alliance chat (CF alliance)



Originally posted by Gray-CF
No need -

a small amount of spam has always been tolerated - and late at night its never really been a prob

i havent been on much this week but havent seen any of this stuff.

Anyways do any of you lot who seem to be royaly taking the piss on /as have the slightest fucking clue how many hours in game have been spent running and sorting this alliance -

And a a very sucessful alliance it has been imo -

So its simple shut the fuck up with the retard spam or get the fuck out.

this doesnt mean that tzee cant have the odd /mt or someone makes a ickle joke late - but from what i read theres some fucked up shit going on

i see any more of the type of crap im reading about and being told about then your fucking guild is out - straight away -

scuse the language - its late - im tired - and im fucked off to hell with muppets who take things too far

if your in our alliance and reading this and thinking "fuck that for a game of soldiers" take you guild out now please

and if you reading this thinking "i hope /as gets back to how it used to be" well thanks i will do my best :)

thankyou for your time


gogo Gray


Originally posted by Freppe^^
How fuck do u know kama, i can say i wernt there buy each time ive said it , it was cus some1 said HELLO first.. and replied with NAS which is the same fucking thing, would it be different if i said HAIL/HEJSAN etc? Is it just that we cant use spanish, even tho we learn spanish in school? omfg..

oh, and hail has no record of put together with another word (2 combos) beeing majorly offending (as offending it's forbidden in law in sweden if you didn't know..) for some ethnic groups...


Thxs to Tzee, Danya and Loff.

To all that defence "nas xDDD" spam, no offence, no sense to flame, etc, go on m8s with your racist sense to spanish. If you dont want understand it, its your problem but the offence to us is clear.


Originally posted by tdmm_kamosh
Thxs to Tzee, Danya and Loff.

To all that defence "nas xDDD" spam, no offence, no sense to flame, etc, go on m8s with your racist sense to spanish. If you dont want understand it, its your problem but the offence to us is clear.

Then please explain it, i don't use the phrase myself but i really do not see the problem with it, instead of just starting flaiming etc maybe try to explain so people can understand?


Pffff.... so much anger... such a long thread and still no solution...

My 2 cents:

1) It's clear that (some) spanish people feel offended by the use of the word Nas in any form regardless of what is meant
2) It's clear that (some) people feel that CF as is spammed with bs at prime hours when it's supposed to be used for realm stuff

Why not all accept these two things and stop using nas and stop spamming as at prime hours? What you think, what your opinion is, or what intentions the spamming people had: is irrelevant in this case.

If you find out you do/have done things that have offended people or have annoyed people even without meaning to offend or annoy them the only things you can do is try to explain or excuse yourself for your own sake. It's not a matter of right or wrong cause it's not up to anyone to deceide if someone should or should not feel offended or annoyed cause they are both feelings.

I hope you all don't play this game to offend or annoy people. This also means you have to adapt yourself to a majority of people even when you think different.


People are spending too much time bitching at each other over /as.


Originally posted by StormriderX
People are spending too much time bitching at each other over /as.
Agree with that! Less arguing on /as more just keeping your damn mouth shut.


Originally posted by Ziva
Pffff.... so much anger... such a long thread and still no solution...

My 2 cents:

1) It's clear that (some) spanish people feel offended by the use of the word Nas in any form regardless of what is meant
2) It's clear that (some) people feel that CF as is spammed with bs at prime hours when it's supposed to be used for realm stuff

Why not all accept these two things and stop using nas and stop spamming as at prime hours? What you think, what your opinion is, or what intentions the spamming people had: is irrelevant in this case.

If you find out you do/have done things that have offended people or have annoyed people even without meaning to offend or annoy them the only things you can do is try to explain or excuse yourself for your own sake. It's not a matter of right or wrong cause it's not up to anyone to deceide if someone should or should not feel offended or annoyed cause they are both feelings.

I hope you all don't play this game to offend or annoy people. This also means you have to adapt yourself to a majority of people even when you think different.

That's a sensible post. But this is BW, so it will probably get ignored because ignorant flame posts are way more interesting to reply to for most peeps here ( :


Originally posted by ab_fluid
Then please explain it, i don't use the phrase myself but i really do not see the problem with it, instead of just starting flaiming etc maybe try to explain so people can understand?

My guess is that the answer to your question will be something like:

Because you have already made up your mind about it being a non offensive word i will not try to explain it to you as you will only say "but it only means hello" as a reply to that :p

No offense, but thats what will happen if someone tries to explain(i dont know myself, but i recognise the situation).


tzee the racist scot's fault!

and the spanish armarda ;<

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