Turran said:Basically.... I see an enemy..... I kill the enemy. I dont care about adders
censi said:i dont, just the exceptionally talented ones.
Only ever help out some low rr stealther, guild mates to get ml xp hunter solo 99% and doing fine, 50 spear I would be peeing in the wind to stand camping a towerVoid959 said:Yes, do you ever play you hunter away from the zerg pip? Sure I've seen you 'solo' it but no differently to the solo scouts standing on top of towers in keepzergs.
censi said:random adding is basically a form of griefing.
"Everyone" has added on summin in their daoc shielf life, to a certain extent yes its part of the game, and your supposed to do it. Its just certain players, hansi arumos bonyboy pip jabba dysen gryms blablablabla do it so often that they literally make people log off daoc and go play summin else in stead.
Peeps that do this consistently will NEVER conceed that its lame or against the spirit of the game.
There is light at the end of the tunnel though, Mas for example who used to be a right lamer on his warlock, rolls a warrior and runs around solo on it and becomes a completly different player, never adds and nicer to talk to. When u play a melee class you learn this concept of a good fight, and there are some great fights to be had in this game that test your toon and test your skill. Once you have played the game and experienced this concept of a good fight, the idea of running around on some worthless toon (BD, WL, SM, Chanter, Sorc, Necro, cabby, theurg blabla any mage tbh) is not in anyway appealing to me. no one wants to fight you, so basically you will either be killing other same classes, getting killed by other similar classes or adding, the rest aint interested in what you do.
theres also other players like panosbob, ioulia etc, that used to grill my nutz off all the time when i was fighting someone. And you ask them once nicely on IRC if perhaps they can let me finish my fight before drilling me, and they do. and in turn I never attack them. (which i tend not too anyway ).
my 2 cents anyway. The point about it would be boring if no one added is also true.
Edit: you don't have to call everyone who doesn't play the same way as you a "retard" - Flim
Matriarch|Sneakers said:Diff between planetside/bf2 etc and DAOC is that in the two first mentioned games you can by skill/experiance kill like 10 "newbies" that cluster up and onyl way of achiving victory is outnummbering you. One well placed TOW shot, or a well placed sniper, or a tank, or a c4 proxy... in daoc its /release /q. That is the diffrence
Void959 said:Enemies adding removes the chance of a good and enjoyable fight, prevents you knowing who would have won, wastes any timers you may have used and reduces your RP.
Sharkith said:Why more don't join us in that form of game beats me
Javai said:Because not everyone LIKES that style of play? Because many of us play DaoC for large scale rvr which is waht we enjoy.
Personally, I love the zergy fights where you get many 2fgs Mids vs 2fg Albs and you think it's almost over and then a group of HIbs crashes in the from side etc etc. If I wanted nicely controlled fg fights there are better (more balanced) environments to do it in like Guild Wars where advantages come from team work and skill/spell selection not having farmed a rare item or got to rrX so you have more abilities than the others.
Sharkith said:Most of the time - especially in iRvR all you have is duo's and trios. I don't mind people doing this - like I said I don't really care. It is simply humping the rp. I fail to see how that kind of charging around is attractive. I am entitled to feel like that surely?
Vodkafairy said:there's a reason i choose to play scout and take on your hero, instead of logging my eld or sm and nuking you or the one you're fighting to pieces for a few rps. melee fights are far more fun, and i can really not comprehend anyone would disagree a good melee fight > adding on one already in progress with a mage.
caster in 8v8 is a completely different thing from soloing and adding around, and i really cba to get into that. try making a fg and bring it to agramon and you will see - you cant just stand at distance and nuke shit down without risk of dying.. there's a lot more to it
anyway, maybe my post was a bit too offensive, but my point was that a lot of people that used to play melee chars rerolled caster instead because they were tired of.. exactely.. those same mages steamrolling them every time. if you can't beat them, join them i guess
Javai said:What I find galling is people who think we are some kind of lesser beings for preferring that style of play.
Sharkith said:If I made you feel like that I apologise.
ebenezer said:So you never nuked a tank down with your eld vodka? if your gonna use that as an argument against whats fair etc, it would make it more believable if you urself took distance to all caster type characters in game. Cause most casters pawn most tanks in any range type situasions. Doesnt matter if you were in a fg vs a fg when you played ur eld. the guy on other side of his pc is gonna swear and spit cause you pressed your 4 buttons on him and he could do nothing. So would you like everyone to judge you for wanting to play ur eld then?
Sharkith said:Cheers Javai - it doesn't mean I want your babies though ofc <jokebtw>
I dont think the add whine about minigroups etc has to be taken that seriously, but when its guild groups doing the same shit who claim they are in for the fg fights etc but add the first chance they get, well, its just hypocritical bullshitrvn said:oh and MOST of all, its usually the fg's own fault 80% of the time, take a zone like hadrians for example, if mids have berkstead, and alb beno insta port.
Now if you roam north of the river, where most of the people are, you can EXPECT to get adds, because loads of people there prefer "large" scale rvr, because its mostly hunters/scouts/rangers/casters etc, or assasins trying to kill these.
But yet alot of groups decide to roam there so they can farm these guys, and when they bump into a fg, and the small groups they have been farming all night adds on them, or some zerg finds them, they INSTANTLY start bitching..
you can avoid it yourself, but i know alot of people just LOVE REASONS to WHINE.
(i love whineing too to some extent about other things but i try not to do it too public on forums or irc chans )
Gamias said:This is how it goes imo.
You pay for your game you play as you want. No1 can/should tell you anything about the way you play either you pve/rvr adding/not adding.
The point imo is that WE (the players) make a game. You playing as a **** the game will be a ****. You play fairly the game will be smoothly and nice.
An enemy is an enemy ok! But i believe you should be friendly some even to the enemies to enjoy your game. Rps not saying anything so i believe ppl shouldn t play the game for the rps but for having fun. I don t agree with adding and yes there are some limits with that too. Ok add once twice but not 24/7 you make this game shit. Every1 has add and you can t say no to it.
Jjuraa said:seriously guys, im not sure what thread you meant to reply to, but can you double check? cos im pretty sure its not mine.
Nobody gives a toss that you "pay your subscription" or that you think its fine to add because the box says "RvR". shut up and get the hell out of this thread, thats not what im talking about here.
so far only Eyres, Zebolt and Javai are on-topic re-read their posts, then read my posts, then read both again. then take a deep breath, pause for a few seconds to let your one remaining braincell process the task in hand, THEN post.
Shafu said:I disagree that you dont see this kind of frustration in an fps game such as Counter-strike. I believe that the Counter-strike equivalent to adding is camping. The key word in this discussion is skill. Whether you win a fight or not depends on a number of factors. One of these factors, but not necessarily the biggest factor, is skill. A lot of players are very focused on making skill the deciding factor in every fight, and these are generally the people who will get wound up when they lose an unfair fight. They cannot understand how it can be fun to win for the enemy when skill was obviously not a deciding factor.
Well, that's what I think anyway, because personally, I dont fall into that catagory, so I could be way off the mark The best fights I've ever had in DAoC were against multiple enemies, and I would never consider playing a mmorpg where all fights are instanced/fair. Losing when you dont stand a chance is never fun, but I doubt I would ever get wound up to the point where I would whine about it.