1.81B TOA-Tastic


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Dorin said:
2, dont like to camp artifacts

Now you get to camp the named mob that drops the non arti drop you need. Difference is there's now much fewer things actually worth money so the few that are left will be very perma overcamped, and you don't have the option of going somewhere else to make money... there's only 5 (number picked out of thin air, so don't ask what they are) mobs left that drop stuff that's actually worth any! :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Phantomby said:
basically says they are looking at awarding rp's for fixing walls, wrecking siege equipment and other tasks.
Looking at making tanks more fun to play by giving them more things to allow defending realm mates, charging into battle and taking more damage.

like the det change hasnt given them a (well deserved) edge now.

My Tank vs a Mage goes like this atm:

Spotted, run towards IT, loosing 50% Hitpoints while i come in Melee Range, Start to hit through the Brittle Army (loosing 30% while doing that) and then i get either Quickcast killed or Mocced and a round of applause at the end.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
There are still hard encounters for the PvE lovers out there, try doing the SI epic dungeons, hey even the old epic mobs from classic require more than just the realm fotm pve class of your choice + bb, it's a big game world out there and if you're after fun PvE encounters ToA isn't the end of it, if you want a competitive toon then ToA is pretty much a necessity.

The thing about ToA is that the encounters often require specific classes, are overcamped or not often spawned, can't be done by some classes, need lots of scroll farming and once activated need lots of grinding. Yes this patch will make ToA encounters easier - but we've all had it hard for the past two years (ugh remember when ToA first came out and noone had any MLs to help with encounters?).

What will happen is that people who are sick of doing the same thing over and over and over again will not mind so much because the arti encounters will not need to be camped, you can join a pick up group going to do it, you will be able to farm scrolls easily, it should be a lot less hassle forming a group to do ML group steps. I may even be able to dust the cobwebs off my wizard and get some ML's done and some artis other than Traldor's.


I dont understand... Since when was spending hours camping artifacts, farming scrolls or leveling artifacts a challenge? :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Bubble said:
Why should there be public raids if they are going to make the ML doable with 1fg?

If anything they should BOOST the difficulty of artifact encounters, Make people have to gather 2fg's to go GoV, make Tarts summon Sallys even if 1 player attempts it.

Since in the last expansion they offered NO epic encounters, they should be thinking about adding more epic encounters into the game instead if taking them away like they are at the moment.

Edit- Most people look for MORE challenges not LESS. I find it funny that people are so happy in reducing the difficulty of the game :(

Theres a difference between a challenge and constant farming though.

Does anyone really like having to redo an artifact encounter because the artifact doesn't drop? Does anyone like being unable to do an artifact encounter because some random necro thinks that farming GoV for 20p is a great way of getting cash?

Was DAoC ever a huge PvE encounter game?

Take a look at release day DAoC. Toughest encounters were Llyn Barfog mobs (and similar hib/mid zones). Every patch did add a few extra things, however nothing as bad as ToA once was. Dartmoor, Darkness Falls, Caer Sidi, etc. all added little bits of PvE, then ToA came along and smacked everyone in the face.

I'm sure most people like a few challenges, but they don't want to be bored to death by them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Neo said:
Just imo but many people might find 6-7 weeks to much mate :)

1. Then you didn't read my post cause it could have been way less without my holiday and gg on other server.
2. Then those people might need to reconcider if they want to play an MMO or a FPS

Look at all the freeshards that were going to be oh so popular. Imagine it instant level 50, ml10, rr5 with all the items you need ... insta rvr/pvp ... and people hated it because there was no sense of accomplishment (sp?).

I'm just afraid that TOA is going to be so easy that there is going to be no sense of accomplishment anymore .. people will spend a month toa'ing all their chars (cause that's just what will happen .. when you make it easier people won't do less of it they'll just do it for more characters) and then what ... then they go into RvR and realise that they don't have an edge after all their hard work.

But yeah I guess you're right which brings me back to my original point .. maybe DAOC is an fps and I just haven't realised it yet :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
Shanaia said:
then they go into RvR and realise that they don't have an edge after all their hard work.

No they won't have an edge, what they will have is a chance to compete on a somewhat more even footing. You will still have to put in some work to get ML's and artis, it's not like you will hit 50 and bang instant rvr, but in saying that what a lot of people want is to be able to go out to the frontier and have some sort of chance when facing the enemy, yes an RR10 will still be able to beat the crap out of an RR3, but it will no longer be a case of RR10 fully artie'd + ML'd dropping 1fg RR3's with minor artifacts and max ML5 (hopefully ;) )


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Finally, mythic have realised the ONE thing that makes DaoC the best of its type on the market is the RvR - im sure we ALL agree on this :) - its flawed yes, but its still the best. Making pve alot easier so all can RvR is a good thing.

Games should concentrate and exploit what they do best, and again, im sure we all agree its NOT PvE !

Just give more Dragon type encounters, only thing in pve that still gets the blood going.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
well its taken heresy as a guild group playing 2 nights a week for on average 4 to 5 hours (5 when it was ml3) on midgard so no pet spam, playing a tank group.

to go from lvl 20 to lvl 50 + ml10 + rr3+ +artis +items +spellcrafting/alch/mp armour.

over 6 months and btw they arnt easy to get templates either now ok thats only playing 2 nights a week, but i would say that it was pretty casual playing wouldnt you ?

anywho im looking forward i got a tic/warlock/vamp/valk/healer possibly the bonedancer but god is he boring. To get toaed although tbh the vamp doesnt need it :D

if anything the fact they made leveling ANYWHERE implemented is great it means that no matter what your doing if your farming scrolls your artis level dungeon hump artis level. :D

Anywho should be interesting to read the rest of the patch.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
Bubble said:
If anything they should BOOST the difficulty of artifact encounters, Make people have to gather 2fg's to go GoV, make Tarts summon Sallys even if 1 player attempts it.

Since in the last expansion they offered NO epic encounters, they should be thinking about adding more epic encounters into the game instead if taking them away like they are at the moment.

I must say, I agree with this. While I find it terribly frustrating that I cannot get my hands on any of the more expensive artifacts due to it being perma-camped/expensive beyond belief or scrolls being ridiculously overpriced, I think it would be fun if you had to fight for your artifact. If they don't change some encounters then you could make a battlegroup for 20+ people, have 1 necromancer and his BB kill Danos for example and presto - instant artifact. And not only for just 1 person, but for everyone - nobody has to work for it anymore.

Dealing with zerging is nearly impossible, since in the end you can just run over everything with enough players - with the possible exception being Katorii before her aura of death has been taken care off. I'd like to see suggestions how such a thing could be fixed.

A crazy suggestion to fix the single necromancer/cabalist-artifact killing would be making these high-level mobs immune to damage-shields. That way death-servant necromancers and matter cabalists won't be able to "solo" an encounter, and people actually have to work for their artifact. Tell me what you think about that.

/rant off :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well my thougths about this is that before toa there was about 0.001% of the current amount of greedy idiots that these days farm the arties and scrolls 24/7 and anything that will reduce the number of those and so making the community better is a positive thing.

About ml encounters there is few steps I would like to see made easyer but some that could be made challenging. Now its possible to get most done with few good groups and then steps like 4.2 need a zerg to do so without zerg there is no raid which is a bad thing.

Raids are pretty fast these days since everyone can have the information they need from webby and full walkthroughs what to do when so hardly a challenge anymore anyway.

Arties made easyer and more available is good too for the game. Many hc players got the stuff they need ages ago anyway so why not give em to casual players too now that there is alot new since toa came anyway. Ofc after the patch everyone will be running with BoZ's and charms but I hope the high rr people not whining about enemies getting more competant since thought that was what they after not the fact they can farm people that dont have so much time to play 24/7... ;)


Dec 22, 2003
Pera said:
"That's not my objection at all and if you really think rvr will ever come down to skill you are seriously misguided it is in large part about time spent which gets you rps which gets you RAs and it will simply mean that RAs tip the balance in fights rather than ML abilities."

I can show you how many times a skillful bunch of 8 can get more rps an hour than a skilless bunch of noobs. As a matter of fact thats why its no suprise to me seeing a lot of experinced players rolling on different servers/realm making 8 man and still farming the heck out of groups that are 6-7 RR higher than them at RR2-3. Yes it all comes down to skill given the equal type of equipment/MLs. What was keeping a lot of very skillful and casual players away from RvR was the fact that they simply didn't have the time of "hardcore" players to eliminate all the gaps between them equipment/ML wise.

I am very suprised that you think skill has nothing to do with RPs earned and it depends on time spent. Then tell me why an 8 man can get as much as 40K in two hours whereas a decked out skilless bunch of noobs can't even come close to that number a night after 6-7 hours of playing?

I ll tell you, because they get killed/farmed by the more "Skillful" opponents. If you think dumping Banelords, RAs, /use2 on Artis what wins the most fights you are the one who is being misguided.

I disagree, lets look at the current P.E set-up, half the players are not the original oweners. They don't play fantasticly well together and everytime we fight them (Moderate group that we are) They dump R.A's casters/clerics moc3 etc..thats what wins it..you can't beat a sorc, thurg and cabalist all mocing putting out stupid damage.

RA Dump > All

Don't get me wrong P.E are not "skillless noobs!1" but they use thier available RA's/ML's and atifacts to (in simple terms) out dump oponents. It's all about who can dump the most shit, "skillfull 8-mans" as you call them are normally high rr with the ability of dumping who know how each other play, have vent etc.

I have been in several PUG hib groups only for us to roll these "uber" 8-mans when their shit is down, then we meet them 15 min later, they dump and we get "PowerPwned". Skill doesn't factor in if we are talking skill in a traditional sence. However commen sence, awareness, ML's, Equipment and even luck win the day.

Another example, this time with my minstrel..if I dump everything theres no one I can't beat 1v1, however with evrything down I am pretty much fucked to any decent templated NS who lands PA chain. Dumping does make a huge difference on a small scale but this can be transfered up to large scale RvR, dumping isn't rocket science, oh I am being interupted by that Bainshee, I will moc3 and lifetap him to death..if he doesn't moc 3 back theres fuck all he can DO but run out of los leaving me to freely cast on other support.

Just my 2 pence.

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Shanaia said:
Why does TOA need to be made easier?

Maybe because it's boring, bugged, and all above that it doesn't affect RvR that much.

I would renew my account instantly if GOA would applied this patch now.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Tafaya Anathas said:
Maybe because it's boring, bugged, and all above that it doesn't affect RvR that much.

I would renew my account instantly if GOA would applied this patch now.

Know more that would but would be hard for them to add a patch that isn't even live in the US yet....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
People moan @ camped artys-

Do you think this is going to help that situation? :) It just means the arts will repop fast enough to make camping GoV worth the effort. As i said if anything they should make the GoV repop faster AND make the encounter tougher (like make the adds not move out of 1500 of him, if they so make them return to him and reset the agro) GoV used to be a 2fg encounter, i got my first GoV by attending ffa raids for it (when there used to be loads of them)

Increasing repops is a good idea, decreasing encounter difficulty is a very bad idea.
Nerfing Damage shield or ML9 pets would be okay in my books (Oh a sorcerer wanting ML9 nerfed! woah!)

Give more epic encounters instead of nerfing the excisiting ones :(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Bubble said:
Do you think this is going to help that situation? :) It just means the arts will repop fast enough to make camping GoV worth the effort. As i said if anything they should make the GoV repop faster AND make the encounter tougher (like make the adds not move out of 1500 of him, if they so make them return to him and reset the agro) GoV used to be a 2fg encounter, i got my first GoV by attending ffa raids for it (when there used to be loads of them)

Give more epic encounters instead of nerfing the excisiting ones :(

Don't understand how you got to that. If you don't need the drop from the mob only be in group/bg when he dies and the scrolls how does that benifit camping?


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 23, 2005
Thumbs up for Mythic!

YEA!!!!! :cheers:

Really, this is the way to go. This patch-to-come will make the game lots better.

Like the majority here has already said, this game is PvP orientated and the PvE part to farm scrolls/artis isn't actually the good part of it. Like me, for example, would just like to get geared up and hit PvP :)

For those of you saying it's wrong way out to reduce difficulty in PvE getting templates together I'd like to ask you to consider this:

How is it skill dependant to be successive in PvP atm? If you get to PvP and have no template ready, every single soloer/small grps with decent templates will wipe your sorry ass, regardless you having good playing skills or not. When someone makes ~30% more dmg to you with faster pace than you, you will get outnumbered by it.

This patch gives you the possibility to get even in gear and after that it's all about my abilities to play which counts. Ofc, assist trains will always get you, but hey, try to stop Paris suburb's riots all by yourself, you'll get the picture :D

I'm so happy the developement is going this way.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Bubble said:
People moan @ camped artys-

Do you think this is going to help that situation? :) It just means the arts will repop fast enough to make camping GoV worth the effort. As i said if anything they should make the GoV repop faster AND make the encounter tougher (like make the adds not move out of 1500 of him, if they so make them return to him and reset the agro) GoV used to be a 2fg encounter, i got my first GoV by attending ffa raids for it (when there used to be loads of them)

Increasing repops is a good idea, decreasing encounter difficulty is a very bad idea.
Nerfing Damage shield or ML9 pets would be okay in my books (Oh a sorcerer wanting ML9 nerfed! woah!)

Give more epic encounters instead of nerfing the excisiting ones :(

They basicly remove all arti camping by removing locked artis. Why would u want to camp an arti that u already have credit for?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
now that my tank troll warrior is almost at rvr level, i'm looking forward to that patch :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
I forsee groups were everyone has BoZ :eek2:

/assist green bat !


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I wonder how everyone knows exatly how hard the ml/arti encounters turn since they qq:ing at they too easy.

And Bubble,read the freaking patch notes before you come here.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Isunder said:
hey even the old epic mobs from classic require more than just the realm fotm pve class of your choice + bb
Uh, they are. I've done them duo'ing with a servant necro. (Though technically we were with 4 of us, him + bb, me + bb)

Regardless, PvE needs a boot to the ass to be made more interesting. RvR is fun, but not everyone who plays DAoC plays it purely for the RvR. A lot of people I know play DAoC for the PvE and guild aspects. Right now, PvE usually comes down to simple kill-the-mob. TOA added to this greatly with 'fun' differences, like the generators at Phoenix, Cetus' teleportation, Sililia's pillars, Darkspire and it's portal stones. It's ideas like that that make PvE fun. (I especially like Agne's Army at 8.10!)

There is no skill involved with zerging the poor mob with 100, 200 players. I'd rather see Mythic intensify TOA without making it easier. A fair bit faster is good, but definitely not easier. Don't get me wrong, I think a lot of the things in 1.81B are nice. But they're making easy encounters even easier. I mean, come on, 5.9 and 5.10? Those are like, super easy! You can do both AND lotto in an hour. (As I did on my birthday ML5 raid.)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Best patch ever..but we still have to farm scrolls tho :(
If everything goes right we get this next summer maybe.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Joor said:
Best patch ever..

So very true.

Joor said:
but we still have to farm scrolls tho :(

Yeah, well at least some element of time spent for a reward has been retained. Though the changes to the scroll drops will help a little here.

Joor said:
If everything goes right we get this next summer maybe.

You're optimistic. My dream is that one day I shall see my grandchildren enjoy ToA the way it was supposed to be.;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
Looking forward to it in most ways but I do like a PvE challenge as well, sometimes. Overall, I give it a thumbs up :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
Sendraks said:
You're optimistic. My dream is that one day I shall see my grandchildren enjoy ToA the way it was supposed to be.;)

To be honest I really hope my grandchildren don't enjoy shit :p


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I quite like the patch, it's kind of taking the game back to SI days when basicly everyone had a pimped out ride. It will even up RvR a bit as well, now the people with high RR, ML and loads of artis will only have an edge if they are actually any good, whereas before they often won purely because of toa tricks (like me, I played a sorc and I sucked, but I had all the TOA toys early on so I farmed noobs all day back in old odins).

I rekon mythic now just needs to implement some stupidly hard monsters, like xanxicar but harder :D So that the big raid mentality can still exist, cos when this patch lands, I suspect most of toa will be FG territory with a couple of exceptions.

I got hooked on daoc cos of massive raids like old skool dragon raids, but lost interest because of TOA and the imbalance it caused, I was a crap sorc player who could easily win by firing off things like moc and lifetapping, you could program a computer to do that better than me (and I bet someone did). I just got a bit bored really, also all my mates left :p

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