1.68b !!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Fluid said:
we can go on with this all day, debuffs are viable in a standard grp, cold debuff for ice theurg makes a difference on nukes/pet nukes, even the lowest ones make a difference. How about i add, st str debuff, st root, ae d/q debuff, st dex debuff, self bt, snare dd, perma backup speed, charm, grp mezz resists in there too.

Oh and the 10% mezz resists? its 55% on sorc at 45 mind afaik?

The fact i was trying to make originally, is that each class has different tools, they ain't meant to be the same, thats why we have 3 DIFFERENT! realms, now bards got moc thats leaves only 1 class from the seer/naturalist/acolyte profession without it, wardens, maybe its not the best change they could make, but at least they made a change, sorcs CC was and still is better than bards, it just now means bards have a chance of getting some CC off other than instas if someone is chain casting on them. Sorc has moc/QC, bard now has moc/insta's i don't see a big problem.

You do not have damage debuffs as a mind sorc, 10 % = you might aswell hit them with staff because group damage output will be same.

45 mind = surprise no ae root, and mezz resist does not stack, what it means
is that without group resist buffs you will max gain 14 % and with buffs nothing.

I dont care if bards get moc, my point was that i think albs main CC'er the sorc need help more than the barde. A bard has very very good group abilities
besides a very decent mezz and insta mezz to gain initiative. Sorcs have more or less CC only and damage line was good around beta.

If someone is chain casting on them my ass btw, you have 3 insta interrupt,
now tell me how many insta interrupts does sorcs have ?

Borrow a ns from one of you friends and come fight some trust infils, then you will understand the joy of different realms.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Kinad said:
You do not have damage debuffs as a mind sorc, 10 % = you might aswell hit them with staff because group damage output will be same.

45 mind = surprise no ae root, and mezz resist does not stack, what it means
is that without group resist buffs you will max gain 14 % and with buffs nothing.

I dont care if bards get moc, my point was that i think albs main CC'er the sorc need help more than the barde. A bard has very very good group abilities
besides a very decent mezz and insta mezz to gain initiative. Sorcs have more or less CC only and damage line was good around beta.

If someone is chain casting on them my ass btw, you have 3 insta interrupt,
now tell me how many insta interrupts does sorcs have ?

Borrow a ns from one of you friends and come fight some trust infils, then you will understand the joy of different realms.

the lowest debuffs are 15, thats a good 100 or so more damage from a theurg ice nuke then, not saying its uber, buts its utility none the less.

i know the mezz resists don't stack with grp/single on the sorc, but the single sorc mezz resist, even at the 2nd to top 1 is -45% duration on the sorc.

3 insta interupts on bard? i don't understand this tbh, they have insta ae, insta single target mezz, which are on a 10min timer, and there DD, QC is once every 30 secs.

I've played an NS in emain, solo, all i met was stealthzergs, DF don't make no diff there.

As for "Sorcs needing love" they get it, in toa, their mezz becomes even better range with the right artifacats, more or less nearsight range, widening the gap from bards/healers again


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Fluid said:
the lowest debuffs are 15, thats a good 100 or so more damage from a theurg ice nuke then, not saying its uber, buts its utility none the less.

i know the mezz resists don't stack with grp/single on the sorc, but the single sorc mezz resist, even at the 2nd to top 1 is -45% duration on the sorc.

3 insta interupts on bard? i don't understand this tbh, they have insta ae, insta single target mezz, which are on a 10min timer, and there DD, QC is once every 30 secs.

I've played an NS in emain, solo, all i met was stealthzergs, DF don't make no diff there.

As for "Sorcs needing love" they get it, in toa, their mezz becomes even better range with the right artifacats, more or less nearsight range, widening the gap from bards/healers again

y ur right its 15 %, but useless since you do more damage with baseline nuke than the group add. The mezz reduction is 40 % and no sorc who values his life runs with mezz reduction chant.

Lul, dd, insta mezz = 3 different insta interrupts

As for they highly praise QC i doubt many use, since with 50 enhance + moa
there is hardly any need.

Dont bards/healers get access to range/speed enhancers too ?
Yes increased casting speed = insta less effective.

I seriously dont understand how high rr bards think that a sorc has better
utility than a barde. I dont understand how they think sorc has advantage
in mezz battle when something like insta ae lul is there. I think its mostly about classes = equal, we win, we are better. I dont understand how they
think you can mezz hibs, when GP/baod is in each competent group, not to mention you cant even use debuffs against hibs because it breaks mezz on pets. You think its because your better players that you suddenly unmezz in middle of battle, while when albs mezzed they have their living crap pbaoed
out of them ?

Its the same as an ice specced wizzy = chanter,eld or a bm,merc = savage thing. Each time its followed up by nice alb setups including the precious
bof and sos ra's.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
gwal said:

u should stay quiet more

Well the fact is your an elite assfucker, with nothing to back it up with.

Just borrow one of bf scouts for a period of time, and we can test who can play rvr and who need a good gg at 3+ in the morning smashing enemy pickup groups.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Fluid said:
fucks sake, wheres wardens moc? wheres my cure disease? wheres my cure poisen? wheres my fuck dummy, i can't find it

Wardens will be given more uncomfortable chairs in an effort to help then stay awake


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Miss said:
Your all just scared of little ol' me with a little ol' MoC. :D

a FOTM rr11 char is not bad, heh.

aug acu3, ip, mota3, mcl2, rp, purge, AM = 0pts left :twak:

Isnt that for 10L0, ive checked it up too.. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Damn, my bard would be so uber with


2000 hitpoints,
4000 after ip,
6000 after moc, rp
9000 after am (or 6000, what does am really heal for anyway?)
1100 after 2nd insta (granted the first one is purged)

and a 160-200 dmg dd every 10 secs, + dot on hammer, 1114 ws :x

time to farm rps methinks :D


fucks sake that requires rr10l0.. fink i wont bother then :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
Kinad said:
As for they highly praise QC i doubt many use, since with 50 enhance + moa
there is hardly any need.
I was waiting for you to mention this. You said it yourself, now stop whining I would expect you to be able to mezz at bolt range with that kind of cast speed a long time before they can use any instas. You guys think that bard is so good and is a TOO versatile class, well, imagine losing that bard in a fight, imagine how devestating that can be. Not to mention, our end is so easily interupted.

Good Luck..

EDIT - Rephrased some stuff..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Kinad said:
Well the fact is your an elite assfucker, with nothing to back it up with.

Just borrow one of bf scouts for a period of time, and we can test who can play rvr and who need a good gg at 3+ in the morning smashing enemy pickup groups.

Such anger..
Such jelousy...

QQ more


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Kinad said:
Does sorc have self insta as spec or ra ?
Does sorc have any insta CC ?

Does cleric have usefull 3'rd spell line with unmezzabel pet ?

Alb support is from old time damage dealers, but that damage, which was once good is totally useless in current rvr.

I would trade my unspecced nuke with healing and self insta anyday, and im sure most clerics would trade their smite line with just about anything.

QQ more noob


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Kinad said:
Does 10 % xtra resist on mezz means anything in rvr ?
Does QC means anything anymore with toa comming ?
Does CASTABEL lifetaps mean anything in rvr for a cc, which btw is prime target.
Does str/con debuff breaks mezz on pets, and does GP remove that mezz too ?
Does sorcs debuff only matter if specced high body and with wizzys ?

Only thing sorc got which matters is the second type of cc, root and
the pet if you dont die to fast to use.

Does, insta dd, insta ae lul, speed 5, access to IP, melee ability, end regen ability, healing ability, armor !, group resist buffs(mezz reduction here too), resurrect, cures not to mention 1,5 spec point means anything ?

QQ more noob


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Kinad said:
You do not have damage debuffs as a mind sorc, 10 % = you might aswell hit them with staff because group damage output will be same.

45 mind = surprise no ae root, and mezz resist does not stack, what it means
is that without group resist buffs you will max gain 14 % and with buffs nothing.

I dont care if bards get moc, my point was that i think albs main CC'er the sorc need help more than the barde. A bard has very very good group abilities
besides a very decent mezz and insta mezz to gain initiative. Sorcs have more or less CC only and damage line was good around beta.

If someone is chain casting on them my ass btw, you have 3 insta interrupt,
now tell me how many insta interrupts does sorcs have ?

Borrow a ns from one of you friends and come fight some trust infils, then you will understand the joy of different realms.

QQ more noob :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Kinad said:
y ur right its 15 %, but useless since you do more damage with baseline nuke than the group add. The mezz reduction is 40 % and no sorc who values his life runs with mezz reduction chant.

Lul, dd, insta mezz = 3 different insta interrupts

As for they highly praise QC i doubt many use, since with 50 enhance + moa
there is hardly any need.

Dont bards/healers get access to range/speed enhancers too ?
Yes increased casting speed = insta less effective.

I seriously dont understand how high rr bards think that a sorc has better
utility than a barde. I dont understand how they think sorc has advantage
in mezz battle when something like insta ae lul is there. I think its mostly about classes = equal, we win, we are better. I dont understand how they
think you can mezz hibs, when GP/baod is in each competent group, not to mention you cant even use debuffs against hibs because it breaks mezz on pets. You think its because your better players that you suddenly unmezz in middle of battle, while when albs mezzed they have their living crap pbaoed
out of them ?

Its the same as an ice specced wizzy = chanter,eld or a bm,merc = savage thing. Each time its followed up by nice alb setups including the precious
bof and sos ra's.

QQ more noob. Oh btw, its BARD not BARDE


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Kinad said:
Well the fact is your an elite assfucker, with nothing to back it up with.

Just borrow one of bf scouts for a period of time, and we can test who can play rvr and who need a good gg at 3+ in the morning smashing enemy pickup groups.

QQ more :m00:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Kinad said:
Does, insta dd, insta ae lul, speed 5, access to IP, melee ability, end regen ability, healing ability, armor !, group resist buffs(mezz reduction here too), resurrect, cures not to mention 1,5 spec point means anything ?

Ever occured to you that utility aint the same as overpowered in all cases. Having all this things on one class (btw. insta ae lull is crap, gimme ur castable one and ill spam it with 1sec casttime instead) aint always good.

how can u mention speed5/end/resistchants at the same time.. not like they stack (u can twist songs but ill kick the one doing that in high traffic rvr areas in the nuts)

Ever occured to you that x amount of speccpoints is built to make classes viable?

But hey! bards r teh overpowered! and not to mention fckin easy to play good.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
nice one :d that gonna make job kinda easier ^^^^^^

few side notes:

- ip for bards = waste of 23 points ;d

- bard healing is a bit underrated, most times u have more important stuff to do (u need to have ur prioirities clear) but many times u _need_ to heal a lot specially on droods etc..

- clerics with wild power = teh pwn 2k4!!!!!1111111

edit: and gotta see how buggy is new interrupting system ^^^^^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Gargo said:
Here- Spells should now cause an interrupt chance on a given target for a duration of 2 seconds after they strike the target. This fixes a bug where casters would be interrupted for an incorrect amount of time when hit with spells in some cases. !!

So it wasnt "working as intended" after all?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
MoC on bard is stupid.
Take his instants away then, and give him one QC...
And bards do heal in rvr, and due to 3 power relics, and some ra's, they can do it pretty darn fine job of it.
And mind you, in the perfect alb group setup, you will not find a friar, except at the atk to give some timed resists...
Fluid is tha gimp.
Regards, Glottis :kissit:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
- Thanes are now able to purchase the realm abilities, Mastery of Magery and Wild Power


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Glottis said:
MoC on bard is stupid.
Take his instants away then, and give him one QC...
And bards do heal in rvr, and due to 3 power relics, and some ra's, they can do it pretty darn fine job of it.
And mind you, in the perfect alb group setup, you will not find a friar, except at the atk to give some timed resists...
Fluid is tha gimp.
Regards, Glottis :kissit:

Anything that doesn't boost albions stupid ain't it. If we take away bard instas can we have bolt range mezz to? but oh wait, still buts sorcs ahead cos of dex bonus


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
ip is the ubercrapshit @ bards imo >< instead of needing it u can learn how to play without it and save 23 pts.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Fluid said:
Anything that doesn't boost albions stupid ain't it. If we take away bard instas can we have bolt range mezz to? but oh wait, still buts sorcs ahead cos of dex bonus

As long as Albs cannot compete with Hibernia or Midgard, yes, it is stupid.
And sure you can have bolt mezz, as soon as the bard wears cloth...
Regards, Glottis :eek:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
stop QQing sorc cc >>>>>>>>>>>>> all

AEmezz,Aeroot,4x Stats debuffs, Resist debuffs Pet,Quickcast,SingleRoot,SingleMezz,high dex,Lifetaps,Demezz,UberRange,Speed,Casteable Amnesia.............. all in one class not like we need more spells :eek:

PD:hi lofff ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tahn said:
stop QQing sorc cc >>>>>>>>>>>>> all

AEmezz,Aeroot,4x Stats debuffs, Resist debuffs Pet,Quickcast,SingleRoot,SingleMezz,high dex,Lifetaps,Demezz,UberRange,Speed,Casteable Amnesia.............. all in one class not like we need more spells :eek:

PD:hi lofff ^^

TY, Glottis read this, you have an alb here who knows how to play sorc, is rr8 on it and does very well. How does that happen when albs so stupidly gimped? Hell how do BF/AD/TB/FC/BOB win fights in such a gimped realm? poor poor babies :<


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Fluid said:
TY, Glottis read this, you have an alb here who knows how to play sorc, is rr8 on it and does very well. How does that happen when albs so stupidly gimped? Hell how do BF/AD/TB/FC/BOB win fights in such a gimped realm? poor poor babies :<

They of course win fights.
Fact is that their rp count is about half that of a pure Mid rvr guild...
Fact is they will need to play flawlessly and use their ra's.
Unlike the random noob rr2 savage group who can just run around ganking anything cause it will die anyway.
Regards, Glottis


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Glottis said:
They of course win fights.
Fact is that their rp count is about half that of a pure Mid rvr guild...
Fact is they will need to play flawlessly and use their ra's.
Unlike the random noob rr2 savage group who can just run around ganking anything cause it will die anyway.
Regards, Glottis

all these guilds do well vs random savages, and will do better next patch too, everyone knows savages are overpowered currently and thats being addressed in 1.65. Also, what reason u think that hib/mid gets more rp/week? its not albs classes beign shit, its the amount of albs on this server who won't take the time to form a balanced grp so head out with 5 paladins 1 friar 2 necro etc. If you expcet them to win then you're kinda crazy :)

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