Originally posted by F.I.V
Heh damn, imagine guild raids if they all showed up as Bonedancers, it'd be like the Battle of Helms Deep with skeletons replacing orcs, there'd be hundreds of the damn things
Originally posted by samurai001
Im afraid thats how most fights are planned, easier than it sounds most the time.
I could just as easily say MA target mezzer, group assists, lifetap, 1 insta dead mezzer. I could say a lot of things that COULD happen, doesnt mean that they will.
Originally posted by F.I.V
Killing a Bonedancer isnt difficult, in fact it's pretty easy and 2 tanks is more than enough to kill one.
If you kill the commander pet, the healers/mages/debuffers/archers/whatever drop dead instantly as they cant think for themselves and cannot function without a commander....much like the US Army (boom boom!)
Where fighting a Suppression spec BD 1 on 1 is more like 1 vs 4 or 1 vs 5 and the fight can be damned difficult, killing the commander pet leaves all healers/etc dead and one very vulnerable and scared Bonedancer running for his or her life unless they're gutsy and lucky enough to try and lifetap tank a very angry Armsman with a polearm without using pets.
Originally posted by bone_idle
What i want to know is:-
What were Mythic thinking of when they said lets put in a insta lifetap that hits for 400 every 4 seconds.