A CT GM's view of the ML9 incident...

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Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
evzy said:
This following quote from page 5 or 6 I think it was on this thread - I would see as defending him tbh - you are praising what he did , which in my mind means you are happy to condone his actions, which you could argue means you are defending him now...

Why give him Gratz if he deserves to be punished? And you say that you never said don't punish him, well you never said punish him either tbh....

That is not defending someone.

Try again.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bugz said:
Finally, someone has understood what I'm getting at though. I am clapping at his technique. Nothing else.

You're very easily impressed then or as we say in Dutch (very rough translation):

A child's hand is filled very fast.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Bugz said:
Am I digging a hole to fill with your ignorance? :p

I was thinking more fill it with the shite being spouted about Jarvio not being a bad bloke tbh....though would prob be easier to hire a digger than use a shovel for that :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
evzy said:
I was thinking more fill it with the shite being spouted about Jarvio not being a bad bloke tbh....though would prob be easier to hire a digger than use a shovel for that :)

Wouldn't have nothing to do with that then seeing as though I've never said Jarvio was not a bad bloke.

You really do keep on digging don't you? ;)


Loyal Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
Keep going guys, but maybe a lil break at around 8ish? Need to get new popcorn.

Id like you to bookmark this, put some paper on ur sticky wall in your kitchen, be reminded in 10 years and read this again.
If you need popcorn at that point, pm me :)

Rickie said:
Jezzz.....some of you should take a step back and take a look at your self. OMG.... :puke:



Belomar said:
Anyway, rule number one of forum posting is to know when to stop. You have much to learn still, my young Padawan.


Jan 22, 2005
Bugz said:
Obviously your balls need to drop too if you like to insult people who have illnesses which affect them their whole lifes.

Don't try to play smart with me because you will lose.

Btw, I agreed with the GM's comments and not Jarvio. Learn to read too? :D

The second quote was posted as a joke to annoy (yes I am sad) Redi on his campaign about the word retard.

And how would I loose? You're just some kid who is trying to be k00l like Gamah and Jjuraa, how about you go finish school and then come back to me and then we can get a proper of idea of who would 'win'.

Edit: Oh and Bugz, age = experience. So people judging you on your age is in my opinion not stupid. I just find it funny how some kid can come on these forums and think he is god.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Bugz said:
Wouldn't have nothing to do with that then seeing as though I've never said Jarvio was not a bad bloke.

You really do keep on digging don't you? ;)

You are the one who can't get it into your head it seems and choose to take an easy option of retorting without actually taking into account what I have said. So ... take your own ignorance and stick that in the hole as well.

What I am trying to say is your actions in this thread are indicative of someone who is happy to defend Jarvio and you have given him Gratz as well for what he did - which I take as someone congratulating someone - which in the context of the situation means you are happy with Jarvio's actions that he stole from over 100 players within his own realm. If you still don't understand what I am trying to say then print it, keep it in ya pocket, wait til you grow up, then re-read it :)

And feel free to try the duurrr I didnt defend him comment again - just to prove you really don't get it..

~wanders off wondering about the youth of today~


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
evzy said:
You are the one who can't get it into your head it seems and choose to take an easy option of retorting without actually taking into account what I have said. So ... take your own ignorance and stick that in the hole as well.

What I am trying to say is your actions in this thread are indicative of someone who is happy to defend Jarvio and you have given him Gratz as well for what he did - which I take as someone congratulating someone - which in the context of the situation means you are happy with Jarvio's actions that he stole from over 100 players within his own realm. If you still don't understand what I am trying to say then print it, keep it in ya pocket, wait til you grow up, then re-read it :)

And feel free to try the duurrr I didnt defend him comment again - just to prove you really don't get it..

~wanders off wondering about the youth of today~

Heh, we like the age insults don't we.

And fyi, they dont indicate that at all. They indicate a guy who is taken back, slightly shocked, at the guts someone would have to fuck off 110 people in a raid. Congratulating him on having guts and determination does not indicate I am happy with him at all.

The thing you don't get is, the age insults make you look stupid, when really you know no idea of my level of intelligence, and the second thing you don't seem to grasp (which is actually the thing in MY head and your trying to tell ME whats in MY head), even though i've explained it, is I don't give a flying fuck about Jarvi's actions or the conseqeuences. I never condone nor cheer on his conning of 110 people. I merely respect the fact he has the guts etc. to do such a task.

Carry on with your age-comments, they are rather funny. I'll carry on with my revision for the GCSE's i'm taking this year (go go french and maths :d) and we'll all be merry.


Jan 22, 2005
Bugz said:
The thing you don't get is, the age insults make you look stupid, when really you know no idea of my level of intelligence

You havn't done GCSEs yet, you havn't done your A-Levels, you havn't been to college/university yet so I think people can make some fair assumptions. You are the one making yourself look stupid because you are acting like a royal prick, trying to be a smartass when infact your some teenager who has yet to get laid.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
The second quote was posted as a joke to annoy (yes I am sad) Redi on his campaign about the word retard.

And how would I loose? You're just some kid who is trying to be k00l like Gamah and Jjuraa, how about you go finish school and then come back to me and then we can get a proper of idea of who would 'win'.

Edit: Oh and Bugz, age = experience. So people judging you on your age is in my opinion not stupid. I just find it funny how some kid can come on these forums and think he is god.

Age-insults again /yawn.

Age does not = experiance. Using this game as a base, I know an awful lot of it. I've led 50+ people through ML's and organised raids in which everyone acts on my decision. I don't need to finish school as i'd probably be going for another 2-3 years yet (sixth-form) and then off to university if I make it. That's an awful lot of time when already I have the intelligence to compete in this argument.

I don't think im God, I merely think i'm more intelligent than you all set me out to be. You stereotype and if you did that in real life face to face to someone, you'd probably end up with a bloody nose and a lesson well learnt.

I could come and here and tell you about my life and what I do in school and where I go to school etc. but that'd be bragging/ego-bashing etc.

However, each time you come out with these silly 'kid' insults, I will hit back with intelligence and ego humping because I can. If ya don't like it: tough ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Bugz said:
Age-insults again /yawn.

Age does not = experiance. Using this game as a base, I know an awful lot of it. I've led 50+ people through ML's and organised raids in which everyone acts on my decision. I don't need to finish school as i'd probably be going for another 2-3 years yet (sixth-form) and then off to university if I make it. That's an awful lot of time when already I have the intelligence to compete in this argument.

I don't think im God, I merely think i'm more intelligent than you all set me out to be. You stereotype and if you did that in real life face to face to someone, you'd probably end up with a bloody nose and a lesson well learnt.

I could come and here and tell you about my life and what I do in school and where I go to school etc. but that'd be bragging/ego-bashing etc.

However, each time you come out with these silly 'kid' insults, I will hit back with intelligence and ego humping because I can. If ya don't like it: tough ^^

Actually, I do tend to side with Bugz here - from your written abilities you do seem to be intellectually capable beyond your years. However, for all I know, your dad's writing this for you :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
You havn't done GCSEs yet, you havn't done your A-Levels, you havn't been to college/university yet so I think people can make some fair assumptions. You are the one making yourself look stupid because you are acting like a royal prick, trying to be a smartass when infact your some teenager who has yet to get laid.

Taking two GCSE's in 10 weeks time. If this thread is going by then, by your reasoning, I am allowed a fair say in the matter?

I haven't made myself look stupid. I've made myself look arrogant but then so have each and every one of you who have posted against me. Stereotyping is as arrogant as having an ego. And the fact I use my ego as a defence against your stereotyping is pretty fair to me.

Lol @ last part. Your getting desperate for arguments so you refer to the old 'you not got laid.' You don't know about my personal life and that comment merely shows your inability to put up a good argument.

Eggy said:
Actually, I do tend to side with Bugz here - from your written abilities you do seem to be intellectually capable beyond your years. However, for all I know, your dad's writing this for you

lol :>


Jan 22, 2005
Bugz said:
Taking two GCSE's in 10 weeks time. If this thread is going by then, by your reasoning, I am allowed a fair say in the matter?

I haven't made myself look stupid. I've made myself look arrogant but then so have each and every one of you who have posted against me. Stereotyping is as arrogant as having an ego. And the fact I use my ego as a defence against your stereotyping is pretty fair to me.

Lol @ last part. Your getting desperate for arguments so you refer to the old 'you not got laid.' You don't know about my personal life and that comment merely shows your inability to put up a good argument.

Dunno, just after seeing your picture on the Camlamn section I found it hard to believe you could ever get laid :<

I won't say anything more, I'll get banned :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Dunno, just after seeing your picture on the Camlamn section I found it hard to believe you could ever get laid :<

I won't say anything more, I'll get banned :p

Your out of argument points, not that you had any in the first place.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
hehe great thread.

Bugz has managed to revive and turn it into a one man comedy show.

Age might not effect your in game skill (well not in games like daoc) but it does effect come of the crappy posts you've made in this thread.

bugz said:
How original Bubble, another flame about my age bahbahbahbahbahbah Sorcerer bahbahbahbahbahbah anime freak bahbahbahbahbahabah

Saved you the trouble :) Keep up the good work, i expect another funny read tommorrow.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Bubble said:
hehe great thread.

Bugz has managed to revive and turn it into a one man comedy show.

Age might not effect your in game skill (well not in games like daoc) but it does effect come of the crappy posts you've made in this thread.

Saved you the trouble :) Keep up the good work, i expect another funny read tommorrow.

Gratz? Oo


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
The fact you think leading 50 or so people through an ML raid is reflective of intelligence or maturity does indicate a lack of both imo.. but hey.. I have only lived the equivalent of 2 of your lifetimes so far.

And I appreciate you are trying now to distance yourself maybe from Jarvio but by congratulating him on ripping off 100 people - you are endorsing his actions whether you like it or not tbh. I fail to see still how he has guts for doing it - I think he is simply a low life thief tbh - would you congratulate someone for stealing tins of beans from a supermarket? would you pat on the back someone after mugging an old granny?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 2, 2004
As usual the freddys house regulars and Elitist pricks turn this thread into a bullying session..nevermind bugz its just your turn..take it on the chin.cos verbal assualts is about the only thing half of this lot can do, while sat behind a PC its real easy to group on an individual.....So Big!!

You wonder why ppl steal, rob cheat....radar...speed hack...Maybe cos this so called community you all talk about protecting is half the cause of the problem...

if the face fits and all that!!

(disclaimer...I have never stole..cheated or scammed anyone in my 4 years of daoc, nor do I agree with cheats ..scammers and gypsys)


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
evzy said:
The fact you think leading 50 or so people through an ML raid is reflective of intelligence or maturity does indicate a lack of both imo.. but hey.. I have only lived the equivalent of 2 of your lifetimes so far.

And I appreciate you are trying now to distance yourself maybe from Jarvio but by congratulating him on ripping off 100 people - you are endorsing his actions whether you like it or not tbh. I fail to see still how he has guts for doing it - I think he is simply a low life thief tbh - would you congratulate someone for stealing tins of beans from a supermarket? would you pat on the back someone after mugging an old granny?

A person with little intelligence will find it hard to run a ML raid.
An immature person will find it hard to run a ML raid.

I'm not trying to distance myself from him anymore than I did in the beginning. I simply needed to show the point by spamming it several times since some of us on these forums either cannot read or mis-read. And since when am I giving support of his actions (endorsing means tht i think Oo).

Would you be able to run a ML 9 raid with 110 people attending and steal all the loot? i wouldn't be able to - the circumstances would be too great and id lose my nerve.

Let's have a look at guts:

# guts Slang.
1. Nerve; audacity.

I wouldn't have the guts/nerve to steal a tin of baked beans from the supermarket or to rob an old lady. Some have it, some don't. However, RL is quite different from here.

Many people in Jarvio's situation would have not done that. He is a conner. True. He is also a person with guts (call it nerve if you want).

It's a merely a case of putting yourself in someone's position to discover if they have guts or not. I hate the guys who did 9/11. It sickens me to think they could drive a plane into a building and die doing it. They have guts. I hate the fuckers. But they have guts.

RL example for you, since you like to use them yourself.

Am I coming across now? :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
am i ultra smart and super mature for leading 120 people through ML3 Pre nerf (sword and egg collecting)? If i steal loot from them does it make me ever smarter?

Sweet my epeen just just doubled!

Keep them coming!


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Bubble said:
am i ultra smart and super mature for leading 120 people through ML3 Pre nerf (sword and egg collecting)? If i steal loot from them does it make me ever smarter?

Sweet my epeen just just doubled!

Keep them coming!

You don't deserve a proper reply since you are incapable of reading a thread :D :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Dorimor1 said:
You havn't done GCSEs yet, you havn't done your A-Levels, you havn't been to college/university yet so I think people can make some fair assumptions. You are the one making yourself look stupid because you are acting like a royal prick, trying to be a smartass when infact your some teenager who has yet to get laid.

Haha, As if age = experience. Not in a million years it is. Also telling someone to get laid.. PLEASE.

Everyone who uses these two is a complete moron and lacks mental maturity themselves.

Good luck.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
go on bubble...this is making my BD lvling much more fun when i can alt+tab during power regen and read


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
SoulFly said:
Haha, As if age = experience. Not in a million years it is. Also telling someone to get laid.. PLEASE.

Everyone who uses these two is a complete moron and lacks mental maturity themselves.

Good luck.

Telling someone to get laid in a forum, thats like lower than stealing all the loot on ml1 - ml10 imo.. even lower than glocalnet


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Dwali said:
go on bubble...this is making my BD lvling much more fun when i can alt+tab during power regen and read

I would do, but i'm at home now and have better things to do.
Besides, my epeens sooo big now, i'm gunna go steal something and get some Guts!

He couldn't keep up with a vetern forum troll anyway! Look he fell at first hurdle!


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Bubble said:
I would do, but i'm at home now and have better things to do.
Besides, my epeens sooo big now, i'm gunna go steal something and get some Guts!

He couldn't keep up with a vetern forum troll anyway! Look he fell at first hurdle!

I love the way you try to provoke but get no where :kissit:

I can only stay till 7pm anywayz. Got ML 2 to run then :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bugz said:
I love the way you try to provoke but get no where :kissit:

I can only stay till 7pm anywayz. Got ML 2 to run then :D

If its made you read your own post and think 'What the fuck was i thinking' then i'm happy to help the community.
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