1850 Ranged Mez >> Insta Mez


Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by cougar-
alb had 2 good players, finster and soruzi, wonder why both left.
fyi finster was a power gamer and possibily the worst leader ever giving the mids 4 hours to get to power relic keep then yelling nothing can defeate this albion army advance tens paces isnt exactly what id call the attributes of a good player:eek:

He lvld to 50 fast on a fotm char smite cleric:rolleyes: then jumped the ship when he got nerfed to the next fotm class sb wow where have i heard that before

/me looks at a certain ex alb zerker

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by chiefbootknocka
albs on excal need to learn from the pryd albs
oh and just fyi alb excal has more higher rr players and both top alb/exc guild have more rps than both alb/pryd guilds

so did u have single fact/point to what u just said


Originally posted by stunned
I find that odd since if insta mes/aoe lull should result in atleast 1 (2) deaths (without PR) due to debuff assist nukes before anyone can get on target /assist etc.

maybe you get some deaths, if fh/group instas down, but most clerics have 100% hp/50% power rez so you just get that person up. Down side is the half bar of power it takes and you need to rebuff fast, which isn't always possible.

albs vs. hibs, both have a chance to win, RAs up or down. GP is a nice ra vs Albs. SoS is nice vs Hibs.


Originally posted by cougar-
is it boring to lose all fights fg vs fg? i mean, cant be fun to SUCK.

i wish we were all as knowing as you cougar *looks at sig*


yeah, whine more bitches, i know you like it!!

FFS. Soruzi stop now... im ashamed to be a mid atm :p


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
oh and just fyi alb excal has more higher rr players and both top alb/exc guild have more rps than both alb/pryd guilds

so did u have single fact/point to what u just said

rps != skill ffs



Originally posted by Ialkarn
Finally someone got the point..
No matter really who land the first mezz..cause the mid group it's able to easy cross it.
That it's the biggest difference btw a mid and an alb group..

the perfect alb group (according whit NP)got 1 sorc 1 mincer (2 demezers,1 hardly alive when the battle start) 2 clerics (note:they can't demezz)
1 slambot (hibrid whit gimped ws and no tank ras) and 3 pure tanks(they want thrust mercs,let's give them thrust mercs)

the perfect mid group got 3 healers(all capable to land atleast an insta mezz..all whit 2 insta heals and capable to do spread heals) + 1 augmentation/mending shammy
4 seers..3 demezers...
1 skald 1 warrior 2savages.
Let's describe a typical mid-alb encounter.
Where two strong guilds whit high rr meet..and they are so lucky to have all ras up.

Lets say the Alb group mezz the mids,using their overpowered bolt range mezz :rolleyes: .
Then the alb group assisting perfectly insta killing one of their seers (lets say their shammy,lets say he get slammed and he is not enought fast to purge+ip,or he do it but die aniway)

meanwhile one of the healers purge ( I pretend they always gonna have one seer whit purge up since they got 3) and demezz the rest.

then one use Perfect Recovery and the shammy it's alive again..whit no ressick..full healt and full power.

Meanwhile the savages of the group aren't mezzed animore and they can charge the poor sorc..one of the clerics hit bof and for 30 secs the incredible damage output of 2 savages isn't enought to kill a sorc whit a 50% melee absorbation bonus (but still enought to focus all clerics on him and waste all their mana).

The mercs obviously are brillant and fast players..and they are able to hit the augmentation healer before he can land his mezz..
shame on them..they get insta mezzed for 2-5 secs(cause they are such hight rr and got loads of ras)..enought to make the healer get away ..prolly they ll be able to catch him again (in a couple years..since disease make ppl run slower),but have no phear..SOS

30 seconds going fast..and the second cleric have to bof too.

Those mercs..using their not stopable speed are able to intercept the augmentation healer of the enemy group....the pali ,forced to leave the already dead (1-2-3 times?) sorcerer, intercept the warrior slamming him,before he can slam all the mercs.
Now the poor healer have only his istants(and toons of heals coming from several seers) to keep him alive (he could moc and mezz them all when sos go down,but he get slammed doing that,and he wasted his purge already)
Our brave mercs (whitout haste and damage add,coz the perfect alb group according whit NP can't affort a theurg) kill the healer fast.

As soon the healer die he get up again..via Perfect Recovery.

The albs tanks are on a seer again (insert random seer) ..a seer guarded by a 50 shield specced tank whit more ws than them..virtually unmezable and already slammed.

The clerics of the alb group are attacked by savages whit chances to double-triple or quadri hit, damage add and capped swing..and guarded by an hibrid tank whit low ws,no full shield spec, and virtually mezable.

As soon the second bof is down both clerics die orribly.
the battle end whit all albs face down and like 1 mid dead..whit prolly 1 perfect recovery left.

My point is:no matter how good you ll do..no matter how many defensive tricks an alb group got (bof,sob,ap,even sos).
Their damage output 'll be not enought to penetrate the mid defenses..even if they do, perfect recovery gonna supply a mistake in their defensive skills.
No matter if they landed the first mezz ,if they got 1 min of partially melee immunity,Albs can't drop a mid group in this minute,prolly they couldn't even whit a 3 bof.
Why that? Mids got more damage output (double haste double damage add,better tank classes) a more solid cc(the best 27% absorbation armour of the game, 2 insta heals,insta mezz/stun,hibrid healt) and an aloot more strong heal department (put 3 clerics in an alb group,and you have to play whit no cc or 2 tanks).

-I could add disease,and a better slam bot.

IF you really think that dosen't count..if you really think the superiority of Midgard in front of Albion it's a question of skills,
You are a liar,or worse you think ppl hearing you are just a bunch of blind idiots.

Hmm now a warrior is overpowered with hes/her high ws??

And oh since you actually know so much about healers, PLEASE tell me when a mend/aug healer gets that atleast 1 insta CC spell you are talking about.....
From what i know of the perfect group setup have 1 main CCer thats like 44 or 48 pacification line, which is the healer who has the instas you are whining so much about. the other healer(s) would be mend/aug and these do NOT have ANY insta CC spells....If you are unlucky to face a group with 3 healers and 2 of them are 44/48 pacification then you have been unlucky concerning the insta CC spells, but this is most unlikely, since the perfect groups want the best heals etc....

Now about the warrior thing. Tell me from your exclusive knowledge, wtf does a warrior offer to a player if he as midgards MAIN tank class didnt have high ws? Look mom i play DAOC, i play a MELEE realms MAIN tank class, i cant kill shit but hey i can guard and intercept. FUN MOM FUN.

You want another thane without stormcalling? clueless <censored>

- Fedaykin -

my sorc fully buffed, SC'd, maxxed melee resists = 1400 hps

how fast do you think i die?

2-3 nukes from an enchanter
5 seconds with a savage on me

- compare to healer....

read the Sorc TL boards like i do and you'll understand it's not just excal sorcs who have this problem - its the whole sorcerer class.

Taken from TL report:


The Sorcerer is perceived as the primary crowd control class of their realm. They perform this function quite well in the PvE arena. Unfortunately, due to Realm Abilities such as Purge and Determination, spell resists, item resists, interrupts and cloth based armor, the true Sorcerer spends most of their RvR time face down speaking to the ants.


1. Survivability – Due to the prevalence of Realm Abilities such as Purge and Determination, spell resists, item resists and interrupts, the Sorcerer is facing the same fate as all the cloth casters. Resists based on spell level mean that our nukes and dots (respectively base 45 and base 44 in their lines) face severe damage reduction or outright resists. The same resists and abilities effect whether or not our Crowd Control is effective making it a requirement to have a secondary form for those instances when they are purged or resisted. A cloth casters survivability depends on staying out of reach of the enemy and dealing damage quickly.

number 1 concern = surviveability. Sorcs Can't survive. we miss so many rps cos we die mid battle which is getting annoying. sometimes i mezz a fg of enemies, die as soon as tanks are free, even if we win the fight i get little rps due to me kissing the dirt.

Also ! even when sorcs win the mezz battle and we attack a healer - as soon as mezz on healer is broken.... BAM insta! whereas i have to fumble with my Qc.....


As usual ignorance is bliss...Soruzi you are the donkey here, if its by ignorance or just cause you like being cross i dont know :)


Originally posted by Ialkarn
meanwhile one of the healers purge ( I pretend they always gonna have one seer whit purge up since they got 3) and demezz the rest.

You have two clerics in the back, they could interupt the purging healers demezzes with baselines smite, or you could let your minstrel whack away on that cleric.

then one use Perfect Recovery and the shammy it's alive again..whit no ressick..full healt and full power.

Not to mention unbuffed and probably slightly disoriented. Should die again just as fast as the first time.

Meanwhile the savages of the group aren't mezzed animore and they can charge the poor sorc..one of the clerics hit bof and for 30 secs the incredible damage output of 2 savages isn't enought to kill a sorc whit a 50% melee absorbation bonus (but still enought to focus all clerics on him and waste all their mana).

Try a root on the savages.

The mercs obviously are brillant and fast players..and they are able to hit the augmentation healer before he can land his mezz..

What mezz? Baseline single-target?

shame on them..they get insta mezzed for 2-5 secs(cause they are such hight rr and got loads of ras)..enought to make the healer get away

Insta mezzed by whom? Not the aug healer - he doesn't have any insta CC. ( assuming he's not aug/pac, a combo that is very uncommon )

..prolly they ll be able to catch him again (in a couple years..since disease make ppl run slower),but have no phear..SOS

30 seconds going fast..and the second cleric have to bof too.

Those mercs..using their not stopable speed are able to intercept the augmentation healer of the enemy group....the pali ,forced to leave the already dead (1-2-3 times?) sorcerer, intercept the warrior slamming him,before he can slam all the mercs.
Now the poor healer have only his istants(and toons of heals coming from several seers) to keep him alive (he could moc and mezz them all when sos go down,but he get slammed doing that,and he wasted his purge already)

Several seers right? With the shaman dead, the healer ( assuming mend-healer, doesn't really matter ) that PR'd the shaman dead, the aug healer dead - that leaves the pac healer alive - and while beat upon he only have his own instas to count on.

Our brave mercs (whitout haste and damage add,coz the perfect alb group according whit NP can't affort a theurg) kill the healer fast.

And the paladin can't twist, right?

As soon the healer die he get up again..via Perfect Recovery.

Nope he doesn't, no other healers alive to PR him.

The albs tanks are on a seer again (insert random seer) ..a seer guarded by a 50 shield specced tank whit more ws than them..virtually unmezable and already slammed.

This a seer outside the group, or?

The clerics of the alb group are attacked by savages whit chances to double-triple or quadri hit, damage add and capped swing..and guarded by an hibrid tank whit low ws,no full shield spec, and virtually mezable.

Mezable by the dead healers then I assume?

As soon the second bof is down both clerics die orribly.
the battle end whit all albs face down and like 1 mid dead..whit prolly 1 perfect recovery left.


My point is:no matter how good you ll do..no matter how many defensive tricks an alb group got (bof,sob,ap,even sos).
Their damage output 'll be not enought to penetrate the mid defenses..even if they do, perfect recovery gonna supply a mistake in their defensive skills.

How about slamming/stunning the healer you attack as an opening? They can't PR while stunned.

No matter if they landed the first mezz ,if they got 1 min of partially melee immunity,Albs can't drop a mid group in this minute,prolly they couldn't even whit a 3 bof.

Albs can, you can't.

Why that?

I dunno, you tell me :D

Some ramble ( yes, healers are good )

IF you really think that dosen't count..if you really think the superiority of Midgard in front of Albion it's a question of skills,
You are a liar,or worse you think ppl hearing you are just a bunch of blind idiots.

You obviously must be doing something wrong then? I've seen for instance Zoyster/Outlaw 1fg ( yes 1fg - no zerg whines here atm ) clear out a fg of mids in a matter of seconds, followed by another and another.


Originally posted by - Fedaykin -
my sorc fully buffed, SC'd, maxxed melee resists = 1400 hps

how fast do you think i die?

2-3 nukes from an enchanter
5 seconds with a savage on me

- compare to healer....

read the Sorc TL boards like i do and you'll understand it's not just excal sorcs who have this problem - its the whole sorcerer class.

Taken from TL report:


The Sorcerer is perceived as the primary crowd control class of their realm. They perform this function quite well in the PvE arena. Unfortunately, due to Realm Abilities such as Purge and Determination, spell resists, item resists, interrupts and cloth based armor, the true Sorcerer spends most of their RvR time face down speaking to the ants.


1. Survivability – Due to the prevalence of Realm Abilities such as Purge and Determination, spell resists, item resists and interrupts, the Sorcerer is facing the same fate as all the cloth casters. Resists based on spell level mean that our nukes and dots (respectively base 45 and base 44 in their lines) face severe damage reduction or outright resists. The same resists and abilities effect whether or not our Crowd Control is effective making it a requirement to have a secondary form for those instances when they are purged or resisted. A cloth casters survivability depends on staying out of reach of the enemy and dealing damage quickly.

number 1 concern = surviveability. Sorcs Can't survive. we miss so many rps cos we die mid battle which is getting annoying. sometimes i mezz a fg of enemies, die as soon as tanks are free, even if we win the fight i get little rps due to me kissing the dirt.

Also ! even when sorcs win the mezz battle and we attack a healer - as soon as mezz on healer is broken.... BAM insta! whereas i have to fumble with my Qc.....

bam, oh no im mezzed/stunned for 4sec / stunned 2sec, what should i do? someone call the ambulance..


Originally posted by chiefbootknocka
albs on excal need to learn from the pryd albs

Not really. Your general Prydwen/Alb is a good/bad as your general Excalibur/Alb.

There are some exceptions to that rule, but there are also quite a few Alb/Excal guilds who do fine.

My Hib-group can kick the crap out of 3fg Albs and can loose to 1fg Albs.

RvR is different on Prydwen tho. Hadrians Wall is a viable ticket to buy there.


Originally posted by sorusi
bam, oh no im mezzed/stunned for 4sec / stunned 2sec, what should i do? someone call the ambulance..

Call the paladin with Serenity and perma-sprint for teh win?

Oh wait, End-regen 4 and longwind, sorry.

You seem to have all the answers, but when we ask you how to do it you come up with impossible methods. You obviously know a great deal about Midgard, but your knowledge about Albion is abit lacking. That's no problem, just don't comment to Albs on how to play and spec. Makes you look 'not so smart' when you make things up like Serenity for paladins, End-regen 4 for paladins, flanking and catching up Speed6-Mids and God knows what.


Originally posted by Asha
He wasn't better than Veeshan or Mad playing Tinay. He bitched about insta CC just like all sorcerers.

FYI Veeshan made a bard on hib/pryd and bitched about bolt ranged mezz on the good prydwen sorcs...

Originally posted by Puppetmistress
To be honest I find fighting Hibs alot easier with my Alb toons then fighting Mids.

Think it's about initiative. Hibs, when using a PB-box loose the initiative if they cannot get the enemy fast enough in the PB-box.

As tank you choose normally if you go into it. IF you die to it that's your own fault then.

Normal tactic against it (having 2 PB-casters) is for myselves to break off the /assist and going solo on the other PB-caster to interrupt him. IF he MOCS you get the fuck out. You wait till MOC goes by (or a friendly tank gets his shield out and slams it) and then proceed to tank it. They being soft-targets helps ALOT in the pace to bring them down.

A good hib pbaoe grp doesn't have 2PB casters t.t but 1 bard 2 druids 2 chanters 1 mana eld 1 void eld 1 slam/guardbot. And wiff debuff non critting pbaoe doing 850+ dmg to tanks it's good luck trying to stay alive the 9sec a slam lasts... Merc, Cleric, Sorc or whatever.


Yes Edlina, but this is Excalibur - too hard math for them.

They also think that Albion is crap and is the worst realm + they have 10000 excuses for each and every something. Also, if they cant give any proper or decent answer/argument, they will end up flaming you instead.

This doesnt include everyone in Alb/Exc, most the boneheads here on BW.


Originally posted by Whisperess

You obviously must be doing something wrong then? I've seen for instance Zoyster/Outlaw 1fg ( yes 1fg - no zerg whines here atm ) clear out a fg of mids in a matter of seconds, followed by another and another.

My guild group kill every mid groups except Np main tank group.


Originally posted by Edlina
FYI Veeshan made a bard on hib/pryd and bitched about bolt ranged mezz on the good prydwen sorcs...

already been covered. Hibs can't run at ss6, so ofc bolt range mez annoys them.

I don't think albs are the worst realm. I think we are pretty even with hibs, but mids tank group is just great right now.


To Whisperess:
no a cleric can't interrupt an healer while he purge and demezz atleast another one,cause he don't know who is going to push purge and he dosen't have quickcast.

An healer just ressed (or Pred) can use Pr himself on another seer,also whit 4 seers you can easly land ress during a battle.

No a pali can't twist properly cause it blow aloot of mana and they need half bar for ress,also end chant it's a priority.

About istants..Xanatea is the paci healer of np groups and he got 2 insta healers.

Since you have 2 mend healers you can easy have one augmentation/mend specced and the other augmentation/paci
and isn't 44-48 mending a bit excessive? our clerics usually have 41 reyv,same thing for 44-48 paci.


Originally posted by tildson
Yes Edlina, but this is Excalibur - too hard math for them.

They also think that Albion is crap and is the worst realm + they have 10000 excuses for each and every something. Also, if they cant give any proper or decent answer/argument, they will end up flaming you instead.

This doesnt include everyone in Alb/Exc, most the boneheads here on BW.

I didn't flame, I just said some stuff is important. Like Serenity on paladins like Soruzi suggested.

The math is not too hard for me, I got a degree in Physics so I know something about math, dont you think ?

When I say a group is going from A --> B following the shortest route (straightline) on the highest speed (Speed6) there is no possible way to flank them or intercept them if you're behind them and want the fight before point B. BAbble all the way, twist and turn till you turn green, it is not possible. Simple math.

If you meet the enemy face to face then insta owns, as both the initial screenshot prooves and where Soruzi agreed with. Insta also owns when you meet eachother in a rush (just crossign a hill for instance).

Only thing where the AoE 1850 cast mezz owns is in flanking/ambush. Hell I even agree there, BUT those techniques can be won too with 1500 range. If you are ambushing/flanking the enemy has not seen you so it is irrelevant how your mezz range is (to a certain extent). NP prooves this statement on Excal and Soruzi says he uses flanking alot when playing there and they got 1500 range mezz.

I can say I've played a realm with insta-CC and a realm without insta-CC. The scenario's where I said 'WOW, if we didn't have this 1850 range we would have lost' compared to 'WOW, if we didn't have this insta mezz, we would have lost' are laughable.

In daily-RvR the insta CC >> 1850 range in my RvR-experience.

There are cases where the 1850 mezz is better, but I am saying these cases are more rare.

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