About War Euro servers

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Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2006
At the end of the day, when u think about it , even with those of us who hate GoA for the farce they made of Dark age of camelot, is it really worth bothering to go thru the trouble of going on the us servers i ask myself for War..

Because at the end of the day, when u consider the 10s of thousands of Warhammer geeks or people who know of it, that havnt even probably have heard of GoA or dark age of camelot, or had heard daocs name b4 but never payed attention to it, theyre all going to flood onto the servers over here regardless if they live in europe. So all the "dont play the euro servers" nonsense everyone keeps spouting isnt actually going to make the slightest difference to the servers population at all really..

end of the day i wouldnt really want to play on a server ran by these muppets but im goin to purely out of lazyness and cos i dont like the yanks ^^ , but i would think GoA really are going to be forced to pull out the stops service wise this time as purely because of who owns the franchise and because Warhammer is such a big name product, they really cannot afford to, financially or reputation wise. Much as id say theyll fuck up again, i actually dont see them doing so. They dont really deserve a second chance, but its too late now anyway as they allready have the rights to the euro servers and bar thier company burning down and goin bankrupt b4 hammer comes out i dont see it changing , by all means go to the U.S servers , if it suits people better then they shuld do that ..

This was going somewhere but ive completely forgotten now..

crap lol..


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
There will be a huge EU population base on the US servers so that really wont be an issue. You would have to be insane to go on GOA's servers for WAR, they aren't even honest enough to say that they fucked up with DAOC, even that would go a short way to restoring any shred of credibility that they once had. There is no way they can manage WAR which could potentially have millions of players when they couldn't do it with a few 10s of thousands.


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
There will be a huge EU population base on the US servers so that really wont be an issue. You would have to be insane to go on GOA's servers for WAR, they aren't even honest enough to say that they fucked up with DAOC, even that would go a short way to restoring any shred of credibility that they once had. There is no way they can manage WAR which could potentially have millions of players when they couldn't do it with a few 10s of thousands.

Thats a load of rubbish. The fraction of EU players playing on US will be much smaller than with DaoC. What reason will people have to play US rather than EU? (apart from you telling them not too?)

You would be lucky to find 100 people who won't play on EU because of what happened on Dyvet. You can still play on Dyvet if you want. There are alot of people who bad mouth GOA but they still play on German servers because they find that the game is better on EU even if its in an unfamiliar language. Those players will almost certain play EU if they choose to play WAR.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thats a load of rubbish. The fraction of EU players playing on US will be much smaller than with DaoC. What reason will people have to play US rather than EU? (apart from you telling them not too?)

I can see that not everyone wants to wait 2-3 months for patches or actually wants decent customer support, or even be able to read news on the homepage which aren't translated by Babelfish or which you don't get at all in English.

EDIT: And let's not forget Opentransit crap


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Thats a load of rubbish. The fraction of EU players playing on US will be much smaller than with DaoC. What reason will people have to play US rather than EU? (apart from you telling them not too?)

You would be lucky to find 100 people who won't play on EU because of what happened on Dyvet. You can still play on Dyvet if you want. There are alot of people who bad mouth GOA but they still play on German servers because they find that the game is better on EU even if its in an unfamiliar language. Those players will almost certain play EU if they choose to play WAR.

Not a chance in hell.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
There will be a huge EU population base on the US servers so that really wont be an issue.

no there wont be. i wouldn't call a few hundred pissed off ex DaoC'ers a "huge" anything.

/edit: well, a huge joke perhaps.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I can see that not everyone wants to wait 2-3 months for patches or actually wants decent customer support, or even be able to read news on the homepage which aren't translated by Babelfish or which you don't get at all in English.

EDIT: And let's not forget Opentransit crap

oh comon. atleast educate yourself on the sbject ur gonna whine on.

Adlatus Hellbringer

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
Ravens an old m8 and that... but I disagree with his comment. While goa may be poor at running daoc etc this will not stop hundreds of thousands of europeans playing on the eu servers... only a small % of people have experience with GOA.
Also if you buy a retail box in the eu you will be made to play eu servers.
Dec 15, 2007
oh comon. atleast educate yourself on the sbject ur gonna whine on.

Well does it matter if he is a hundred percent accurate or not, the fact remains:

Eu servers had huge lag problems over the years.

EU prydwen had a whole char item whipe, that was not 100% solved, and crashed the economy when people got compensated in plats...and alot of people who where not entitled for a compensation got it anyway. This ofc flooded the market.

Lack of support, service and information flow through their website.

The XML char stats have been offline more then 70% of the 5 years.

Having a long delay on new paches, last patch took 8 and a half month to implement, yet their was loads of bugs and still the quests do not work/where implemented/translated ( Medal of honour, dragonslayer armor and weapons )

Lack of adverstising in the Europe/UK region for the game.

Blatantly lying about the situation and progress of Dyvet cluster.

I mean, this are no small issues that you can just dissregard as whine. If you wanna play on a GoA WAR server despite all this then sure go ahead, NOONE will stop you, and NOONE will care if you do chose to go with GoA again.

But please don't hate on others who chose to part with GoA for any of the above reasons, or other personal reasons. :touch:


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Not a chance in hell.


The fact that you with all your GOA ranting have come crawling back to play on Temair even though you re-rolled and got sorted out on US servers speaks volumes. You are not the only example, many people have tried the US and found that they don't enjoy the game because they can never play at peak times.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003

The fact that you with all your GOA ranting have come crawling back to play on Temair even though you re-rolled and got sorted out on US servers speaks volumes. You are not the only example, many people have tried the US and found that they don't enjoy the game because they can never play at peak times.

WAR servers will have a slightly higher population than the DAOC servers tho? ^^
I'm quite sure there will be tons of EU players rolling US cause of how 'well' GoA have handled the whole DAoC Euro situation.
Bad action peak time was not the only reason our US group split, some people in group came into arguments over certain things and didnt want to group with eachother anymore so we we're left with a split group with no replacements.
I didnt play daoc for over 3 months after our US group split but then when i got asked by a friend of mine if i wanted to roll a bodyguarder for their set group on Teamir i thought what the hell. Playing on a GoA server does in no way change the way i feel about the company. If i can i will avoid them at any cost.
Having my computer breaking down and having to play on a 5 year old computer at the moment that cant really play any of the games i played on my 'daoc break' didnt really help either.
I for one will roll US at WAR release and if it's as bad as it is peaktime wise as it is on US these days i will most likely reroll EU but not really willingly.
Plus, where i roll will mainly be determined where most of my friends roll aswell. :)

GoA IS a shit company when it comes to customer support and the likes and i'm not the only one with this oppinion. If you're satisfied with the customer support GoA has been providing over the last couple of years then yay for you, I'm not. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 8, 2005
is this the album of the year?


just a little smt i came up ^^
(no hard feelings) i might b suitable


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
i am no GOA fan (to say the least) and i play US but GOA did give us some great events in the starting days (pre NF at least)

The event that gave the custom cloaks and the melee resist debuff weapons was kinda unique

Also the potion barrels were kinda nifty

If you forget the total fuck up jobs like patching, XML and Prydwen item crash GOA support is kinda just kinda crap. Not totally moronic.

They still can make up for this crap by clustering Glastonbury, Prydwen, Excal and Camlann to Bosiney, Kilibury and Mordred

merry x mas, hohoho


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Well does it matter if he is a hundred percent accurate or not, the fact remains:

Eu servers had huge lag problems over the years.

EU prydwen had a whole char item whipe, that was not 100% solved, and crashed the economy when people got compensated in plats...and alot of people who where not entitled for a compensation got it anyway. This ofc flooded the market.

Lack of support, service and information flow through their website.

The XML char stats have been offline more then 70% of the 5 years.

Having a long delay on new paches, last patch took 8 and a half month to implement, yet their was loads of bugs and still the quests do not work/where implemented/translated ( Medal of honour, dragonslayer armor and weapons )

Lack of adverstising in the Europe/UK region for the game.

Blatantly lying about the situation and progress of Dyvet cluster.

I mean, this are no small issues that you can just dissregard as whine. If you wanna play on a GoA WAR server despite all this then sure go ahead, NOONE will stop you, and NOONE will care if you do chose to go with GoA again.

But please don't hate on others who chose to part with GoA for any of the above reasons, or other personal reasons. :touch:

shrug. yes and all u ppl that dont want to play on GOA's servers again are free to go elsewhere to. but atleast know what the fuck ur whining about and come up with VIABLE excuses. dont make shit up. there wont be any 2 - 3 or 8 months waiting on patches in Warhammer. and there wont be any shit customer support. it may or may not be JUST as good as Mythics (if infact it actually IS as good as some people claims, i have my doubts but thats not the point) but it sure wont be as bad as in DAoC.

and who cared about the economy when ppl lost all their items? it was shit WAY before then so there wasn't any damage done other then to the pet class farmers that had 8 toons of capped cash anyway. ppl were charging 15+ PLAT for SHIT ROG's fgs. and most of the ppl that didnt get any of their items back were those that spammed right now trying to get ahead in the line, and got bumped DOWN the line because of it. and then they quit/rerolled another server. so no pity for those ppl.

and yes while i would have wanted more advertising in europe/UK for DAoC to, i can also understand why they didnt (or advertise more then they did). the game is old and REALLY outdated, most potential customers have played WoW, and compared to that this game is fuck all. its restrictive as hell and isn't all that good looking even compared to WoW.

the english speaking community were a bunch of selfish twats that only did PL groups and never ever sat their foot in the newbie zones if they could help it. so how the hell would they kow if there was any new ppl or not? and those that DID try the game really didnt find any reason to stick around. made a lowbie about a year and a half ago and started to ask some usual "noob" questions to random lvl 50's and the nicest thing i got replied were a "fuck off, dont bother me when i'm rvr'ing".

i still stand firm that it was just as much the playerbase fault as GOA's that made Dyvet what it is now.

and the XML, while its a great Epeen tool it didnt have much of any other purpose and as GOA is clearly understaffed, and have been for quite some time, i can see why noone bothered with it.

the lag on the EU servers werent THAT extensive, yes there were a few times every now and then for a while. but compared to all the troubles the US servers have had that was nothing.

as much as i'd liked to, i didnt NEED to know what was wrong whenever it were. all i needed to know was that GOA knew about it and was trying to fix it, and most if not every time they wrote just that. and that was all that mattered. i (and we) didnt need a complete analysis on the subject.

and the last patch, they are clearly understaffed now. so you can't really blame them for that. theres probably not more then 1 person for each language translating now, if that.

and the bugs are still not GOA's fault. all they can do is report them to Mythic so they can code the fixes. and they probably only do that on their spare time when the US servers are "done" for their current patch. in the end GOA can only do as much as Mythic allows them to, and that aint fucking much :)

owell, no real point arguing over it. we will just have to wait and see as everything here now is just pure speculation and guess work. with a few idiots desperatly hoping GOA will fail this.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
You're quite good at the speculation and guess work yourself. :)


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
WAR servers will have a slightly higher population than the DAOC servers tho? ^^

Afaik the servers will have roughly the same population. 2k-3k prime time. Obviously there will be alot more servers.

I'm quite sure there will be tons of EU players rolling US cause of how 'well' GoA have handled the whole DAoC Euro situation.

You have very little evidence for this. There wern't that many people affected by Dyvet problems, a few hundred and only a fraction of them will go US. Now most people who come to WAR won't have any idea of the differences between mythic and GOA and they will play on the local servers. The few EU people that do reroll will be massively diluted across the many more servers avaliable.

Bad action peak time was not the only reason our US group split, some people in group came into arguments over certain things and didnt want to group with eachother anymore so we we're left with a split group with no replacements.
I didnt play daoc for over 3 months after our US group split but then when i got asked by a friend of mine if i wanted to roll a bodyguarder for their set group on Teamir i thought what the hell. Playing on a GoA server does in no way change the way i feel about the company. If i can i will avoid them at any cost.
Having my computer breaking down and having to play on a 5 year old computer at the moment that cant really play any of the games i played on my 'daoc break' didnt really help either.
I for one will roll US at WAR release and if it's as bad as it is peaktime wise as it is on US these days i will most likely reroll EU but not really willingly.
Plus, where i roll will mainly be determined where most of my friends roll aswell. :)

You are just making excuses, if you had enjoyed it you would have found replacements etc. I thought that was the point of playing on a populated server?

GoA IS a shit company when it comes to customer support and the likes and i'm not the only one with this oppinion. If you're satisfied with the customer support GoA has been providing over the last couple of years then yay for you, I'm not. :)

And now you just come across as a whiner. You say you are not satisfied yet you still pay them money. They are clearly doing something well enough to make you not only re-subscribe but you then come on the forums and tell everyone Temair is fantastic. Of course if you blame GOA for the shit attitudes and populations problems on Dyvet you should give GOA credit for how good the German servers are but you don't.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Where did i ever say i enjoyed it? I dont enjoy a server with totally useless peaktime action. However, during the 2 months i played US the customer support Mythic and the ingame CSR's showed overshined ANYTHING GoA have done over the 5 years i've played on the EU servers.
There's really no comparison.

It will all depend on what server my friends chose and what the population on EU peaktime will be like on the US servers, if i can avoid it i wont play on a GoA server again knowing that Mythic are soooooooooooooooo much better at customer support and such things. :)

Edit: Oh, and GoA arent doing anything to make me enjoy my gaming more, they are simply hosting a game by Mythic.
If the US servers could offer the same population off peak time as the EU servers are i'd still be on there but they cant. :)
Teamir IS fantastic, that however has nothing to do with GoA running it or not, it has to do with the players actually having a playerbase to play with instead of the wasteland that is Dyvet.
If GoA had acted sooner on the whole Dyvet issue i'm positive people would still have been playing that server but they did fuckall and here we are.

Soon enough every GoA server will join the fate of Dyvet and lets see how much GoA will do about that. :)

I dont really give a shit how i come across, in my eyes GoA have done a pisspoor job in running the EU servers. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
oh comon. atleast educate yourself on the sbject ur gonna whine on.

Are you really claiming patches were not late or that we had excellent customer support? Or that everyone didin't have huge lag problems for few months? Or that they picked up few represantives(sp?) from players instead of actually thinking ways to make customer support work better?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I guess your experience of GOA customer support depends if you are one of the bottom feeders of the server that went running to requiel on MSN begging him to do something about the evil doers trying to ring out a bit of fun from the server.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
Are you really claiming patches were not late or that we had excellent customer support? Or that everyone didin't have huge lag problems for few months? Or that they picked up few represantives(sp?) from players instead of actually thinking ways to make customer support work better?

He is referring to WAR, where we have been promised same release dates for patches.

No one in there right mind would suggest GOA kept to there release schedule for patches, why on earth the English server couldn't be patched same as US i've no idea.

This argument is mute, those that will go US will go, those that won't/don't want to will stay, at least they know what to expect when the population starts dipping :)



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The "I told you so" will get old for a lot of people 6 months after WAR launch :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Hm, don't you get significant latency playing on a US server? (and you have to pay by credit card - and I cba to get one of those)

Anyway I suspect most will play on the Euro servers despite GoA being a bit naff (I wasn't playing when the Requiel thing happened, so maybe my opinion of GoA isn't as low as Raven's), and I have a hard time believing there will be a significant US player base in Euro times at launch.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The latency was actually lower on US servers than GOA's servers due to the awful French internet. Though to be fair i think the WAR servers are going to be somewhere else.


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Where did i ever say i enjoyed it? I dont enjoy a server with totally useless peaktime action. However, during the 2 months i played US the customer support Mythic and the ingame CSR's showed overshined ANYTHING GoA have done over the 5 years i've played on the EU servers.
There's really no comparison.

It will all depend on what server my friends chose and what the population on EU peaktime will be like on the US servers, if i can avoid it i wont play on a GoA server again knowing that Mythic are soooooooooooooooo much better at customer support and such things. :)

Edit: Oh, and GoA arent doing anything to make me enjoy my gaming more, they are simply hosting a game by Mythic.
If the US servers could offer the same population off peak time as the EU servers are i'd still be on there but they cant. :)
Teamir IS fantastic, that however has nothing to do with GoA running it or not, it has to do with the players actually having a playerbase to play with instead of the wasteland that is Dyvet.
If GoA had acted sooner on the whole Dyvet issue i'm positive people would still have been playing that server but they did fuckall and here we are.

Soon enough every GoA server will join the fate of Dyvet and lets see how much GoA will do about that. :)

I dont really give a shit how i come across, in my eyes GoA have done a pisspoor job in running the EU servers. :)

I didn't say you had enjoyed US either. Infact if you read I said the opposite.

If you look at all the servers across the game, the highest population servers are all in the EU run by GOA. Mythic have done a piss poor job of keeping players each cluster is made up of 6+ servers. GOA have done much better at keeping players than Mythic. You can always find a few people with bad personal experiences but the evidence suggests GOA are in general doing a much better job than Mythic. The Mythic clusters are running out of options, there are 2 (or is it 3 still?) normal clusters left they are going to die before the GOA servers do.

And please explain, if GOA are responsible for the population on Dyvet they must also be responsible for the population on Temair. Why can't you give them credit where its due?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I didn't say you had enjoyed US either. Infact if you read I said the opposite.

If you look at all the servers across the game, the highest population servers are all in the EU run by GOA. Mythic have done a piss poor job of keeping players each cluster is made up of 6+ servers. GOA have done much better at keeping players than Mythic. You can always find a few people with bad personal experiences but the evidence suggests GOA are in general doing a much better job than Mythic. The Mythic clusters are running out of options, there are 2 (or is it 3 still?) normal clusters left they are going to die before the GOA servers do.

And please explain, if GOA are responsible for the population on Dyvet they must also be responsible for the population on Temair. Why can't you give them credit where its due?

If shitty customer support and doing fuckall about their servers dying is your cup of tea then fine by me. GoA have done a pisspoor job in my book and if i can i will avoid their services when given that option. :)

Also, the .de servers always have had a larger population than the UK ones, the .de servers have started to drop in population aswell just that Dyvet with a lower population logically died out faster since it had a lower population to start with and with Dyvets 'death' many people from that server left to the .de servers increasing that even more. :)

The german servers will suffer the same faith and GoA will yet again do fuckall about it. Feel free to prove that they will act this time tho. =)


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
If shitty customer support and doing fuckall about their servers dying is your cup of tea then fine by me. GoA have done a pisspoor job in my book and if i can i will avoid their services when given that option. :)

Lets compare:
You: Treated like shit by GOA, still pay them money.
Me: No problems with GOA, still pay them money.

Conclusion: You like being treated like shit, not me.

Also, the .de servers always have had a larger population than the UK ones, the .de servers have started to drop in population aswell just that Dyvet with a lower population logically died out faster since it had a lower population to start with and with Dyvets 'death' many people from that server left to the .de servers increasing that even more. :)

The german servers will suffer the same faith and GoA will yet again do fuckall about it. Feel free to prove that they will act this time tho. =)

Such impressive observation skills you have. There have always been more people playing on the EU german servers than the EU english servers. Its also painfully obvious that the total population is slowly decreasing and will eventually die, but thats natural.

Try comparing Mythic with GOA:
Mythic 17 normal English servers
GOA 5 normal German servers

Mythic 3 normal English clusters
GOA 2 normal German clusters

Similar things can be said of the french servers and there are in general more DaoC players in Europe than on US, that was certainly not the case when the game was released.

Conclusion: GOA have done a much better job at player retention aka customer satisfaction than Mythic. The game will eventually die but it looks to have alot more life left in the EU than the US.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2006
You have to remember who EA are ... and all that they care about , name of the game is money and honestly, if GoA do majorly fuck up hammer , and lets remember Europe is a pretty big place .. i think theyre gonna know about it , and theyre not gonna stand by while theyre new cash cow is driven into the ground by a bunch of useless frogs. I have a feeling GoA will pull thier finger out of thier arse and make sure WaR works here , they have no choice really, im sure the staff problem is being fixed right now in prep for when they have to start runnin it here. When u think about it, Dark age was never destined to be THAT huge from the off, purely because unlike War or WoW etc , it wasnt a huge brand name, nor were mythic that hugely known , and when u consider its playerbase vcompared to them or some of the older ones like ultima etc..

Dont get me wrong i still am angry at GoA and im not here to forgive them (yet) but i just cannot see them screwing up WaR , they cant be that stupid surely. As for opentranshit problems, how theyll get around the lag im not sure, i dont think the lag was that bad overal (cept ofc the spike nights).

Also and i could be wrong about this ._. , but those saying that GoA never cared, theres no proof that the entire team didnt give a fuck, if they ever were to post a statement admitin it , it would have to come from the top, and im sure some of them did care about the problems , but end of the day thier boss has the last say.

Altho it does puzzle me with thier current actions of still keeping cumbria open for all this time , and camlann.. with WaR coming u would think theyre going to know there was no way these servers will ever refill and just announce thier closure, sure it would piss a few people off from them, like all 6 :p , but it would surely make more sense then paying to keep them open, think of all the hampster food bills theyd save on xD


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
To be fair, what can we now expect? They can keep on clustering as much as they like, but without any genuine new players coming there is a limit on just how far both Mythic and GOA can go. Mythic will end up with a classic and ToA cluster, GOA will end up with a single cluster per language - unless either company decides that it isn't worth bothering with anymore.

Am I going to all the effort to play on US servers just to play WAR? No.

I'm not going to play on servers where the majority of people will be playing when I'm asleep. I don't want the hassle of getting a box with the relevant codes in it, DAoC is only easy to play on US servers as they've dropped the activation key requirement. The latency will be slightly higher, 130 ping vs 30-40 ping - ignoring the occasional OpenTransit problems.

Assuming WAR is a great success and Mythic/GOA doesn't screw it up then hopefully there will be a large playerbase with decent support. It'll be easier to just play on EU servers.

Regardless of what happens a lot of people are still going to be bitter over the entire history of DAoC Europe.


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 24, 2005
U say there will be a large population of EU people playing on us on warhammer,fair enough but u know if any of the german or french people will ?
The only servers i reckon GOA didnt take good care of was camlann and the dyvet cluster(Incompetent not to be able to cluster a cluster yes)
But from what ive seen its pretty much only the EU players from dyvet that spams freddyshouse that wont play WH on EU the german kids prolly will,the frenchie kids and people prolly will stick with EU as they don't have xperienced the same as the dyvet people.

Im not even gonne play WH,There will only be one game that gives me the joy of playing much and that is Dark Age of Cameltoe forever! ;)
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