1.85B.. Bainshee taunt interruptable!


One of Freddy's beloved
May 17, 2004
-Freezingwiz- said:
oh, just tought irish bards looked like that :/ sry
don't say the "I" word here >< it gets me in trouble


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
If you cant stop a theurg at 2K range then your Eld needs to wake up.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You can...NS...the...NS...Curer, but ofc the NS curer can also MoC!
Everyone in group MoCs and you instaloose ofc...
The fact you can name a counter to everything IS A GOOD THING, if you cant counter something with something else that is not balanced!
Fg fights are all about countering what the enemy does while making sure they dont counter your stuff too so we can keep saying counters till the cows come home.
How do you counter an UI taunt? NS, but it gets cured so you have to mez, ok that gets cured...well stun then! but stun can be purged. once stun is gone, well you can...err...nothing. immunity to mez stun and NS, you're UI taunt bot can got nuts.
you can do that to theurg but still melee interupt and banelord and dot and all that other crap.
You can still kill pets which come out, interupt the ice pets so they dont snare nuke etc, you still have options and counters and things you can do against theurgists.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
swords said:
You can...NS...the...NS...Curer, but ofc the NS curer can also MoC!
Everyone in group MoCs and you instaloose ofc...
The fact you can name a counter to everything IS A GOOD THING, if you cant counter something with something else that is not balanced!
Fg fights are all about countering what the enemy does while making sure they dont counter your stuff too so we can keep saying counters till the cows come home.
How do you counter an UI taunt? NS, but it gets cured so you have to mez, ok that gets cured...well stun then! but stun can be purged. once stun is gone, well you can...err...nothing. immunity to mez stun and NS, you're UI taunt bot can got nuts.
you can do that to theurg but still melee interupt and banelord and dot and all that other crap.
You can still kill pets which come out, interupt the ice pets so they dont snare nuke etc, you still have options and counters and things you can do against theurgists.

And the theurg can counter those other interrupts with MoC, which then leaves no counter to theurgs left :p And the bainshee can also MOC his taunt next patch, leaving no counter either.

Ergo --> casters are damn OP and need a nerf ! :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Puppet said:
And the theurg can counter those other interrupts with MoC, which then leaves no counter to theurgs left :p And the bainshee can also MOC his taunt next patch, leaving no counter either.

Ergo --> casters are damn OP and need a nerf ! :D

You can stun! and mez :p and NS fucks it for a wee while if he's at long range :)
you might not get cured for 3 seconds plus time it takes to say cure NS please :p if the NS curer also gets NS'd then he cant cure for a while, 3 seconds from the gay interupt code, cast time for self cure and then cast time for cure on theurg. :p Besides, MoC isnt always up.

Yeah casters are OP in general.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Mastade said:
Yet another bad move from Mythic. Hib had something that was on pair with theurg/tic and BD. Well not as good but atleast they had something. And then they nerf it?

and lol, might aswell be an instant?, ye i'd wish i could move around while taunting. Would make life a hell lot easier.

Not gonna argue to hard as we're on the same side, not saying it's precisely the same, but combined with range its a very good tool. Why are opinions always so polarised around here. :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
-Freezingwiz- said:
if they change it so they only are able to charm yellow it would be a fair change, but seeing a high rr run around with a red con pet that can be ML 9'd would be inzane :p (or give em both so they can charm yellow passive, and higher with a pulse and only ML 9 the passive charm ? :) )

Yup, they should shift the resists calc. High light, then yellows get 0 chance of resist, then scale slides as normal so oranges, reds have increasing resist chance. As it stands, no sane group mentalist runs around with high level pets anyway, coz its never long until its either out of range or double resists and is suddenly causing havok in the group.

Incidently, as it stands, any mentalist pet of any level has a base chance to resist. :(

Thats another point actually, when the mob comes back into range it should be automaticallly aquired again - does that happen with the sorc?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
i dont care:) stopped playing my bainshee as it was a boring class and imo a limited one with its utility.
Nerfing the taunt makes it even worse so...hehe..good ridance:)
But...strange priority from mythic though. So many more awefull shit things to nerf in the way of sorcs etc...


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
daoc_xianghua said:
ok first of all
both healers should NEVER be interupted at the same time, ofc it can happen but for that reason healers have 2 instant heals and di which you totally seem to forget about.
Your argument is flawed. Against good groups you have to expect your all of your support to be interrupted at one point or another. I thought you would be one to be knowledgeable about these things, but I guess I was mistaken. With the amount of damage being dished out in today's DAoC, being interrupted for a single time while one of my casters is being nuked is enough for me to lose him (instas and DI or not).

Yes, the interrupt war goes both ways. What I am saying is that there are literally a thousand factors that affect the outcome of a situation like the one described. However, a blanket statement like yours, i.e. "if you get killed due to stun in FG fights your healers suck" is laughable and hints at a basic lack of knowledge of RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Belomar said:
Your argument is flawed. Against good groups you have to expect your all of your support to be interrupted at one point or another. I thought you would be one to be knowledgeable about these things, but I guess I was mistaken. With the amount of damage being dished out in today's DAoC, being interrupted for a single time while one of my casters is being nuked is enough for me to lose him (instas and DI or not).

Yes, the interrupt war goes both ways. What I am saying is that there are literally a thousand factors that affect the outcome of a situation like the one described. However, a blanket statement like yours, i.e. "if you get killed due to stun in FG fights your healers suck" is laughable and hints at a basic lack of knowledge of RvR.

there is a difference between what i said and what you think i said, i´m not english so might be my fault actually. the thing is ppl here put it like if a caster get stunned he´ll die no matter what but thats simply not the case it can happen ofc when circumstances are bad but it should not be the standard. IF its the standard then the healers suck.
if you look at my sig you will notice i´ve played main healers vs hib myself, i´m not saying i never lost a caster in stun duration its just not the standard, there are ways to counter it and there are many. stun aint a garantied kill as some ppl here think it is. and honestly the times both healers are interupted at same time are rather seldom atleast this was the case when i played healer/cleric

i mean i know that even if not interupted 1 healer can be sometimes too less to keep a caster alive vs mage assist train but generalizing stun = dead caster is a bit noobish


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Oooh i almost forgot! QQ Hibbies! Ner ner ne ner ner :kissit: and other purile things... :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Moc1 on shee for that now maybe. Perhaps be some form of other incentive to roll a shee over eld/chanter, but cant think of one, other than diversity. Change body dd to energy. :eek:

Maybe drop a compatible debuff on menta or so in viable spec line so Hibs have a few alternative group setups.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
Can't belive that they nerfing the bain really :<. How is that cluless retard that makes all this changes thinking.
The reason to have a bain in a tank grp was alot that he could always interrupt with the taunt(of course clearing pets is still good). But the bain got no ns, stun or debuffs so with this changes it seems that a light eld will be a much better choice and the bain will be even less used then it all ready is :<.

They nerfing taunt which can be used to counter retarded stuff like bolt range pet spamm, bolt range mezzing sorcs etc etc
But ml9 pets is np, leave them as they are. LT is completly balanced and all alb casters is perfectly balanced nothing op'ed at all in that realm.
Bd and intercept pet's (ml9) working as intended....let's nerf the taunt and while we are into it let's make the grp ablative useless also so the bain wont be used in a group anymore and since the bain already sucks as solo, it will be useless at everything ...rocks m8's.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Fix heretic Rej line ffs! Why don't they do anything bout this?!? :p

This is crap. And the crafting changes is also crap. Every patch this game go further away from hardmode to easymode! Just w8 and you'll see. When 1.90 goes live, there is just one button to do a while fight. Press it, sit back and enjoy a nice beer and watch your toon play all by himself...

Give back OF plx!


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
daoc_xianghua said:
IF its the standard then the healers suck.
if you look at my sig you will notice i´ve played main healers vs hib myself, i´m not saying i never lost a caster in stun duration its just not the standard, there are ways to counter it and there are many. stun aint a garantied kill as some ppl here think it is.
Would say it's a 50-75% chance of a kill in the bag, working off assist, that's vs good grp. Peeps often say in good grps this happens, and that happens (with good positioning I never get hit, interrupted etc). But ofc another good grp will also shut them down anyhow.

Bainshee taunt was bit retarded. Had a couple nights runs in the nfd tank grp with a bainshee taking normal eldie spot and doing interrupts and pet clearance. Just totally stupid shutting 3, 4, 5 casters down spamming taunt, not giving a shit about positioning etc. But then as peeps say, it's only a hib counter for BD and theurg. Bainshee is a bit fucked now, very hard to get nuking spot in shee form and taunt kinda compensated for it.

(like say earlier, might be suffering a bit o' compassion fatigue on that front tho')


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
daoc_xianghua said:
this pretty much sums up how much you know.....

you can stun them or you can confuse them (confuse only works on ice pets iirc i might be wrong there) but mezz/root dont work on theurg pets.

So how much do you then? You tell someone how little he/she knows and in the next sentence you say the exact same thing.

I'm confused.


Mythic makes some small adjustments that is pretty much damn op'ed but they still haven't fixed nuking through walls, that's pretty amazing imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Persoanlly I'd say the thign that makes petspam most overpwoered it the way pets stack up on eachother and assist. Nuke pets all nuke at once, melee pets and melee at once. Its possible to get over 2000 damage done to you by either shrooms or ice pets, and thats just one attackround.

Then on top of that we add theurg nukes and animist bombs on top.

The interupts is just a bonus from that abillity.

Now, what did mid get? Oh yeah. A buff which equals to X number of attackers.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 26, 2004
I don't know, we ran 2 Theurgists on our alb groups on the US Servers and it was nasty, but then we also fought against groups like this for a very very long time on our Mids.. and honestly

I don't see why hibs don't do what we did.

either kill the theurgist first, Or AE the pets..

You act like not having such an overpowered long range taunt that is still out of range of theurgist pets and can still interupt is going to somehow mean you can't deal with Theurgist anymore..

If that is the case, then you suck as players and learn to play the fuckin game for once.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Xsorus-Merlin said:
I don't know, we ran 2 Theurgists on our alb groups on the US Servers and it was nasty, but then we also fought against groups like this for a very very long time on our Mids.. and honestly

I don't see why hibs don't do what we did.

either kill the theurgist first, Or AE the pets..

You act like not having such an overpowered long range taunt that is still out of range of theurgist pets and can still interupt is going to somehow mean you can't deal with Theurgist anymore..

If that is the case, then you suck as players and learn to play the fuckin game for once.

:worthy: Someone who understands! wow!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Xsorus-Merlin said:
If that is the case, then you suck as players and learn to play the fuckin game for once.

theurg has insane range , no damage spells except bolts (VOID ELD?!) has same range as pets - meaning a well played theurg should always be out of range. As for melee , a theurg will pre kite to counter charge and if the tank is stupid enough to follow he's gonna find himself 6k units from his grp surrounded by casters who can all solo him in 6~ seconds. Only real way to kill theurg is for charge3 tanks charge to come back up, go straight through enemy group and hope to kill him before your bl's/charge run out. Usual shit like Di,bof,bg,grapple can seriously fuck that up though


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Ging said:
wanna bet?

It works same way as your AE focus snare in the caba spirit-spec. Which you never use aswell.

Personally I would like to see they add a new set of Nearsight-spells to bainshees, similar to wizards --> upon higher spec, you gain higher range on the NS. Single-target and no focus-crap.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Straef said:
Same goes for tic, yet they seem to do just fine ;p

Tics have an UI focus, which you cannot interrupt by ranged (magic) attacks. Thats why it works. Focus nearsight can be interrupted easily, and means the enemy instantly looses nearsight. You cannot really compare those two IMO.

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