Albion need cleric's so bad ...(Whine alert)



thats why if you are a cleric dont grp with ppl without sc armor and ppl with gimp specs like 2h pallys :>


I much prefer my cleric over my armsman to RvR with. It's just not very rewarding with 95% of Albs not having the slightest clue how hard it is. I didnt either, untill I rolled one.

- Pets of all colours and sizes interrupt (more often than not I'm interrupted for the whole fight because people cba to get the pet off me, so I need to go in melee to kill it myself and they start yelling heal ffs).
- Root, Mezz, any spell whatever, hell even a swoosh (tank tries to hit you and misses) interrupts.
- Healing for 600-700 damage every 2.5-3 seconds, while a groupmember gets hit for the same amount every second isn't very funny.
- BoF is nice for 30 seconds, after that you are minced meat anyway. Yes quite an overpowered RA. It's also only effective against melee groups. Meet average Hib groups and BoF means nothing.
- If you dare standing still at one spot for longer than 5 seconds, 3 people run up to you and ask: "Any conc left for some boofs??" or "Heal plz kthx"
- People don't understand the fact that without a yellow bar, there is no healing. The sentence 'oop or oom or no power' is the sign for the group to run up to the keepwall and get dotted. Then they scatter in all directions, so you can /face run closer and cure 7 times.
- People don't understand the difference between spread heals which do not require line of sight and targetted rezz, cure and heal spells.


Give something in the smite line to clerics and we'll just end up as we were back in the pre-smite nerf days. More clerics but non of them able to do a decent heal.


Originally posted by Moody

- Pets of all colours and sizes interrupt (more often than not I'm interrupted for the whole fight because people cba to get the pet off me, so I need to go in melee to kill it myself and they start yelling heal ffs).
- Root, Mezz, any spell whatever, hell even a swoosh (tank tries to hit you and misses) interrupts.
- Healing for 600-700 damage every 2.5-3 seconds, while a groupmember gets hit for the same amount every second isn't very funny.
- BoF is nice for 30 seconds, after that you are minced meat anyway. Yes quite an overpowered RA. It's also only effective against melee groups. Meet average Hib groups and BoF means nothing.
- If you dare standing still at one spot for longer than 5 seconds, 3 people run up to you and ask: "Any conc left for some boofs??" or "Heal plz kthx"
- People don't understand the fact that without a yellow bar, there is no healing. The sentence 'oop or oom or no power' is the sign for the group to run up to the keepwall and get dotted. Then they scatter in all directions, so you can /face run closer and cure 7 times.
- People don't understand the difference between spread heals which do not require line of sight and targetted rezz, cure and heal spells.

this is the same for healers/druids to :p


Originally posted by old.Filip
druids often get pet's on them ?

no theurgs don't spam chain stunning pets all day long and cabby/sorc pets don't chase after people too


no theurgs don't spam chain stunning pets all day long and cabby/sorc pets don't chase after people too

if a theug gets to spam 4+ pets on your group you shoudl loose ...

if you face a group with a cabby abd loose consider your self killed by randoms

if you dont kill sorc or stop the only pet in a fotm alb group consider you self beaten,,,

fotm hib gorup 4+ pets
fotm mid group 0 pet
fotm alb group 1 pet

sorry for all spelling stuff etc ... way to drunk atm.. and tbh WTF do i do on BW instead of sleeping ...


Aye fluid, yer right :)

Basically, a healer/druid/cleric needs a good group to be able to have the slightest chance in doing his work properly.


Originally posted by old.Filip
my exprince tells me that if a cleric tries Druid or Healer it is the beginning of the end to his cleric carrier..

so true im an old cleric, found healer tried druid but healer realy takes the price, as with most classes the cleric lacks things to do, take a mend healer or a nurt druid, just as boring.

to play a full deff char aint the liking of many ppl and smite got nerfed to smithereens, and clerics well are the best healer... ^^ not saying more, im refering to the fact of pure damage prevent not utility lvl on diff areas.

but as it is clerics sure dont need an upgrade altho they do need more combined arts then they atm have, so generaly u cant add something realy good to the class without removing some of the utility.

and no i dont want to say albion is overpowered. infact its the other way around, altho the game has never been more balanced then it is atm. but albion still needs a small push in the upwards direction. but its not the cleric who should recieve it.... /em looks at the armsman....


Re: Re: Albion need cleric's so bad ...(Whine alert)

Originally posted by ingrid
to play a full deff char aint the liking of many ppl and smite got nerfed to smithereens, and clerics well are the best healer... ^^ not saying more, im refering to the fact of pure damage prevent not utility lvl on diff areas.

Clerics are the best healers?

Okay then so we, healers and druids both have the EXACT same healing capacity. And you say you are only refering to part of the arguement? In that case, lets start up an argument comparing wizards and savages 'casting' Showing only part of the argument manipulates the facts.

In the buffing department, things are different, no better for any of the 3 parties apart from the stealther wars but that isn't what this topic is about.

So we are left with the 3rd line each of them have. Lets looks at the bigger picture and benefits for all 3

PR - Very useful tool
Mezzer as well as healer in the group cuts down on the variation of classes needed in a group
Chain armour (a benefit in that the mid group doesn't require a cloth wearer in a tank group)
Strong variation of mezz including insta mezz, ae mezz, ae insta mezz, insta stun, aoe stun, aoe insta stun. 2 timers both ranged

A damn annoying pet
The roots in the line are useful, both insta and non-insta and both ranged

BoF for 30 seconds of every 30 minutes.
Smite for 50 dmg but an interupt none the less, as well as ae smite
pbaoe mezz on a five minute timer and pbaoe smite on a 20 second timer, both mainly there as interupters as they cannot function as anythingelse.

So then...clerics have castable smite as an interupt and pbaoe spells if they cannot fight, meaning they have to run through the enemy support during the battle, pretty much suiciding.

Druids have castable ae root so an ae interupt as well as having a root bonus. They also have an insta root if they get enemies on them, for which to escape. The pet can also nullfy an enemy caster for a short period of time. be that healer or damager.

Healers have a castable ae interupt with their mezz, as well as 2 insta ones and 2 insta ae ones. They also have castable root to interupt with or to use with effect.

Pretty obvious which wins in that compartment.

Ooh yes, apart from the cleric smite which can total to 100 in some cases on a 3 second cast!!11!!!!1!1!!!!

Id rather have 6 options of interupt tbh.

The RA department, no question who wins here. Clerics having BoF and access to AP (for rr8+ only) means they are better at defence. Druids coming a close second with group purge which gets on everyones tits of the enemy realm but I'm sure hibs love it :) Healers come third with PR. Looking at the bigger picture for defence here though, Albion groups also have to run with a cloth caster for mezz in standard groups which will drop in 5 seconds no matter if BoF is there or not so BoF does not completely nullify an enemy group, despite rumours. also it has no effect on caster groups.

It's no suprise people I know on excal choose to play healers on prydwen over playing a cleric on excal...


Re: Re: Re: Albion need cleric's so bad ...(Whine alert)

Originally posted by kirennia

BoF for 30 seconds of every 30 minutes.
Smite for 50 dmg but an interupt none the less, as well as ae smite
pbaoe mezz on a five minute timer and pbaoe smite on a 20 second timer, both mainly there as interupters as they cannot function as anythingelse.

like rest of the crying albs u forgot that clerics get the ra' Avoid pain, 15 min timer!


Cleric has BoF, base stun and base smite to play with. I probably wouldnt play my druid if i didnt have base root. But atm we cant add CC to cleric because it wouldnt be balanced.


like rest of the crying albs u forgot that clerics get the ra' Avoid pain, 15 min timer!

read his post again ..........................


Originally posted by rg-zorena
thats why if you are a cleric dont grp with ppl without sc armor and ppl with gimp specs like 2h pallys :>

Now come on, i dont think clerics are that good solo


kirennia I'd argue that a healer was simply more fun to play than a cleric, that's probably why people choose to play them over a rather dull and boring class (unless you go smite where you can have a little fun now and then.)

I think the Clerics PBAOE mez is only really useful as a last ditch "oh shit my group are bollocks" PvE measure.



I have a lvl 50 cleric, and its my first main char.

These days i newer play him, cos it just so boring.
When a fight start I have nothing to do, except the few times where im in range of someone casting then I can smite to interupt. But mostly smiting is just a waste of power, which is a big issue when you have to start casting spread heal.

When I get a pet on me, im out of the fight, unless someone come and kill the pet, but that doesent happend often, and if someone do, then that pet is taking me and and somene else out of the fight till its death.
I can only stop the pet for 9sec, whit pbaoe mezz, so thats not wery usefull, and speccing smite high just to make mezz better is a waste of points.

So all in all, the cleric need something else to do then heal, before I log my cleric again, whitout 50 enhance.

PS. Only the pbaoe mezz is nerfed in the smite line, the rest of the line is better then it was at release, the game have just changed around the char, making it sucks big time like the rest of the dd'ing chars. (The lvl 43 spec smite has a higher dps then the old lvl 48 spec smite)


My level 22 druid is more fun to play than my level 50 cleric. The only thing keeping me in Albion are my friends and my responsabilities to my guild.


Re: Clerics

Originally posted by elder_theurgist
I have a lvl 50 cleric, and its my first main char.

These days i newer play him, cos it just so boring.
When a fight start I have nothing to do, except the few times where im in range of someone casting then I can smite to interupt. But mostly smiting is just a waste of power, which is a big issue when you have to start casting spread heal.

When I get a pet on me, im out of the fight, unless someone come and kill the pet, but that doesent happend often, and if someone do, then that pet is taking me and and somene else out of the fight till its death.
I can only stop the pet for 9sec, whit pbaoe mezz, so thats not wery usefull, and speccing smite high just to make mezz better is a waste of points.

So all in all, the cleric need something else to do then heal, before I log my cleric again, whitout 50 enhance.

PS. Only the pbaoe mezz is nerfed in the smite line, the rest of the line is better then it was at release, the game have just changed around the char, making it sucks big time like the rest of the dd'ing chars. (The lvl 43 spec smite has a higher dps then the old lvl 48 spec smite)

So basically you're saying you want something for the cleric to do apart from healing? If I do remember correctly wasn't that albions biggest problems back in the day? That all clerics had 48+ smite?

A Mendhealer is no better off than you are. Pachealer is 1st mezzer, that immunity often lasts until the fights is over which pretty much means you can count single target mez out for FG v FG. Baseline stun is the same, your secondary buffline is far superior to mine(baselines, haste and rest solo healer-buffs aren't that win).

The one thing I have that seperates me from a cleric is celerity. Which is pretty nice, but not exactly battleturning since it does very little for H2H Savages(and yes, that is BS, doesn't make celerity more useful tho). For zerker/skald this usually gives them a bump in dmgoutput.

As I said above, if I got to trade BoF, Celerity, single target mez and PR for BoF, I would any day. And Elder_theurgist, you can't group with gimps and then cry that your class sucks. A supportclass will never be better than his group. If pets on you aren't priority #1 then it's their ass in the PBAE. Never forget that.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Albion need cleric's so bad ...(Whine alert)

Originally posted by duact
like rest of the crying albs u forgot that clerics get the ra' Avoid pain, 15 min timer!

Read my post again. The problem with it is that in order to get AP, you have to wait until a very high realm rank. If you don't then you will lack in other area.


Great, so now that you're rr9L2 you're on a competing level....fantastic. Wanna read the rest of the posts to see how often clerics play to get to rr9L2 and the reasons why? I'm sure at rr9L2 it's a fantastic char to play, hell even at 6L8 I have have fun with mine. Mainly because I'm playing alongside friends though, not down to the class. If you option came up tomoro to swap healers for clerics and sorcs, I'm sure Albion as a realm would most definately take it up.


Just a question, would this setup work?
3 cleric's, 1 sorc, 1 mincer, 3 merc's?


Originally posted by etcetra
Just a question, would this setup work?
3 cleric's, 1 sorc, 1 mincer, 3 merc's?

ye would work great for 3 seconds, then all the tanks are ooe :p


Originally posted by old.Filip
Albion need cleric's so bad ...

That is forms huge zergs...

of Infils.... becuase ppl give up getting good groups and want to RvR ...

of Fg's..... becuase ppl want to RvR ...

in daoc world there is around 3.800 clerics ... but clearly most of them is BB's

The clerics top 100 is in genereal 30% lower in rps than the healer allthough the healers are only 1.900..

anyoing as hell ..

in a group it is so often the cleric who gets boored first ... no matter if your group is succesfull or loosing.

my exprince tells me that if a cleric tries Druid or Healer it is the beginning of the end to his cleric carrier..

thing is .. becuase of the hugh amonth of BB's the cleric will never get upped... they could use a single target root .. or a pet .. or Demezz or just somthing that would make the cleric more interesting to play...

and as i startet with this is bad for all realms... at times i see 40+ ppl trying to make group at atk .. but no clerics ..

loads of ppl tryed to lvl a cleric ... some even got it to 50.... but after a while they dont wanna play him becuase they get to boored...

Minser of HB

(There is around 2.400 druids with a top 100 very much alike the cleric... dunno the BB part of that though)
i am here for j00 filip :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Albion need cleric's so bad ...(Whine alert)

Originally posted by kirennia
Read my post again. The problem with it is that in order to get AP, you have to wait until a very high realm rank. If you don't then you will lack in other area.


Great, so now that you're rr9L2 you're on a competing level....fantastic. Wanna read the rest of the posts to see how often clerics play to get to rr9L2 and the reasons why? I'm sure at rr9L2 it's a fantastic char to play, hell even at 6L8 I have have fun with mine. Mainly because I'm playing alongside friends though, not down to the class. If you option came up tomoro to swap healers for clerics and sorcs, I'm sure Albion as a realm would most definately take it up.
no way i am getting ap after moc
gonna get aug dex and mota prolly xD


Originally posted by Moody

- People don't understand the fact that without a yellow bar, there is no healing. The sentence 'oop or oom or no power' is the sign for the group to run up to the keepwall and get dotted. Then they scatter in all directions, so you can /face run closer and cure 7 times.
get power pots mcl 2 and rp and u wont get oop easily and if u get it will be for like 40 secs tops
only time i got realy realy realy oops was in a figth vs 2 fg random hibs 1 fg mid and us in a pbae group ( lol) but lasted like 12 mins :eek: .


A Mendhealer is no better off than you are. Pachealer is 1st mezzer, that immunity often lasts until the fights is over which pretty much means you can count single target mez out for FG v FG. Baseline stun is the same, your secondary buffline is far superior to mine(baselines, haste and rest solo healer-buffs aren't that win).
in pac baseline you find:




Amnesia (AOE)

Remove Mesmerisation

In Smite baseline you find:



With just 11 in pac the mend healer get shitloads of even more fun toys (but which i guess would be resistet a lot)

what i would think could help a lot of clerics is to get just 1 of the things a mend healer get's to toy with ...

like the amnesia (aoe) or Demezz

but to think the pure mend healer is = rejuv cleric is wrong ....


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Albion need cleric's so bad ...(Whine alert)

Originally posted by infernalwrath
no way i am getting ap after moc
gonna get aug dex and mota prolly xD

being dead isnt a very good group friendly ra either is it?


Originally posted by infernalwrath
get power pots mcl 2 and rp and u wont get oop easily and if u get it will be for like 40 secs tops
only time i got realy realy realy oops was in a figth vs 2 fg random hibs 1 fg mid and us in a pbae group ( lol) but lasted like 12 mins :eek: .

I'm not complaining about getting oop hunnie.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Albion need cleric's so bad ...(Whine alert)

Originally posted by Arnor
being dead isnt a very good group friendly ra either is it?

Indeed but i'd rather get my cast time better before speccing AP, \nd its a loooong way off.

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