A question about the female of the species.



Originally posted by GDW
"Fancy commng back to my place for a pizza and a shag?"

Cant remember what film it was from always found it a hilarious chat up line.

And when they slap you, you say "You don't like pizza?".


Forget women, do Leggy and TDC!

Oh my, what a daisy chain that would be.

Testin da Cable

as I'm starting to think that I've utterly alienated my girlfriend I may well be up for that tbh :/


Serious question here...

Please tell me why some of you on here find it difficult to strike up conversation with girls?

Is it the situation (ie. you're in a club or pub) or what?

Genuinely interested as I've always been able to walk up to girls and start chatting no problem. This isn't gloating its a genuine query.

Testin da Cable

I have no problems at all talking to people. My personal nag is getting up enough nerve to ask them out.

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by Xtro

Please tell me why some of you on here find it difficult to strike up conversation with girls?

It's an innate fear of rejection, atleast that's what my pussy fellow pissheads say. :)


I tend to just take the piss outta them, sometimes it works, but then theres the other times:(


Originally posted by Xtro
Serious question here...

Please tell me why some of you on here find it difficult to strike up conversation with girls?

Is it the situation (ie. you're in a club or pub) or what?

Genuinely interested as I've always been able to walk up to girls and start chatting no problem. This isn't gloating its a genuine query.

My problem comes from my school days, in school I was a bit of a loser, pupils picked on me, teachers picked on me (I went to a very bad school, headmaster nicking funds and the like) and because of that I lost all my self confidence. I've clawed it back now and Im better than I was but I still have that niggling, you're not good enough voice in my head that prevents me from chatting to strangers without backup.


Originally posted by old.Fweddy
I fancy my best mate's girlfriend's sister :(

I dont see the problem here.

Unless shes 9 years old.


She's 21, to my 18. She lives miles away so I'll probably never see her again, and she's way, way out of my league.


Thanks for the answers.

Woke up this morning with a scrawled note with a girls name and number on and an inivite to see a punk band called The Wank Sinatars (oh dear).

Can I remember? Can I fuck. Drinking a load of vodka mixed with Turkish Pepper sweets seems to be a bad idea.


Originally posted by Xtro
Serious question here...

Please tell me why some of you on here find it difficult to strike up conversation with girls?

Is it the situation (ie. you're in a club or pub) or what?

Genuinely interested as I've always been able to walk up to girls and start chatting no problem. This isn't gloating its a genuine query.

In the past I must have tried chatting to women hundreds of times. And except once, every time I have been met with a reaction of fear, mistrust, general disdain and even occasionally just flat out laughter (and not good laughter). Only one girl ever responded well to me going over and talking to her, and amazingly she was stunning. We got together, lived together for 2 years then I finished with her 3 weeks ago.

Eventually I found it harder and harder to do, and then I guess I just stopped trying. I'm not at all bad looking, I'm tall, fit, well-dressed and intelligent, but there's something about me that they just don't like. Maybe it's an Austin Powers-style mojo thing that I'm missing. My mindset started going "Hmm, saturday night, am I up for another bout of rejection?"

Plus I've got these weird nervous thing where I find it hard speaking to anyone I don't know outside of my close circle of friends (though I can be quite open on a forum, as you can tell!)

Most women go on and on about there being no good men in the world, well, perhaps if they were to stop ignoring us and then going for the first vacant-eyed townie with a baseball cap and modded Nova then they might be surprised. In the clubs round here, scoring with a girl is as simple as grabbing her arse, and I'm sorry, but no matter how desperate I get I will never do that. I'm better than that.


Know what I need? Some girl mates that can teach me all this stuff. For whatever reason I don't have any female friends. I'm not much good at connecting with people generally and women are a complete mystery. Ironically I would probably get on better with women anyway because I'm a football-hating straight poof and I can be quite funny (if a little dry).


buy a suit and walk around for a day with it - see if makes a difference


I wear a suit every day! Last Thursday, for some reason (I think it was because I was wearing my white tie) people were complimenting me on my look, and a senior management figure in head office said I was the snappiest dresser he knew! There's not much I do better than most but I am usually impeccably dressed.

This is what I mean, I'm doing everything I should be doing...but something's still missing!

Newsflash though. There is a lovely young lady in a coffeeshop near here that served me yesterday. We had a *very* brief chat when her till broke down as she was serving me, and anyway, I've decided to go back next saturday and either a) get her number b) get her to say she'll meet me for drinks c) get her naked in the store room or d) walk out feeling sorry for myself after she laughs / punches me in the face.


Next week in the Jonny_Darko's love life.... :)

Its so exciting! Should make a tv show from it. :)


This is like some sort of forum big brother...


Darko, here's a tip if you're still having trouble talking to the females out there...

Don't think that they're women... If you know what I mean. The whole treat them just like another 'human being' thing actually works!


Originally posted by old.D0LLySh33p

Don't think that they're women... If you know what I mean. The whole treat them just like another 'human being' thing actually works!

Astonishingly, Dolly is 100% spot on bingo correcto.

Here's where we differ Jonny - the majority of my close friends are female, my best friend (Evah etc) is female too. This is probably why I have no apprehension whatsoever going up to talk to women.

Think we know what you need to do now :)


Originally posted by Xtro

Think we know what you need to do now :)

Part of that would be to avoid alot of the advice given on internet forums. Especially this one.


Sorry I had a wicked head ache when I wrote that.

I am just pissed off at my rebound relationship ending :)


Well, plenty of tips here that could help you sort something new out ;)


Originally posted by old.D0LLySh33p
This is like some sort of forum big brother...


Darko, here's a tip if you're still having trouble talking to the females out there...

Don't think that they're women... If you know what I mean. The whole treat them just like another 'human being' thing actually works!

Imagine them with the big c0><0rz !!!1

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by Wij
Imagine them with the big c0><0rz !!!1



*Call Summo*


Originally posted by Xtro
Astonishingly, Dolly is 100% spot on bingo correcto.



Downside though...

My best friend is a girl, well, woman, but I'm still in love with her.




Bloke 1:
Is wearing a t-shirt with the name of his counter-strike clan on it. He hasn't cut his hair for months, and has neglected to have a shave for a week. He is obviously some sort of mmorpg addict as his skin is almost transparent and he blicks furiously in the light of day.

Bloke 2:
Looks like he is fresh from some sort of boy band get-up. Is clean cut, has tidy hair, smells like expensive aftershave, and has even bothered to brush his teeth! Wearing reasonably expensive clothes, and sunglasses bearing a designer label.

Which would I prefer to be approached by?

If Bloke 1 walked up to me I would probably run a mile, or just carry on walking and ignore the poor guy, assuming that at any moment he could either pull out (a) a sub-machine gun, (b) jedi light saber or (c) the shiny brilliant adamantium hammer of Beelzebub. Right-clicking on me to try to get some sort of response wouldn't work either. If he took no for an answer I could just tell him I con purple.....

I would instantly assume that Bloke 2 is a twat. He obviously approaches women every day of the week, and usually manages to get their phone number, or at least cop a feel. I would think that he spends hours in the mirror each day, admiring his reflection, and practising his 'cheeky grin' to try out on poor unsuspecting ladies. Cue a speedy exit (whilst trying not to laugh out loud).

Some women don't mind being approached in the street - but you'll probably find in this day and age we are quite wary of being approached by just anybody (hold onto that handbag ladies)! Better off waiting until we actually know you (friend of a friend sort of thing), or we are pissed. Alcohol makes many a lonely mans' life easier! :D


Originally posted by old.D0LLySh33p


Downside though...

My best friend is a girl, well, woman, but I'm still in love with her.



Thats a fatal mistake.

If you like/love a women then you should let her know within the first couple of get togethers else you get stuck in a dreadful "just friends" limbo


Originally posted by Bym
If Bloke 1 walked up to me I would probably run a mile, or just carry on walking and ignore the poor guy, assuming that at any moment he could either pull out (a) a sub-machine gun, (b) jedi light saber or (c) the shiny brilliant adamantium hammer of Beelzebub. Right-clicking on me to try to get some sort of response wouldn't work either. If he took no for an answer I could just tell him I con purple.....


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