Werewolf #2 2011 - Game Thread.


Resident Freddy
Aug 24, 2006
As much as it pains me to admit to agreeing with the village animal molester, Jimmy is right.

I'm inclined to burn Rubric or Mabs, but Mabs has been working out numbers to try and save the village...

Vote: Rubric

*wanders off to chop some firewood*

Or trying to cover his tracks

vote mabs


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003

cos i told you the reasons for what i said, nice try starting a bandwagon tho


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
Jimmy you switched your vote lightning quick there....that's pretty suspicious considering that the person who convinced you to switch your vote was one of your suspects and the one you voted for just a post earlier. Oo

Mabs after seeing what Chosen got himself into by "joking around" and such why would you be making throw away comments like that? Oo

Rubric....you used to run a "village" like this...surely you know enough to know exactly how the voring works and pay attention to it? Oo


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
just pointing out before i get railroaded that im not the only one who was making observations ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Cerb as mabs partner? I wonder if one is the alpha or whether the alpha is staying quiet. Although now we have no seer I guess it doesn't matter so much. Don't let these two fool you guys. Todays Lynch has to count.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Sorry guys been a bit absent from villagee meetings (dont work for o2 on iphone launch week), right.... If we don't hit a wolf today we're basicaly fucked so let's not jump to anything yet, alot of people havn't poster and if anything yestoday showed killed the overly vocal people isnt a great idea. I don't like jimmys vote switching on such flimsy reasoning atall, nor do i like rubric's votes on chosen, but if he was a wolf what would he have gained from removing his vote, likewise if mabs was a wolf what would he gain from laying the situation out clearly so everyones on the same page? Wolves would genrally try to create chaos and confusions an questionmarks, not try to clear things up.......

Can't really be sure on anyone at the mo


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Olgaline has also been uncharacteristically quiet which raises my eyebrows, but then due to work so have I........


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
lol rubric.
5 people have posted since last "night"
sydric, me, cerb, you , jimmy

sydric has come and gone...
your bandwaggoning with jimmy against me
and now cerb is a wolf ?

so if people dont join your bandwaggon, they must be wolves ?

my vote for you stands, set in stone now. your far too quick to torch people based on what seems to be chuff all :(


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
in fact, having just thought it all through
unvote: rubric

i think your just being twatish, and suffering "i got burnt last time" rage, rather than hiding something

im going to
to see if hes awake :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
in fact, having just thought it all through
unvote: rubric

i think your just being twatish, and suffering "i got burnt last time" rage, rather than hiding something

im going to
to see if hes awake :D

I'm pretty sure you have more hair than the average fellow, cerb on the other hand I'm just speculating. Guilty by association i guess. Back tracking again though I see, noted.


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
I'm trying to be careful Rubric that's all. We lost someone important yesterday because they were foolish enough to make some foolish comments and I don't think we can afford to do so aging. Careful consideration of everyone is needed! Now I might be wrong but your problem with Mabs is based on that comment after we came back in which is dissacociated himself with the wolves....so it seems to me that the problem is based on a hunch. Now I'm not saying mabs is innocent, I'm just saying that it's not enough for me to put my vote on him or anyone.

Now if refusing to jump on someone gets my lynched by association fine, but I'm not going to be pushed into anything even if I do face doubt because of it!


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Back tracking again though I see, noted.

acutely aware we have lost 2 of our most powerful people with NOTHING to show for it

whats your angle ?mr keen-to-burn-people-for-spurious-reasons ?

as i said, i think your being twatish cos your bitter about the previous village, i am trying to not let that influence this time round /shrug


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not even thinking about my ancestors. Your right, we have lost some.powerful people tonight, and you still have your alpha woof.

Anyway your guilty as hell and you know it. Since I rumbled your little.disasociation trick and attempted roll on me for nothing you're all over the shop. I his want to know who your partners are. Are they being quiet or are they supporting you. Or is one going against you. If I don't burn today at your wolfy propoganda I will be a canine feast tonight and you know it. Coz I is onto you dog breath.

*out of game, when your using a defense tactic, referring to previous games is very off imo. I'm not thinking of previous games and neither should you be.*


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003

l2 logic much ?
i really dont get what your working on here. i dont know what your angle is. i picked up on things mentioned before, and you decide that im dodgy. im trying to work out logically, your working entirely on your own strange concept of fuck knows what

burn me, fine. but make sure you burn rubric 2morrow cos hes up to something :\

and please, feel free to actually post your logical thought train, cos i would LOVE to read it

but as i touched on before, while you were hooting and throwing peanuts... weve lost our 2 most important people already, and your awfully keen to burn people willy nilly.. now i wonder which faction members get the most benefit from kneejerk flambee ? . . . .


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Just tell us who else is in the pack mabs. I explained why I think your a wolf. If you convince people its me instead your only going to burn tomorrow. And everyone else will have a better idea of who is in your pack. Syd and cerb I reckon. Have a read back peeps.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
i had a big post to go, but you know what, i cba , go ahead burn me

i really cant be fucking bothered arguing with pigheaded retards

have fun :)


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
Just tell us who else is in the pack mabs. I explained why I think your a wolf. If you convince people its me instead your only going to burn tomorrow. And everyone else will have a better idea of who is in your pack. Syd and cerb I reckon. Have a read back peeps.

What exactly are you basing my guilt on? I've explained why I won't be pushed into voting for someone no matter how much you think they are guilty based on notheing but pure speculation.

If you think you can bully me into voting the way you think you're way off mate.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
There is never any hard evidence, its always interpretation and speculation about the things people say.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
at the moment mabs is looking the most suspicious, followed by rubric, as is always the way when two go at each other guns blazing

but look what happened with ch3t and chosen, both at each others throats and both had vital roles

I'm not going to cast a vote until the silent elements of the village start to join in.

at this juncture I if was a wolf I'd be staying quiet in the background hoping noone notices me while the village tears itself apart all by itself.

so i hope 'm not the only one being rational here and that you lot will hold off on your votes for now until everyone has piped up.


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
Righty ho, as I said before I'm still wondering about the nurse. This is speculation but I'm just considering the special might be able to block people or something similar to that, because if I was the nurse Ch3t would be first on my list to protect to get him through the night.

Cerb-you mentioned that Jimmy switched his vote very quickly this day. He didn't do anything of the sort, at least not that I noticed. He did put a vote for mabs down quickly without much explanation (apart from his previous post)...then Gohan also comments on this imaginary vote switching. (please point it out if I missed it)

Mabs and Rubric is a tricky situation-them going at each others throats doesn't help the cause what so ever. Neither does being to burn each other or yourselves at a drop of the hat. It could be a double act by the wolves although the fact they've voted for each other makes it unlikely.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I will step down and walk away from that argument, but if for daytime or night time killings I am no longer her, remember my insight at the beginning of that row. Let's see what the quiet ones have to say.


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
Cerb-you mentioned that Jimmy switched his vote very quickly this day. He didn't do anything of the sort, at least not that I noticed. He did put a vote for mabs down quickly without much explanation (apart from his previous post)...then Gohan also comments on this imaginary vote switching. (please point it out if I missed it)


Ok I went back and read through again and I have to say I hold up my hands and admit my mistake. Jimmy said Mabs was his number one suspect in one post and then voted for someone else in his next post. I was wrong and I admit it.

Sorry Jim (although naming someone your number one suspect is somewhat similar I would say)


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
<sorry, had a 3 year old throwing up all evening, not in the best frame of mind atm, i shall re-read, and comment again in the morning, all going well>


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Righty ho, as I said before I'm still wondering about the nurse. This is speculation but I'm just considering the special might be able to block people or something similar to that, because if I was the nurse Ch3t would be first on my list to protect to get him through the night.

Cerb-you mentioned that Jimmy switched his vote very quickly this day. He didn't do anything of the sort, at least not that I noticed. He did put a vote for mabs down quickly without much explanation (apart from his previous post)...then Gohan also comments on this imaginary vote switching. (please point it out if I missed it)

Mabs and Rubric is a tricky situation-them going at each others throats doesn't help the cause what so ever. Neither does being to burn each other or yourselves at a drop of the hat. It could be a double act by the wolves although the fact they've voted for each other makes it unlikely.

Maybe i shold clarify, jimmy basicly said 'I think it's mabs or rubric' rubric then said 'its mabs' and jimmy just went okie dokie vote mabs.........

What if mabs ahd voted rubric first, would he gone along with that bandwagon justas easily? Seems strange to point someone out as a suspect then vote with them so quickly


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
It's been a couple of days now can we get the inactive people mobs poked? Or i may get my matches out


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I dont take kindly to beeing polta-poked!
I'm around and I'm keeping tabs, I'll let you know when I have something worth saying.

now let me be!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004

Rubric 1
Mabs 2
Olgaline 1

9 alive, 5 needed for majority.

On a noteside; all players have been active since night was over, so no poking required. Don't worry, i'm watching. Ooh yeah, vote that dress right off...


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
Ok I went back and read through again and I have to say I hold up my hands and admit my mistake. Jimmy said Mabs was his number one suspect in one post and then voted for someone else in his next post. I was wrong and I admit it.

Sorry Jim (although naming someone your number one suspect is somewhat similar I would say)

Maybe i shold clarify, jimmy basicly said 'I think it's mabs or rubric' rubric then said 'its mabs' and jimmy just went okie dokie vote mabs.........

Oh yes I think its pretty suspicious what Jimmy did, the minute Rubric leaned towards Mabs Jimmy went straight along with it all. I don't know whether thats because he's trying to get a villager burnt quickly-->I'm never a fan of a middle voter because of trying to hide in plain sight. Or whether he's just susceptible towards others opinions.

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