Lol Sorc uses 4 buttons eh? lolololol

4.5 qb's m8 at a minimum.

Herjulf said:
What is common in all class whines is, they have no idea what the class is all about and how its played. They get spanked by them, and thefefore they must be nerfed.

So true, now re-read your first statement, either you understand irony or your one hellava hypocrite :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Kathal said:
lol. There is a LOT of things we don’t have, but snare isn’t one of them. Shows how much you know about the class. Thumbs up :rolleyes:

it also shows how many things Warlocks dont use i think

as chamber dumping + lifetabbing is all i get.. and a snare if lucky.. but that happened to me once.. (well 100x per 30mins) by Takhylock when i was running around with my warden. /dancing etc :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 25, 2004
Wonder why WL is in most cases the last choice for a caster in midgard:confused:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Ging said:
Lol Sorc uses 4 buttons eh? lolololol

4.5 qb's m8 at a minimum.

So true, now re-read your first statement, either you understand irony or your one hellava hypocrite :)

right thats 45spells/charges at minimum you use at every fight then?

if go like that a warlock can also full 5qb's, even my skald can do it then.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Amorina said:
Wonder why WL is in most cases the last choice for a caster in midgard:confused:

Because they don't work very well in opted groups. For one thing: Standing 30 seconds to rechamber is simply silly.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
This whole thread is a joke, why even bother discussing this. Warlocks aren't even a class in my eyes, they're a plague.
The only thing positive about them is that when you manage to kill it solo, you feel 10 times as good about it as when you kill a 'normal' class.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Amorina said:
Wonder why WL is in most cases the last choice for a caster in midgard:confused:

because you have SM, BD and Runi's m8 - nice casters all of them.

Who but your fellow realm m8's can u blame for not wanting wl's in a group.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Calo said:
right thats 45spells/charges at minimum you use at every fight then?

if go like that a warlock can also full 5qb's, even my skald can do it then.

Ok in a general fg fight a sorc will..

aoe mezz,
aoe root
single mezz
single root
amnesia (if caster moc's)
single dex debuff
aoe dex debuff
aoe str/con debuff
single target con debuff
purge (possibly)
moc (possibly)
Soi (possibly)
spec body nuke

Want me to continue or stop there? That is just in a typical ongoing fight.


Dump chamber 1
Dump chamber 2
Uninteruptable lifetap
uninteruptable pbaoe

Yes a warlock can do alot more then that, thing is they dont have to so they dont do it. Cant remember the last time i was turned into a frog, i have never been rooted by one etc etc!


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Calo said:
right thats 45spells/charges at minimum you use at every fight then?

if go like that a warlock can also full 5qb's, even my skald can do it then.

Any toon with great utility like the sorc will be using serious amounts of QB, then add on RA's and ML's.

and yes 45 is about right even more if i add on siege, and i have a full QB of /emotes :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
This thread made my day, hahaha! Warlocks are gimped! Now where is that picture of the Iraqi minister of information :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Lock is the main class i'll target at range if i see one and try and nuke the crap out of it, if they get up close it's all over for me.

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