Adding: why is it such an issue?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Jjuraa said:
I'm bored and apparently you people can't be trusted to start interesting/contoversial topics while im browsing at college so i thought id make one myself.

The point up for debate is this: Why is adding such a big deal in DAOC?

I dont mean "Why is it such a big deal, everyone should just get on with it". i personally hate adding in DAOC, and avoid it in all but the most extreme circumstances, and i get severely wound up whenever i get added on in a fair fight. What i mean is: why do i get wound up?

Playing games like CS, TFC, NS and other halflife mods, as well as other MMOs like Legend of Mir/Planetside, it is still possible to get added on, in the sense that you can be shooting/hitting someone, and another person can come up and start pileing into you as well. The only difference is; when it happens to me in the above games, i never seem to care.

i havnt played WoW, but from talking to friends who play it i get the impression adding isnt a big problem there either. so why is it such a huge thing on DAOC?

P.S. if youre the type thats just going to come here and post "i hate adding" or "XXXX is an adder" then shoo, this isnt the thread for you

first: TFC or any other HL mod is a complete different story, a good player will just kill both his original target and the adder and if needed another adder too .
you cant do that in daoc, well sometimes you can but usually not ^^

in a daoc a close 1on1 or 8vs8 can be very challenging and fun but as soon as there are adds the whole fight is completely boring 95% of the time cuz you already know who will win, and there is like no chance at all the outnumbered guy/group can turn the fight around. once again yes i know sometimes you can turn it around but i´m talking about usual cases atm.

another reason why ppl dislike adding might be the long downtime after death (rebuffing, afk´s + the time you need to find action again etc etc) it just aint fun to buff 5 mins, wait another 5 mins till ppl come back from wc/kitchen/whatever, and then run for 10 mins just to get zerged again or get added on a nice equal fight just to have to release again.

i didnt play planetside or legend of mir so cant say anything about that but as for WoW, just think about how daoc was in first year, no1 gave a **** about adding, give WoW the same time daoc had and ppl will start to care i think.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
CS and similar games _IS_ like a fg fight in daoc tho.. So getting pissed after getting "added" in cs is like getting pissed when the other fg sends an assist train on u.. However i dont agree with wow etc, i got just as pissed when getting added on in wow as in daoc. So the ppl uve been talking with prolly wouldnt have cared about adds in daoc either.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
this is easy..... dont add, because its ANNOYING


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
The various theories about downtime on dying being the cause are very nice except they dont explain at all why people get sp annoyed at being 'added' on by their own realm :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Javai said:
The various theories about downtime on dying being the cause are very nice except they dont explain at all why people get sp annoyed at being 'added' on by their own realm :)

its called "sympathy" having been in the exact same place as the guy getting added on, we "sympathise" with the poor sod and feel the need to defend him, most the time if i was able to turn around and kick the shit outta my own realm mates that i see zerging soloers..i SOOOO WOULD.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Neffneff said:
its called "sympathy" having been in the exact same place as the guy getting added on, we "sympathise" with the poor sod and feel the need to defend him, most the time if i was able to turn around and kick the shit outta my own realm mates that i see zerging soloers..i SOOOO WOULD.

So you don't get annoyed if you are fighting someone and for agruments sake your on 100% hits, they are on 5% and someone else does that last bit of damage....after all no downtime for you and the other person would've died regardless.

I don't think downtime is the reason - there is something else underlying it. I have my suspicions of what that is but the debate is now too bitter for it to be uncovered I think.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
This just another Boring thread that ends up in people telling other what it the right thing to do tbh.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Javai said:
The various theories about downtime on dying being the cause are very nice except they dont explain at all why people get sp annoyed at being 'added' on by their own realm
Do feel a bit robbed burning multiple ras to kill someone(s) in a close fight, with open outcome, only for a grp to run in, finish them off, and heal you up. Although, not too bad if you knew you had em anyhow.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Maeloch said:
Downtime and 4yrs of forum whine seem to have politised the whole issue into a grudgefest and given it a life of it's own.

Thats it in a nutshell.

Starting from a small vocal minority and eventually developing into what it is today. :/


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Javai said:
So you don't get annoyed if you are fighting someone and for agruments sake your on 100% hits, they are on 5% and someone else does that last bit of damage....after all no downtime for you and the other person would've died regardless.

that is a good point.

I hand on heart, would not be AS annoyed due to the fact that both of us would alrdy of known that the fight was gonna end with me winning, him dying etc. but yes, i would still be a little annoyed, and thinking about it, the only reason i can think that would explain it, is due to the time and effort i had put into getting the kill, best template i could master, highly tuned spec, MANY MANY MANY HOURS of practice, and honing of skills if you will, i have buffed myself, i have more potions than the local witchshop, i have my breathing pot used, i have spec AFed myself with 25% buff bonus, i have various other charges from artis to use to turn the tide, i am CL5, i have travelled usually via boat to some far off land, i have walked for miles at a snails pace to conceal myself, i have spotted someone, decided to try and kill them, followed them about for a bit, lined up, and gone for the kill, i have used any relevant abilities, i have dropped combat to drink an end pot, i have played my moves well, positioned myself well, i am going to win, all my work has paid off, i feel proud of myself and my char...and then

Random person comes along, at mach4, and at the flick of a switch, steals my deathspam, yes, some of the annoyance is probably due to pride, but most of it i feel is due to the effort required by me to get a kill, or indeed any other soloer like me, we feel cheated when someone adds.

i hope that explains some of what i feel when it happens to me, though it should be said i dont like hurling abuse and i tend to just

/send adder i would appreciate it if in future you could let me die bfore taking out my opponant


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
I played lots of battlefield 2/vietnam and been in a clan with my friends etc.
And as you say juri there are some similarities in the game that makes you wonder how this subculture thing about add whine could grow into frution:p
I told them many times about daoc and how its like to play and they absolutely marvel at how people can whine over what people whine over here. And im not sure i have a really good explanation for why. Indeed in battlefield 2 the rvr in daoc do have some really strong similarities, you can have lots of different types of situasions not including just to take a base or flag. You can makes tactisc and get points for many different things a class do in combat and you also progress in ranks etc that gives you benefits. And its true, adding whine doesnt exist....if someone gets upset its usually over something called base camlping etc:p But no one would even considering whining on anyone else for same thing as here.
I do think that like many allready said in this thread its cause of the time we all spend getting to point A trying to find a fight. The human being is a lasy creature and some are even lasier then others and when they are that extra ride hurts a lot:p Also i think its a serious adiction thing. Most people that i know who plays battlefield or CS doesnt spend as much time as anyone that have a serious daoc addiction. What is a bit ironic is that the people that are more casual and therefor dont get the same amount of rps as a decidated player doesnt seem to whine at all though they cant get online as much. I have several casual players in guid that loggs a little rvr in a calm fashion and then happely goes to bed, satisfied and not as frustrated as the addicted player:p

So its a bit odd that a guy that get a lot more duels and fg fights cause he plays more are mostly the ones that whines( im generelising a bit here). Or at least the ones i heard most whines on these forums and in game frome are people that seem to play a whole lot. It would seem to me that someone that loggs on casually would be a lot more angry to get his fights spoiled. So thats a nother thing that i been thinking about. Why is that? Imo i think its a real adiction problem. Some people behave like junkies that dont get their fix^^ Im dont explode like that in any other game over a thing that we all know was EVRYONES goal almost when this game started. I remember how it was in beginning. This existed in some scale, but not in the same manner. No when you started this game you werent dueling outside of crau. Most people were happely swearing away in zergy battles in OF killing everything they saw. No i think everyone that inhabit these feelings of anger for adding or other things in game should take a good look at themself, try and be objective and ask themself why they get angry. Like a junkie they might never admit they have a minor adiction problem, but believe sure 80% of the people that whine have. They spend so much time in this game, and therefor it is a part of their life..and their lifestyle. When then someone removes or disturb that lifestyle of steal their "fix"...they get anoyed as hell.
Thats what i seriously believe. And its not strange that a big part of the people that whines are younger. You are weaker to adictions and you have more time to get hooked:p
As an older person you dont have the amount of time to play and get as involved.
ofc this isnt all people. But its something i been mulling over a lot last year, and its my belief:)
over and out...


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2006
Jjuraa said:
again, not true. Planetside is an EXP based game as you get BR points for killing people etc.

In fact, in planetside, ONLY the person who gets the deathblow gets any points (assuming youre not in a vehicle/platoon where the exp is split). Even when im sniping, and i get a perfect shot on someone (one sniper bullet takes a full health person to about 15%) then someone comes along and gets a lucky shot and finishes him off and gets the points, even that doesnt annoy me (i think "damn" but i dont think "wtf that cock stealing my points").

If that system was in daoc, that would drive me absolutely mental, some rog scout shooting the guy youve just got to 10%, and stealing all the points
dont seem much different to me....maybe i just "dont get it" or im a "no brain twat" or somethin....but seems pretty much the same...some1 comes along an takes ur kill...u loose out....not so much in daoc...cos u still get rp' why does it twist ya panties so much??
EDIT: dotn get me wrong...i like a good 1-1....but it really dont bother me with different to any other game.....imo its just some1 has said "this is wrong dont do it ur a **** if u do it" an then its like "ye theres the bandwagon...quick jump on!!"


Loyal Freddie
Apr 2, 2004
I agree what neff said abowe.

For me bottom line why i get pissed cause of adds is:
1) all the trouble of gettin there was for nothing.
2) person / grp didn't have the guts to face my rr2 infi in a fight where i would have even a slight chance of winning.
3) especially groups get nothing out of it, seems they do it just to annoy you

I don't mind at all if i die in anywhere near fair fight. I don't mind if get killed after the fight is over. I don't mind if i run into duo or trio and get ganged, but i do mind when they add on when i finally have a fair fight.

This is bit long winded, but you wouldn't be an ass in real life (even tho it's not against law), but you are acting like an ass in online game. What's the difference really when you start thinking about it. Ie if you see some guys competing with football game irl, do you go and steal the ball yelling "thanks for the free ball noobs". Yes it's just a game, but considering the effort we put into it, we should deserve a little bit of respect.

PS. Lately i've been left alone with most fg's when middle of 1vs1, :fluffle:


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Arumos said:
aye but the thing is, people dont do this, instead they feel the need to hurl abuse at the guy who ran into to 'help the realm'. However even if they dont listen to the yell it should be left at that. But of course with things like irc, your gunna get some leetkid spamming pms at ya, so and so said your a moudly piece of adding turd etc, reminds of primary school sometimes. ;)
but most people, for fg rvr anyway, knows who that shouldn't add on (in my opinion nobody should add but rly).
i cant comment on other mmo's as i havnt been playing any but i know from my hldm days that nothing could be more annoying than having a nice fight vs somebody and mr. i spawned here kills you :/

in daoc the element of an extra player in fg rvr can be devastating. (stealther in fg rvr in this case) pa's the caster while he's nuking, sb can 1shot em with 2hand pa - the grp has now lost alot of utl. and time as he needs rebuff/healing etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2005
There isnt a problem with adding, its problems with the players who care about adding.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Saraden said:
I agree what neff said abowe.

For me bottom line why i get pissed cause of adds is:
1) all the trouble of gettin there was for nothing.
2) person / grp didn't have the guts to face my rr2 infi in a fight where i would have even a slight chance of winning.
3) especially groups get nothing out of it, seems they do it just to annoy you

I don't mind at all if i die in anywhere near fair fight. I don't mind if get killed after the fight is over. I don't mind if i run into duo or trio and get ganged, but i do mind when they add on when i finally have a fair fight.

This is bit long winded, but you wouldn't be an ass in real life (even tho it's not against law), but you are acting like an ass in online game. What's the difference really when you start thinking about it. Ie if you see some guys competing with football game irl, do you go and steal the ball yelling "thanks for the free ball noobs". Yes it's just a game, but considering the effort we put into it, we should deserve a little bit of respect.

PS. Lately i've been left alone with most fg's when middle of 1vs1, :fluffle:

hmm...well i know what you are getting at with the footie comparison an all that, but it isnt the same thing after all. In beginning of this game it was purely a game were you got ur character up to 50 to compete against the other realms. And anyone who states different is a liar. Thats how it started out. then some part of the comuinty got better higher rr and decided that competition wasnt enuogh like it was, and from there it dveloped into what the game is like now. And you also have to take into acount that alot of people still play the game as in beginning...first of all cause they dont even read these boards...or get involved in that adding discussion. So your basicly whining on people that doesnt have a clue what ur talking about since they bought it with same intentions as everyone else did in beginning of game. And just inclining that people might be assholes in rl cause they add on you in this game is so very non objective its just hillbilly stupid to do it...thats almost like taking it to a political discrimination point of chasing the comunists back when that was. Im not saying that it was what you meant...but you got a bit close there with the football comment:p
Only reason for thinking that someone is an asshole for adding on you is if your not thinking outside of ur own box. And thats what you gotta do to understand what other people think.
over and out...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
imo its down to the post 50 leveling system called rp's...we want all we can.

in planetside i found that it doesnt matter who kills who, as long as the enemy dies at all cost.

If most people forgot about "opted groups" and "SOLO" then rvr would be one big ass zerg.

well planetside is a big ass zerg, but fun.

those that want opted or solo, should go for it, but not complain about being hammered (words chosen as its normally mids).

I personally dont care, if i get help during a fight im grateful, if the enemy gets help then its just makes the game harder.

The few seconds of hesitation could mean death for me, so help me if ya want i play for fun not to be uber....

those that do...should go outside more.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 2, 2004
you are right that i didn't mean they are assholes in real life, but some people sure do act like that ingame. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Saraden said:
you are right that i didn't mean they are assholes in real life, but some people sure do act like that ingame. :p

hehe ok:)
But another question. To an objective person that doesnt have any stakes in any side. What do you think looks more stupid or being an asshole.....a guy that just bought the game and plays it as he is alowed to and as he think the game is designed to be, and "adds" on someone, leaves and never whines on anyone, he just happely plays on. OR guy nr two that developed own standards and rules in a game that didnt start out like that and still have rules that makes you do whatvere you want, and this guy abuse other players and yells at them.
Now who do you think any sane objective person would think more of an arshole?
Im sure even you if you didnt play daoc and saw the two being played out in front of you would think nr two was an idiot:p
I know things change once you start playing the game and get more invloved. But sometimes when you do think about those add whines or that anger, think about person nr1 and the objective person and you will realise that maybe it may look a bit strange that you are actually abusing someone over it:) ( also not saying you even whine on anyone...but if you do:p)
over and out..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Sollac said:
imo its down to the post 50 leveling system called rp's...we want all we can.

True in some cases, but far from all, many solo fights would be left alone if there was no RP gain, but to some degree it's about the RP's also, but not like you make it sound though.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
adds are boring if you know that you have no chance to win from the moment they come. if you are able to kill them with strong play and some luck, it's fine really. personally i dislike adds from "my own" realm more, cause i can't do anything about them.

i don't believe there are people who genuinely enjoy adding on a 1v1 more then being in a close, unharmed 1v1 fight themself.

said it many times before and i'll say it again: why the hell would a soloer appreciate help from realmmates in a 1v1. if you rvr with the knowledge you are going to need help in the first place, why solo?

if people win a 1v1 fight against me they deserve the rps, if people win a 1vx fight against me i hope they are fucking proud of their amazingly skilled achievement.

that said, if there would be no adds at all, the game would be really boring aswell. random duelling is nice for a while but the thrill of surviving long enough to actually get a clean kill and surviving is far greater.

never-ending argument really, and it's up to each how they decide to play, the real enemy are those who play with the only intention to grief other players, those who run around insulting everyone who don't play their way, and hypocrits who claim A but do B ingame.

i do hope none confuse temporary frustrating shortly after something happened ingame, with permanent hate over a game. at the end of the day we're all human trying to enjoy ourself in daoc, holding permanent grudges over what happened ingame is just silly :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
said it many times before and i'll say it again: why the hell would a soloer appreciate help from realmmates in a 1v1. if you rvr with the knowledge you are going to need help in the first place, why solo?

They just want the RP ofcourse, rather stupid question =P

Vodkafairy said:
if people win a 1v1 fight against me they deserve the rps, if people win a 1vx fight against me i hope they are fucking proud of their amazingly skilled achievement.

Nope, not always as you can play really good and if they are higher RR and depending on class they might not have to be very skillfull atall to win the fight

Vodkafairy said:
that said, if there would be no adds at all, the game would be really boring aswell. random duelling is nice for a while but the thrill of surviving long enough to actually get a clean kill and surviving is far greater.



It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Well, when I play Battlefield I hate it when lots of people kill me at the same time. Why? Cause I have to wait for respawning and I have to walk back on the huge maps.

It's like a computer game where you can't save and you die right before reaching the boss monster, you're pissed.

Imho it's worse when you're solo. You have no speed to go back and it takes you a long time. In a group it's less bad, cause you can speed back rather quickly, even if you have to rebuff, cause that can be done rather quick.

It's like the mentioned Half-Life. You get ganged by multiple ppl, well, you respawn and you know where the rocked launcher lies to kick up multiple people at the same time and that's it.

In DAoC it's harder to cope with adds. It takes less skill to 2v1 than it would in a FPS, cause multiple abilities come into play. When you are good at mouse and keyboard using, you can dodge a lot of bullets from any gun, in DAoC this is determined by the engine, no way you can help yourself there (thus the "strafing" argument being a skill, and I agree on that one). Now when you get a 2nd guy in an FPS, he's gonna shoot you, easy as that and you have the chance to dodge him aswell. You move as fast in all directions and can walk backwards and move, shoot on the run etc.

When a 2nd person joins a fight in DAoC, you cannot flee that easily and he might be able to do other stuff than "shootin". He might be able to heal your opponent, or he might stun you, mezz you etc. There is a point where you think: "oh man, they only won cause of healing". This will not happen in an FPS. You might think they got better weapons than you, but the difference is much less significant.

Also, DAoC is a bit like many other RPG's. It depends on your choices which things you can do well, so depending on classes/specs/RA's/ML's it might be hard to win 2v1. This does not often apply to the "classic" 1v1 fights (classic as in: stealthers), but just let me give you the example of any 2 classes vs. a sorc with ML9 pet and MoC up. No matter how well these 2 play, they will always have a hard time winning. So tbh, should the sorc be upset or not if they win? The same sorc who went Stormlord for sieges and has no MoC will have a super hard time winning. Should he be upset then? Can people smell what's going on with the other char? In FPS' you see what kind of gun your enemy has, it's clearly visible and there's not MUCH more to know, except HP maybe.

This is not a DAoC unique thing. Lemme gime you a similar example: Dungeons & Dragons. Jump my Druid when she has more healing spell learned and you can easily kill her. Jump my druid when she is ready for combat and I easily kill multiple attackers. Players will not be upset when they fight versus a higher number of enemies, if they know how to use good tactics. On the other hand D&D players have no problems ganging a single "boss monster". And don't forget, there is a person behind the monsters who tries to win (at least I as Gamemaster won't let my monsters run into stupid deaths just to please the players =)) ).

Now to the last aspect, which is a bit linked to the previous. The classes in all realms are different. In Half-Life, your machinegun is just the same as your enemies machinegun. In DAoC a chanter can MoC, debuff and hit a cabba with his 179DD. The cabba can debuff and hit the chanter with a 179DD lifetap. Now tell me, who will win? Not hard, is it? Will the chanter be upset if a friendly druid turns up and heals him? There's no way the chanter can easily win in a clear 1on1. Both are dealing the same damage, just one is healing up at the same time and even stun won't change the outcome much, both have a pet and the cabby one stuns aswell and I didn't talk about nearsight and disease, yet. Get my point? Some fights in DAoC are "fairer" than others. You'll never find that in an FPS, where everyone can have the same stuff more or less. So you might be more upset if you get added on a "fairer" fight and you might not care at all when a fg passes by and steamrolls the bonedancer who was about to kill you.

So all in all I think what many people have written already. DAoC penalizes you much more for dieing and has less means of escaping cause there are lots of abilities that will make you go slower or stop completely.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
It's an "issue" because kids with nothing better to do see in-game respect as a formula for life.

People can play how they want. Personally I won't add if I can help it against Alb vs Enemy (unless requested or realm mates would otherwise be wiped), but that's just my opinion.

It's all very situational. On quiet nights, running around for an hour with no action, confronted finally with a hib v mid fight to be told by the driver you can't join in...well that's just no fun.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 2, 2004
ebenezer said:
hehe ok:)
But another question. To an objective person that doesnt have any stakes in any side. What do you think looks more stupid or being an asshole.....a guy that just bought the game and plays it as he is alowed to and as he think the game is designed to be, and "adds" on someone, leaves and never whines on anyone, he just happely plays on. OR guy nr two that developed own standards and rules in a game that didnt start out like that and still have rules that makes you do whatvere you want, and this guy abuse other players and yells at them.
Now who do you think any sane objective person would think more of an arshole?
Im sure even you if you didnt play daoc and saw the two being played out in front of you would think nr two was an idiot:p
I know things change once you start playing the game and get more invloved. But sometimes when you do think about those add whines or that anger, think about person nr1 and the objective person and you will realise that maybe it may look a bit strange that you are actually abusing someone over it:) ( also not saying you even whine on anyone...but if you do:p)
over and out..

I see very well what you mean, and to some point agree as well. And if you see me as a person who's throwing his keyboard around and smacking his head on wall, while yelling ingame, you are wrong ;)

What i mean was more those people who add while well knowing that me and probably my enemy either, wouldn't like him to. Majority of the players playing rvr know that if stealthers fight 1vs1, they probably wouldn't want adds. Still they add. It's not that valid point that in this stage of the game there would be much people around who "just bought the game". And by talking about "own deleveloped rules", it's not really just those few silly players, but a big part of the playerbase who wants to play like that.

Point was, that i dislike players, who add well knowing we wouldn't like them to.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Why do people get more pissed off dying in Daoc that other games?

Hmmmm. I think it boils down to a few things.

1. Friendly Rivalry
Basically you play the game for ages, there are people you literally grow up with in the game and you keep meeting them again and again, and you almost have a score to settle each time you meet them. In a lot of other games, it's random who you kill, who you fight with, it's less personal I suppose.

2. RPs
No one likes to spend 3-4 hours playing the game and coming away with 0RP. That basically says "Well done - you just wasted 3-4 hours of your life for nothing". Kind of. Sometimes you do have some great fights and you can be uber unlucky, so it's not too bad, but still coming away with 0RP is gutting. Maybe the game should give a nominal amount of RP, say 1000RP per every 4 hours played so that at least it was worhtwhile logging on. (And to stop abuse of this, you could get sent occasional messages from the server that you need to reply to or something :>)

3. Fair fights
In other games, you end up having the same weapons most of the time, or people aren't that vastly different to other people. When you kill someone, again - a lot of the time you don't know them so it doesn't really matter.

In DAOC, you can come across different classes that are tougher than you, you can also come across classes that are weaker.
A "fair" fight would be one technically that both people come down to the last hit and then someone dies and someone survives on a slither of health.
Whether you fight 2 or 3 people and then crawl away with 5% health, it was a "fair" fight.

4. Fighting tough people
Again, DAOC might be a bit unique in that sometimes like people like NeffNeff have said, you take your toon that you have spent over 100DAYS of your life into a fight with all the best gear you can afford, all your RA's ML's CL's Potions Weapons everything, you take on someone technically tougher than you.
You find them, there is no one near. You both start pounding the crap out of each other, 1 person playing his cards early, another saving them for a little later. A lucky stun comes in, a poisonspike, a slam, a Battler Charge, a Malice charge, IP, FZ, health potion, the fight is going to the line, both people have played as well as they can, the last few hits they keep on missing, the Random Number Generator is being unkind, but you get a lucky hit in, both on 5%, it's going to the last hit!
And some lame arse either helps you or shoots you :)

5. Pent up frustration
The game has got a little boring over the years, same old same old all the time. So being killed in DAOC is annoying as in other games you tend to play them briefly and for fun. The time invested in DAOC almost makes it a job! So people just get pissed off being killed repeatedly, but luckily, either you take a break, or you make another toon, or do some crafting or whatever.

I think in the end, a lot of us are just addicted to the bitter pill that DAOC is, probably because for all the pain that the game gives us, there are those occasional moments when you just think F*CK ME!!! - how the hell did I survive that fight against those people, the RNG was on your side, and you literally whoop in delight at the best fight you've had or survived.

And then you /cry because Fraps or Gamecam missed it.

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Saraden said:
I see very well what you mean, and to some point agree as well. And if you see me as a person who's throwing his keyboard around and smacking his head on wall, while yelling ingame, you are wrong ;)

What i mean was more those people who add while well knowing that me and probably my enemy either, wouldn't like him to. Majority of the players playing rvr know that if stealthers fight 1vs1, they probably wouldn't want adds. Still they add. It's not that valid point that in this stage of the game there would be much people around who "just bought the game". And by talking about "own deleveloped rules", it's not really just those few silly players, but a big part of the playerbase who wants to play like that.

Point was, that i dislike players, who add well knowing we wouldn't like them to.

yeh not amny people buy it now, what i meant was though that some people...many in fact that i know doesnt even look at these boards and doesnt care about the discussion that is going on here. So for them its the same thing like in beginning a lot. They still play it like that. not so sure the majoroty of the players are under same roof as you. That is nothing the two of us are sure of. But i know many players that doesnt share ur opinion. And "own rules" are still opinions by a part of the player base. So that is still just opinions and nothing that anyone have to abide by:)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Elrandhir said:
Nope, not always as you can play really good and if they are higher RR and depending on class they might not have to be very skillfull atall to win the fight

nothing wrong with a challenge?

your hero is 3 ranks higher then my scout and still i jump you, cause its fun to have a 1v1 fight. there isn't all too much skill involved in 1v1 melee fights in the first place, not even remotely close to playing in 8v8 where positioning actually matters, aswell as the whole interrupt game.

ofc you win more when playing a high rr char compared to a low rr one, but its not by default more or less skilled to have a certain rank. a rr1 hero will try to slam and style me down, just like a rr11 one.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Jjuraa said:
again, not true. Planetside is an EXP based game as you get BR points for killing people etc.

In fact, in planetside, ONLY the person who gets the deathblow gets any points (assuming youre not in a vehicle/platoon where the exp is split). Even when im sniping, and i get a perfect shot on someone (one sniper bullet takes a full health person to about 15%) then someone comes along and gets a lucky shot and finishes him off and gets the points, even that doesnt annoy me (i think "damn" but i dont think "wtf that cock stealing my points").

If that system was in daoc, that would drive me absolutely mental, some rog scout shooting the guy youve just got to 10%, and stealing all the points

Guess it comes down to human nature and the need you have to have some kind of skill or noticable improvement of what you do.

In DAOC if a group or player of the same realm adds 95% of the time the other player/players will die and no "skill" will be needed to to achive this leaveing you "unstatisfied".

In DAOC the satisfaction comes from the group fights because thats the only real element of daoc that requires any skill. The keep fights are realy down to point and click seige weapons at a wall for 30mins. The PvE is just realy down in most cases to the to-hit code.

Take planetside and the game is more fun when played as part of a realm war. Your solo actions can turn defeat into victory. For instance you snipe a player but someone else takes the final amount of life off and gets full points. You scan around for another target and pick up a spawn point transporter they have stuck off to the side of you postition.. give a shout on broadcast (or to your platoon) you destory the target and your team can then push deeper. Knowing that your actions have turned the battle are 100x more "satisfying" than looseing out on 1 kill.

Though they fucked up Planetside by sticking in those big battle Mechs and turning it into a numbers battle. Before that you could use tatics, suroundings and team play to defeat a larger force.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
nothing wrong with a challenge?

your hero is 3 ranks higher then my scout and still i jump you, cause its fun to have a 1v1 fight. there isn't all too much skill involved in 1v1 melee fights in the first place, not even remotely close to playing in 8v8 where positioning actually matters, aswell as the whole interrupt game.

ofc you win more when playing a high rr char compared to a low rr one, but its not by default more or less skilled to have a certain rank. a rr1 hero will try to slam and style me down, just like a rr11 one.

yeah, was one example =P Well if you strafe enough you can win many fights you would have lost otherwise, I usually don't strafe to much, might do some just to get in side styles or go trough for backchain if the fights are tight.

RR11 hero will hurt more =P and might also have IP and lots of sh*t.
goes for any char though ;D higher RR so a less talented person will might win because he has a higher RR char ofc.

If RR11 I guess they should be rather good though, doubt that if you play a Sorc or something like that though =P but whatever class there is good and bad players ofc.

Might just have skipped killing you all together yesterday after our fights and we could just have redueled, but I had been so bored and gotten so few fights so I was RP h*rny :<

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