A CT GM's view of the ML9 incident...

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Sock Drawer

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 23, 2004
Well, just a few more comments...

Firstly, and most importantly, like I said I'm not active in DAoC anymore. I hung that cloak up a good few months back and so can not directly do ANYTHING about it in game - unless someone wants to pay my sub, then I'll come back in and sort it out.

Secondly, I've said before, and I'll say again - NO ONE in CT condones what he did - NO ONE. We all thing it was a fucking low and shitty thing to do, in fact probably one of the worse, but there we are.

Thirdly, I take on everything Flim said but I'm unsure where this nicking crafted items etc comes from. Perhaps I'm not really in a position to be arguing a case for CT as I've been out of the loop for some time but while I was at the helm I never heard any real stories of us doing any griefing to anyone. In fact, Liam did do something before, and was promptly kicked out the guild in an instant by Washington (so maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge). Yes he was re-admitted, but CT is more of a democracy with many leaders at the helm, and for this reason we are more of a government than a guild. All leaders talk, all leaders listen - if the votes are cast in one favour, that motion stands. In addition to that point, sorry for putting words in your mouth, but i was sure I read it somewhere. It's been quite some time I think you'll find since CT (or the majority of them) set out to deliberately grief someone - in fact I think it's been over a year - maybe longer.

About CT going to strength... 3-6 months ago we were known as a good stealth guild, we had a lot of members, and a lot of people were constantly asking for guild invite or group invites. We'd easily take anyone who was a stealther, including quite a few low levellers, to even help them learn the game, work on their infils etc. We played FOR the realm, helping out whenever we could with whatever characters we had, and we did have a certain degree of respect - maybe not in some peoples circles but we did have in others. After a while though, numbers dwindle as people move on, the game becomes less of a focus and then something happens to bring CT back into the bad press again like this. It takes 10 good things to erase every 1 bad thing... I guess we just got a lot of bad things :)

My final wrap up if you like, or like Jerry Springer would say... "you married your fucking sister who's really your DAD?!" is simply to say that as a guild Chaos Theory does not support what has happened. The decision has been taken to not remove him from the guild, maybe because we are the ones who MIGHT be able to keep him slightly under more control than if he was let loose. Liam was promoted to GM of Chaos Theory not so long back because he'd been really good to members of the guild. After this stunt, he has been asked to stand down as GM - he did, he was then asked to leave the guild, which he did without question... he has however been reinstated within the guild as a basic recruit... because as a GM he could have told us to go fuck ourselves and kept CT, but he didn't - that to me shows a bit of respect to some people - so it is in there.

Where there's muck there's brass lol, you just gotta polish it a lot.

As for the community, everyone knows I'm a team player and people will know me as not only Sock, but also Amothus / Amotus and Coat Hanger - and I've played with a lot of people, and been well liked and well received by all, always doing what I can to help.... it's just that sometimes situations are more grey than the black and white a lot of you see them in.

Hope you all enjoy playing Cam still :)



Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
I've not said anything about this ML9 situation so far because to be fair its not had much to do with me. However its getting to the point of outright flame against a guild that I do not think are deserving of the flames that have been directed against them.

I stand by what I said about CT back when they were recruiting and got flamed:

The thing is, you dont join CT and expect anything to be as it would be in a normal guild.

From what I've seen of them in the past, they're a good bunch of players who play to win, but make sure they enjoy it at the same time.

The people speak thier mind, and may seem a little abrupt compared to other players, but once you get to know them they're a good bunch!

A more relevant aspect of the guild that I've seen is that they are fiercely loyal to thier members.

Me and jarvio started off as enemies a while back, I seem to remember an incident involving him and one of my guildmates, however since that time the "feud" we had has died and we've been on good terms for a fair while now.

I hate to have to say it, but I would be lying if I didnt say that I feel that what jarvio did was fucking off. Without jumping on any bandwagon, I do think that jarvio kinda crossed a line here.

That said, the reaction of Chaos Theory's GMs is pretty much what I would expect - they've remained loyal to thier memebers. Weather jarvio is in the right or in the wrong, the GM's of CT will stand by thier members because its just the way they are, flaming them for this isnt really fair tbh.

They may well be dealing with this internally, while this doesnt help those people who got scammed (and I do understand thier point of view), taking it out on chaos theory will solve nothing, the more you flame CT for jarvio's actions, the more defensive CT will get.

Just try to keep this in perspective.

Ok, so you lost the chance to roll for some drops on a raid. Unless I'm very much mistaken you still got credit for this raid, and surely this is the main thing?

The drops belonged to no one, its not like someone took something from your inventory, yes, I have said I agree that jarvio's actions of taking the drops and not letting others lotto for them was off, but its the raid leader's decision at the end of the day, you take that risk on any raid that you go on.

At the end of the day the decision lies with CT's GM's, they should not rely on the court of public opinion to decide a matter like this. Why should they have to kick someone just because the unwashed masses demand it? I'm not saying they shouldnt kick him, but the decision should(and does) lie with them one way or the other.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Sock Drawer said:
In fact, Liam did do something before, and was promptly kicked out the guild in an instant by Washington (so maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge). Yes he was re-admitted, but CT is more of a democracy with many leaders at the helm, and for this reason we are more of a government than a guild. All leaders talk, all leaders listen - if the votes are cast in one favour, that motion stands. In addition to that point, sorry for putting words in your mouth, but i was sure I read it somewhere. It's been quite some time I think you'll find since CT (or the majority of them) set out to deliberately grief someone - in fact I think it's been over a year - maybe longer.

is he still in CT or have you kicked him again due to last incident?




It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
The crafted stuff was Dark Wolves :) just describing particularly nasty griefing - don't think CT did that particular kind but they did use to be pretty nasty to some people back in the day if the BWhine was anything to go by.

If you've made Jarvio a recruit/demoted him that's showing that you do care that he's been a complete prick and are willing to do something about it (if not quite boot him from your guild completely) which is a step forward.

I don't think keeping him in your guild will stop him being a theiving griefing arsehole but ye know, that's your call :p

Whether anyone else is mollified by the above or not I dunno, but I'd probably change to "CT allowed on raids unless they're misbehaving or Jarvio" if I ever actually ran any raids.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
plz dont lock this thread . plz plz plz plz .. the first 3 pages was quite funny, and im sure the next 10 are too....


P.S today i made a /rofl at jarvio and he pm'ed me " have a nice holliday when you get banned" ..

fucking lmao. wanted to get me banned for 1 emote ;):twak:

Sock Drawer

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 23, 2004
Will, thanks mate - that's a good thing to read, and a very sensible reply.

Loyalty is definitely something we value above all else, in whatever guise it comes... we deal with things in our own way, but would never respond to pier pressure without rooting the situation totally.

As I said, he's now just a lowbie recruit of CT - all of which was handled and determined by Washington - for those of you who undermine his ability as a GM, and his approach to the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Sock Drawer said:
Will, thanks mate - that's a good thing to read, and a very sensible reply.

Loyalty is definitely something we value above all else, in whatever guise it comes... we deal with things in our own way, but would never respond to pier pressure without rooting the situation totally.

As I said, he's now just a lowbie recruit of CT - all of which was handled and determined by Washington - for those of you who undermine his ability as a GM, and his approach to the game.

That would be a perfectly fair approach to take if he wasn't going to do something equally as stupid next month. However he is, so expect to read through all this again soon..

I still wouldn't invite any members of CT along on raids until he's been fully booted.. sorry but he's just done too much crap to forgive with no regrets at all.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Tsk, and ive been on glast all this time and missed all the fun :p

Glad to see there are a few sensible people on the board in this third page of the thread :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2005
[Cinderella] said:
noone in CT ;)

I do................I WAS in CT and only left cos the selfish buggers bogged off to play some nancy game..........jarvio is a cock i used to tell him frequently when i played on alb...........Sock didnt defend Jarvio in his actions he also said noone in CT condoned what he did ie; they didnt agree with it wotsoever.

In CT's defence, I play this game for fun and I've NEVER had such a laugh as I did when I was in CT.........and I KNOW for a fact that they would NEVER do such a lowdown shitty thing as Jarvio did.

Anyway end of.................just wanted to say my piece :)

:fluffle: Hit me with your worst I love it :twak:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004

This evening I ask jarvio to stand down as a GM, I dont agree with what he did..

jarvio could have told me to fuck off..but he never..he did as i asked..he is now a recruit again, Im not kicking him from CT.
CT always puts its members first, thats the way its always been, hes been punished bt way of demotion......jarvio also offered to leave the guild, to which i told him no.
If ppl wanna punish the rest of CT thats upto them, but this angry mob/ hang jarvio thing wont make us boot him...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
ok i dont normally post on things like this nd whine nd shite .. but CT are alright ... they are funny .. and personaly i dont think theres enuff of that ingame ? ... and wat u take action on the guild because jarvio did sumfin ? so if i went out nd killed someone u wud call my familly tossers ? omg wake up and smell the coffee if u want to whine about this shit so much then think of it in real life aswell cause u all seem like u got ur heads stuck up ur ass smokin ur own shit :twak:

And for all the other random people addin on this post just randomly agreein we all know all u really want is abit of a gang session:sex: CT are alrite guys ... jarvio is a funny chap - sure things he do at times are abit wrong but no where in COC does it say he cant do it ? hes just bendin the rules really .. and oh yer u may say its a unwriten rule well you never do actually have to read them do you ?

Yours sincerly Nale - Nd i dont really care what you think of me ingame for this thread i kno who my friends are and who dont like me but thats there way to choose :clap: i hope the people that do know me will maybe wake up nd see wat im tryin to say oh and beeks ... I <3 U :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 2, 2004
Dafft said:

This evening I ask jarvio to stand down as a GM, I dont agree with what he did..

jarvio could have told me to fuck off..but he never..he did as i asked..he is now a recruit again, Im not kicking him from CT.
CT always puts its members first, thats the way its always been, hes been punished bt way of demotion......jarvio also offered to leave the guild, to which i told him no.
If ppl wanna punish the rest of CT thats upto them, but this angry mob/ hang jarvio thing wont make us boot him...

ooo this was wrote by me washington not dafft, he was using my laptop at the weekend and it logged in as him...sorry dafft, but next time dont save it to remember ur account..


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
I stand by what Washington (when he posted as me) and Sock have said.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Jeffery said:
and wat u take action on the guild because jarvio did sumfin ? so if i went out nd killed someone u wud call my familly tossers ?

If your family thing it's ok for you to call me a tosser because you make your parents laugh.. Why is it not ok for me to call your family tossers? It's ok by them for Jarvio to call us tossers (and he's said much worse to me in the past) because he makes them laugh, but people calling them tossers is right out of order. Sorry if it's ok for Jarvio to do it to randoms, it's fine for me to do it to them by THEIR not MY rules!

I might not call your family tossers just because you were a serial killer (we arn't talking about one incident here but a constant stream of incidents with no remorse) but I also wouldn't invite them to my BBQ if they still said, hey he's not really that bad.

Jarvio can appologise to you all he wants, i'm sure that means alot to all the people who attended the ML9 raid.. NOT! The recent LD scam he tried here shows he's clearly not sorry about it in the slightest. If you really believe he is sorry, then you really are clueless.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Sock Drawer said:
About CT going to strength... 3-6 months ago we were known as a good stealth guild

hahahaha.. easy rp.. yes


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
To be fair, well done Sock/dafft/Washington/whoever for actually taking Jarvio to task over this. It won't be enough in alot of peoples eyes but hopefully, maybe, Jarvio will get the message this time. His name isn't worth shit on the server now and it will take him forever to regain any form of credability or trust, if ever.

Jarvio should take this as the last and final warning. He has been allowed to remain ingame despite the fact that many feel he completely ripped the arse out of the CoC. Any similar stunt should result in a perma ban from the game imho as he has walked a very thin line many times. It will be very difficult for him to achieve much without the support of the community and as far as I am concerned good riddance if he decides to quit the game due to this.

Perhaps now the Alb community will leave CT alone to enjoy the game.

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Dafft said:

This evening I ask jarvio to stand down as a GM, I dont agree with what he did..

jarvio could have told me to fuck off..but he never..he did as i asked..he is now a recruit again, Im not kicking him from CT.
CT always puts its members first, thats the way its always been, hes been punished bt way of demotion......jarvio also offered to leave the guild, to which i told him no.
If ppl wanna punish the rest of CT thats upto them, but this angry mob/ hang jarvio thing wont make us boot him...

You handled that well and /respect for that. I understand that you have loyalty towards your members and that is admireable but please dont forget the other members in the guild who did no wrong. They deserve the same loyalty and defence as Jarvio and to me it seemed you didnt give them that, until now.

I will still be cautious towards CT and please dont blame me but I have no way of knowing which one of you is a alt of Jarvio =/.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Dimse Dut said:
I will still be cautious towards CT and please dont blame me but I have no way of knowing which one of you is a alt of Jarvio =/.

If in Doubt, you can always PM either myself or Washington to find out


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Woah these guys sound more hated than Necromania and Benn combined


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Jeffery said:
so if i went out and killed someone u wud call my familly tossers ?

yep if they said such things as :

Washington said:
Jarvio you my little evil child are a fucking star...keep up the good work!!


think that would class as calling your family tossers if they said something similiar when you murdered someone, unless of course thats acceptable?



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Dafft said:

This evening I ask jarvio to stand down as a GM, I dont agree with what he did..

jarvio could have told me to fuck off..but he never..he did as i asked..he is now a recruit again, Im not kicking him from CT.
CT always puts its members first, thats the way its always been, hes been punished bt way of demotion......jarvio also offered to leave the guild, to which i told him no.
If ppl wanna punish the rest of CT thats upto them, but this angry mob/ hang jarvio thing wont make us boot him...

i would prefer it if CT did something back to get the respect of the community.. then again pigs might fly... :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2004
As one of those on the Raid who went without knowing who 'X or Y' was I find the 'you should have known better' just a touch hypocritical.

Am I suddenly supposed to know everyone on 2 servers & their favorite breakfast cereal or chemical of abuse??

I am sure there are plenty of ppl who have never heard of me, nor indeed should they have :p

That said, all seem to agree what Jarvio did was underhand & frankly an abuse. That he is reaping what he has sown is inevitable. Shit on ppl & they remember.

The GMs of CT may well wish to defend their Guild, but surely they will understand that within the Community by siding with a thief & a scammer they get tarred with the same brush.

Judge a man by the company he keeps springs to mind...

As for the Gesture Politics of doing nothing wrt loot & demoting the culprit some 3 days after the event? Well, stable door & bolted horse spring to mind.

How other ppl deal with CT is ofc up to them, but I certainly will continue to talk to GoA in the hope that they will take action against such abuse.

I make no apology for it. He scammed an entire Raid, I am talking to GoA in the hope they will ban him.

He has his way of dealing with the game, I will take my compaint about ppl I consider cheats to those tha can do something about it.

I expect I will get flamed etc, so what?

Cheaters should be banned, end of.

<Flame Away>


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I was playing jarvio at the time. sorry guys i honestly didnt think peeps would get so pissed at a couple of crappy pheonix items not being loto'd.

Also sorry jarvio for messing up your name. you dont have to cover for me any more old chum.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
censi said:
I was playing jarvio at the time. sorry guys i honestly didnt think peeps would get so pissed at a couple of crappy pheonix items not being loto'd.

Also sorry jarvio for messing up your name. you dont have to cover for me any more old chum.

after jarvio´s FH stunt unvovered by requiel i think this is just another trick. if i read correctly censi plays a ranger and no ppl on hib would spam him about this so he isnt bothered but jarvio walks freely. a desperate attempt after he failed fooling ppl with his newly created fh account.
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