Anti Hibs PBAoE tactics when camping gate rooms



Originally posted by K0nah
we've beaten it plenty of times thx.

u call hiding in a room and spamming pbaoe anytime some1 comes close a 'tactic' ? rofl, of a 2yr old maybe. makes me laugh to think that 99% of all hibs have been pl'd to 50 and to rr8+ by one class and one spell.

skillz, heh.
But on the other hand, Zerg IS?! :p Albs have their tactics (zerging), hibs have their tactics that work against the silly albies :)

About the 99% part... sounds like you are envious! :D

Garbannoch Nox

Originally posted by K0nah
we've beaten it plenty of times thx.

u call hiding in a room and spamming pbaoe anytime some1 comes close a 'tactic' ? rofl, of a 2yr old maybe. makes me laugh to think that 99% of all hibs have been pl'd to 50 and to rr8+ by one class and one spell.

skillz, heh.

if you approach a milegate and see 6fgs alb there you have two choices: either turn and run away (that's what tank groups should do) or run straight to the room and let the farmage begin. I know this is hard to understand for you since you are one of the 100+ albs in emain every day and hence you don't need to fight them.

Tactics? Yes, being able to beat 50+ albs with one group is what I call tactics cause you would have a hard time doing it in open field combat. And noone really forces you/them to kill us in the room - just move on if you don't like it.
You have beaten [the room campers] plenty of times? No, more correctly you have been part of the second or third zerg wave sometimes that finally got us when we were running oom ;)

Just because your tank group cannot do the same it is not automatically lame.


And on the other Hand we are not always in the room. we make funky rushes outside to kill some of you on wall :D

First the Tanks run out, all the silly albs target me and start wacking. 1 sec after the tanks our mages come out and keel joo :clap:


wait till a hib goes near the window. then ae, it'll happen sooner or later either that or get a tank to open the door then run and sorc or someone do nearest target and ae. works best if both doors open at the same time ... by giving you this info i just lost 10k rps a day :)


Originally posted by Garbannoch Nox
three easy steps to victory:

1) assemble on walls and stay very close to each other
2) all charge room at once and dont spam any aoe spells
3) all hit different targets and especially dont let loose of a mocing caster

mmmm we do this.............and we will all be killed by Garb and bittelin:D

Seriously tho, our group can handle this situation quite well.


Mids have it a lot easier cus of instant ae interupt spells, such as pbae disease, and insta ae stun/ae mezz. Also 3 chars who can spam amnesia.

You can't rely on a sorc to amnesia as he won't have los, if sorc goes into room they die very fast/get interupted by the pbae before they can cast anything.

we did the room pbae tonight in odin, killed about 11 alb grps within 30 mins. if they wanna come feed us their choice, but dont blame us for doing it if your gonna be headless chickens, coz rps is what its about and boy did we get them.
Yer cus you were 2fg and us only 1fg, in the end you killed us by coming out of your pussy hide hole. We kept coming back 1fg and you were always 2fg, so lame :(

Garbannoch I actually have a video of us beating you when your in the room. Its called ice wiz running in with MoC, and absolutely pwning you :)

If albs had GP and ran with ice wizards more often then room tactic would be impossible for hibs. Ice wiz can easily get the lowest level gtae which is all you need.

We tried the room tactic as well in a pbae group and omg its so easy, you just stick your pbae near the door but just out of sight and cast. Only reason we died in the end was the Warden RA, Thorn Weed Field + hibs running in with pbae while we were interupted.


Originally posted by hotrat
Yer cus you were 2fg and us only 1fg, in the end you killed us by coming out of your pussy hide hole. We kept coming back 1fg and you were always 2fg, so lame :(

You were 1fg.... wtf.... even Tilda said you were 2 fg.... even more on later attemps.... and some hibbies said theres 5 fg´s at apk.... thats why we originally started camping.... btw... to my counting there was more than 2 fg on every wave + the usual stealther adds.... stop lying imo.

Garbannoch Nox

Originally posted by old.Zoyster
mmmm we do this.............and we will all be killed by Garb and bittelin:D

Seriously tho, our group can handle this situation quite well.

That's true - the problem is that when we are alone in the room it is easier than with more hibs: more hibs = more targets for aoe spam; Outlaw/Zoyster group is usually a pain: somehow Outlaw manages to spam pets inside (unless he gets stuck in the door again gg) and Zoy knows how to find anchors for the fire aoe.
What I reallly find fascinating is that there are always 1 or 2 wizards that have the first gtaoe in earth line and use it 3 times then give up since they dont kill us or something...
Concerning spamming aoe spells on pets: that wouldnt make such a big difference - we usually get mezzed, aoe dotted, whatever at some point but in 95% of the cases we die cause we go oom.


send t3h 60 int guys in / follow aoe root / nearest enemy / face / spam yellow aoe amnesia / drink potion :p. its not that hard tbh it gets reall messy in there its almost impossible for some1 to target you when 30 ppl is in the room and the myriads of effects going about. just wait till some mindless minions (aka alb random grps) go in and follow 4tehslaughter


Originally posted by Garbannoch Nox
That's true - the problem is that when we are alone in the room it is easier than with more hibs: more hibs = more targets for aoe spam; Outlaw/Zoyster group is usually a pain: somehow Outlaw manages to spam pets inside (unless he gets stuck in the door again gg) and Zoy knows how to find anchors for the fire aoe.
What I reallly find fascinating is that there are always 1 or 2 wizards that have the first gtaoe in earth line and use it 3 times then give up since they dont kill us or something...
Concerning spamming aoe spells on pets: that wouldnt make such a big difference - we usually get mezzed, aoe dotted, whatever at some point but in 95% of the cases we die cause we go oom.

Thanks for the hib perspective Garbannoch, it's always good to get the 'enemy' point of view ;)

I agree that Outlaw+Zoyster's heavily caster orientated group is probably best positioned to deal with this tactic. The problem being for us people relatively new to RvR and at low realm rank casters are usually much too 'squishy' for pretty much any mid group we could run into.

I think sometimes some of the higher RR players from all sides forget how tough it is to actually be anything other than cannon fodder when you have a new low RR group, hence the phenomenon known as 'the warder zerg'.

The Hiberians just employ an RvR tactic that takes advantage of the tendancy for lower realm rank groups to stick together, and to those hibs I have to say /salute clever play.


Originally posted by old.Icebreaker
And on the other Hand we are not always in the room. we make funky rushes outside to kill some of you on wall :D

First the Tanks run out, all the silly albs target me and start wacking. 1 sec after the tanks our mages come out and keel joo :clap:

seen that in action :) evil ;) got out of the way before I could start smiting :(


Originally posted by Garbannoch Nox

What I reallly find fascinating is that there are always 1 or 2 wizards that have the first gtaoe in earth line and use it 3 times then give up since they dont kill us or something...

it doesnt do omgleetdamagewtfpwnzor!!!

and they don't understand teamwork of one wizzie gtaoeing (well two doing it one after the other to interrupt) whilst someone else does the proper aoe ;)


Originally posted by walkerb
less zerg and we wouldnt have to go amg room^^

lmao you don't believe that yourself do you?
seen enough groups going to that room and camp it till albs arrive. even when you win and kill all albs you'll stay there. went afk once at apk , when i came back 1h later the same group was still in amg room camping it. aslong as you can hide and farm nuubers, you'll do it nomatter if there are 3 or 30 albs camp amg.


Thane RA :)

Static Tempest Active 30 min. 14 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Ground-targetted radius cloud spell that lasts 30 seconds. Every 7 seconds anyone near the object representing the center of the cloud is stunned for 3 seconds.

Then run in with the sms :)

Would work like a charm if it interupts casters every "tick" even if they are stun immune, too bad its useless in any other senario and cost very much...

Gtaoe from casters or archers is probably the best normal way to deal with them.


Walker B, is that Walker of Prydwen ? Easy nar der Gangsta Wizle rizzle. how u snizzle dizzle ?


Most skilled groups can be found camping certain areas that give them an advantage, the room happens to be one of those areas for Hibs. The forest before Rheamon's Tower happens to be one for GoL and the Forest after Bolg happens to be one for FC, and anywhere near the gorge happens to one for Alpha :D

There are hundreds of ways to kill the room camping groups, and mostly it's people own stupidity that gets them killed there in the first place...figure something out and try it, it's not like they're going anywhere...


If albs had GP and ran with ice wizards more often then room tactic would be impossible for hibs. Ice wiz can easily get the lowest level gtae which is all you need.

Hot...when do i need GP in room-camping?
GP is so overrated, its shit actually :p In room defence u dont need it, and you dont need it to get up the stairs, since one of te albs always "ruins" a niec mezz themself ;)


yawn, 1 cabby with aoe can easy take out 2fgp what r inside.

done it several times


Questions for the Hibs:

What's the split between you doing this at amg vs mmg?
If it's not an equal split, why do you prefer one vs the other?


Originally posted by Arkian
Questions for the Hibs:

What's the split between you doing this at amg vs mmg?
If it's not an equal split, why do you prefer one vs the other?

No idea :p
AMG is closer for us mebbeh?
We did it at MMG also, so why ask this? :)


Originally posted by angara-ffs
No idea :p
AMG is closer for us mebbeh?
We did it at MMG also, so why ask this? :)

was just curious if one set of enemies was typically easier than the others.


I never get it why ppl charge that room ..

just camp the room and have tanks open the doors and spam what ever ranged attack you have in there ..


etc ...

in my exprince they come out sooner or later ..

unless if you feed em ..


Originally posted by old.Filip
I never get it why ppl charge that room ..

just camp the room and have tanks open the doors and spam what ever ranged attack you have in there ..


etc ...

in my exprince they come out sooner or later ..

unless if you feed em ..

But sometimes they only come out when they have 3FG hibs inc to amg to hit you at the same time ;)



Originally posted by diabien_hib
we did the room pbae tonight in odin, killed about 11 alb grps within 30 mins. if they wanna come feed us their choice, but dont blame us for doing it if your gonna be headless chickens, coz rps is what its about and boy did we get them.

damn... and i thougt the game was about fun... on the other hand im no RP-whore....

Anyway i cant see wheres the fun there... neither standing in a room for 30 mins nor w8ing outside....


Originally posted by uncle_sal
You were 1fg.... wtf.... even Tilda said you were 2 fg.... even more on later attemps.... and some hibbies said theres 5 fg´s at apk.... thats why we originally started camping.... btw... to my counting there was more than 2 fg on every wave + the usual stealther adds.... stop lying imo.
We were 1fg roaming the whole night, tildai was not even in our group but in a duo with nightpetal I think.

Hot...when do i need GP in room-camping?
GP is so overrated, its shit actually In room defence u dont need it, and you dont need it to get up the stairs, since one of te albs always "ruins" a niec mezz themself
You dont need GP for room camping but you do need it for when you are roaming, otherwise you couldn't have casters in your group, and you couldn't go camp room with pbae.

What I'm saying is if albs had GP as well or some mezz nerf whatever they could run pbae groups also and hibs would find it much harder to camp the room vs a alb pbae group (VP, and MoC pbae with clerics healing from a safe place outside).


Trust me, GP isnt as good as you think.
Offcourse its annoying when roaming and druid uses it vs a nice mezz.
But thats about it, no immunity timer, no nothing.

Just a free ticket once a 30 minutes to possible turn in the battle.


Originally posted by angara-ffs

But thats about it, no immunity timer, no nothing.

from what most druids have told me lately, that has been fixed for 2+ months .


Indeed GP gives immunity, if it didnt it would suck, a good sorc will only ae mezz a hib caster group once, hopefully get a few resists, wait for the GP, then mezz again so all the ones that resisted the first mezz will now be mezzed :)

Without GP hibs couldn't run successful caster groups, very rare we meet a hib caster group with GP down and land first mezz and lose.

See my video (the vgn fight) for how a hib fight usually goes if there GP aint up :)

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