Talifer said:You can't say Bards should have MoC just because it's not overpowered with a set Bard spec, it's like saying Dragon Fang isn't overpowered because Infiltrators could spec slash. You've chosen not to spec regrowth, not everyone does and the powergamers who'll be taking advantage of this change will adapt accordingly, plus what's wrong with taking 2 bards?
Your account of a standard fight doesn't suggest you need MoC to me either, some classes are harder to play but generally they have a much bigger impact on the fight. A Minstrel's stun has a range of 700 units and all your casters have a 1500 stun, there's no real reason that you have to deal with the minstrel on your own and even if you did your mezz is still over twice his range. But the fact is you CAN deal with this threat on your OWN without MoC, how does the sorc stop you? I'm not saying the Bard's life is easy, but I am saying it has plenty of tools to do it's job.
Now if you wanted to say that end chant should be instant, I'd say fair enough. But MoC gives much more than just end chant, the Bard just has too many instant abilities to warrant it. Like I said, yes the Healer has all this and more but I'd prefer to see the Healer toned down than the Bard raised to it's level.
p.s. I thought amnesia interrupted even if resisted (in fact better if resisted on a non MoCing caster)? Making that single target instant VERY nice.
Talifer said:Like I say there's nothing wrong with running with two Bards, one Regrowth and one Nurture, you don't need 2 end songs and you've got 2 mezzers. It's like saying a body Sorc isn't a viable spec because every Sorc has to be full mind. And to be honest I think Hibernia has a much better chance of laying a mez than Albion, for the simple fact a Bard can stop a Sorc, a Sorc cannot stop a Bard.
Some classes need MoC, like the Sorc, because they have no defense against interrupts, Bard's have plenty of defense against interrupts, I'd be inclined to say Healers don't need MoC, but I think the main healer in each realm should have it so we're a bit stuck unless we change the Healer drastically.
nol said:Why run a regrow Bard when you can have a Druid, who has root? 2 Bards = same timer.
Now who's QQing, noob?Gargo said:Go play Bard for more than 5minutes then come back and talk to me kthx.
My Cabalist with 28 body can lifetransfer for more than an RvR-specced friar heals (250-300), and I can get MoC. In fact, if I interleave lifetapping and lifetransfering, I can do it until I run out of mana.Talifer said:While Albion has 2 healing classes, both of which can have MoC, Hibernia has 4 healing classes, 3 of which can gain spec heals and 2 of which can have MoC.
And dont forgot combos:Gargo said:99% of bards will probably use MoC for mez situations. Its deserved anyway since healers/sorc's have access to it also
Belomar said:My Cabalist with 28 body can lifetransfer for more than an RvR-specced friar heals (250-300), and I can get MoC. In fact, if I interleave lifetapping and lifetransfering, I can do it until I run out of mana.
Arguing that bards should not have MoC is just silly.
Bard shouts are low range. Bard amnesia is on a timer(s), and, as you know, amnesia does not interrupt but it cancels the spell being cast -- the caster can still spam it and get it off directly afterwards. And finally, Bard insta CC are on timers as well. Besides, the situations you do need MoC, for both casters and mezzers, is when you are being massively interrupted by more than one enemy, and then the tools of a bard are not much useful.Talifer said:The Bard can stop someone interrupting it and thus does not require MoC to cast, the Cabalist once interrupted cannot do anything unless he/she fires MoC. I'd be happy for Bard's to have MoC if they didn't have so many instant interrupts, but I'm sure they'd rather have those than MoC.
Gargo said:Really. Im lmao irl.
Actually Im not, I lie. All these cocks talking about bard doesnt need MoC.. Have you ever played a bard? I doubt you even have the skills to play a bard tbh.
Anyway.. Bard Heals in rvr? Lol. Ok, maybe I get to heal vs a SUCKY group. But im usually busy.
Bard is expected to do so much in rvr like
- Lead a group
- Pan and look for enemies
- Land mez first
- Get end song up before you're interrupted
- keep healers/mages busy with luls/dds/mez's
- stay alive
Now lets see, tell me ONE class that has to do all that in mid or alb?
.......... silence.. Because there isnt.
Pac healer leads a mid group, all he has to worry about is getting his insta off on the bard then mez the rest of the group. He has 2 other healers to support him and shaman with his end BUFF.
Mincer leads in 'clever' alb setups, he has to stun bard I guess, or interrupt him. Sorc is at the back of the group well hidden with his bolt range mez and high dex. Sorc needs to worry about Mezzing and lulling. Loads to do there. Now theres the paladin. Insta chant, pretty simple class.
Because bard is required to do so much on his/her own I think MoC is completely justified. Try and get end song up with 1 shaman spamming you with spells, or a sorc, or any class meleeing you or using spells. Its close to impossible most of the time. MoC eliminates that - and yes its true, dont argue with me, MoC will work with end song.
Tank group without end song, or a bard = dead. Bard has so many issues which you simpletons just cant comprehend. Go play Bard for more than 5minutes then come back and talk to me kthx.
Talifer said:Same reason you might run a body Sorc and a mind Sorc, you get much more chance at landing a mez with two Sorcs. One has purge up when the other's purge is down, two demezzers, two AoE interrupters, two main targets for the opposing group to decide on.
I'm not suggesting you drop all druids for a regrowth Bard, you'll still have root.
Talifer said:I see no real argument as to why Bard's should have MoC in this thread other than, well they have it so why shouldn't we?
Belomar said:Bard shouts are low range. Bard amnesia is on a timer(s), and, as you know, amnesia does not interrupt but it cancels the spell being cast -- the caster can still spam it and get it off directly afterwards. And finally, Bard insta CC are on timers as well. Besides, the situations you do need MoC, for both casters and mezzers, is when you are being massively interrupted by more than one enemy, and then the tools of a bard are not much useful.
As Gargo and others said, you really need to play a Bard to know what it's like.
Nol said:MoC is one tiny little bone for bards, they still have tons of shit they have to sort out. Like a secondry stat that grows and works, like getting it in their thick heads that bards do not want char on instruments. Like having to go to your pack to change instruments, or even playing an instrument for songs, like interuptable end song like like like, the list is very long. But I do agree that there are tons of other chars that need fixing, thing is, bards are so vital to Hibernia, that they cannot afford to ignore us for too long
thats a kinda funny statement.. along with ur explanation in which u seem to forget currently cast times in rvr are more on the 1.5sec line rather than on the 2.5sec ur perfectly timed lulling would interrupt, and guess aswell u wont ever mind freeing mezzed enemies near ur interruption target while kicking aelull in..Talifer said:but you can't deny the Bard does have the tools to protect itself from interrupts.
In those 2.5 seconds, my Cabalist lands two 400-500 dmg nukes, and, if properly assisted, kills the poor bard in question. With MoC, the bard might be able to land an AoE mezz with 5-50% health remaining.Talifer said:2.5 seconds later hit the AoE and 2.5 seconds later hit the single again.
I don't see what this fuss with MoC is all about anyway? You want to remove it? It merely guarantees the caster uninterruptible casting for 0.83% of his playtime (15 secs out of 30 minutes), that is hardly overpowering. Seems to me you are a disgruntled tank/stealther/hybrid who just can't accept that casters get to kill stuff too.Having said all that maybe it's just a false promise and they'll remove MoC completely with the frontiers expansion![]()
lofff said:thats a kinda funny statement.. along with ur explanation in which u seem to forget currently cast times in rvr are more on the 1.5sec line rather than on the 2.5sec ur perfectly timed lulling would interrupt, and guess aswell u wont ever mind freeing mezzed enemies near ur interruption target while kicking aelull in..
Belomar said:In those 2.5 seconds, my Cabalist lands two 400-500 dmg nukes, and, if properly assisted, kills the poor bard in question. With MoC, the bard might be able to land an AoE mezz with 5-50% health remaining
lofff said:oh well.. melee interrupts (the most comon..) must also b denied by lullaby with patch and i didnt know, or mb the low duration instamezzes do stop those dettanks longer than 1-2secs now.. lets not talk about enemy instas who must b denied by lullaby too..
lofff said:in sort, seems from ur pov bards have alrdy sum skillful way to perma moc themselves by nullifying any sort of interrupts that only u know, care to share?
lofff said:Then again there are ofc ways to free urself with or wo help, but thats not special Bard ability as far as i know. Thus, even if moc isnt that important or useful, its another card to hold in ur hand and use in determined situations, a card that almost every class in daoc holds while bards dont.
Belomar said:I don't see what this fuss with MoC is all about anyway? You want to remove it? It merely guarantees the caster uninterruptible casting for 0.83% of his playtime (15 secs out of 30 minutes), that is hardly overpowering. Seems to me you are a disgruntled tank/stealther/hybrid who just can't accept that casters get to kill stuff too.
Talifer said:You're forgetting the interrupt if resisted code again, you're also forgetting that mez interrupts, you can start casting a mez as you instant amnesia (or even before), the amnesia gives you the time to cast mez without being interrupted yourself, so in fact it's much shorted than 2.5 seconds. Also the 2.5 seconds is not set in stone, it's just a demonstration that just because AoE instant amnesia is 10 seconds does not mean the Bard cannot do anything inbetween. The Bard could just as easily hit the instant followed by the AoE 1 second later to get itself out of trouble. But at the end of the day these precise calculations are beside the point, the point is the defense is there.
Everyone has a defense for melee interrupts, it's called sprint, the observant casters run BEFORE the tanks reach melee range. I've already talked about enemy instants from an Alb point of view. Tell me again how the Sorc stops the Bard? You can joke all you want about how long instant mez lasts, even on a determination tank it's enough time to get out of melee range, what does the Sorc do?
In short you have no real argument but instead choose to exagerate my argument for dramatic effect.
Like the Minstrel? The Minstrel is a class in Albion that get's close to the Bard's instant capabilities (without the healing). The Minstrel has ways to interrupt opponents with dds and a stun but should it have MoC? I don't think so.
A) I have never mentioned that I think MoC should be removed.
B) I have a variety of characters, one of which is a Cabalist.
There is no 'fuss' with MoC, you're making out I'm on some kind of anti MoC crusade, I'm not. I am merely stating an opinion and in my opinion Bards do not need MoC. Now you don't have to agree with that opinion but don't tell me Bards don't have a defense without MoC because it's just not true.
I am not forgetting anything, actually i do start to wonder if u really think u gonna tell me sth new about one of the classes i do master. You forgot we talking boutt he situation u pictured in which u start been alrdy interrupted, aka u cannot cast mezz, now u rely on ur lull getting resisted and kicking in ur AElull 1sec after (u havent said anything bout possible mezzed targets in the AE range) which u say would get u out of problem, tho u forget to say it gets u out of problem for those 2seconds, after that ur target keeps casting u have both lulls down and u still cant cast urself from starting interruption.Talifer said:You're forgetting the interrupt if resisted code again, you're also forgetting that mez interrupts, you can start casting a mez as you instant amnesia (or even before), the amnesia gives you the time to cast mez without being interrupted yourself, so in fact it's much shorted than 2.5 seconds. Also the 2.5 seconds is not set in stone, it's just a demonstration that just because AoE instant amnesia is 10 seconds does not mean the Bard cannot do anything inbetween. The Bard could just as easily hit the instant followed by the AoE 1 second later to get itself out of trouble. But at the end of the day these precise calculations are beside the point, the point is the defense is there.
Guess gotta quote myself here.-Talifer said:Everyone has a defense for melee interrupts, it's called sprint, the observant casters run BEFORE the tanks reach melee range. I've already talked about enemy instants from an Alb point of view. Tell me again how the Sorc stops the Bard? You can joke all you want about how long instant mez lasts, even on a determination tank it's enough time to get out of melee range, what does the Sorc do?
Every1 can do it, others also have the extra card called MoC, bards dont.lofff said:Then again there are ofc ways to free urself with or wo help, but thats not special Bard ability as far as i know.
Did u ever heard about irony?Talifer said:In short you have no real argument but instead choose to exagerate my argument for dramatic effect.
Right, sorry to tell u the mere fact that both use instruments does not mean they are equivalents. U can compare minstrels not having moc to nightshades not having moc (hey nightshades have sum 3sec cast DD after all..) Would b cool if u could stop driving off walls OoTalifer said:Like the Minstrel? The Minstrel is a class in Albion that get's close to the Bard's instant capabilities (without the healing). The Minstrel has ways to interrupt opponents with dds and a stun but should it have MoC? I don't think so.
Nol said:The range difference is considerable, I have to use my lulls to get into the range of the already casting Sorceror, then what do I have to beat him in a flat out cast race, nothing.
Nol said:I use instants on stealther adds, using it on det tanks is stupid, it's not a joke and I am not joking. Mythic gave us these crap instant pieces of shit, and now they use them as an excuse not to solve other glaring mistakes with the class.
Nol said:I disagree completely, I think you overestimate the effectiveness of instants and other bard abilities and lastly I think you overestimate alternative spec lines. In short I think you've had no experience with the class, and are grasping at straws trying to lay the foundation for an argument about a class you don't know.
Nol said:Minstrels have other abilities which bards don't have, they fall into the rogue classification, They are nothing like Bards except for the fact that both play instruments. I wish people would get out ofthe habit of comparing 2 classes which are so completly different.
Nol said:I am afraid it is true, Bards have no defense. What defense is a shield when you carry a drum, what defense is an instant on the same timer as all the rest of your cc? What defense is sprinting when you run out of endurance because your song is interruptable?
Lofff said:I am not forgetting anything, actually i do start to wonder if u really think u gonna tell me sth new about one of the classes i do master...
Lofff said:...now u rely on ur lull getting resisted and kicking in ur AElull 1sec after (u havent said anything bout possible mezzed targets in the AE range) which u say would get u out of problem, tho u forget to say it gets u out of problem for those 2seconds, after that ur target keeps casting u have both lulls down and u still cant cast urself from starting interruption.
There are sorcs who dont recast right away after been succesfully lulled (cos they think they have casted normally/landed their spell) but there are also sum sorcs with brains.
Lofff said:So yes, the defence u talk about is there but u are totally overrating it, its cool and handy stuff but not nearly as powerful as u pretend.
Lofff said:Every1 can do it, others also have the extra card called MoC, bards dont.
Lofff said:Did u ever heard about irony?
Lofff said:Right, sorry to tell u the mere fact that both use instruments does not mean they are equivalents. U can compare minstrels not having moc to nightshades not having moc (hey nightshades have sum 3sec cast DD after all..) Would b cool if u could stop driving off walls Oo
Lofff said:Imho, uve reached a given point in which u dont believe ur own rant anymore but keep defending it cos u feel engaged or summit..
Talifer said:Sorry but considerable is not a word I would use for the difference between a Bard and a Sorc mez, 375 units is certainly not a considerable range, at speed 5, which you should be going at as a Bard, you'll cover 375 units before the Sorc's spell finishes. At the start of a fight you have multiple options, you can charge in single and/or aoe amnesia the Sorc and start mezzing, you could charge in, single amnesia (if required) the Sorc and single instant mez him then AoE mez everyone else.
I have a determination tank and had many Bards instant mez me, it doesn't last long but they are out of my range when I break free. Instant mez is far from shit.
My argument is simple, Bard's have a defense against being interrupted in that they have a host of instants available to them, as such MoC is not required.
That doesn't really answer the question. Bards have abilities Sorcs don't have but that doesn't stop argument that Bards should have MoC because Sorcs do. You should take each class individually, I'm suggesting the Bard doesn't need MoC for similar reasons that the Minstrel doesn't need MoC they both have some defense against being interrupted. So do you believe Minstrel's should have MoC?
Shields have no relevance to this argument.
An instant on the same timer as the rest of your CC still interrupts.
Everyone has access to endurance potions by the way, and I've come across plenty of Bards who know how to run.
But if you insist instant amnesia, instant AoE amnesia, instant mezz, instant AoE mezz and instant dds are no defense against interrupts there's not really alot more to discuss, but it's very funny how ASD changed fights.