News Amy winehouse found dead


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I just find it offensive how quickly people condemn somebody they never knew.

Always happens. You only have to check out the abuse Jade Goody got...then when she died, the same people were saying how wonderful she was.


Aug 24, 2008
Fuck me you're about the most offensive little twat I've ever come across.
Little? lol :D. Internet tough guy name calling on the forum again, surprise ^^.

offensive how, because you liked her music? Addiction is for weak minded people. I have no interest in a sniveling weak little skag head that has had all the help x10 possible. How would you feel if she fixed up, got in a car and run over your kid? Still be singing the same tune? And don't say it can't happen, I've seen it plenty of times (personally, in real life) and it's disturbing. Mostly with Meph and not a opiate like heroin but it can still just as easily happen.

Why don't you grow up a bit? Who the fuck cares how she sings .... society is better off with out her and thank god she just killed her self. And I would say the same thing about thing if it was family member .... Maybe you would understand if you got the chills down your spine and have seen someone young person dead on the street (in person, not the TV) because of some high addict.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
She never hurt me. Never said anything to upset me, never upset my friends or people I care about. I never met her, she didn't cost me any money and brought me only happiness when I listened to her music, of which "Love is a Losing Game" is my favourite.

So quite why some people feel the need to gloat over her untimely death and lecture us all about how "anyone who touches drugs is an idiot mkay" is beyond me. Why must people always be so judgemental?

who has exactly been gloating in this thread? or infact lecturing you on "anyone who touches drugs is an idiot mkay".

I can't see anything.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
While not a personal fan of hers I will say it is a shame but not unexpected, you just can't help some people.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
He's right though, you are an offensive twat. How you are still a member on this forum, considering others who were banned for a lot less is beyond me.

An opinion is fine, you take it to new levels to irritate others though.


Aug 24, 2008
He's right though, you are an offensive twat. How you are still a member on this forum, considering others who were banned for a lot less is beyond me.

An opinion is fine, you take it to new levels to irritate others though.
Not denying i'm an offensive twat, but at least I have logic and I wouldn't say anything I wouldn't say irl. The problem is, too many people live sheltered lives and need to grow up and stop being a sensitive fanny. PC doesn't exist in most other country's, people aren't scared to tell the truth.

Rather than, i like her music, heroin isn't bad, how dare you say that?


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
No you take an extreme view and preach it, and you do it like a cock. There is no need.


Aug 24, 2008
No you take an extreme view and preach it, and you do it like a cock. There is no need.
Not really, I just don't sugar coat things, she was an addict beyond help. I don't care how good she sings, it's better she killed her self before someone else.

Not like I e-mailed her dad is it?

it's all pete dohertys fault
That's a guy I respect, how long was he banging Kate Moss and how isn't he dead yet?


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
So if i take skag once im a skaghead for life no matter what i do, lol gimmly seriously gtfo and show a little empathy, and how do you know she was addicted beyond help ?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
who has exactly been gloating in this thread? or infact lecturing you on "anyone who touches drugs is an idiot mkay".

I can't see anything.

I'm not really talking about just this thread, more from a range of forums and of course the obligatory "Facebook retards" I seem to have found amongst my FB friends (now blocked).

It's always the same - famous person dies, lots of self-righteous idiots step in to proclaim their superiority.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
She never hurt me. Never said anything to upset me, never upset my friends or people I care about. I never met her, she didn't cost me any money and brought me only happiness when I listened to her music, of which "Love is a Losing Game" is my favourite.

So quite why some people feel the need to gloat over her untimely death and lecture us all about how "anyone who touches drugs is an idiot mkay" is beyond me. Why must people always be so judgemental?

Possibly because they are fucking idiots :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003


Aug 24, 2008
So if i take skag once im a skaghead for life no matter what i do, lol gimmly seriously gtfo and show a little empathy, and how do you know she was addicted beyond help ?
That's a stupid thing to say .... of course it doesn't make her a skaghead if she did it once. Although it does make her a junkie and a moron. I've taken pretty much taken every drug there is (and had a fucking good time) and never let my self get addicted or even wanted to touch skag or meph, people know the addiction risks. And you must be pretty head fucked as a person to want to stick a needle full of dirty opiates in your veins to began with.

And really, shes been on skag for how long? How many times has she been in and out of rehab and prison? Came back and started again? She's had 10x the help other people have had .... no one forced her to get re addicted 100x.

And I praise people a hell of a lot that have had the mind power to kick a habbit and get straight. Esp some elite level athletes that have come from a broken home, got addicted to skag, kicked it and become a top level athlete.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Can the vultures give it a rest already, give sympathies or just keep it to yourself, have drugs even been confirmed as cause of death ?


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
really not a fan, of her music, or her behaviour

but wouldnt wish it on anyone, so tbh im pretty much apathetic to the whole thing, on balance

as ive said before, more "useful" or "good" people die all the time, and noone cares. people got upset over princess Di, like they knew her, this is the same thing, its coattailing on someone famous and feeling distraught.

get over it :\


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003

Are we mean't to say "man, she's totally bangable there..."

Or is it a trap with the school uniform and what not?

Never really been a fan of her, and it was always inevitable that it was going to happen sooner rather than later.

Guess she hasn't drank any tiger blood though, tsk.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
PC doesn't exist in most other country's, people aren't scared to tell the truth.
There's a difference between not being PC, and being a cock. You're being a cock.

As for Winehouse, dunno if I ever even heard a song but always sad when people die young for things that are preventable.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Little? lol :D. Internet tough guy name calling on the forum again, surprise ^^.

offensive how, because you liked her music? Addiction is for weak minded people. I have no interest in a sniveling weak little skag head that has had all the help x10 possible. How would you feel if she fixed up, got in a car and run over your kid? Still be singing the same tune? And don't say it can't happen, I've seen it plenty of times (personally, in real life) and it's disturbing. Mostly with Meph and not a opiate like heroin but it can still just as easily happen.

Why don't you grow up a bit? Who the fuck cares how she sings .... society is better off with out her and thank god she just killed her self. And I would say the same thing about thing if it was family member .... Maybe you would understand if you got the chills down your spine and have seen someone young person dead on the street (in person, not the TV) because of some high addict.

so youre saying you could shoot heroin as much as you wanted and not get addicted?


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Complete fuckwit. Sympathies to those close to her that were not making her worse.
Twat of a role model for kids. Waste of air. Such a shame because she might have stood a chance of really being successful. The people that claim she's a "legend" can fuck right off, because an album and a couple of popular songs do not make a legend.

Yeah, she had a distinctive voice and it wasn't unpleasant. But frankly if you're going to live that sort of life, of your own making with no real attempts at putting it right, then you're prone to a ribbing.

She wasn't so much more because she stopped herself by being a twat. On one hand most of her work was inspired by being a twat, but is that really an excuse?

Let's just hope to god people remember her as that younger pic above rather than the complete cunt she grew up to be.

And more importantly let's hope we don't give too much of a shit because the real tragedy is over in Norway. That's something to care about, not some self-fucked moron that used to be able to sing.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
I laughed for a second and shook my head when I heard the news at 6pm.
Not laughing at her, but at the irony of the circumstance.
The thought along with the laugh was "So drink/drugs got her in the end".

It's sad that she couldn't get out of the drink/drugs cycle, but she's no martyr.
The only people who I spare a thought for are her family. They didn't deserve, or ask, for this.

The situation in Norway is far more important in my mind than this news item.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
what are the horrible things shes done since all of you speak of her as a twat, cunt and wishes her nothing but the worst? did she rape and kill a child?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
I think this coming so soon after what has happened in Norway is making people, including myself, think well she's basically chosen to piss her life up against the wall and had it coming. And yet those that died yesterday didnt have any choice in the matter... she's contributed to giving away something that so many lost thru no fault of their own.

Her music wasnt my cup of tea, altho quite easy to see the talent. But this was always gonna happen.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Sad ending to be honest, just goes to show what happens when someone so young jumps into fame and gets in with the bad crowd (docherty and civil) I know nothing official has been said yet but i'm going to assume its either suicide or a massive drug overdose or both.

Shame really, such a waste of a young life.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Sad ending, kind of inevitable though, alot of people tried to help her but there was also a hardcore who kept leading her astray. Sympathies to her family, they are the ones who will really suffer.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
at least the drugs she bought this time did some good for a change and finished her off .. ffs dozens dead in china 92 in oslo and ppl are obsessed with a druggie who probably od'd

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