News Amy winehouse found dead


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
at least the drugs she bought this time did some good for a change and finished her off .. ffs dozens dead in china 92 in oslo and ppl are obsessed with a druggie who probably od'd

The problem with dead people a long way off is that it's very difficult to sympathise. Thousands of people are dying in africa due to lack of water, food and basic medic care. Is there a thread here for that? Is there fuck.

The closer someone is to me when they die the more I give a fuck. Winehouse died 9 miles from me, the norweigans something like 800 miles. Meh. Norway has it fucking great anyway, rolling around in their oil money - wish we hadnt spunked ours up the wall.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
at least the drugs she bought this time did some good for a change and finished her off .. ffs dozens dead in china 92 in oslo and ppl are obsessed with a druggie who probably od'd

You appear to be suggesting that one cannot sympathise with one tragedy while another is ongoing. In which case, how dare you whinge about some dead Norwegian kids when tens of thousands of Sudanese are starving to death.


Seriously though, you're glad she's dead? What a lovely person you are.


Apr 20, 2011
Everyone needs help you know, some more than others, but everyone does. We don't know if she was going through problems, we just don't know.


Apr 20, 2011
Complete fuckwit. Sympathies to those close to her that were not making her worse.
Twat of a role model for kids. Waste of air. Such a shame because she might have stood a chance of really being successful. The people that claim she's a "legend" can fuck right off, because an album and a couple of popular songs do not make a legend.

Yeah, she had a distinctive voice and it wasn't unpleasant. But frankly if you're going to live that sort of life, of your own making with no real attempts at putting it right, then you're prone to a ribbing.

She wasn't so much more because she stopped herself by being a twat. On one hand most of her work was inspired by being a twat, but is that really an excuse?

Let's just hope to god people remember her as that younger pic above rather than the complete cunt she grew up to be.

And more importantly let's hope we don't give too much of a shit because the real tragedy is over in Norway. That's something to care about, not some self-fucked moron that used to be able to sing.

Waste of air? She brought happiness to millions of people through her music.

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
Good voice but didn't like her music. Appalling role model to her younger fans. Led astray by friends and lovers. Not going to say that I'm glad she's dead, no one should have to die that young. I mean, I'm 27 and I don't want to die yet.

On the flip side, Gimmley may be a complete ball-sack but he's right in one regard. She had so much help, in and out of rehab, supportive father, etc. She wasted it all and I've got zero sympathy for her. She obviously didn't want help so why should I care that she died, most likely from an overdose?

People are dying all over the world, msot of them in far more tragic circumstances and yet loads of people are going "Poor Amy, so sad." It's not sad, it's pathetic and so was she. Though I hope she's in a better place now, I've only got sympathy for her parents.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
From a friend's Facebook (a man who speaks his mind):

My very Scottish mate said:
20 innocent people killed yesterday in Norway, not very many mentions on Facebook. One Manky alcoholic junkie Banger dies and everyone's all over it like a rash !!!! All I can say is they better stand back when they cremate the cunt !!!!!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
People are dying all over the world, msot of them in far more tragic circumstances and yet loads of people are going "Poor Amy, so sad."

Yet if one amde that comparison towards norway, you'd get battered till hell froze over.

This thread is filled with such unwarranted hatred and double-standards that it's not even funny anymore.

Young person died, shame her life went as it did, that's about it.

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
Yet if one amde that comparison towards norway, you'd get battered till hell froze over.

This thread is filled with such unwarranted hatred and double-standards that it's not even funny anymore.

Young person died, shame her life went as it did, that's about it.

I fail to see how I'm being hypocritical there. The people in Norway didn't shoot themselves full of drugs, they didn't spurn help time and time again. Their lives were taken from them by a psycho with a gun and possibly more with a bomb. Those people have my sympathy, Amy gets none.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Nothing to do with sympathy, but if you're going to undermine someones death(or the value of their lfe), by using a global worse situation comparison, then accept that it applies to all situations or leave it out.

Bad life choices don't make a life lost any less, slower maybe, but not less. Death is one of the very few equal things around.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You appear to be suggesting that one cannot sympathise with one tragedy while another is ongoing. In which case, how dare you whinge about some dead Norwegian kids when tens of thousands of Sudanese are starving to death.


Seriously though, you're glad she's dead? What a lovely person you are.

i love you too .. btw amy winehouse dying is not a tragedy its a relief we dont have to have pages and pages of stuff written about her any more and the wasted mess she made of her life.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
i love you too .. btw amy winehouse dying is not a tragedy its a relief we dont have to have pages and pages of stuff written about her any more and the wasted mess she made of her life.

Try telling her friends and family that her death isn't a tragedy. I'm sure they'd be very relieved that reading about her troubles was the root of so much pain for you.

Still, things could have been worse. She could have spent her life playing some bollocks online Camelot game.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
at least im not afflicting her or anyone else with the sadness of my life as she seemed incapable of avoiding. Lets hope pete doherty goes next or however you spell his name.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
She didn't force you to buy The Sun, or the Daily Mail. You did that yourself.

Hoping that people die. Another idiot added to the ignore list. This thread is proving to be quite useful.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
saturday night off and im looking on wikipedia at Now compilations circa '95-'99 that i owned and then listening to the songs on spotify.

she cant have been more worthless than that haha


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
She didn't force you to buy The Sun, or the Daily Mail. You did that yourself.

Hoping that people die. Another idiot added to the ignore list. This thread is proving to be quite useful.

Every time you're the one nit picking at people's posts. Then wonder why people start ripping on you?

The fact is, it's fucking sad that she had to die so young. I sympathise more with her family. She was a talented lass but really just fell in with the wrong crowd.

At the same time, you think that someone should have just dragged her out and basically not let her go back to Camden or wherever it may be that she gets her drugs. I know people have a right to live life but at the same time, if you're an artist who thousands of people look up to and throw your life away to substance you don't deserve to be treated like an adult.

At the end of the day, RIP to her, but at the same time, it was coming one way or another.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
I read this thread and see a lot of people writing down they couldnt care less and that she hade it comming. Yet the same people find it horrific and odd what happend in Norway.

You could argue there is a link between society caring less and less for others and people running around with weird ideas, guns and doing crazy stuff.

Perhaps its time again to start caring about others, instead of beeing internet warriors irl aswell.

Also there is always 3 sides to every story. What you read what happend, what she said that happend and what really happend.

R.I.P Amy.

You gave me more joy with your music and talent and weird behaviour then anyone on this forum ever did and will.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
FH has been changing for a while now and frankly, it isn't the community it used to be. A troubled 27 year old girl dies, and we get a thread full of sniping and petty arguing and outright ridicule. I think some people on here should take a long hard look at themselves before judging others.

I wasn't a big fan, but she was obviously talented and extremely troubled and 27 is so young. It is sad that she didn't find the strength she needed to begin helping herself and tragic for her family; Addiction is a soul destroying disease and it is perhaps always worst for those who must stand by powerless to help.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Never bought or even downloaded her music; I think it's very sad for her family. RIP and all that :(

I think a lot of the comments reflect the state of our media, we don't snipe at others who had a similar fate like Jimi Hendrix - but then every tiny detail of his daily life wasn't written up in the 100s of trashy mags we have these days.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously Himse don't drag your tendency to be a hypocrite from the TG thread in to this one just so you can try and have a pop at Tom over someones death.


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
What exactly is the problem? It's something that splits the opinions of a community, something that happens all the time. Some of us are glad to see she's no longer suffering herself and no longer causing pain to those around her (watching her act a twat and listening to her try and be a mere shadow of her former self). Some of us are mourning what little she did do good. "Bought happiness to millions" though? That's a bit strong. Most chocolate bars have had a far better result than that.

No, she didn't rape anyone. She did kill someone though, herself. And you can guarantee she's had that much of an affect on some other fuckwits trying to follow in her footsteps, that they'll probably go the same way.
It's not as relieving as seeing Saddam hung or Bin Laden killed but try to think about the reality of it for a minute. I do suspect the people that are genuinely sadden by her expected demise don't, for instance, have children that are likely influenced by popular music culture.

I won't apologise about being blunt on the subject, what's the point of hiding the fact that someone did this to themselves behind a crappy little "RIP" notice.

I half expect her will reading to go ahead with "I would like to be cremated, and my remains snorted by Blake whateverhistwatnameis"

So if anyone's offended by people not being surprised or bothered that she's popped it, take a grip on reality for a moment and perhaps think that people's opinions will and do differ.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Shame those that spent so much time trying to help her and look after her failed. She was really talented before her junkie lifestyle took over.


Dec 26, 2003
These threads always end up going badly - perhaps we should have 2 threads for each controvertsial death - one pro one anti?


Apr 20, 2011
As others mentioned, I think its very sad that people do not have any empathy. All I can say is that I actually sympathise with those who obviously do not have enough happiness in their own life that they so tactlessly disregard the loss of another.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Would they offer you a box of fags a week after you quit because you were acting a little grumpy ?

No they wouldn't but how do you know her family/friends offered her drugs? Like I said before, if someone really cared there are laws in this land which can strip a persons responsibility away from them so they can be forced into care. Perhaps someone should have done that for her. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. I have no doubt that a shrink would have found grounds for sectioning.

Maybe she didn't want help. Who knows? Certainly nobody here.

I just find it offensive how quickly people condemn somebody they never knew.

Personally I was never a fan of Amy's music, but having lost my Mother to cancer after a 10 year fight for life I find it hard to give sympathy to someone who, in my eyes, had a dim view of the gift of life in her later years.

During my Mother's last couple of years two people in our friends/family circle attempted suicide and failed. I have never been so fucking angry, why? Because Mum broke down in tears and said "I am fighting for life and they just want to throw it away". I won't go into the reasons they chose to try to end their life as I believe there is NO reason especially if you have children.

Anyway, RIP Amy.

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