A CT GM's view of the ML9 incident...

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Sock Drawer

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 23, 2004
Hi guys

Right then, I know you're probably sick of all the ML9 posts etc, but as I've only just been informed of it, and seen what's been going on, I thought it might aswell give you my view... get a coffee, as like most of my other posts it's probably gonna be a long read.

Firstly, what he did was wrong - end of, no 2 ways about it... but I also can't help but laugh. Jarvio is a complete cock, as has been said... actually no, sorry - let me rephrase that. He's not a complete cock at all, he's a selfish immature fucker - SOMETIMES - but he's also a good laugh, and can actually be a sound chap. He makes me belly laugh sometimes, and other times I just wanna pan his face in with a mouldy baguette - but that's him. You all know EXACTLY what he's like.

The question I ask is... you do ALL know what he's like, so who's the idiot in this equation? Liam for nicking all the shit from ML9, or you lot for going on it knowing what he's like? If this was Counter Strike - he'd have a wallhack and an aimbot - that's just the kind of guy he is.

Anyhoo, the reason I'm posting is more at being pissed off with the comments that you bunch of band-wagon jumping pekkers have all decided to pipe up with. What Jarvio did he did off his own back, and there's nothing we as a guild can do about it now to rectify the situation, even if we wanted to. Comments like "Oh he's in CT what do you expect" and all that shite about Dark Wolves and all that "but not as good" bollox is poppycock. We'd never even heard of em when we did the things we did, and the only reason we did them was because we'd just had enough of conforming to the elitist attitude of all the little pricks on here - and u3er gamers so we decided to break the mould a little bit. Shame some people are so anal that they can't just let bygones be.

In addition to that, people like Flimgoblin posting calling us all tossers is fine - but don't forget who spent a few nights playing with our stealth group, sitting on our TS having "a damn good laugh" to quote what you said. I get fucked off with people who change their opinions of people like their socks, and only do what suits that moment. We're honest, if we don't like you we'll tell you, and if we do we'll do almost anything for you. CT as a guild are a bunch of sound people, who sometimes just don't put up with the shite that other people will. Take it, or run off crying to yer mammys. It's like some of you are too shit scared to just pipe up and say "No, CT are alright, it's just the odd one or two that are dicks" because you don't want to be frowned upon or sneered at by your friends in their big gangs, in case they dont play with you anymore because you knock about with "the smelly kids". I've never known such a playground, schoolboy attitude in a game.

Now I can't do anything about what's happened anyway, as I've hung up me cloak and stealthy sword for pretty much good I think now - and it's in part because of peoples attitude like this that I gave up. No one in CT condones what Liam did at all, I can vouch for that 100% - but in the same vein, no one cares about being "banned from raids" or anything else for that matter. CT have been before, and more than likely will be again - flavour of the month - we're the guild you all love to hate, and that suits us fine. If you want to omit CT from anything you do in the future, I don't think anyone's going to care, and if everyone leaves CT apart from the main couple - again, I dont think they'll care. I just think it's a stupid attitude to take.

That's about it really from me... along with Washington we're the heart of CT - we formed the guild back in the very beginning and we've seen it go from strength, to nothing, to strength again, to Jarvio lol. At the end of the day, it's just a game, you pay you play - your call, but try not to get to anal about it all, and if not, well...





Dec 22, 2003
Shit post as usual you dick!!11 :wub: :p

I do agree though, having played some with CT, they arn't all complete assholes like jarvio. Most are ok folks.
However, being guildied with a cockhound like jarvio reflects badly on the guild, but if you dont give a shit about it, then it dosn't matter :D



Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Sock Drawer said:

you dont want people to judge on what has happened they dont care if he is a good guy or a compleate tosser imo he fucked over nearly 100 fellow albs. i dont think he will be getting anything from alb for a long time and then you come on here and post a richous post like that and end it with the quote above EXCUSE me but who in the hell do you think you are telling others to fuck off. i wasnt on the raid and i dont know the person in question all i do know is i have a list of his toons and will be banning HIM from all my raids and if he does some how get on a raid lead by me or a friend i will certainly make sure he doesnt get anything out of it!

that is not a threat that is a promise. I do not like people current attitudes all for me and none for everyone else! Albion used to be such a lovely realm to play on pry untill cluster since then the whole thing has gone down hill (not saying its because of the excal players) just saying because of the whole attitude on alb changed near enough over night.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
lol I dont hate CT, I just think your are all a bunch of maggots (except for Dafft as never had a run in with him). So all the supposedly "funny" stunts you used to pull that you didnt rip off from Dark Wolves (such a concidence) was because of the way the rest of albion treated you? Horseshit mate and you know it. Albion never even knew who you were when you thought it would be funny to run around keltoi killing all the xpers mobs for them (and you have the audacity to talk about playgrounds etc)

You made your bed etc etc


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Tbh I agreed with you that the "CT are a bunch of wankers because Jarvio is in it" was a bit over the top. Therefor I didn't jump on the bandwagon.

However reading your post I just see more proof that you are in fact a bunch of wankers that deserve to be banned from raids and shunned like the plague.

So fuck you too.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
Marc said:
Albion never even knew who you were when you thought it would be funny to run around keltoi killing all the xpers mobs for them

That was Mithra btw :touch:


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
Sock Drawer said:
Hi guys

Right then, I know you're probably sick of all the ML9 posts etc, but as I've only just been informed of it, and seen what's been going on, I thought it might aswell give you my view... get a coffee, as like most of my other posts it's probably gonna be a long read.

Firstly, what he did was wrong - end of, no 2 ways about it... but I also can't help but laugh. Jarvio is a complete cock, as has been said... actually no, sorry - let me rephrase that. He's not a complete cock at all, he's a selfish immature fucker - SOMETIMES - but he's also a good laugh, and can actually be a sound chap. He makes me belly laugh sometimes, and other times I just wanna pan his face in with a mouldy baguette - but that's him. You all know EXACTLY what he's like.

The question I ask is... you do ALL know what he's like, so who's the idiot in this equation? Liam for nicking all the shit from ML9, or you lot for going on it knowing what he's like? If this was Counter Strike - he'd have a wallhack and an aimbot - that's just the kind of guy he is.

Anyhoo, the reason I'm posting is more at being pissed off with the comments that you bunch of band-wagon jumping pekkers have all decided to pipe up with. What Jarvio did he did off his own back, and there's nothing we as a guild can do about it now to rectify the situation, even if we wanted to. Comments like "Oh he's in CT what do you expect" and all that shite about Dark Wolves and all that "but not as good" bollox is poppycock. We'd never even heard of em when we did the things we did, and the only reason we did them was because we'd just had enough of conforming to the elitist attitude of all the little pricks on here - and u3er gamers so we decided to break the mould a little bit. Shame some people are so anal that they can't just let bygones be.

In addition to that, people like Flimgoblin posting calling us all tossers is fine - but don't forget who spent a few nights playing with our stealth group, sitting on our TS having "a damn good laugh" to quote what you said. I get fucked off with people who change their opinions of people like their socks, and only do what suits that moment. We're honest, if we don't like you we'll tell you, and if we do we'll do almost anything for you. CT as a guild are a bunch of sound people, who sometimes just don't put up with the shite that other people will. Take it, or run off crying to yer mammys. It's like some of you are too shit scared to just pipe up and say "No, CT are alright, it's just the odd one or two that are dicks" because you don't want to be frowned upon or sneered at by your friends in their big gangs, in case they dont play with you anymore because you knock about with "the smelly kids". I've never known such a playground, schoolboy attitude in a game.

Now I can't do anything about what's happened anyway, as I've hung up me cloak and stealthy sword for pretty much good I think now - and it's in part because of peoples attitude like this that I gave up. No one in CT condones what Liam did at all, I can vouch for that 100% - but in the same vein, no one cares about being "banned from raids" or anything else for that matter. CT have been before, and more than likely will be again - flavour of the month - we're the guild you all love to hate, and that suits us fine. If you want to omit CT from anything you do in the future, I don't think anyone's going to care, and if everyone leaves CT apart from the main couple - again, I dont think they'll care. I just think it's a stupid attitude to take.

That's about it really from me... along with Washington we're the heart of CT - we formed the guild back in the very beginning and we've seen it go from strength, to nothing, to strength again, to Jarvio lol. At the end of the day, it's just a game, you pay you play - your call, but try not to get to anal about it all, and if not, well...



ohfuckinrly mieght ? >q 2 the q 2k < ? :E


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
from reading all these threads about the same incident i've come to a couple of conclusions:

1. jarvio and shadowflex are greedy and selfish, and hold no regard the albion community

2. Sock Drawer, GM of CT, also shares the lack of regard for the albion community

now it is true that members of CT might be respectable members of albion and all round nice guys, i think that anyone who holds no respec for the community whatsoever should either think again why they play a community based game, or stop trying to wind up the rest of the realm and let what has happened pass...

starting to make me wonder why i play games like this when there is really nothing you can do when a bad egg (or 3) comes along :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
problem imo is you guys accept jarvio for doing stuff like this.. an when you accept one of those guys how can we be sure there isnt more of them in the guild? not saying you are all like him but when there is 1 of them an rest of the guild dont care what he do what holds the rest back for being like him?


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
You're still willing to be guilded with a theif. He has shown that he can't be trusted on several occasions yet you are friends with him.

Fools befriend fools.

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Sock Drawer said:
Hi guys

Right then, I know you're probably sick of all the ML9 posts etc, but as I've only just been informed of it, and seen what's been going on, I thought it might aswell give you my view... get a coffee, as like most of my other posts it's probably gonna be a long read.

Firstly, what he did was wrong - end of, no 2 ways about it... but I also can't help but laugh. Jarvio is a complete cock, as has been said... actually no, sorry - let me rephrase that. He's not a complete cock at all, he's a selfish immature fucker - SOMETIMES - but he's also a good laugh, and can actually be a sound chap. He makes me belly laugh sometimes, and other times I just wanna pan his face in with a mouldy baguette - but that's him. You all know EXACTLY what he's like.

The question I ask is... you do ALL know what he's like, so who's the idiot in this equation? Liam for nicking all the shit from ML9, or you lot for going on it knowing what he's like? If this was Counter Strike - he'd have a wallhack and an aimbot - that's just the kind of guy he is.

Anyhoo, the reason I'm posting is more at being pissed off with the comments that you bunch of band-wagon jumping pekkers have all decided to pipe up with. What Jarvio did he did off his own back, and there's nothing we as a guild can do about it now to rectify the situation, even if we wanted to. Comments like "Oh he's in CT what do you expect" and all that shite about Dark Wolves and all that "but not as good" bollox is poppycock. We'd never even heard of em when we did the things we did, and the only reason we did them was because we'd just had enough of conforming to the elitist attitude of all the little pricks on here - and u3er gamers so we decided to break the mould a little bit. Shame some people are so anal that they can't just let bygones be.

In addition to that, people like Flimgoblin posting calling us all tossers is fine - but don't forget who spent a few nights playing with our stealth group, sitting on our TS having "a damn good laugh" to quote what you said. I get fucked off with people who change their opinions of people like their socks, and only do what suits that moment. We're honest, if we don't like you we'll tell you, and if we do we'll do almost anything for you. CT as a guild are a bunch of sound people, who sometimes just don't put up with the shite that other people will. Take it, or run off crying to yer mammys. It's like some of you are too shit scared to just pipe up and say "No, CT are alright, it's just the odd one or two that are dicks" because you don't want to be frowned upon or sneered at by your friends in their big gangs, in case they dont play with you anymore because you knock about with "the smelly kids". I've never known such a playground, schoolboy attitude in a game.

Now I can't do anything about what's happened anyway, as I've hung up me cloak and stealthy sword for pretty much good I think now - and it's in part because of peoples attitude like this that I gave up. No one in CT condones what Liam did at all, I can vouch for that 100% - but in the same vein, no one cares about being "banned from raids" or anything else for that matter. CT have been before, and more than likely will be again - flavour of the month - we're the guild you all love to hate, and that suits us fine. If you want to omit CT from anything you do in the future, I don't think anyone's going to care, and if everyone leaves CT apart from the main couple - again, I dont think they'll care. I just think it's a stupid attitude to take.

That's about it really from me... along with Washington we're the heart of CT - we formed the guild back in the very beginning and we've seen it go from strength, to nothing, to strength again, to Jarvio lol. At the end of the day, it's just a game, you pay you play - your call, but try not to get to anal about it all, and if not, well...




Very nice post I do though have a some things that how do you say it confuse me

Sock Drawer said:
We're honest, if we don't like you we'll tell you, and if we do we'll do almost anything for you. CT as a guild are a bunch of sound people, who sometimes just don't put up with the shite that other people will. Take it, or run off crying to yer mammys.

So your allowed to do it but we are not? How strange that you condem us for what you praise in your own guildies.

Sock Drawer said:
What Jarvio did he did off his own back, and there's nothing we as a guild can do about it now to rectify the situation, even if we wanted to

An Apology might work some real magic but then I bet you didnt think of that one =D

Sock Drawer said:
Firstly, what he did was wrong - end of, no 2 ways about it... but I also can't help but laugh. Jarvio is a complete cock, as has been said... actually no, sorry - let me rephrase that. He's not a complete cock at all, he's a selfish immature fucker - SOMETIMES - but he's also a good laugh, and can actually be a sound chap.

SO what you are actually Posting here is a semi sorry but not a real sorry because we are all the meanies and bullies for picking on "a selfish immature fucker" that makes you laugh?

*gloves off*

:twak: Ok Muppet you ask for this.

YOU call US immature but you dont have the backbone to stand up to some Punk in your guild that tarnishes the GOOD players of your guild? Please.... Dont call yourself Guildmaster until you master the basics of leadership you Puppet. Call yourself the Keeper of the /gc command and dont box the rest of GM's who actualy CARE about their guilds.

YOU helped Brand you and your guild with its current brand by your lack of action.

As for the " we are honest......" maybe but then you are by far the dumbest bunch of pixels this server has seen if you put with a member in your guild that is so dishonest.


now Stop whinning because you sidded with the wrong Punk :twak:


Loyal Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
Theres a guild ...

A member does something wrong once...

GM doesnt react ...

Community is ok with it after a week or two ...

A member does it again and again and fucking again ...

The GM doesnt react or even defends them ... (at the end of the day we are who we are)

Community links actions of that induvidual to the guild for obvious reasons...

GM crys that ppl put the whole guild in the same boat ...

What you say in your post is that his behavior is ok for you, its not for others, so stop wondering if ppl call you a bunch of cocks and disrespect you / ban you from anything.

The decision of every single member of CT is easy, either you like what your guild stands for and u stay, or you dont agree with stuff happening and you leave it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Aye. If you had kicked him from the guild fine, but the fact of that matter is that you and several of your guild have come out and defended him - so what do you expect the rest of us to do about it ? tell you we love CT and leave chocolates on ya doorstep? Put up big CT rox0r cos they a cheap version of Dark Wolves posters? Vote Jarvio for Prime Minister (after all they are both full of it and steal from the masses) ?

As someone else said, you have made ya bed... I just hope it isnt comfy...

I don't doubt there may be one or two decent people in CT, I just hope they have the sense to leave tbh.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tilda said:
Shit post as usual you dick!!11 :wub: :p

I do agree though, having played some with CT, they arn't all complete assholes like jarvio. Most are ok folks.
However, being guildied with a cockhound like jarvio reflects badly on the guild, but if you dont give a shit about it, then it dosn't matter :D


bet someone else would get banned for this kind of reply

edit: agree with it tho :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
CT do you have room for a cleric, i need lots of stuff so i can make money selling plats on ebay too.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Chaos Theory ever went from nothing to strength? Gosh, when did that happen, that guild has been useless from day one (except perhaps in their own minds).


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
I still don't know why people haven't rightnowed the screenies of jarvio loosing his temper though; could've been rid of him a long time ago :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 2, 2004
Muldini said:
Theres a guild ...

GM crys that ppl put the whole guild in the same boat ...

The decision of every single member of CT is easy, either you like what your guild stands for and u stay, or you dont agree with stuff happening and you leave it.

Ive seen no GM cry..like sock said and I have before, what he did was wrong, but ppl know jarvio, hes a gypsy...he will steal ya grandmothers gold teeth....dont go on a raid run by him..its that simple

And I also dont give a fuck If everyone leaves CT besides the few PPL that really matter...

Nevermind.... the elitist pricks will have another bandwagon to jump on next week and im sure the 12year olds will follow..If the thread starts before lights out:fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 2, 2004
Bubble said:
CT do you have room for a cleric, i need lots of stuff so i can make money selling plats on ebay too.

you need a new caravan and Pit bull?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Sock Drawer said:
In addition to that, people like Flimgoblin posting calling us all tossers is fine - but don't forget who spent a few nights playing with our stealth group, sitting on our TS having "a damn good laugh" to quote what you said. I get fucked off with people who change their opinions of people like their socks, and only do what suits that moment. We're honest, if we don't like you we'll tell you, and if we do we'll do almost anything for you. CT as a guild are a bunch of sound people, who sometimes just don't put up with the shite that other people will. Take it, or run off crying to yer mammys. It's like some of you are too shit scared to just pipe up and say "No, CT are alright, it's just the odd one or two that are dicks" because you don't want to be frowned upon or sneered at by your friends in their big gangs, in case they dont play with you anymore because you knock about with "the smelly kids". I've never known such a playground, schoolboy attitude in a game.

Don't put words in my mouth. I couldn't see where I called you tossers - don't think I did (I may be wrong) I pointed out that griefing is what you used to be known for and that I doubt you'd boot out Jarvio...

And lo and behold you're doing exactly what I said.

Now to be fair you are generally a bunch of tossers (there ye go, definitely called you it now) in that you go out of your way to piss people off. Much less so these days than before, but it's still part of Chaos Theory. From a point of view of the victim that's a bad thing ;) but some of the less-nasty stuff is indeed funny
(I'm never really a fan of the more vicious griefing - e.g. nicking items, stealing people's swords you were pretending to be crafting, yadda yadda, even when it happens to someone else. Though most of those incidents of that I've heard are DW rather than CT.)

I've not got anything against Chaos Theory (apart from this latest thing and it just means I'm going to think "oh it's the old Chaos Theory back" and not invite people on the raids I don't actually bother running anymore), just I know you're not exactly fluffy bunnies... Seems like you've been on good behaviour the last year or two though, not had any crazy FH spam till Jarvio's little stunt.

As for the dark wolves comment - you did your killing of the DF merchants about a week after the dark wolves stuff was plastered all over Barrysworld ;) so don't pretend that wasn't a copycat.

Perhaps some of the other stuff was being a bit more original (wiping out mithra is mean but funny, compared to nicking people's crafted gear).
Dark Wolves wannabes is unfair: if you were on the US servers with their hands-tied-behind-back CSR system you'd have probably caused ten times the pain.. Dark Wolves-esque is probably a better description.

Just over here the GMs are quite happy to go "spirit of the game" and ban some chancer for a week for taking the piss, so things weren't so successful.

Thing is - Jarvio's acted like a fuckhead, and if everyone just sits back and goes "oh well he's a bit of a laugh on ventrilo and in group so lets just ignore it" then he'll just do it again. Admittedly going on a jarvio-led raid is a bit daft if you know who he is ;) but not everyone knows that and not everyone knows/knew that Chinar is Jarvio.

Your guild hasn't done anything to say "oi jarvio don't do that shit", at least not publicly so as far as everyone is concerned you condone it. It's not so much "eww you hang with the smelly kid" but "oh you think pissing everyone off and nicking their shit is OK, let's keep our wallets hidden somewhere safe and keep our distance shall we".

If you hang around with someone who goes mental down the pub and starts hurling abuse at people or punching them - it doesn't matter how polite or nice you are (or even how nice you smell) people won't want to be around you ;)

Edit: The ones that know when to duck might not mind but they're not going to invite their friends along for a quiet drink at the same table.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I consider myself a decent enough person, I won't judge people guilty by association and I won't condemn a GM due to the actions of one of their flock *USUALLY*...

However, from where I sit right now, a couple of things seem abundantly clear...

Sock, you obviously acknowledge that his actions were wrong and I'm sure a lot of folks who were affected by his actions appreciate this. You also acknowledge that he can be 'a complete cock' and 'selfish immature fucker' (your words, not mine) but still you try to justify it by saying that's ok as he 'can actually be a sound chap'.

The problem is, equating his actions to the real world, you can't defend a criminal act by saying ok he may be a con artist and a thief' but he's fun to talk to sometimes so you should forgive him.

Yeah, I know... You've probably started going 'omg, wtf... You can't compare what was done in game to a RL crime'... But essentially that's what it is... People went on that raid for different reasons, I guarantee some went for the drops they need from the ML9 zone. They invested their time, their energy and by way of paying a subscription their hard earned cash in that raid and the long and short of the situation is he stole from them...

Of course people will be upset, hell if I were involved I'd be bloody furious. If you couldn't understand that (and I'm guessing from your closing argument you can't) then you're 'not the sharpest knife in the draw' are you...

If people throw enough mud around, it will stick, people will not forget and there will be a lot of abuse for him and anyone who sticks up for him. Best thing you could have done as someone who no longer plays much was keep your mouth shut and stay out of it. All you've done is stir up even more ill feeling toward the guy...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
washington said:
Ive seen no GM cry..like sock said and I have before, what he did was wrong, but ppl know jarvio, hes a gypsy...he will steal ya grandmothers gold teeth....dont go on a raid run by him..its that simple

if you think what he did is wrong kick him from the guild then.. or are you not going to do it?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Sock Drawer said:
The question I ask is... you do ALL know what he's like, so who's the idiot in this equation? Liam for nicking all the shit from ML9, or you lot for going on it knowing what he's like?
he was leading it on his buffbot, which is/was in a completely different guild. i had no idea it was jarvio playing, had i known, i wouldn't have joined. and i'm sure most of the raid didn't know either.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Washington, Dafft (i dont know you sock) sort your head out :twak: by not kicking him from CT your saying what he did was right in your book, or you also dont care. come on sort your head out ffs, CT is better then that in my book anyway :)

Jarvio and max lol you guys :worthy: allways spice up FH a good read but will you ever learn ?? was it becos ppl had started to forget/forgive your past scams and stop'ed hating you as much?
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