Werewolf #2 2011 - Game Thread.


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
Did i, i think you should look at who i voted for again tbh

Actually I just looked back a second time and you are right, you did in fact say in that post that mabs was your main suspect, then vote for him in your next.

But you did also say rubric was one of your suspects and then go along with him. having read your post again though I'm going to give that the benefit of the doubt based onthe fact that mabs was your no 1 suspect.


Resident Freddy
Aug 24, 2006
In not going along with rubric I'm voting for him as I stated he is my main suspect id vote for rubric if I thought he was more suspious fact is i voted forsomeone who i said is my suspect. Lets not be blind i could have voted for rubs and again "followed" someone i named as a suspect. Seems like I'm being painted to be something I'm plainly not


Resident Freddy
Aug 24, 2006
Oh yes I think its pretty suspicious what Jimmy did, the minute Rubric leaned towards Mabs Jimmy went straight along with it all. I don't know whether thats because he's trying to get a villager burnt quickly-->I'm never a fan of a middle voter because of trying to hide in plain sight. Or whether he's just susceptible towards others opinions.
again could have voted rubric and be leaning with Syd sod it maybe I should vote Syd after all he keeps saying I molester animals which is clearly I fabrication of the affection I have towards his lambs :)


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Ye but it's the order it happened you said you suspect mabs but did nothing vote wise, then rubic voted him, then you joined in, i don't know what worries me more, the way you did it or the fact you can't see how it looks


Resident Freddy
Aug 24, 2006
I see where your coming from but you forget Syd voted for rubs before rubs voted for mabs I waited for eveyone I had suspected to speak before I voted.


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
There is a lot of finger pointing and not a great deal of voting or burning. Im fairly convinced Mabs or Rubric are hairier than they should be.....

I do have an awful lot of firewood...


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
I agree, mabs looks the most suspicious atm, but i really don't like the fact olga is activly watching yet not posting, to me that's worse than finger pointing and vote switching, he's self confessed to not be atempting to help the village so for that reason
vote olgaline

Tho if i'm outvoted i'm not adverse to burning mabs


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I agree, mabs looks the most suspicious atm,
and yet you vote for me ? what ever gets the most votes eh ?

but i really don't like the fact olga is activly watching yet not posting,[/QUOTE]
fair enough

to me that's worse than finger pointing and vote switching,,
No use to you eh?

he's self confessed to not be atempting to help the village so for that reason
vote olgaline

o_O now your just picking at thin air shoving words in my mouth eh ?
where do I say that ? by all means, please?

my memory must be off it seems,
I distinctly remember saying that I would let you know when I had something to say...guess what ? now I do Furrface.

Tho if i'm outvoted i'm not adverse to burning mabs
what ever get the most votes eh ?


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I agree, mabs looks the most suspicious atm,
and yet you vote for me ? what ever gets the most votes eh ?

but i really don't like the fact olga is activly watching yet not posting,
fair enough

to me that's worse than finger pointing and vote switching,,
No use to you eh?

he's self confessed to not be atempting to help the village so for that reason
vote olgaline

o_O now your just picking at thin air shoving words in my mouth eh ?
where do I say that ? by all means, please?

my memory must be off it seems,
I distinctly remember saying that I would let you know when I had something to say...guess what ? now I do Furrface.

Tho if i'm outvoted i'm not adverse to burning mabs
what ever get the most votes eh ?

As we'r not allowed to edit.....Fixxed :X


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Well sitting their and saying nothing is no help whatsoever, therefore it fits that a wolf would happily sit in the background, out of sight out of mind, but i do think what mabs has said and done has been very suspect. Nothing you have said has been, becuase you have said nothing.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
So now it's a crime to be quiet ?
it's an indication of guilt? enough to warrent a vote ?
I'm not convinced, especially concindering we have 3 wolves, meaning the margin of risk
being very high indeed, so dont try and tell me, it's purely to evoke a responce, as that would be a very dangerouse game indeed.

from a furry perspective though your actions make perfect sence.
so let me spill it. I have you and Sydric marked, with the option of Jimmy or Uara as the third party. the last "Uara" being hard to read.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Strange how only you think that, and only after i vote for you, not a peep before, just makes me more sure tbh


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Again with the shoving of words into my mouth.
Now answer the damn question.

- Where do I say the things that your accusing me of?
- You accuse me of being quiet, I speak, and you accuse me for that as well ?

but sure I get how me being quiet it's of no use to you, eh wolf ?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Again with the shoving of words into my mouth.
Now answer the damn question.

- Where do I say the things that your accusing me of?
- You accuse me of being quiet, I speak, and you accuse me for that as well ?

but sure I get how me being quiet it's of no use to you, eh wolf ?
I've not put any words in your mouth you massive retard, your the one that openly said you're just watching and not speaking.

Now answer my question? How does that help the village? Let's not forget I'm the one who tried to hold off the voting until everyone spoke, if I were a wolf i could easily of helped bandwagon rubric or mabs and you would of gone the whole day without saying a word. Also in what way does you talking help wolves????? The quicker the lynch with the least said is best for wolves as it gives the village nothing to go on.

But by all means explain why you're happy to sit in the shadows and watch the village crumble without speaking, or why me finding that suspicious makes me hairier than most, be ause currently your ultra ilogical zeal is just convincing me i may have struck a nerve, and a wolf


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Now now, name calling is not going to get you anywhere.
I'm off to the distillery but I'll be back later.

I will say this though, if your indeed innocent "which i dout" the your playing a very dangerouse game voting on inuendo.

To answer your question.
Sometimes, not being in the midst of things , is the best way to spot iregularities.
I was hoping to stay low for longer butik two votes on me with three wolves around has forced my hand.

Now concider this.
If I was a wolf, why would i choose that retoric ?
I could just as easely made some random "usefull" remark or excuse

However, that would have been a waste of a good oportunity.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Ok here's where I at, I think I know 2 wolves, i think mabs is one i also think olgaline is one, reasons being i don't think mabs' vote on olga was sincere, as "just to see if he's awake" is easily retractable, also they seem to be taking it in turns to be quiet. It's all well and good saying that you were silently looking for clues but if I hadn't stalled voting you proably wouldn't of had a chance to speak anyway. Imo olgaline is more dangerous because he's still trying to turn it around whereas mabs has gone quiet hoping he'll be forgoten, I don't mind going with the masses on either of those 2 and would ask the nurse to protect me, but that's your call.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
he's self confessed to not be atempting to help the village so for that reason
vote olgaline

I conffess no less?

Well sitting their and saying nothing is no help whatsoever, but i do think what mabs has said and done has been very suspect. Nothing you have said has been, becuase you have said nothing.

Lets think about that for a second

Strange how only you think that, and only after i vote for you, not a peep before, just makes me more sure tbh

only know? So now you have knowlage of my inner thinking? Well done.
Choosing the approach that i have hen was i then suposed to share my thoughts?
Your line of argument is void "damned if you do, damned if you dont"

But by all means explain why you're happy to sit in the shadows and watch the village crumble without speaking, [b/]or why me finding that suspicious makes me hairier than most, be ause currently your ultra ilogical zeal is just convincing me i may have struck a nerve, and a wolf
suggestive much ?

Ok here's where I at, I think I know 2 wolves, i think mabs is one i also think olgaline is one, reasons being i don't think mabs' vote on olga was sincere, as "just to see if he's awake" is easily retractable, also they seem to be taking it in turns to be quiet. It's all well and good saying that you were silently looking for clues but if I hadn't stalled voting you proably wouldn't of had a chance to speak anyway. Imo olgaline is more dangerous because he's still trying to turn it around whereas mabs has gone quiet hoping he'll be forgoten, I don't mind going with the masses on either of those 2 and would ask the nurse to protect me, but that's your call.

How convinient for you.

Now Lets backtrack,
-I preaty much told you lot I was stepping out for a while "Lets see who's smart enough to spot it.

Being put on the spot I act, makling no attempt to hide myself nor my action or lack there of.

Now mr. braniac takes my own "admition" and wants to sell that off as proof of guilt ??!


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Your actions "if innocent" are both reckless and irresponcible.
I dont mind you questioning my absence. but doing so by voting for me with one vote already on my back with 3 wolves around and 5 for a lynch.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
I didn't vote for you until after you spoke, only mabs voted for you in your absence, with a very flimsy vote at that


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
And what would you have had me say?

How about; oh sorry, was out in the fields, i'll read back and match up..?
Nice and inconspicuose, and Also quite useless.

Instead I opted to bait, dingle a little chunck of meat, to see if something would bite. B-)
I'd så that worked quite well would'nt you?

Only question now is: ære you a furry dog or a reckless vigelantie...


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
so instead you opted to have absoloutly no input and be absoloutly no help

good job


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Again with the insinuation,
But well if your indeed a wolf tjene things have worked out quite well.
After all being inconspicuose can have noter adgenda then the furry kind.

But sure, your welcome to belive gohan that I'm a big scary wolf Thats more than happy to bring needles attention to my self by telling others to leave me alone.

Or I did it well knowing it would spark a reaction?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
if i was a wolf... why would i want you to speak up? you being quiet would only work to my advantage, so how does forcing you to speak up make me a wolf???

seriously your logic on the parts that I'm able to follow is severly flawed, you're talking in circles and not acctaully making any valid points.

and that's the bits i CAN follow, which is only about 30%


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
No actually voting for me is what has me suspecting you.
Nothing unlogical about That. especially with the numbers we now have, and a vote Based on flimsy induendo? You dont see me throwing votes around do you.

Ofcause I'll react and question your motiver

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