About War Euro servers

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Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Manual targeting is faster then /assist'ing. Every perk comes with a downside. Same as strafing/lag makes /stick worthless. Or manually facing something is faster then /face. All these are lagdependant. They're there if you want them though, same as all the lameass WoW macros/UIs/etc.

If you target manually faster than with /assist then I worship you.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
That is your opinion. I can´t talk for WoW, but surely you can´t mean DaoC pve needs no elaborate strategies, ignorance is bliss when you stick others and afk, that was probably your strategy. But yeah, as soon as you figure out a strategy it becomes grind next time..

Everyone within a month or so of release( of what ever daoc expansion) had the pve nailed, every man and his dog was ML10, CL10, whatever. A year after burning crusade, and I think only 3 guilds are Pve'ing at the top level ( black temple). Its a hell of a lot harder, takes a hell of a lot more time, but if The Last Watch ex Daoc can do it...! The Last Watch

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Fettoken is just fking clueless Zede, DAoC's PvE has been focus tanking, shroom/theurg pet spamming or plain zerging and a bit aggro control (read: don't over heal the damage).

No strategy involved in that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Ofc I used the assist macros too

I'll get back to this. But remember it as example one.

Now you can prove to me that it is harder with an /assist macro than without or just shut up.

Why would I prove that? The point is excactly that it is easier with an /assist macro. Without it only really opted groups on ventrillo could mimic the effect and thus rule the battle field.

At least with /assist you raise the floor, allowing more people and less opted groups to participate which brings me full circle back to example one.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
I'll get back to this. But remember it as example one.

Why would I prove that? The point is excactly that it is easier with an /assist macro. Without it only really opted groups on ventrillo could mimic the effect and thus rule the battle field.

At least with /assist you raise the floor, allowing more people and less opted groups to participate which brings me full circle back to example one.

That's a fair point, but an /assist macro will usually not bring you on the same field you as an opted group playing using voice communication and those macros.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
That's a fair point, but an /assist macro will usually not bring you on the same field you as an opted group playing using voice communication and those macros.

No matter what is done, they wont get on the same field though. It does however help them to get a bit closer, think that was what he was driving at.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
You cant compare camelot pve to wow pve without facing some important differences.

wow has instanced pve that gives them the ability to scale the fights to exactly 25 people. you can try doing some of the tougher camelot fights with less people and you will see alot more strategy used.

just because wow takes longer and less people have completed the endgame content doesnt mean it requires more skill. it requires alot more organisation (getting 25 people consistently online for raids) and requires the same raid be run over and over and over..

and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...

been in a 4 hour a night pve raid guild for over 2 years and i can say from experience that blizzard ran out of good ideas for fights years ago. since then they have just made stuff require larger stats or obscure strategies that take wipes or reading of "how-to" guides to work them out.

not saying wow doesnt need skill. am saying that if you try some of the daoc stuff with less people then it becomes alot closer


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
You cant compare camelot pve to wow pve without facing some important differences.

wow has instanced pve that gives them the ability to scale the fights to exactly 25 people. you can try doing some of the tougher camelot fights with less people and you will see alot more strategy used.

just because wow takes longer and less people have completed the endgame content doesnt mean it requires more skill. it requires alot more organisation (getting 25 people consistently online for raids) and requires the same raid be run over and over and over..

and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...

been in a 4 hour a night pve raid guild for over 2 years and i can say from experience that blizzard ran out of good ideas for fights years ago. since then they have just made stuff require larger stats or obscure strategies that take wipes or reading of "how-to" guides to work them out.

not saying wow doesnt need skill. am saying that if you try some of the daoc stuff with less people then it becomes alot closer

Not really. The last watch was the only guild to farm ML10, and we did multiple times. ML10 was done with 10 people, Chodax spamming pets, Bigchief spamming the theurg with mana. It just took a while longer thats all, same for 1 fg dragon raids.

if your saying "with less than 1 fg" than your just being silly.

Daoc without a shadow of a doubt has much easier end game pve, but its supposed to be like that.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Everyone within a month or so of release( of what ever daoc expansion) had the pve nailed, every man and his dog was ML10, CL10, whatever. A year after burning crusade, and I think only 3 guilds are Pve'ing at the top level ( black temple). Its a hell of a lot harder, takes a hell of a lot more time, but if The Last Watch ex Daoc can do it...! The Last Watch

erm there are tons of guilds that do BT.

Heck som asian guild killed illidan with T3


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004

The event that gave the custom cloaks and the melee resist debuff weapons was kinda unique

Imba savage with thrust resist debuff.... back at those days was damn f*cking briliant!
Yeah that was UNIQUE!!! XD

couldn't hold my self, i had comment that mate....

As for reading this thread, only one thing comes to me as result. People forget too EASY!! But as a second though it might be better to chose Carla Bruni over Michelle Obama :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Not really. The last watch was the only guild to farm ML10, and we did multiple times. ML10 was done with 10 people, Chodax spamming pets, Bigchief spamming the theurg with mana. It just took a while longer thats all, same for 1 fg dragon raids.

if your saying "with less than 1 fg" than your just being silly.

Daoc without a shadow of a doubt has much easier end game pve, but its supposed to be like that.

Rofl that's some quality bs ...


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Ofcourse it is, but, it all comes down to how well coded the scripts are doesnt it?
In DAoC i absolutely detest ALL pve since it's so damn boring, nothing out of the ordinary, hack, slash, kill, destroy, done. In WoW im having a blast with the PvE since it's so well made with all the diff strategies you need to be able to do it. :)

The point is, it's quite more simple to code scripts against a fixed number of opponents than against a variable number.
Back in OF it was quite easy to zerg down the Summoner in the PvP dungeon with a zerg, it was quite more challenging doing it with 1 fg. There are endless examples like that ;)
I find WoW PvE somehow more funny myself, but any instance is the same fucking soup after the 2nd time u do it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I thought the whole of molten core was brilliant - played it straight after release. then blackwing lair - the first encounter was so bugged and an alien strategy to defeat it but after that it was enjoyable.

then aq40 - some ok but more miss than hit imo - moving on to nax which had good encounters but some really obscure ones as well.. i dont know about others but i found blizzard seemed to run out of things to do with 25/40people that were "enjoyable". being able to create a raid instance with 10 bosses was more important than making 10 enjoyable bosses.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Question....why oh why do all threads on FH start with "lets talk abour warhammer" end up with people talking about one or more of the following:

1. GOA sucks
2. /assist should be removed from the game.....ermm daoc not WAR ofc...
3. Adding/AJing/zerging and the appropriate whines.
4. How big my epeen is twating you for a gazillion damage omgwtfzors!!
5. I can solo Dragons cause Im uber
6. Yes we/I did...no you/I didnt...Yes we/I did...no you/I didnt...Yes we/I did...no you/I didnt...Yes we/I did...no you/I didnt...
7. I have a pony, want to stroke it?
8. LA mechanics blow goats
9, 10, 11 and onward - sod all to do with the subject of the thread but Ill bleat on about it for ages cause Im sooooo bored at work/school/job centre/prison and my firewall blocks me playing daoc...

Too much blah blah and not enough on subject chums, now back to the regular servings of insults about playstyles and how uber poxy WOW is or isnt.



Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Can't find it amusing tbh, the thread is over when 2 sides clearly are on different views, it dies and eventually some1 put it out of track, the rest is the nature of the beast (erm FH or any other forum).
Happy now?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Can't find it amusing tbh, the thread is over when 2 sides clearly are on different views, it dies and eventually some1 put it out of track, the rest is the nature of the beast (erm FH or any other forum).
Happy now?
I wasnt unhappy, just looking to boost the new threads a bit with something interesting other than the usual stuff, but alas it seems its same shit different day on FH.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Question....why oh why do all threads on FH start with "lets talk abour warhammer" end up with people talking about one or more of the following:

1. GOA sucks
2. /assist should be removed from the game.....ermm daoc not WAR ofc...
3. Adding/AJing/zerging and the appropriate whines.
4. How big my epeen is twating you for a gazillion damage omgwtfzors!!
5. I can solo Dragons cause Im uber
6. Yes we/I did...no you/I didnt...Yes we/I did...no you/I didnt...Yes we/I did...no you/I didnt...Yes we/I did...no you/I didnt...
7. I have a pony, want to stroke it?
8. LA mechanics blow goats
9, 10, 11 and onward - sod all to do with the subject of the thread but Ill bleat on about it for ages cause Im sooooo bored at work/school/job centre/prison and my firewall blocks me playing daoc...

Too much blah blah and not enough on subject chums, now back to the regular servings of insults about playstyles and how uber poxy WOW is or isnt.


dont care so much, nobody else does.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
So you living in the dream that the only guild farming ml10 in whole cluster was yours? Ahahahahahahahah kk.

You forgot the ToA came out Wayyy before NF & clustering right ?

no ? Ahahahahahahah kk

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
The Last Watch is known for being the first to farm ML10 regularly with a few people.

NFD is known for running 3 groups on stick, the forum asshats Gahn & Jupiter and Crom playing the good cop <3.

Zede is known for leaving shit groups <3.

I am know for being a brilliant observer of humanity.

Also internet knights and magicians are serious business.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
You forgot the ToA came out Wayyy before NF & clustering right ?

no ? Ahahahahahahah kk

Whether you did it pre or after clustering the point still stands, ml10 got farmed regularly from all realms and many guilds, but keep touch yerselves in the low parts ^^


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
The Last Watch is known for being the first to farm ML10 regularly with a few people.

NFD is known for running 3 groups on stick, the forum asshats Gahn & Jupiter and Crom playing the good cop <3.

Zede is known for leaving shit groups <3.

I am know for being a brilliant observer of humanity.

Also internet knights and magicians are serious business.

Manisch is known to get in any thread writing the same shit endlessy, i guess it's some sort of achievement in its own way.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
That is your opinion. I can´t talk for WoW, but surely you can´t mean DaoC pve needs no elaborate strategies, ignorance is bliss when you stick others and afk, that was probably your strategy. But yeah, as soon as you figure out a strategy it becomes grind next time..

You can't seriously compare WoW PvE and DAOC PvE. Played both extensively and killed all content in both games (well, DAOC up till Catacombs, after that I quit) it is a no-brainer that WoW >>> DAOC for PvE. PvP its the exact opposite, as Septina already said.

Take for example a Dragon or Legion in DAOC. Both are pretty much tank-n-spank for a few random abilities (Teleport u to a different room/spot, some adds) and compare that to killing Kael'thas or Illidan in WoW.

It's no shame, DAOC was 5 years prior to WoW and DAOC was PvP-centred (RvR as u wise), while WoW was mostly PvE-centred.

In the same way DAOC was trying to get more into PvE (TOA, Catacombs) and failed in the eyes of alot of players. Same way WoW is trying to get more into PvP and its the downfall (in my eyes) of WoW.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
And you are a pathetic excuse for an ex DaoC player, trying to justify WoW by comparing it to DaoC.. you are making a fool out of yourself!
I´d rather play childrens cardgame than WoW... WoW does not equal DaoC in any way whatsoever.

lol, i dont justify WoW by comparing it to DAoC. i dont have to.

DAoC is old, outdated and generally crap even if WoW would never existed.

yes it has its moments still. but that doesn't make it any less old, outdated or generally crap.

but have fun with your childrens cardgame i guess.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Soz not bothering to read all the posts, but I never had a problem with GOA and I'm not really sure where is this "expert" getting his numbers that most of EU ppl will play on US WAR servers. Ty very much.
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