still dont understand wtf those stupid albs/hibs are doing in midgard section
if you want to whine about bc rvr post your whines in rvr section, very funny to read your loser QQing over there
this conflict is between our group and a guy who wasnt quick enough
i dont read hib/alb section here but i can bet 10 plats you have the same problems
so i tell you again, fo and resolve your problems in your section
keep mid section for our own problems, and rvr section for your whine
if you want to whine about bc rvr post your whines in rvr section, very funny to read your loser QQing over there
this conflict is between our group and a guy who wasnt quick enough
i dont read hib/alb section here but i can bet 10 plats you have the same problems
so i tell you again, fo and resolve your problems in your section
keep mid section for our own problems, and rvr section for your whine