Anders Breivek


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I wonder why you can't discuss subjects on a mature level without having to keep on trolling the threads? You have some kinda "thing" for trying to provoke people instead of giving something relevant to the topic?

Sorry what bullshit is this now? I discuss stuff on a mature level when there's something to discuss. When someone shits onto a thread with hilarious nonsense, I'm past the point of taking it apart. Why? Well, it's not going to change hilariously and deliberately misguided opinions, if he wants them, he can have them. I'm past the point of arguing for the sake of it when someone has already made up their mind and refused to cite any proof other than them shouting "FACT!" Sorry if that upsets you, but if it does then you're clearly a fucking baby. I can tell someone I think their opinion is ridiculous without having to spend the next 3 days in here continuously saying the same thing because any valid points are ignored in favour of further pushing your voice - something that Scouse arguments of late have been doing.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
So you've completely forgotten the blanket claim of "immigrants cause crime" I asked you to backup?

Handy that.

And that is why I cannot be arsed entertaining Scouse anymore. It's time to find some work fella ;)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually, I've been talking to DaGaffer on that very subject and I've clarified the statement.

Care to comment on the AIDS figures? Or the honour-killing (which is a crime issue) or sharia law issues?

You're flapping and dodging because you can't be arsed entering into reasonable debate - so keep your hands on your ears and your head up your arse, where they usually reside :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Which culture would that be exactly? British and English culture is made up of all sorts of cultures, always has been, always will be.

You're just another ignorant racist. A dying breed. please piss off somewhere where your views are acceptable, Engalnd doesn't need you.

Sorry but England has been a white Christian country for centuries and centuries. Anyone can scream racist and there you are, you've won the arguement? Not so in my opinion.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Actually, I've been talking to DaGaffer on that very subject and I've clarified the statement.

Care to comment on the AIDS figures? Or the honour-killing (which is a crime issue) or sharia law issues?

You're flapping and dodging because you can't be arsed entering into reasonable debate - so keep your hands on your ears and your head up your arse, where they usually reside :)

No I'm TIRED of your incessant bullshit. I don't want to argue it. Fucking deal with it.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Sorry what bullshit is this now? I discuss stuff on a mature level when there's something to discuss. When someone shits onto a thread with hilarious nonsense, I'm past the point of taking it apart. Why? Well, it's not going to change hilariously and deliberately misguided opinions, if he wants them, he can have them. I'm past the point of arguing for the sake of it when someone has already made up their mind and refused to cite any proof other than them shouting "FACT!" Sorry if that upsets you, but if it does then you're clearly a fucking baby. I can tell someone I think their opinion is ridiculous without having to spend the next 3 days in here continuously saying the same thing because any valid points are ignored in favour of further pushing your voice - something that Scouse arguments of late have been doing.

You seem to have a issue with people having different opinions then yourself. Scouse have made quite some relevant statemens here, while you tend to try to insult and troll the thread instead of arguing up for your own cause! "I can tell someone I think their opinion is ridiculous", statements like this is also a clear proof of what I just said, noone cares what you think in discussions. The relevant matter is why you think that way, and then build up with whatever facts you have.

The reason scouse repeats himself, is because you come back with nothing at all. Which still makes his point valid!

"Sorry if that upsets you, but if it does then you're clearly a fucking baby" - Trying to insult people is what people do when they have lost a arguement, and got nothing else to come up with.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Thing is, when does one stop being "an immigrant" and become "British"? In the first generation, the second, the third? Because one of the problems with "immigration causes crime", is that when it comes to the actual people getting off the boat or out from under that train, its simply not true. Those people aren't statistically more likely to commit a crime than the general population.

However, that's not to say there's not an ethnic element to the crime stats, of course there is, but its happening amongst Afro-Caribbean males, who in almost all cases, were born here or are the children or grandchildren of people born here. Funnily enough, those oh-so-problematical moslems (which lets face it are the immigrants that everyone worries about) have levels of arrest exactly in line with their percentage of the population (interestingly they have levels of conviction 1.5% higher than their percentage of the population, make of that what you will), so moslems don't adversely affect crime stats at all except inasmuch as they contribute to a growing population*. Now, you could argue "once an immigrant, always an immigrant" (which seems a bit harsh on the Windsors, but there you go), or, you actually look at why a particular ethnic group has been allowed to fester for three generations, increasing their contribution to the crime stats year in year out? Because, yes, you guessed it, Afro-Caribbeans arriving in the UK in the 1950s and 60s were also no more likely to commit crime than the general population, but then maybe that's because when they arrived they all had jobs to go to.

*For the record, this is my only problem with immigration, I don't give a toss about the ethnicity of the people arriving, just the simple fact that there are probably too many of them (without useful skills) for the creaking infrastructure to cope with. I'll happily subscribe to economic arguments against unmanaged immigration but I think most of "cultural" arguments are a load of bollocks.


Dec 26, 2003
I think immigration has had a nasty effect on youth unemployment and has depressed wages for un-skilled and semi skilled jobs.

Neither of these is good for long term stability - we could end up becoming completely reliant on large scale immigration to keep our economy ticking over.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Asked if he wanted the court to give him the death penalty, he replied: "No, but I would have respected it. I would not recognise 21 years of prison, it's ridiculous."

What happens after 21 years? He gets released?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Not even going to answer the racist accusations, tired of that one.
I like bunnies, cuddly little bunnies, but if I came home to find the house full of them, I'd be a bit pissed off.
I don't dislike people because they were born a different race, I dislike people who are asswhipes.
A forced multicultural country IS a cesspit of culture, including ours in that.
I don't know which bubble you live in, but my views on immigration are pretty well the mainstream view, so asking me to leave unfortunately leaves millions to take my place, just about everyone who reads the Sun. Daily mail, Express, you may not like them because you make swinging judgements on them based on your prejudice against their choice of reading know..a bit like rascism actually.
The comments on this board rounding up people into classifications you deem as inferior is far more discriminatory than anything I have ever written.
I travel a lot and meet a lot of people of all classes in their homes and I can tell you there is a deep dislike for immigration, in fact there is a overwhelming distrust of non whites, they use language that would get you arrested.
I have met a lot of people in Denmark, Sweden and Norway and every last jack one of them hates the influx of Islam, it is a powder keg waiting to explode, because it is happening to fast and we can can't assimilate them before they make ghettos of their own culture.
Sorry this post is a clunky, writing on phone.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
What happens after 21 years? He gets released?
He might be evaluated before the release. And most likely he will be "in jail" for longer, its just that even our worst killers before breivik gets weekend off when in jail, and this only a couple of years into their sentence.....

They get to take free education there, and also able to get a paid job! Also, they get free access to their own private TV in their room, and stuff like a PC, xbox etc! Prisons in Norway is like a fairy land to some people(Especially those who usually lived in war-filled countries)
To get a better view of how our prisoners live just look at this video by Michael moore(About 5:50 into the video).


- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
It only takes a very small minority to make a big difference at this ball game. I understand the feelings from both sides of the party, and have always said multiculturalism doesn't work. I think the problem which the UK is enduring is because Labour opened the floor gates to immigration, and not only that, it's the culture of the UK which has developed from this benefits culture. After moving away from the UK, I notice a huge difference in the cultures. In the 3 years of being in Denmark, I have never walked down the street and seen a group of chavs "hanging around", getting up to no good etc .. therefore I blame the people of the UK!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I have met a lot of people in Denmark, Sweden and Norway and every last jack one of them hates the influx of Islam, it is a powder keg waiting to explode, because it is happening to fast and we can can't assimilate them before they make ghettos of their own culture.
Sorry this post is a clunky, writing on phone.

The entire moslem population of Norway is equivalent to a town the size of Bournemouth. Its a powder keg just waiting to exploooooooooode!!!!!!!!


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
The entire moslem population of Norway is equivalent to a town the size of Bournemouth. Its a powder keg just waiting to exploooooooooode!!!!!!!!

That is actually wrong, in Norway alone there is about 600 000 immigrants, and 300 000 of them are muslims! Considering our entire population is only 5 000 000, it is quite a lot :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Was actually watching an interview on sky news outside the courthouse yesterday as i was off work and over half the people who passed behind the guy being interviewed were obviously middle eastern


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The entire moslem population of Norway is equivalent to a town the size of Bournemouth. Its a powder keg just waiting to exploooooooooode!!!!!!!!

So bearing in mind the post immediately below yours, where did you get your info ? :p


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
That is actually wrong, in Norway alone there is about 600 000 immigrants, and 300 000 of them are muslims! Considering our entire population is only 5 000 000, it is quite a lot :p

Unless the islamic population of Norway has doubled since 2007, you're flat wrong. Every study I've seen puts the moslem population at around 3% for the whole country, 6% for the Oslo region, in other words, 150,000.

Just for you Throd - the main source is The Pew Forum on Public Life which is massive survey of religious and ethnic populations around the world, and was last done in Jan 2011. Its referenced here and here. There's also the CIA world factbook, and Wikipedia if you'd prefer...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Crying at his own video, I guess he's living in a fantasy world that has taken hold of his entire perception, probably thinks he's on a mission far more important than individuals, which pretty well describes most of the dictators since dictating began.
That's the problem with people who feel the need to kill to change world, they never consider shooting themselves first.
is it disturbing that ken livingstone did that also


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Unless the islamic population of Norway has doubled since 2007, you're flat wrong. Every study I've seen puts the moslem population at around 3% for the whole country, 6% for the Oslo region, in other words, 150,000.

Just for you Throd - the main source is The Pew Forum on Public Life which is massive survey of religious and ethnic populations around the world, and was last done in Jan 2011. Its referenced here and here. There's also the CIA world factbook, and Wikipedia if you'd prefer...
That number you got there, is the ones that are registered in Islamic congregations! The reality is way higher, and today I think it is nearly 200k that is registered, where it is quite a lot 2nd & 3 generation muslim immigrants that is not counted for in this calculation.

Heck, I even had 8 muslims attending my class of 22 students. And 3 of them that I know quite well(Actually good friends of mine), is not a registered muslim like their parents(They do consider themselves muslims tho, but act more like what a modern christian does.)

Heck, even the number you came up with is the size of Bournemouth! And this is Norway alone of registered muslims in 2007. So you kinda have to eat your own words just there!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
That number you got there, is the ones that are registered in Islamic congregations! The reality is way higher, and today I think it is nearly 200k that is registered, where it is quite a lot 2nd & 3 generation muslim immigrants that is not counted for in this calculation.

Heck, I even had 8 muslims attending my class of 22 students. And 3 of them that I know quite well(Actually good friends of mine), is not a registered muslim like their parents(They do consider themselves muslims tho, but act more like what a modern christian does.)

Heck, even the number you came up with is the size of Bournemouth! And this is Norway alone of registered muslims in 2007. So you kinda have to eat your own words just there!

Read the source - its a population study, not just congregations. I'll find other links to different studies if you want, how about you do the same?


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Read the source - its a population study, not just congregations. I'll find other links to different studies if you want, how about you do the same?

This is our official site when it comes to any statistics in Norway. And is alot more reliable then a couple of news articles that you have posted!

Only issue is that you need to understand Norwegian to read it, but you should be able to get out some of numbers.

The tabel on the site is only showing to 2011. Which means you have to add 1 more years with the same/higher growth.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
It says on the site that we hit 500k immigrants somewhere in 2010. And at the start of 2011 there are over 600k immigrants(Most from poland and pakistan), that is a growth of 100k in less then a year! So you should probably count another 100k-150k now in 2012(Ofcourse not all muslims, but probably around 40-50k of them)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Unless the islamic population of Norway has doubled since 2007...

To be fair Gaff, that's not outside the realms of possibility is it.

Under Labour we apparently grew by ~4 million inhabitants due to immigration. That number is a lot for a country of 60m, especially in such a short space of time.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
It says on the site that we hit 500k immigrants somewhere in 2010. And at the start of 2011 there are over 600k immigrants(Most from poland and pakistan), that is a growth of 100k in less then a year! So you should probably count another 100k-150k now in 2012(Ofcourse not all muslims, but probably around 40-50k of them)

No it doesn't! It says (in English) there are 600K including children of immigrants born in Norway! It also says most immigration is actually from within Europe. More importantly, it doesn't back up your 300K moslem assertation at all. If you look at the stats it says there are 209,467 from Asia including Turkey and 73,480 from Africa. Since this is pretty much where all moslems come from we can say you have a total pool of 282,947 (already short of your 300K), but then we can start taking off numbers. For some reason the table doesn't give numbers for every country, but taking off the Thais*, Vietnamese, Philippinos* and Sri Lankans alone drops your potential moslem pool to 220,388. Now you can make a reasonable guess that the African pool is a mix of moslem and sub-Saharan ("Christian"), I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say 2/3 of the Africans are Moslem (its probably closer to 50:50 but whatever), that brings your moslem potentials down to about 195K. I've had to find a different source for the Chinese and Indians but they add up to about 18K, with another 8K or so from the rest of definitely not-Moslem bits of asia, so we get down to about 170K, max. Maybe Bournemouth on a warm Summer's day then.

Thanks for that link. Very useful.

(*yes I know there are moslems in all of these countries, but statistically they're not significant except in India).


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
No it doesn't! It says (in English) there are 600K including children of immigrants born in Norway! It also says most immigration is actually from within Europe. More importantly, it doesn't back up your 300K moslem assertation at all. If you look at the stats it says there are 209,467 from Asia including Turkey and 73,480 from Africa. Since this is pretty much where all moslems come from we can say you have a total pool of 282,947 (already short of your 300K), but then we can start taking off numbers. For some reason the table doesn't give numbers for every country, but taking off the Thais*, Vietnamese, Philippinos* and Sri Lankans alone drops your potential moslem pool to 220,388. Now you can make a reasonable guess that the African pool is a mix of moslem and sub-Saharan ("Christian"), I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say 2/3 of the Africans are Moslem (its probably closer to 50:50 but whatever), that brings your moslem potentials down to about 195K. I've had to find a different source for the Chinese and Indians but they add up to about 18K, with another 8K or so from the rest of definitely not-Moslem bits of asia, so we get down to about 170K, max. Maybe Bournemouth on a warm Summer's day then.

Thanks for that link. Very useful.

(*yes I know there are moslems in all of these countries, but statistically they're not significant except in India).

Looking at the growth from somewhere in 2010(Doesnt specifiy the exact date) til january 2011. We had a growth of 100k immigrants, of this a little more then half was european! Now count in the growth from january 2011 til todays date in 2012. At the same rate we've had all those other years the immigration rate should be 100-150k, just from that period of time the immigrants from muslim talking lands should be a little under half(If still using the same growth numbers from the previous year).

And this is not counting all the illegal immigrants we have here(Quite alot in Norway, because of how our structure work) So the muslim population should be closer to 300k then to the size of Bournemouth!

I will find more links for you after work. Have to get stuff done here, and not keep looking at statistics all day long


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
No point in getting hung up on numbers - it's still a fair whack for a country of only 5 million...


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Looking at the growth from somewhere in 2010(Doesnt specifiy the exact date) til january 2011. We had a growth of 100k immigrants, of this a little more then half was european! Now count in the growth from january 2011 til todays date in 2012. At the same rate we've had all those other years the immigration rate should be 100-150k, just from that period of time the immigrants from muslim talking lands should be a little under half(If still using the same growth numbers from the previous year).

And this is not counting all the illegal immigrants we have here(Quite alot in Norway, because of how our structure work) So the muslim population should be closer to 300k then to the size of Bournemouth!

I will find more links for you after work. Have to get stuff done here, and not keep looking at statistics all day long

Fucking hell, can't you read? It says on the stats the exact population growth from 1st Jan 2010 to 1st Jan 2011. Its 62,289 for the whole population and of that total, 49,146 for "Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents". Once again, about half of the figure you're quoting! Its right there on the link you gave!

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