Underpowered BoneDancer movie



Originally posted by Groborthir
I tell you, it's all in the hat, mate!

*coughs* and not the 100str from creation? ^^

I agree, must be teh hat!


Allow me to paraphrase, vindicat0r:

"[insert any class] are a skill-less class, press [insert best attack] every [insert respective timer]. I can show a monkey how to do that.

THe players behind [insert any class] are not nesscarly skill-less but they ARE playing a no-skill class.

Is it easy to solo xp ur way to 50 as a [insert any class] ?

[insert any class] arent that good in RvR grps for 1 fg V 1 fg so I wouldnt worry about them 2 much tbh. Anybody who trys to defend the [insert any class] as being a v skillful class is full of shit :p"

An example would be:

"Sorcerers are a skill-less class, press AoE mezz every 2 seconds. I can show a monkey how to do that."


Blademasters arent that good in RvR grps for 1 fg V 1 fg so I wouldnt worry about them 2 much tbh. Anybody who trys to defend the blademasters as being a v skillful class is full of shit :p"


Is it easy to solo xp ur way to 50 as a bard ?


Originally posted by Shike
*coughs* and not the 100str from creation? ^^

Well, unless you think it's being overpowered that you can't get insta rooted from str debuffs, 100 str from start means nothing other than you can carry more loot. As aforementioned, staff dmg is dex based. :)


Originally posted by vindicat0r
Staff dmg is 100% dex based afaik.

hmm for friars yes. Can someone take a caster and boof strenght and see if WS increases? I got unsure now


Originally posted by Groborthir
Well, unless you think it's being overpowered that you can't get insta rooted from str debuffs, 100 str from start means nothing other than you can carry more loot. As aforementioned, staff dmg is dex based. :)

baaah if its dexbased its got to be the damned hat ^^


Originally posted by Shike
hmm for friars yes. Can someone take a caster and boof strenght and see if WS increases? I got unsure now

Just tested it on my lvl45 SM.

Full aug bot buffed me with a spec str/con buff, with MoA 2.

Before buff, 539 weap skill.
Before buff, 902 weap dmg.

After buff, 539 weap skill.
After buff, 902 weap dmg.


seems to me that most of the people he came up against had shit resists


Most of them were in epic armor and probably didn't have any resist buff, so with MoM3 you basically lifedrain for 402 and get back about 390hp ...


just curious, what class in DAoC actually takes -skill- once you're in combat ?

in the end you just bash 1-4 buttons, with every class.

the only thing that might require skill -during- a fight would be to run through an opponent to avoid a spell or styled attack.

Admittedly, there's players that lack the skill even for such easy tasks as hitting a button for a style and a 2nd button for a backup style, but overall the skill requirement for this game is low ... very low.


Originally posted by Cami
aye, if you ever played a caster you will know you can qc a spell even if its instant and your are oop ;)

Originally posted by Groborthir

Originally posted by old.willowywicca
he can QC a insta lifetap to heal himself and dmg the enemy!! mwahahahaahaha!!!

Not without power.


/stick and spam lifetap in the end and win from 5 people.

Clearly another moron with 1 arm and 4 broken fingers ^^


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
just curious, what class in DAoC actually takes -skill- once you're in combat ?

in the end you just bash 1-4 buttons, with every class.

the only thing that might require skill -during- a fight would be to run through an opponent to avoid a spell or styled attack.

Admittedly, there's players that lack the skill even for such easy tasks as hitting a button for a style and a 2nd button for a backup style, but overall the skill requirement for this game is low ... very low.

Its different for every class
for instance we have all seen a chanter QB :)
my bonedancer QB has 4 spells and the rest are RA's/sprint/QC/macros
My sorcerer had 2 QB's worth of spells(and 1 with buffs and pet charm etc, and errr one with the complete lyrics to Davie bowies magical dance in macro form for relic raids etc)
1 full of crowd control, 1 full of debuffs/nukes
Mincer's, healers etc probley have loads as well


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
just curious, what class in DAoC actually takes -skill- once you're in combat ?

I agree most dont require much - I think it takes pretty good reflexes to do some of the HtH savage combos that end in quad hits just from the lack of time between blows - I sure wouldnt play one :)

Theres probably others but I cant think of em - twisting songs is initially hard but becomes second nature if you have some sense of rythm.


doesn't really matter how many Quickbars you can fill, more like how much of the stuff you use in combat.

lil' example :

Mincers --- the Swiss Army Knife of Sorts

Pet, Mezz, Stun, DDs, Speed, (deMezz ?), Instruments etc.

in combat it's usually

Amy Slash
Ablative Chant

or with Pet
Amy Slash
and run around until the Pet killed the target.

that's all you see most Mincers doing.

Support Classes definitly need the most skill, since you need to keep an eye on the fight and on the mini-window, stay alive and be able to cast.
But all those damage-dealing classes ... minimal skill requirement.


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
just curious, what class in DAoC actually takes -skill- once you're in combat ?

in the end you just bash 1-4 buttons, with every class.

all depending on how you play it...

I've seen pallys swapping between 2h and shield between the styles and keeping same speed as if he wouldn't twisted the shield... this meanwhile he twisted 2 or 3 chants...

doing that requires some practice before you can do it propertly... and I'm sure there are more classes then pallys out there that can be played quite advanced...


Originally posted by Groborthir

Groborthir Lagmeister | lvl50 zerker | Elding Vakten
Eatsinfils AndShadesToo | lvl50 supp BD | Isen Herra

lol, just because u play a no skill class dont get angry with me. Plenty of classes take skill to play, its not v much skill as this game doesnt take much but its a mixture of exp + common sense + hand eye coordination. Hand eye coordination when good at it, is usually called skill. It's a mixture of all that u show it.

U cant just insert class x in ther and say ........ class x is exactly like class y. bollox

What u can say is that BD take considerably less skill to play than most classes. Btw ur defence of bd's is lowered by the spamdf4teh charc right above it, got tired of mele spam and went for magic spam ^^. < j/k :D >

As you love ur example's I will give u 1:

I play an arms mostly, he is a s/s hybrid Pole arms. To preform effectively in RvR < not PvE> I must change QB's every few secs and be rdy to switch and anticipate moves.

When approaching an enemy I try to locate the primary CC + primary healer at clipping range. I target when possible and charge the CC before he gets a spell off. I must swing at him once to remove possible bt. Then I try to slam. If the slam hits I quickly switch to Pole to deal dmg. Changing QB quickly, I move to this back and prepare my positional moves. While doing this I must look out for my caster / healers and make sure the pally in grp has the deter 4 + / purge tanks undercontrol. I have to also keep an eye on the healer and make sure he doesnt run behind a tree or at least see wher he goes so I can get him ;). also I have to be rdy to requip s/s again if I see a pbae caster headin over to me to pbae me off the stunned CC'er. If all of these aspects are under control I do my back positional chain on the CC'er. if I am intercept#d by a tank I must try slam him first, swtichin got s/s again. I then procide to chase the CC'er around not letting him heal / mezz while trying to kill him. if I kill him I requip s/s and go for the healer. if a tank is on me and I cannot get near anybody else in time or will die I do not turn to this tank I take my pole out and try land my stun chain x2 or my any time chain x 2 or my parry chain. When I land my stun chain I move to the rear and to my Rear chain x2. if low on end mid fight i must switch QB to get an end pot or stone. During all this I keep an eye on my health, use IP or not and if I am slammed use Purge or not.

What I just said ther is things I must do in the first 30 secs of a fight. Alot is just planning what I will do and preparing for something unexpected. as is ter alot of qb changing and anticipation. u as a bd would spam insta life tap and possibly send ur pet on something. Go play ur zerker, even thats more skillful. or maybe u just want to para-phrase me again :D

Either way u cant defend bd's as a skill-less class
You cant compare them to others as u have.


but its [skill] a mixture of exp + common sense + hand eye coordination

What u can say is that BD take considerably less skill to play than most classes.

Inconsistency. Why, if you claim skill doesn't have anything to do with pressing buttons, shouldn't a BD benefit from exp, common sense and hand-eye coordination? Unless you really do claim that skill == pressing more buttons?


I don't want to paraphrase.

I would like to suggest that if you think switching between quickbars is == skill, then your average joe with the ability to press shift+# has skills.

No, as someone else mentioned, skills in this game are determined by being able to place yourself, time your attacks, avoid attacks, strategize. That kind of thing. Pressing anything from one to ten friggin' buttons is something most people can do with just a little practice.

There's skill-less BD's as there are skilled BD's, just like with any other class, and it has fuck all to do with how many keys you place your greasy fingers on, matey.

Anyway, if I wanted to do something that required proper skills I would go write an academic thesis, construct a momument or determine the size of the universe. I wouldn't play a computer game where you press a few buttons and swear to the misconception that that takes skill.


Originally posted by vindicat0r

<get's out the Troll-size scissor>


So in other words you're saying, you run through the other groups melees for the Support classes, hit F6 to pop the bt, hit the Slam button, hit the key for the Polearm and hit another key for the style and glance from time to time on the mini-groupwindow ?
...and hit IP or Purge if your HP bar is about to disappear or you can't move anymore.

But fascinating how much people can write about simple matters.


Originally posted by Groborthir

Originally posted by old.willowywicca
he can QC a insta lifetap to heal himself and dmg the enemy!! mwahahahaahaha!!!

Not without power.

You can cast spells via QC even if you have no power, it just takes your power to negative amount.


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
So in other words you're saying, you run through the other groups melees for the Support classes, hit F6 to pop the bt, hit the Slam button, hit the key for the Polearm and hit another key for the style and glance from time to time on the mini-groupwindow ?
...and hit IP or Purge if your HP bar is about to disappear or you can't move anymore.

But fascinating how much people can write about simple matters.

No wonder you didn't play anything else but a stealther, because you obviously suck ass at it if you only click an enemy, then click your buttons.

At least, if that's the way you think. And you most likely do as you say it here and only play a stealther.

You have no idea how hard high-end group RvR is.

And in the end, every game is controlled by moving/clicking your mouse and pressing buttons. But it actually has nothing to do with the gameplay.


Originally posted by Xeanor
No wonder you didn't play anything else but a stealther, because you obviously suck ass at it if you only click an enemy, then click your buttons.

How the fuck do you kill enemies without clicking on them and afterwards press a few buttons, you dimwit?


Originally posted by Groborthir
How the fuck do you kill enemies without clicking on them and afterwards press a few buttons, you dimwit?

I target an enemy and then nuke him.

Understand what i mean?

His "clicking buttons" arguement is as retarded as it can be.


Originally posted by Xeanor
I target an enemy and then nuke him.

Understand what i mean?

Yeah, you target (i.e. click) an enemy, and then you nuke him (i.e. click the respective quickbar button upon which you suitably placed the proper nuke).

No? :)


Originally posted by Groborthir
Yeah, you target (i.e. click) an enemy, and then you nuke him (i.e. click the respective quickbar button upon which you suitably placed the proper nuke).

No? :)

Yeah, at least you seem to be smarter than Cylian, and look further than the button. :) (that last part correct english?)


it's pretty simple really:

no classes require massive skill to play.

BD requires some skill, just significantly less than for any other caster class owing to:
1) being chain healed by pets to increase survivability.
2) insta-life tap increasing survivability.
3) being able to continue their damage output while being interupted due to it being insta cast.
4) being able to to a small extent debuff their insta damage, giving them comparable damage output to normal caster types (those that can't self debuff).

So there you have it, BD is overpowered because the 2 main balancing features of casters (interupts and poor survivability) are not present, whilst the large damage output potential of a caster still is.


Malevolencia if you can qc you can qc any spell even if you are oop, try ask any caster ;)

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