Chosen asked to be locked up. This means a few things. He is not the sheriff. He is not the nurse or seer as they would then be unable to perform any night action, why would they ask to be blocked overnight? To be clear, I am not saying he is not one of these roles, hell he could even be the sheriff playing a risky game, but it seems unlikely.
im leaning towards that as acceptable. purely as, from past experience..
day one - no lynch
is worse than
day one - a lucky kill
1: We dont vote at all, wolfies kill one of us.(if we are not lucky with our 2 protectors).
2: We votekill a normal citizen(lets assume a special class would step forward before it goes to hanging.) and the wolfies kill one of us.(again only if we are not lucky with our locking up/protecting)
3: We votekill a wolf(our definitive best scenario). And the two others might kill one of us(again we might be lucky, and this time we will only have two of them to be considerate of).
Anyway, with option 2 and 3(where 3 is the best) we might learn some patterns which helps us resolve how the wolfs act later in the game.
You are an idiot, I have stated my reasons for a no lycnh, and I have stated my reasons for a lynch on you. Several times.
You saying that I have not, does not make it so. Just another lie from you. Anyone with half a brain can go over the 9 pages of notes from our town meeting and see exactly what has been said, so how does you putting a false spin on things help anyone? IDIOT.
Also you have not created havoc, all you've done is single yourself out through obivous flaws and stupid logic. What you have done, if you are a good character, is help the wolves.
We've got no voting patterns, as apart from me and one other, all the votes have been on you. No one else has spoken up, because it's too easy to watch you dig deeper with each word.
Chosen; I've posted again and again why. If you lack the ability to look back over what has been said, then that is your flaw.
If you are going to challenge me then have the good sense to call me on some flaw I've made, not calling me on things I have stated repeatedly. Again you are just harming yourself by trying to paint me as a deceiver.
If I answer your challenge this time (again), what is to stop you asking again in two pages? You are asking questions I've already answered. I also think it's ironic that you are trying to have a go at me for apparently not answering my questions when you spent the first part of this (game) day doing nothing but avoid.
Everyone else; I won't post again until you've all had a say or unless the vote is getting close to lighting the torches time.
That logic could just as well be aplied in reverse chosen. intonation who hasnt voted for you.
Slippery slope.....
Oh! And your both idiots, just for different reasons.
/tips his hat, walks off into the sunset.
So as I said, if I prove I am not the wolf. I'd be putting the ones that are in a bad position! This because what I stated in the above thread
what??!?!?! ..... You make No sense
not even a little bit, I'm almost beyond caring if you are a wolf or not, I frankly just want to set fire to your face
Vote: Chosen
I know I'm going to be called a bandwagon but if you look back through my posts I've had suspicions about him for a while.
I'm not sure that he's a wolf but my thought are that he's not the sheriff because it doesn't make sense that he would asked to be examined, and I think if he was the nurse he would have been a lot quieter.
So honestly I think he may be the other role, some psycho trying to get himself killed as his aim of the game.