vintervargen said:there are 5-6 mobs you have to kill, meaning if you kill only one and get the arti, you have broken the coc by interfearing an encounter that was already started. kthnx.
Sn00k3 said:pliz any BC comment this.
I want to see the omg well we got more rps irl etc etc defence![]()
wanted an awnser, not an comment on my post kthxPlak said:I really like this contructive message.
old.Sko said:![]()
Necormancer has a supernatural ability to bring long-dead forum discussion threads back to life. After having been flogged to death the thread may have been deceased for many years, and bringing it back may have scant relevance to the current topic, yet Necromancer will unexpectedly exhume the thread’s rotting corpse, and strike horror in the forum as its grotesque form lurches into the discussion. The monster, instantly recognized by all who knew it in life, seems at first to breathe and have a pulse, but, alas, it is beyond Necromancer’s skill to fully restore the thread’s original vitality. The hideous apparition may frighten away some of the weaker Warriors or Warriors badly wounded in former battles, but the thread is only a shadow of its former self and very quickly expires.
Necromancer is closely related to Archivist. Archivist, however, compulsively saves every forum message in carefully preserved archives for future use in battle, while Necromancer seems to collect departed threads merely for the thrill of resurrecting them. Some say he performs this unnatural act out of malice, others say he can’t help himself, but no one
...majik said:Wtf who resed the thread?
Regular Freddie Join Date: 22nd Dec 2003
Beware! many new chars will need artifactoz s00n ^^
Mavl The Theurgist
Mavl The Spiritmaster
Ensiferum The Warrior
Ensiferum The Minstrel
Summoner said:Mavl is prisoned in cold Siberian jail since he did it with this thread, so dont blame him anymore ^^
Xajorkith said:But oh no it seems BC can barely string two sentences together let alone formulate a whole paragraph with grace, tact and diplomacy. I take it none of you are English?
As none of you replied to Whoodoo's post I assume none of you can read words with more that one syllable, so being the kind hearted person I am, I've put it through the BC translator.
<bc mode = on>
Ffs BC, wot ya f3cking d0ing gve th15 gyu sum slack, he had start3d teh encunter, you cudnt be arsed to check b4 ya pulled cos your so dimwitted. Youd b mad if it happned tp you, so jst say sowwy adn inv1te him to you're grup and do encounter again..
<bc mode = off>
Stranger said:All I heard in BC /gu was(even tho i wasnt in that team)... "WTF They're stealing our mob..." so maybe u were unsuccessful and now whine how sad other ppl are coz u're unable to do anything on ur own? Oo - it's just a game mkay? in a year I wont even remember 90% of all u ppl so... dont think u're some important part of my life(btw most of ppl are twats so like i care)(sorry for so much information)
U want art? dont camp it... create a raid... everyday(like many guilds do).. who said it will be easy or are you so unsocial? if so foff back to ur underground.. cya :kissit:
PS if u stand at spot in a 50 ppl bg and hesitating to kill it or not and scared of whipe or whatever, our group will gladly whipe mob for you. We will take the art for the job.. u can keep the ramains ^^
Had to whine one last time eh?
You are just foolish to be honest, this wasn't a question on FH 'BC, why oh why did u take the artifact, please show some respect' It was just a flame towards the whole guild. This guild just has a tight community, and ofcourse if people start making threads on public forums to flame this community, u shouldn't expect us to reply with kind words.Xajorkith said:Every reply from a BC guild member with the exception of Herbert’s was to flame Zid, none of you saw it from Zids' point of view. All you did was just show your own selfish arrogance.
Not one of you replied to Whoodoo well written post, why?
Marczje said:You are just foolish to be honest, this wasn't a question on FH 'BC, why oh why did u take the artifact, please show some respect' It was just a flame towards the whole guild. This guild just has a tight community, and ofcourse if people start making threads on public forums to flame this community, u shouldn't expect us to reply with kind words.
Arrogance? no, defending your own guildname, ofc.
Marczje said:.... It was just a flame towards the whole guild. ........ to flame this community, ...
i would just like to thank the 1.5 fg of BC that came and got final blow on the final dream sphere mob that i had already pulled so that they got dream sphere and i got nothing.
Why do you expect all in Mid to integrate with other guilds? In all other forms of humans socializing in some way, you will find ppl have different goals, different priorities, daoc should be no different. BC is not alone in Midgard ("no man is an island" etc) but we are a guild that take pride in being self-sufficient, in the way that we don't _need_ to rely on others for be it rvr or whatever. As Marczje said, we're only defending our guild.Xajorkith said:BC has the worst reputation on Mid for not integrating with the other guilds and for shafting players, the BC posters only added to that reputation.
Elewyth(TLSOA) said:FFS I whine and bitch more than people do about BC... does that mean i can join BC if i skip realms? cos i wanna be an antisocial fukhead like all of BC are. :worthy:
Hahahahahahaha.. This guy is just hilarous.Stranger said:ahh right TDD.. u better look after your own ppl
Go go whine and fight about the game.. that makes u freaking smart.. here.. nowhere else.. call me when u achieve something irl kkbye
BY THE WAY: why in the hell, if our reputation is SOOOOOOOO bad, we're getting 3-5 applications to join us a day? z-z-z-z jelous eh? z-z-z
We have strong community in guild and we have friends in other guilds that's what we bother about.. rest can go back to the hole they came from![]()