3 Things you would remove from DAoC...



1. Change to CC
Mez, should make it that it was single target no shout , harder to resist and anyone could break it by attacking them (even by people of same realm but would deal no damage), give it base casttime 5 seconds with no immunity timer on it but a 1 minute timer that gives you a cumulative resistance bonus

Stun, make it that it would cause you to walk really slow and unable to do anything other then walking (no defenses like evade either) but with no timer on it, 3 seconds for caster stuns (not area anymore but shouts still allowed) and less for regular 'after blahblah' weapon styles. Give slam a attack bonus and 3 second stun but give slam a timer of 12 seconds or something...

Root, makes people walk really slow like stun but with a longer duration but doesn't interrupt like it does now

2. Change to RA's
Give IP a timer of 5 minutes
Give First AID a timer of 2 minutes
Add cheap RA "Freedom of movement" which cancels any mez, stun, root, snare, with a 1 minute timer
Give Purge the ability to make you immune for any bad effects for 10 seconds with a timer of 10 minutes
Remove SOS and group purge

3. Change AE effects
Resists do less on AE effects but the closer a friend is to the 'center' of the spell the less damage it deals.

Well maybe its a bit much but I think it would be alot more interesting this way, why I don't like CC? easy: I never liked the idea in any (online) game that theres something that can make you do nothing other then standing there, your playing a game and not being able to do anything isnt my style, like waiting irl isnt bad enough already :rolleyes:

Timer decreases? I don't like the idea of 30 minute timer shit in games either, someway it feels like they did it to give you a bonus in a fight so you can have the upper hand once in a while, which is bullshit to me...:sleeping:

I can go on for hours but these are the big 3 goodnight :sleeping:


1. the time u wait to port, imo you should just right click and be taken to emain or hadrien


3.Caldara in delling, damn annoying place that


Ra's like bof,group purge,baod,sos.
Caster interupts.(they are a joke lately).


1. Some of the more overpowered RA's that destroy other classes, such as the Hib's BAOD and STL.

2. Buffbots, Yes i have a buffbot but find it nothing but hassle to have to spend 5 mins buffing up before every fight and yes I think it would be fairer if everyone could be on a even playing field. Buff's make a HUGE difference.

3. GOA, No offence to them but I get sick of waiting for new patches that the USA has months and months before us. Playing on the English servers I see no reason whatsoever we need to wait and wait for translations.

If the French and Germans want to play the game in their own langauge let them be the ones to wait for it ... theres fuck all reasons we should have to.


All instas
94% when crafting grey con items :(


1. RA's
2. SC
3. BD insta lifrtap :> (j/k... buffbots)

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by shanks
Active group RA's

You have yet to breach my mother before I will be gone.


1. Buffbots ... easy solution --> max range on buff
2. ALL form of CC, I realise it would make a lot of classes and thus players useless and so it will never happen .. but it's sooo frustrating to die 9 times out of 10 without having done anything
3. Spellcrafting

All 3 of these make it harder for "casual players" to have fun in this game

Roo Stercogburn

1) Change all CC to Hold Monster type spells ie CC only works on mobs. This removes RvR utility while keeping PvE exactly as it is and classes functional. Move these Hold Monster spells to baseline so don't need to be specced to reflect this.

2) Stealth. Badly realised, badly implemented and badly fudged over time to try and compensate. See Planetside for how it should be done. Nuff said.

Others but those are the main two :)

There's something I've been thinking about but I'll make a new thread for that ;)


(yes I use one)

all instant spells

Spell crafting
(Yes I use it)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
1) Change all CC to Hold Monster type spells ie CC only works on mobs. This removes RvR utility while keeping PvE exactly as it is and classes functional. Move these Hold Monster spells to baseline so don't need to be specced to reflect this.

2) Stealth. Badly realised, badly implemented and badly fudged over time to try and compensate. See Planetside for how it should be done. Nuff said.

Others but those are the main two :)

There's something I've been thinking about but I'll make a new thread for that ;)

See Planetside for how it should be done. Nuff said.

? Explain please :) only played Ps brielfy

Roo Stercogburn

In Planetside stealth is not complete invisibility. You are invisible if you stand still but when you move you get a shimmering effect like in the Predator movies as the background behind you distorts in an approximately human outline. Its still hard to spot but not impossible.

Also, everyone can spec the ability to see through stealth for limited times.

Stealthers still work very effectively in Planetside, but not with impunity.


Remove all classes except the Warrior which is now available to all 3 Realms.

Even Mythic could balance this ???

Aule Valar

all active ras except fa and mcl
instas cc and amnesia, and make debuffs cast spells
stealth like ps would be good too


Originally posted by sharma
Why, oh why?

wee wolfs are ewul :mad: red con almost impossible to see midget things around nice easy blue con mobs = bad


3 things i'd remove?

Level 4
Level 39
Level 48 (dunno why 48 ive just never really liked it, 49 is ok - youre almost there)


oh, and

inconnu's sound when they get hit : sounds like a compressed frog


Zerging Albs
Most realm abilities


1. cover all holes on trees in hibernia

2. If that doesnt help hibs from huging them.. Cut all the damn trees in hibernia!

3. Might as well take the hib nation and make it to Albions Las Vegas :D


his dickhead Healer mate - freeia or something - talks total bollocks.

...and erm
anyone else whose ego is bigger than Elton Johns flower bill.


In Planetside stealth is not complete invisibility. You are invisible if you stand still but when you move you get a shimmering effect like in the Predator movies as the background behind you distorts in an approximately human outline. Its still hard to spot but not impossible.
Biggest problem there is that your chars data is sent to the client just not rendered (well it is, but with 100% transparency hence why you're not visible), thus radar users would know where stealthers were. At least currently stealthers have some protection against radar users in the way that stealthed client data isn't passed on to other clients unless said client has say, See Hidden or True Sight active. I'd hate for such a thing to go live in DAoC without Mythic/GOA doing something about cheats and hacks. I doubt it'll be long until Planetside has such things haunting it to be honest ;( Also I think it'd be perfectly possible to implement a memory hack or some other such cheat such as dll injection to disable rendering transparency altogether meaning stealth players would always be 100% visible.

I have to agree though, that kind of stealth system is REALLY nice if it weren't for the horrific security flaws it brings.


I would also remove Xest from DAoC, for no reason in particular :p

(he got me killed at parths ffs!!1)

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