Aftermath Video

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Fledgling Freddie
Nov 4, 2005
Well a High rr merc can easily solo 2 merlers at the start (3rd person was a caster and went to kill another person) so the odds were to the Merc for 30 seconds.

He could of used more of Conquer more but he still did bloody good damage doing just a taunt style and whats bad about that? His also a BGer aswell so why do u suspect him FOTM. Well he just shown some clips where he thought were ok to show as not being just a BG/grapple bot.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 5, 2004
I have never seen one with so bad controll, and being so clueless about what hes doing


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
wittor said:
kinda equal ! m00

but seriously , savage is a great class and you show it like you are just new to the class or daoc and don't know what is happening .. :(

To all whiners: Well apparently he IS new to the class, but not new to DAOC, I doubt though that he has played any tanks before, atleast in rvr. Is that a crime now? Do you get angry when you see someone haven't learned everything about his class yet, or play it different than you would? Why don't u guys chill a little and maybe give some advice or helpful comments instead of whining about how bad he played? Is there a law that says only veterans of each class can make movies? It takes a lot of nerve to release a movie like this to FH, especially when the responses are like this. The comments about 'die irl adders etc' are clearly filled with irony, atleast as I see it, I can't imagine someone saying something like that if it wasn't a joke. Where is your humour? :p

To the movie maker: I liked the part where you dinged rr4 and went 'YAY!! :D'. And the one time you crossed the bridge following some kiting albs and got killed and went 'Don't leave the groupm8s! ;D', made me giggle. I hope you don't get discouraged by the whine, just laugh at them and continue playing for the fun! Nobody is born fully developed, practice makes masters. I'm sure all the whiners can't honestly say they play their chars perfect, everybody has something to learn. ;)

I'm looking forward to the next release, then I'll have both the 'Before' and the 'After' movie to compare with! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
To the movie maker: I liked the part where you dinged rr4 and went 'YAY!! :D'.

might be me not paying attention, since the movie was utter shit, but didnt he ding 6l2 or smth? i refuse to watch it again to check tho.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
To all whiners: Well apparently he IS new to the class, but not new to DAOC, I doubt though that he has played any tanks before, atleast in rvr. Is that a crime now? Do you get angry when you see someone haven't learned everything about his class yet, or play it different than you would? Why don't u guys chill a little and maybe give some advice or helpful comments instead of whining about how bad he played? Is there a law that says only veterans of each class can make movies? It takes a lot of nerve to release a movie like this to FH, especially when the responses are like this. The comments about 'die irl adders etc' are clearly filled with irony, atleast as I see it, I can't imagine someone saying something like that if it wasn't a joke. Where is your humour? :p

To the movie maker: I liked the part where you dinged rr4 and went 'YAY!! :D'. And the one time you crossed the bridge following some kiting albs and got killed and went 'Don't leave the groupm8s! ;D', made me giggle. I hope you don't get discouraged by the whine, just laugh at them and continue playing for the fun! Nobody is born fully developed, practice makes masters. I'm sure all the whiners can't honestly say they play their chars perfect, everybody has something to learn. ;)

I'm looking forward to the next release, then I'll have both the 'Before' and the 'After' movie to compare with! :D

my wife could play a savage better than that and she struggles playing games on my mobile phone...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004

I fought all the savages pretty much on the server.

Kthxbye is like way stronger than any of them. (mumin, lillebulen or summin, poky, tsolias etc etc)

this guy is like someone who its safe to attack a mid next to in the knowledge he wont add or attack you after you win etc....

We all start our classes at some point. and NOONE has any footage of their first few RVR runs on a toon with like flawless play on their. that footage is internal for fun etc. christ

This vid to me seems like its been done to piss someone off or make a bad name for a person...

All I can say from my perspective is this savage is the toughest one on the server I ever fought....

other numbnutz in this guild like Minizerk and the Oh so fucking clean cant accuse him of any shit or I get banned Limitless bellend. who are both fucking nubbit adding cockends should be fucking ashamed...

kthxbye though is a player who can hold his head up high as one of the toughest and fairest players I have certainly ever encountered.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
censi said:

I fought all the savages pretty much on the server.

Kthxbye is like way stronger than any of them. (mumin, lillebulen or summin, poky, tsolias etc etc)

this guy is like someone who its safe to attack a mid next to in the knowledge he wont add or attack you after you win etc....

We all start our classes at some point. and NOONE has any footage of their first few RVR runs on a toon with like flawless play on their. that footage is internal for fun etc. christ

This vid to me seems like its been done to piss someone off or make a bad name for a person...

All I can say from my perspective is this savage is the toughest one on the server I ever fought....

other numbnutz in this guild like Minizerk and the Oh so fucking clean cant accuse him of any shit or I get banned Limitless bellend. who are both fucking nubbit adding cockends should be fucking ashamed...

kthxbye though is a player who can hold his head up high as one of the toughest and fairest players I have certainly ever encountered.

im quite offended tbh ;) :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Dr_Evil said:
I'm sure all the whiners can't honestly say they play their chars perfect, everybody has something to learn. ;)

Doubt anyone play their chars PERFECT and make all the right decisions all the time etc, but most people play their chars a bit more close to perfection than kthxbye do.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
id defend the creator of this vid... you have to learn the usage of styles really, but beside that(and the bad assist sometimes) it was a nice movie, good music, nice looking baseball bat, seems like you have a strong char, and i always liked vids which show mid tank assist groups.. savage+zerker+zerker/savage does soo nice damage...

one additional thing, never make bitching/negative vids, always be positive and nice, it makes such a difference.(dwera could speak about that.. he created vids with horrible "n00b!" stuff, and it was horrible.. well, he didnt have any clue about cool songs either, but bitching was the nr. 1 prob.)


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
I am sorry to say, but this movie was really bad.

The quality is not good, most of the fights are completly pointless and I have no idea why you think it is any entertainment value in it. Your comments are a bit silly and sometimes really amusing, especially when there are comments like "fucking adders" or something like that, and yet alot of fights in your video contains your grp blatantly adding ?

Your playstyle, okey I've read that you are fairly new to tanking or something? I must say I had Antoniusproximus ( or whatever that US merc was called) flashbacks while watching. You run behind people ALOT, but instead of using your behind positional chain you keep doing the anytime Provoke spamming at all times.

Just my honest opinion anyways.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Just watched it as was bored i was only in it once as my cabby? grouped with random rr 3's and 4 as im a nice fella when u lot got me, but pissed off as we pwned u lot every fight and one of u came on our vent to whine :p, should least shown a good long fight u lost.

Give more of me killing u lot :D maybe i should make a vid but never be able to use vent recording as i swear 2 much at my brother.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Dr_Evil said:
To all whiners: Well apparently he IS new to the class, but not new to DAOC, I doubt though that he has played any tanks before, atleast in rvr. Is that a crime now? Do you get angry when you see someone haven't learned everything about his class yet, or play it different than you would? Why don't u guys chill a little and maybe give some advice or helpful comments instead of whining about how bad he played? Is there a law that says only veterans of each class can make movies? It takes a lot of nerve to release a movie like this to FH, especially when the responses are like this. The comments about 'die irl adders etc' are clearly filled with irony, atleast as I see it, I can't imagine someone saying something like that if it wasn't a joke. Where is your humour? :p

To the movie maker: I liked the part where you dinged rr4 and went 'YAY!! :D'. And the one time you crossed the bridge following some kiting albs and got killed and went 'Don't leave the groupm8s! ;D', made me giggle. I hope you don't get discouraged by the whine, just laugh at them and continue playing for the fun! Nobody is born fully developed, practice makes masters. I'm sure all the whiners can't honestly say they play their chars perfect, everybody has something to learn. ;)

I'm looking forward to the next release, then I'll have both the 'Before' and the 'After' movie to compare with! :D

He Dinged R6L2, so I am pretty sure he has had time to use his class, about the other comment of him not being a bg/grapple bot, arn't those abilites given to him to benefit the group why not use them, tbh there is no excuse for that kind of play R6L2 ain't that high, but he should have more control than he did.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Dr_Evil said:
To all whiners: Well apparently he IS new to the class, but not new to DAOC, I doubt though that he has played any tanks before, atleast in rvr. Is that a crime now? Do you get angry when you see someone haven't learned everything about his class yet

erm we are not angry ....
If you don't want comments then don't show the movie on FH and it was my own opinion since I have a svg (2h) aswell. Yes most of the people who play daoc will use the mouse to click sometimes on the qb's but not like he does ( using it full time ) :p
It was just the fact that he is rr6+ wich is more then enough time to learn the class better then he showed it ( xp'ing, toa and 1mill+ rps ) and knows that you have more styles/spells then just spamming provoke, specially if you said that he isent new to daoc :eek:


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
such harsh comments from people :(

how ever i'd have to agree it could be better, you do not vary your styles or backup or seem to use positionals at all, wich seems a shame since it's really lost potential damage, snare, ect, but i think the thing that struck me more than anything, and i kept thinking this through out the movie, "poor panos" after all playing as a battle master in a 3 tank assist grp + skald, surely you have time to run and bg casters/healers and grapple ect, then rejoin the assist train, same goes for when your ma is being hit, no Bg altho your right next to him, seemed abit well odd, ;) with your current play style i think you could prob bring more to a grp being warlord, thease days playing a bg savage isnt easy, sicne you really need to be everywhere at the same time, and as some have mentioned, as a bg savage "pan" is a must.! if your just assisting tho hehe, well who cares then, :D way i see it no matter how messy it might be, if it efective then sod looking good doing it ;)

to the guy saying savages are op, hehe mate think your still stuck in barrysworld ver 1.63 pre nf, if you think that :p

in any case keep at it, not alot of 2h's out there so dont let the comments here discourage you, i for one admire that you 've chosen not to go the coockie cutter way like the rest of us, so just work at it and you will get "good"

as for the attidude ..drop it.! it sucks, and isnt really funny either and dosent suit you tbh

/..ane teh dorf savie


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Olgaline said:
to the guy saying savages are op, hehe mate think your still stuck in barrysworld ver 1.63 pre nf, if you think that :p
Beeks is kind of slow sometimes. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2005
Dont give a flying flute what ppl think of the vid, he playes alot better than I do (doesnt take alot) trust me ive seem the fraps!!

At least he has the balls to make one,unlike some ppl who like to hide behind pc's and claim to be uber !!!!

We all have our own playstyle, If you knew the way I would play you would freak, I use the mouse alot as well esp when I have 3 qbars up sometimes its alot quicker to use the mouse than search for dam keys esp in fights.

I liked the vid, But one grumble kthxbye I WASNT IN IT!!!!!!!


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Debbs said:
Dont give a flying flute what ppl think of the vid, he playes alot better than I do (doesnt take alot) trust me ive seem the fraps!!

At least he has the balls to make one,unlike some ppl who like to hide behind pc's and claim to be uber !!!!

We all have our own playstyle, If you knew the way I would play you would freak, I use the mouse alot as well esp when I have 3 qbars up sometimes its alot quicker to use the mouse than search for dam keys esp in fights.

I liked the vid, But one grumble kthxbye I WASNT IN IT!!!!!!!

Well, dont post a video at a public forum then if you don't want to know people's opinions?

It is obviously better that we blatantly lie and tell the maker of the movie that it was the best frigging movie ever to be made, instead of telling him what he can improve and change in order to make a better movie.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
good movie good grp great music... i wanted to say :D

but since i dont like to be harsh its always fun to watch daoc vids no matter what quality or music they use :D

anyways not gonna rant on about how ppl play there classes seen some scary action from rr10 grps vid how some ppl play there class so....

anyways you get rps you play friends you have fun end of story


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
I'm not really sure where to begin...

This has to be the worst movie i've ever seen, both regarding how he's playing, but also the general quality of the movie, it's been said before, but just spamming provoke(with the mouse no less) is just.. well dumb is the word.

All the comments are hopefully meant as a joke seeing as he screams at other people for adding, and then blatantly add on others himself.

I can't help but feel that this movie was made as a joke or some sort of test thing as to how the community would react to possibly the worst player on the EU servers play, he's alot worse than me anyway, which is quite an accomplishment :)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 4, 2005
Guinever said:
He Dinged R6L2, so I am pretty sure he has had time to use his class, about the other comment of him not being a bg/grapple bot, arn't those abilites given to him to benefit the group why not use them, tbh there is no excuse for that kind of play R6L2 ain't that high, but he should have more control than he did.

So would u watch a 30 minutes movie of someone BGing /Grapling ?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 4, 2005
Fyric said:
I'm not really sure where to begin...

This has to be the worst movie i've ever seen, both regarding how he's playing, but also the general quality of the movie, it's been said before, but just spamming provoke(with the mouse no less) is just.. well dumb is the word.

Sorry god i didn't know we had to play by you style
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