A big thx BC


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Summoner said:
give more facts plz. it sounds very unclear.
and explain plz: "your guildies mobs" what's it? if someone hitted the mob which was already pulled plz make ss and make send a complain to GoA.

So by your way to think, if you were doing a PL session at say Yar, and are emptying the place, you wouldnt say ONE word if another group came there and started pulling to, even if you were emptying the place, so that the other group slowed you down by about 50%?

You would just keep on going, thinking "they have every right to do so, lets not say anything and still think they are real nice chaps".

Of course you would.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
noaim said:
So by your way to think, if you were doing a PL session at say Yar, and are emptying the place, you wouldnt say ONE word if another group came there and started pulling to, even if you were emptying the place, so that the other group slowed you down by about 50%?

You would just keep on going, thinking "they have every right to do so, lets not say anything and still think they are real nice chaps".

Of course you would.

Was thinking the same :) they always pull CoC out when they need it haha..
When you see ppl in df at big mob.. you go damn its camp let's try something els and now with this articraft.. we can pull it its in the coc!! hehe.
why have a lk in malm ? hhmm just make a second grp and pull!!!! its in de CoC just do it faster :-p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
i've just requested for more facts.
and i also mentioned that if some1 did something against CoC then they have a right to send their complain to GoA.
But i haven't told that someone realy did something against CoC cos i dont have enough facts.

your logic is fucked guys. my logic is perfect. kktnx


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Summoner, well they pulled it. But was outdamaged and they got the cloak instead.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Summoner said:
i've just requested for more facts.
and i also mentioned that if some1 did something against CoC then they have a right to send their complain to GoA.
But i haven't told that someone realy did something against CoC cos i dont have enough facts.

your logic is fucked guys. my logic is perfect. kktnx

Ok I hope I get a chance to see if you live as you learn sometime soon.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
etcetra said:
Summoner, well they pulled it. But was outdamaged and they got the cloak instead.
hmmm plz use BC/WR lables in advance cos it's still unclear: who pulled the mob; who added and who got a cloack.
or lets talk ingame in a few hours. I'll be on Bouhh as usual. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
noaim said:
Ok I hope I get a chance to see if you live as you learn sometime soon.
in fact im alerady "dead" ;)

there are 10 types of ppl: those who understand binary and those who dont

and other one:
i was 44 when i finished my studing in the university. One year later beeing 100 y.o. young man....

it's something to learn for u :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Seems people are getting a bigger ePenis by whining on Fh about Bc :eek:

not like it settles anything :eek:

Bee Man

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
if Zid need encaunter only - why he didn't ask join /bg???
He didn't pull mob, but come - and begin hitting mob.

If he come and say
"Hey, i need encounter only can i join BG?"
i'm sure, he will be invited.

But he did another.

1) First - add to mob.
2) Second - move to FH and create whine topic.

So ask self - who did wrong here???


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Bee Man said:
If he come and say
"Hey, i need encounter only can i join BG?"
i'm sure, he will be invited.
nope, tryed that once just before BC was gonna do SoM, didnt even got a reply from any of them, mebbe im not leet enough :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Wmv said:
nope, tryed that once just before BC was gonna do SoM, didnt even got a reply from any of them, mebbe im not leet enough :)
Maybe there is no point in asking bots ? =D
Got once person mad at me when guildies were botting my dru to do some ecounter and ofc he never replied to his tells ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Wmv said:
nope, tryed that once just before BC was gonna do SoM, didnt even got a reply from any of them, mebbe im not leet enough :)

try to pm maybe?
we dont bite
in about 80% cases leader is either bouhh or me

Bee Man

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Wmv said:
nope, tryed that once just before BC was gonna do SoM, didnt even got a reply from any of them, mebbe im not leet enough :)

mebbe it's a big secret but
when i join in game and ask something in /gu - ppl very slow on respond.
I was confused self when see so many chats in ToA.
/bc /as /c /gu /g /s /b - all mixed in head...
so, yes - use PMs.
+ ppl in ToA PvE a bit relaxed (specialy after RvR :D) - and totaly lazy for responding - so, again - use PMs :D


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Stranger said:
All I heard in BC /gu was(even tho i wasnt in that team)... "WTF They're stealing our mob..." so maybe u were unsuccessful and now whine how sad other ppl are coz u're unable to do anything on ur own? Oo - it's just a game mkay? in a year I wont even remember 90% of all u ppl so... dont think u're some important part of my life(btw most of ppl are twats so like i care) :p (sorry for so much information)

U want art? dont camp it... create a raid... everyday(like many guilds do).. who said it will be easy or are you so unsocial? if so foff back to ur underground.. cya :kissit:

PS if u stand at spot in a 50 ppl bg and hesitating to kill it or not and scared of whipe or whatever, our group will gladly whipe mob for you. We will take the art for the job.. u can keep the ramains ^^

BHAY BHAY BTW - https://forums.freddyshouse.com/showthread.php?t=11484
Had to whine one last time eh?

oke thats fine so i can add, steal , hit every mob/target/alb/hib ANYTHING from bc
cause i will never know u guys! thx for the hints mates !


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Bee Man said:
mebbe it's a big secret but
when i join in game and ask something in /gu - ppl very slow on respond.
I was confused self when see so many chats in ToA.
/bc /as /c /gu /g /s /b - all mixed in head...
so, yes - use PMs.
+ ppl in ToA PvE a bit relaxed (specialy after RvR :D) - and totaly lazy for responding - so, again - use PMs :D

people are slow to respond to PMs also, and im quite sure 1.5fg of BC (good chars etc) can kill 1 dao before someone manages to answer to the pm. by when it will be too late.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
fl3a said:
people are slow to respond to PMs also, and im quite sure 1.5fg of BC (good chars etc) can kill 1 dao before someone manages to answer to the pm. by when it will be too late.

we were 6 ppl btw :D
is it our emblem or smth which makes our fg look like 2 fgs in rvr and our 6 ppl look like 1.5 fg in pve? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
it isnt rocket science that if 4 dao are dead someone must be doing encounter plz at least circle the camp once to check for another group next time.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
old.anubis said:
we were 6 ppl btw :D
is it our emblem or smth which makes our fg look like 2 fgs in rvr and our 6 ppl look like 1.5 fg in pve? :D

haha, no idea :D i just know what i read, nothing more :p
my point still stands ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Calo said:
oke thats fine so i can add, steal , hit every mob/target/alb/hib ANYTHING from bc
cause i will never know u guys! thx for the hints mates !

sure... who cares about the freaking game? :wub:
WORLD PEACE m8s.. YOU ALL SUCK btw :sex:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Summoner said:
give more facts plz. it sounds very unclear.
and explain plz: "your guildies mobs" what's it? if someone hitted the mob which was already pulled plz make ss and make send a complain to GoA.

Dont worry they did send screenies to GOA....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
lol, everyone who wants dreamsphere knows its 6 mobs, decent thing is to wait a few mins to see if the person who killed the other 5 will show up



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
too bad i didnt know ;(

k, next time i will count number of daos on roofs and number of crazed lions near mesedsubastet
just to be sure that no1 started to pull adds to stygia guards

ps. you dont have to be einstein to understand that we killed right mob
that guy did one small mistake
instead of growing some guts and sending me in game about that accident he went to that whine forum and started QQing


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Seems that some people really havnt read the beginning of this thread, but to try and put it back on track: Correct me if I am wrong...

Zid is at the sphere site, kills 5 of the 6 mobs.

1 mob remains, BC steam roller in without checking for anyone else in the vicinity who might have cleared the other mobs, and just pull the last one.

At the same time, Zid hits the mob too, but gets in too late, and therefore looses the credit for the kill.

BC say tough and go about their business (trying to find someone else to upset perhaps?) and Zid comes here to complain. His complaint is back ed up others who have experienced the same from BC, not just in TOA but all aspects of the game.

One thing I will say in BCs defence, RvR adding is a load of crap. The enemy in RvR is fair game to anyone, thats the whole point of the system. Youd thank them if the 1fg you was fighting suddenly turned into 2fg, so cut the crap and accept the kills.

However, it does seem reading on both BW and FH that this steamroller attitude also for them extends to PvE, where it is not fair to others to take their glory. This may not be a CoC violation, but its common decency to allow others to finish what sometimes has taken many hours to complete or get, and then have to wait longer for respawn or the right conditions.

While I dont know much about the people in BC myself, reading this and BWs old pages, you obviously dont care much for others playing the game. Although I have to say I have been present when your guild groups have barged through others to obtian your goal, rather selfishly. Reading FH you never have to go far to hear bad words about your guild as a whole, and normally your reply is even less freindly:


Why not just do the guy a favour, and offer your assistance next time and prove all us "whingers" wrong?

please note, I have nothing against BC personally, and do NOT include the whole guild in this, but the rest are lead by the example of those who I do inculde sadly


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
old.anubis said:
instead of growing some guts and sending me in game about that accident he went to that whine forum and started QQing
Now thats a fair comment.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
ah Woohoo, nice to see u here m8 :) party is almost over but u still can find goodies ;)

btw i cba to read ur post cos it's too long, i'd rather prefer some short and mean - "BC s00x in both - PvE and RvR" :)

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